예제 #1
void CPotentialPlayer :: ProcessPackets( )
	if( !m_Socket )

	// process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue

	while( !m_Packets.empty( ) )
		CCommandPacket *Packet = m_Packets.front( );
		m_Packets.pop( );

		if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			// the only packet we care about as a potential player is W3GS_REQJOIN, ignore everything else

			switch( Packet->GetID( ) )
			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_REQJOIN:
				delete m_IncomingJoinPlayer;
				m_IncomingJoinPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_REQJOIN( Packet->GetData( ) );

				if( m_IncomingJoinPlayer && !m_Banned )
					m_Game->EventPlayerJoined( this, m_IncomingJoinPlayer );

				// don't continue looping because there may be more packets waiting and this parent class doesn't handle them
				// EventPlayerJoined creates the new player, NULLs the socket, and sets the delete flag on this object so it'll be deleted shortly
				// any unprocessed packets will be copied to the new CGamePlayer in the constructor or discarded if we get deleted because the game is full

				delete Packet;
		else if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == GCBI_HEADER_CONSTANT )
//			if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGCBIProtocol :: GCBI_INIT && m_Game->m_GHost->IsLocal( GetExternalIPString( ) ) )
			if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGCBIProtocol :: GCBI_INIT )
				delete m_IncomingGarenaUser;
				m_IncomingGarenaUser = m_Game->m_GHost->m_GCBIProtocol->RECEIVE_GCBI_INIT( Packet->GetData( ) );
				string RoomID = UTIL_ToString(m_IncomingGarenaUser->GetRoomID( ));
				m_RoomName = m_Game->m_GHost->GetRoomName( string( RoomID.begin( ), RoomID.end( ) ) );
				CONSOLE_Print( "[GCBI] Garena user detected; userid=" + UTIL_ToString( m_IncomingGarenaUser->GetUserID( ) ) + ", roomid=" + RoomID + ", RoomName=" + m_RoomName + ", experience=" + UTIL_ToString( m_IncomingGarenaUser->GetUserExp( ) ) + ", country=" + m_IncomingGarenaUser->GetCountryCode( ) );

		delete Packet;
예제 #2
파일: gameplayer.cpp 프로젝트: 4RtY/ghostpp
void CPotentialPlayer :: ProcessPackets( )
	if( !m_Socket )

	// process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue

	while( !m_Packets.empty( ) )
		CCommandPacket *Packet = m_Packets.front( );
		m_Packets.pop( );

		if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			// the only packet we care about as a potential player is W3GS_REQJOIN, ignore everything else

			switch( Packet->GetID( ) )
			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_REQJOIN:
				delete m_IncomingJoinPlayer;
				m_IncomingJoinPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_REQJOIN( Packet->GetData( ) );

				if( m_IncomingJoinPlayer )
					m_Game->EventPlayerJoined( this, m_IncomingJoinPlayer );

				// don't continue looping because there may be more packets waiting and this parent class doesn't handle them
				// EventPlayerJoined creates the new player, NULLs the socket, and sets the delete flag on this object so it'll be deleted shortly
				// any unprocessed packets will be copied to the new CGamePlayer in the constructor or discarded if we get deleted because the game is full

				delete Packet;

		delete Packet;
예제 #3
void CGamePlayer :: ProcessPackets( )
    if( !m_Socket )

    CIncomingAction *Action = NULL;
    CIncomingChatPlayer *ChatPlayer = NULL;
    CIncomingMapSize *MapSize = NULL;
    bool HasMap = false;
    uint32_t CheckSum = 0;
    uint32_t Pong = 0;

    // process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue

    while( !m_Packets.empty( ) )
        CCommandPacket *Packet = m_Packets.front( );
        m_Packets.pop( );

        if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
            switch( Packet->GetID( ) )
            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_LEAVEGAME:
                m_Game->EventPlayerLeft( this, m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_LEAVEGAME( Packet->GetData( ) ) );

            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF:
                if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF( Packet->GetData( ) ) )
                    if( !m_FinishedLoading && m_Game->GetGameLoading( ) )
                        m_FinishedLoading = true;
                        m_FinishedLoadingTicks = GetTicks( );
                        m_Game->EventPlayerLoaded( this );
                        // we received two W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF packets from this player!


