예제 #1
파일: chain.cpp 프로젝트: unitusdev/unitus
arith_uint256 GetGeometricMeanPrevWork(const CBlockIndex& block)
    //arith_uint256 bnRes;
    arith_uint256 nBlockWork = GetBlockProofBase(block);
    CBigNum bnBlockWork = CBigNum(ArithToUint256(nBlockWork));
    int nAlgo = block.GetAlgo();
    for (int algo = 0; algo < NUM_ALGOS; algo++)
        if (algo != nAlgo)
            arith_uint256 nBlockWorkAlt = GetPrevWorkForAlgoWithDecayV3(block, algo);
            CBigNum bnBlockWorkAlt = CBigNum(ArithToUint256(nBlockWorkAlt));
            if (bnBlockWorkAlt != 0)
                bnBlockWork *= bnBlockWorkAlt;
    // Compute the geometric mean
    CBigNum bnRes = bnBlockWork.nthRoot(NUM_ALGOS);
    // Scale to roughly match the old work calculation
    bnRes <<= 8;
    //return bnRes;
    return UintToArith256(bnRes.getuint256());
예제 #2
파일: chain.cpp 프로젝트: unitusdev/unitus
arith_uint256 GetBlockProof(const CBlockIndex& block)
    Consensus::Params params = Params().GetConsensus();

    arith_uint256 bnTarget;
    int nHeight = block.nHeight;
    int nAlgo = block.GetAlgo();

    if (nHeight > params.nGeometricAverageWork_Start)
        bnTarget = GetGeometricMeanPrevWork(block);
        arith_uint256 nBlockWork = GetBlockProofBase(block);
        for (int algo = 0; algo < NUM_ALGOS; algo++)
            if (algo != nAlgo)
                if(nHeight >= params.nBlockAlgoNormalisedWorkDecayV2Start)
                    nBlockWork += GetPrevWorkForAlgoWithDecayV2(block, algo);
                    nBlockWork += GetPrevWorkForAlgoWithDecayV1(block, algo);
        bnTarget = nBlockWork / NUM_ALGOS;
    return bnTarget;
예제 #3
파일: chain.cpp 프로젝트: CryptoRekt/VERGE
arith_uint256 GetBlockProof(const CBlockIndex& block)
    arith_uint256 bnTarget;
    bool fNegative;
    bool fOverflow;
    bnTarget.SetCompact(block.nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
    if (fNegative || fOverflow || bnTarget == 0)
        return 0;
    // We need to compute 2**256 / (bnTarget+1), but we can't represent 2**256
    // as it's too large for an arith_uint256. However, as 2**256 is at least as large
    // as bnTarget+1, it is equal to ((2**256 - bnTarget - 1) / (bnTarget+1)) + 1,
    // or ~bnTarget / (bnTarget+1) + 1.
    // Use weighting system for equivelant algo chainwork
    return (~bnTarget / (bnTarget + 1)) * GetAlgoWeight(block.GetAlgo()) + 1;