예제 #1
void CNPC_Furniture::UpdateBoneFollowerState( void )
	if ( m_BoneFollowerManager.GetNumBoneFollowers() )
		physfollower_t* pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( 0 );

		if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower && pBone->hFollower->GetCollisionGroup() != GetCollisionGroup() )
			for ( int i = 0; i < m_BoneFollowerManager.GetNumBoneFollowers(); i++ )
				pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( i );

				if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower )
					pBone->hFollower->SetCollisionGroup( GetCollisionGroup() );
예제 #2
// This function checks if Dog's collision group doesn't match his bone follower's and fixes them up.
void CNPC_Dog::MantainBoneFollowerCollisionGroups( int iCollisionGroup )
	if ( m_bBoneFollowersActive == false )

	physfollower_t* pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( 0 );

	if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower && pBone->hFollower->GetCollisionGroup() != iCollisionGroup )
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_BoneFollowerManager.GetNumBoneFollowers(); i++ )
			pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( i );

			if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower )
				pBone->hFollower->SetCollisionGroup( iCollisionGroup );
예제 #3
void CNPC_Dog::SetPlayerAvoidState( void )
	bool bIntersectingBoneFollowers = false;
	bool bIntersectingNPCBox = false;

	Vector vNothing;

	GetSequenceLinearMotion( GetSequence(), &vNothing );
	bool bIsMoving = ( IsMoving() || ( vNothing != vec3_origin ) );

	//If we are coming out of a script, check if we are stuck inside the player.
	if ( m_bPerformAvoidance || ( ShouldPlayerAvoid() && bIsMoving ) )
		trace_t trace;
		Vector vMins, vMaxs;
		Vector vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs;
		Vector vPlayerMins, vPlayerMaxs;
		physfollower_t *pBone;
		int i;
		#ifdef SecobMod__Enable_Fixed_Multiplayer_AI
			CBasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = UTIL_GetNearestPlayer(GetAbsOrigin()); 
			CBasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer();
		#endif //SecobMod__Enable_Fixed_Multiplayer_AI

		if ( pLocalPlayer )
			vWorldMins = WorldAlignMins();
			vWorldMaxs = WorldAlignMaxs();

			vPlayerMins = pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() + pLocalPlayer->WorldAlignMins();
			vPlayerMaxs = pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() + pLocalPlayer->WorldAlignMaxs();

			// check if the player intersects the bounds of any of the bone followers
			for ( i = 0; i < m_BoneFollowerManager.GetNumBoneFollowers(); i++ )
				pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( i );
				if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower )
					pBone->hFollower->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vMins, &vMaxs );
					if ( IsBoxIntersectingBox( vMins, vMaxs, vPlayerMins, vPlayerMaxs ) )
						bIntersectingBoneFollowers = true;

			bIntersectingNPCBox = IsBoxIntersectingBox( GetAbsOrigin() + vWorldMins, GetAbsOrigin() + vWorldMaxs, vPlayerMins, vPlayerMaxs );

			if ( ai_debug_avoidancebounds.GetBool() )
				int iRed = ( bIntersectingNPCBox == true ) ? 255 : 0;

				NDebugOverlay::Box( GetAbsOrigin(), vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs, iRed, 0, 255, 64, 0.1 );

				// draw the bounds of the bone followers
				for ( i = 0; i < m_BoneFollowerManager.GetNumBoneFollowers(); i++ )
					pBone = m_BoneFollowerManager.GetBoneFollower( i );
					if ( pBone && pBone->hFollower )
						pBone->hFollower->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vMins, &vMaxs );
						iRed = ( IsBoxIntersectingBox( vMins, vMaxs, vPlayerMins, vPlayerMaxs ) ) ? 255 : 0;

						NDebugOverlay::Box( vec3_origin, vMins, vMaxs, iRed, 0, 255, 64, 0.1 );

	m_bPlayerAvoidState = ShouldPlayerAvoid();
	m_bPerformAvoidance = bIntersectingNPCBox || bIntersectingBoneFollowers;

	if ( GetCollisionGroup() == COLLISION_GROUP_NPC || GetCollisionGroup() == COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_ACTOR )
		if ( bIntersectingNPCBox == true )
			SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_ACTOR );
			SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_NPC );

		if ( bIntersectingBoneFollowers == true )
			MantainBoneFollowerCollisionGroups( COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_ACTOR );
			MantainBoneFollowerCollisionGroups( COLLISION_GROUP_NPC );