            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION:
                Action = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION( Packet->GetData( ), m_PID );

                if( Action )
                    // don't delete Action here because the game is going to store it in a queue and delete it later
                    m_Game->EventPlayerAction( this, Action );


            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE:
                CheckSum = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE( Packet->GetData( ) );
                m_CheckSums.push( CheckSum );
                m_Game->EventPlayerKeepAlive( this, CheckSum );

            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST:
                ChatPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

                if( ChatPlayer )
                    // determine if we should auto-mute this player
                    if( ChatPlayer->GetType( ) == CIncomingChatPlayer :: CTH_MESSAGE || ChatPlayer->GetType( ) == CIncomingChatPlayer :: CTH_MESSAGEEXTRA )
                        if( m_Level <= 1 &&! GetMuted( ) )
                            m_MuteMessages.push_back( GetTicks( ) );

                            if( m_MuteMessages.size( ) > 7 )
                                m_MuteMessages.erase( m_MuteMessages.begin( ) );

                            uint32_t RecentCount = 0;
                            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MuteMessages.size( ); ++i )
                                if( GetTicks( ) - m_MuteMessages[i] < 5000 )

                            if( m_Game->m_OHBot->m_AutoMuteSpammer && RecentCount >= 7 )
                                if(  m_Count == 1 )
                                    SetMuted( true );
                                    m_MutedAuto = true;
                                    m_Game->SendChat( m_PID, "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] "+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->SpamWarning( ) );
                                    m_MuteMessages.clear( );
                                    m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "spamming" ) );
                                if( m_Count == 2 )
                                    m_Game->SendAllChat( m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserIgnoerNotify( m_Name ) );
                                    m_Game->SendChat( m_PID, "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] "+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->SpamWarning2( ) );
                                    SetMuted( true );
                                    m_Game->m_Pairedpenps.push_back( Pairedpenp( string(), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_DB->Threadedpenp( m_Name, "Spam" , m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName, 1, "add" ) ) );
                                    m_MutedAuto = true;
                                    m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "spamming" ) );
                                if( m_Count == 3 )
				    m_Game->BanPlayerByPenality( m_Name, GetExternalIPString( ), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName, m_PenalityLevel, "Spam" );
                                    SetMuted( true );
                                    m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "spamming" ) );


                            //we adding this condition not in the next condition to avoid a jump into ohbot.cpp to check if the message was a flame message or not
                            if(m_Game->m_OHBot->m_FlameCheck && ( m_Name != "dolan" || m_Name != "Dolan" ) )
                                //now check for flamers
                                if( m_Game->m_OHBot->FlameCheck( ChatPlayer->GetMessage( ) ) )
                                    m_FlameMessages.push_back( GetTicks( ) );

                                    if( m_FlameMessages.size( ) > 10 )
                                        m_FlameMessages.erase( m_FlameMessages.begin( ) );

                                    RecentCount = 0;

                                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_FlameMessages.size( ); ++i )
                                        if( GetTicks( ) - m_FlameMessages[i] < 60000 )

                                    if( RecentCount == 1 )
                                        m_Game->SendChat( m_PID, "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] "+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->FlameWarn ());

                                    if( RecentCount == 2 )
                                        m_Game->SendChat( m_PID, "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] "+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->FlameWarn2 () );
                                        SetMuted( true );
                                        m_MutedAuto = true;
                                        m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "flaming" ) );

                                    if( RecentCount == 3 )
                                        m_Game->SendChat( m_PID, m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->FlameWarn3 () );
                                        SetMuted( true );
                                        m_Game->m_Pairedpenps.push_back( Pairedpenp( string(), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_DB->Threadedpenp( m_Name, "Flame/Insult" , m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName, 1, "add" ) ) );
                                        m_MutedAuto = true;
                                        m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "flaming" ) );

                                    if( RecentCount == 4 )
					m_Game->BanPlayerByPenality( m_Name, GetExternalIPString( ), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName, m_PenalityLevel, "Flame/Insult" );
                                        SetMuted( true );
                                        m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "flaming" ) );

                                    if( RecentCount == 5 )
                                        //some people simple dont understand the ban policy.
                                        m_Game->BanPlayerByPenality( m_Name, GetExternalIPString( ), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName, m_PenalityLevel, "Flame/Insult" );
					SetMuted( true );
                                        m_Game->SendAllChat( "["+m_Game->m_OHBot->m_BotManagerName+"] " + m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Language->UserWasMutedForReason( m_Name, "flaming" ) );

                    m_Game->EventPlayerChatToHost( this, ChatPlayer );
                delete ChatPlayer;
                ChatPlayer = NULL;

            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_DROPREQ:
                // todotodo: no idea what's in this packet

                if( !m_DropVote )
                    m_DropVote = true;
                    m_Game->EventPlayerDropRequest( this );


            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_MAPSIZE:
                MapSize = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_MAPSIZE( Packet->GetData( ), m_Game->m_OHBot->m_Map->GetMapSize( ) );

                if( MapSize )
                    m_Game->EventPlayerMapSize( this, MapSize );

                delete MapSize;
                MapSize = NULL;

            case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST:
                Pong = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

                // we discard pong values of 1
                // the client sends one of these when connecting plus we return 1 on error to kill two birds with one stone

                if( Pong != 1 )
                    // we also discard pong values when we're downloading because they're almost certainly inaccurate
                    // this statement also gives the player a 5 second grace period after downloading the map to allow queued (i.e. delayed) ping packets to be ignored

                    if( !m_DownloadStarted || ( m_DownloadFinished && GetTime( ) - m_FinishedDownloadingTime >= 5 ) )
                        // we also discard pong values when anyone else is downloading if we're configured to

                        if( m_Game->m_OHBot->m_PingDuringDownloads || !m_Game->IsDownloading( ) )
                            m_Pings.push_back( GetTicks( ) - Pong );

                            if( m_Pings.size( ) > 20 )
                                m_Pings.erase( m_Pings.begin( ) );

                m_Game->EventPlayerPongToHost( this, Pong );
        else if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == GPS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
            BYTEARRAY Data = Packet->GetData( );

            if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_INIT )
                if( m_Game->m_OHBot->IsMode( BOT_MODE_GPROXY ) )
                    m_GProxy = true;
                    m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Game->m_OHBot->m_GPSProtocol->SEND_GPSS_INIT( m_Game->m_OHBot->m_ReconnectPort, m_PID, m_GProxyReconnectKey, m_Game->GetGProxyEmptyActions( ) ) );
                    //Log->Info( "[GAME: " + m_Game->GetGameName( ) + "] player [" + m_Name + "] is using GProxy++" );
                    // todotodo: send notice that we're not permitting reconnects
                    // note: GProxy++ should never send a GPS_INIT message if bot_reconnect = 0 because we don't advertise the game with invalid map dimensions
                    // but it would be nice to cover this case anyway
            else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_RECONNECT )
                // this is handled in ohbot.cpp
            else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_ACK && Data.size( ) == 8 )
                uint32_t LastPacket = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( Data, false, 4 );
                uint32_t PacketsAlreadyUnqueued = m_TotalPacketsSent - m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

                if( LastPacket > PacketsAlreadyUnqueued )
                    uint32_t PacketsToUnqueue = LastPacket - PacketsAlreadyUnqueued;

                    if( PacketsToUnqueue > m_GProxyBuffer.size( ) )
                        PacketsToUnqueue = m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

                    while( PacketsToUnqueue > 0 )
                        m_GProxyBuffer.pop( );

        delete Packet;
예제 #4
파일: gameplayer.cpp 프로젝트: 4RtY/ghostpp
void CGamePlayer :: ProcessPackets( )
	if( !m_Socket )

	CIncomingAction *Action = NULL;
	CIncomingChatPlayer *ChatPlayer = NULL;
	CIncomingMapSize *MapSize = NULL;
	bool HasMap = false;
	uint32_t CheckSum = 0;
	uint32_t Pong = 0;

	// process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue

	while( !m_Packets.empty( ) )
		CCommandPacket *Packet = m_Packets.front( );
		m_Packets.pop( );

		if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			switch( Packet->GetID( ) )
			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_LEAVEGAME:
				m_Game->EventPlayerLeft( this, m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_LEAVEGAME( Packet->GetData( ) ) );

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF( Packet->GetData( ) ) )
					if( !m_FinishedLoading && m_Game->GetGameLoading( ) )
						m_FinishedLoading = true;
						m_FinishedLoadingTicks = GetTicks( );
						m_Game->EventPlayerLoaded( this );
						// we received two W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF packets from this player!


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION:
				Action = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION( Packet->GetData( ), m_PID );

				if( Action )
					// don't delete Action here because the game is going to store it in a queue and delete it later
					m_Game->EventPlayerAction( this, Action );


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE:
				CheckSum = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE( Packet->GetData( ) );
				m_CheckSums.push( CheckSum );
				m_Game->EventPlayerKeepAlive( this, CheckSum );

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST:
				ChatPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

				if( ChatPlayer )
					m_Game->EventPlayerChatToHost( this, ChatPlayer );

				delete ChatPlayer;
				ChatPlayer = NULL;

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_DROPREQ:
				// todotodo: no idea what's in this packet

				if( !m_DropVote )
					m_DropVote = true;
					m_Game->EventPlayerDropRequest( this );


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_MAPSIZE:
				MapSize = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_MAPSIZE( Packet->GetData( ), m_Game->m_GHost->m_Map->GetMapSize( ) );

				if( MapSize )
					m_Game->EventPlayerMapSize( this, MapSize );

				delete MapSize;
				MapSize = NULL;

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST:
				Pong = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

				// we discard pong values of 1
				// the client sends one of these when connecting plus we return 1 on error to kill two birds with one stone

				if( Pong != 1 )
					// we also discard pong values when we're downloading because they're almost certainly inaccurate
					// this statement also gives the player a 5 second grace period after downloading the map to allow queued (i.e. delayed) ping packets to be ignored

					if( !m_DownloadStarted || ( m_DownloadFinished && GetTime( ) - m_FinishedDownloadingTime >= 5 ) )
						// we also discard pong values when anyone else is downloading if we're configured to

						if( m_Game->m_GHost->m_PingDuringDownloads || !m_Game->IsDownloading( ) )
							m_Pings.push_back( GetTicks( ) - Pong );

							if( m_Pings.size( ) > 20 )
								m_Pings.erase( m_Pings.begin( ) );

				m_Game->EventPlayerPongToHost( this, Pong );
		else if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == GPS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			BYTEARRAY Data = Packet->GetData( );

			if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_INIT )
				if( m_Game->m_GHost->m_Reconnect )
					m_GProxy = true;
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Game->m_GHost->m_GPSProtocol->SEND_GPSS_INIT( m_Game->m_GHost->m_ReconnectPort, m_PID, m_GProxyReconnectKey, m_Game->GetGProxyEmptyActions( ) ) );
					CONSOLE_Print( "[GAME: " + m_Game->GetGameName( ) + "] player [" + m_Name + "] is using GProxy++" );
					// todotodo: send notice that we're not permitting reconnects
					// note: GProxy++ should never send a GPS_INIT message if bot_reconnect = 0 because we don't advertise the game with invalid map dimensions
					// but it would be nice to cover this case anyway
			else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_RECONNECT )
				// this is handled in ghost.cpp
			else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_ACK && Data.size( ) == 8 )
				uint32_t LastPacket = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( Data, false, 4 );
				uint32_t PacketsAlreadyUnqueued = m_TotalPacketsSent - m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

				if( LastPacket > PacketsAlreadyUnqueued )
					uint32_t PacketsToUnqueue = LastPacket - PacketsAlreadyUnqueued;

					if( PacketsToUnqueue > m_GProxyBuffer.size( ) )
						PacketsToUnqueue = m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

					while( PacketsToUnqueue > 0 )
						m_GProxyBuffer.pop( );

		delete Packet;
예제 #5
void CGProxy::processLocalPackets()
	if(!m_LocalSocket || m_LocalSocket->state() != QTcpSocket::ConnectedState)

	while( !m_LocalPackets.empty( ) )
		CCommandPacket *Packet = m_LocalPackets.front( );
		m_LocalPackets.pop_front( );
		QByteArray Data = Packet->GetData( );
		QDataStream ds(Data);

		if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGameProtocol :: W3GS_REQJOIN )
				if( Data.size( ) >= 20 )
					quint32 HostCounter;
					quint32 EntryKey;
					quint8 Unknown;
					quint16 ListenPort;
					quint32 PeerKey;
					QString Name;
					QByteArray Remainder;

					ds >> HostCounter;
					ds >> EntryKey;
					ds >> Unknown;
					ds >> ListenPort;
					ds >> PeerKey;
					Name = CGameProtocol::ExtractString(ds);
					Remainder = QByteArray(Data.begin() + Name.size() + 20, Data.size() - (Name.size() + 20));

					if(Remainder.size( ) == 18)
						bool GameFound = false;

						for(QVector<CGameInfo*>::iterator i = games.begin( ); i != games.end( ); ++i)
							if((*i)->GetUniqueGameID() == EntryKey)
								m_RemoteSocket->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::LowDelayOption, 1);
								m_RemoteSocket->connectToHost((*i)->GetIP(), (*i)->GetPort());
									qDebug() << "[GPROXY] player requested to join an expired game. removing from list.";
									m_RequesterSocket->writeDatagram(m_GameProtocol->SEND_W3GS_DECREATEGAME((*i)->GetUniqueGameID()), QHostAddress::Broadcast, 6112);
									delete (*i);

								m_LastConnectionAttemptTime = GetTime();
								m_RemoteServerIP = (*i)->GetIP();
								m_GameIsReliable = (*i)->GetReliable();
								m_GameStarted = false;

								QByteArray DataRewritten;
								QDataStream ds(&DataRewritten, QIODevice::ReadWrite);

								ds << (quint8)W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT;
								ds << (quint8)Packet->GetID();
								ds << (quint16)0;
								ds << (*i)->GetHostCounter();
								ds << (*i)->GetEntryKey();
								ds << (quint8)Unknown;
								ds << (quint16)ListenPort;
								ds << (quint32)PeerKey;
								ds.writeRawData(Name.toUtf8(), Name.length());
								ds << (quint8)0;
								ds.writeRawData(Remainder.data(), Remainder.length());


								Data = DataRewritten;

								GameFound = true;

								emit joinedGame((*i)->GetIP(), (*i)->GetGameName());

							qDebug() << "[GPROXY] local player requested unknown game (expired?) sending decreate.";
							m_RequesterSocket->writeDatagram(m_GameProtocol->SEND_W3GS_DECREATEGAME(EntryKey), QHostAddress::Broadcast, 6112);
						qDebug() << "[GPROXY] received invalid join request from local player (invalid remainder)";
					qDebug() << "[GPROXY] received invalid join request from local player (too short)";
			else if(Packet->GetID( ) == CGameProtocol :: W3GS_LEAVEGAME)
예제 #6
void CGamePlayer :: ProcessPackets( )
	if( !m_Socket )

	CIncomingAction *Action = NULL;
	CIncomingChatPlayer *ChatPlayer = NULL;
	CIncomingMapSize *MapSize = NULL;
	uint32_t CheckSum = 0;
	uint32_t Pong = 0;

	// process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue

	while( !m_Packets.empty( ) )
		CCommandPacket *Packet = m_Packets.front( );
		m_Packets.pop( );

		if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			switch( Packet->GetID( ) )
			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_LEAVEGAME:
				m_Game->EventPlayerLeft( this, m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_LEAVEGAME( Packet->GetData( ) ) );

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF( Packet->GetData( ) ) )
					if( !m_FinishedLoading && m_Game->GetGameLoading( ) )
						m_FinishedLoading = true;
						m_FinishedLoadingTicks = GetTicks( );
						m_Game->EventPlayerLoaded( this );
						// we received two W3GS_GAMELOADED_SELF packets from this player!


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION:
				Action = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_ACTION( Packet->GetData( ), m_PID );

				if( Action )
					m_Game->EventPlayerAction( this, Action );

				// don't delete Action here because the game is going to store it in a queue and delete it later


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE:
				CheckSum = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_OUTGOING_KEEPALIVE( Packet->GetData( ) );
				m_CheckSums.push( CheckSum );
				m_Game->EventPlayerKeepAlive( this, CheckSum );

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST:
				ChatPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_CHAT_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

				if( ChatPlayer )
					// determine if we should auto-mute this player
					if( ChatPlayer->GetType( ) == CIncomingChatPlayer :: CTH_MESSAGE || ChatPlayer->GetType( ) == CIncomingChatPlayer :: CTH_MESSAGEEXTRA )
						m_MuteMessages.push_back( GetTicks( ) );
						if( m_MuteMessages.size( ) > 7 )
							m_MuteMessages.erase( m_MuteMessages.begin( ) );
						uint32_t RecentCount = 0;

						for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MuteMessages.size( ); ++i )
							if( GetTicks( ) - m_MuteMessages[i] < 7000 )
						if( !GetMuted( ) && RecentCount >= 7 )
							SetMuted( true );
							m_MutedAuto = true;
							m_Game->SendAllChat( "[" + m_Name + "] has been automatically muted for spamming. (You will be unmuted momentarily, but please do not spam again!)" );
							m_MuteMessages.clear( );
						//now check for flamers
						if( m_Game->m_GHost->FlameCheck( ChatPlayer->GetMessage( ) ) )
							m_FlameMessages.push_back( GetTicks( ) );
							if( m_FlameMessages.size( ) > 10 )
								m_FlameMessages.erase( m_FlameMessages.begin( ) );
							RecentCount = 0;

							for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_FlameMessages.size( ); ++i )
								if( GetTicks( ) - m_FlameMessages[i] < 80000 )
							if( RecentCount >= 4 )
								m_Game->SendAllChat( "Use "+string(1, m_Game->m_GHost->m_CommandTrigger)+"ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!" );
								m_FlameMessages.clear( );
							else if( RecentCount >= 3 )
				            	m_Game->SendAllChat( "[Calm] has refilled [" + GetName() + "]'s cookie jar. [" + GetName() + "] now has three cookies (try "+string(1, m_Game->m_GHost->m_CommandTrigger)+"eat)!");
					m_Game->EventPlayerChatToHost( this, ChatPlayer );

				delete ChatPlayer;
				ChatPlayer = NULL;

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_DROPREQ:
				// todotodo: no idea what's in this packet

				if( !m_DropVote )
					m_DropVote = true;
					m_Game->EventPlayerDropRequest( this );


			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_MAPSIZE:
				m_ConnectionState = 2;
				m_ConnectionTime = GetTicks( );
				MapSize = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_MAPSIZE( Packet->GetData( ), m_Game->m_GHost->m_Map->GetMapSize( ) );

				if( MapSize )
					m_Game->EventPlayerMapSize( this, MapSize );

				delete MapSize;
				MapSize = NULL;

			case CGameProtocol :: W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST:
				Pong = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_PONG_TO_HOST( Packet->GetData( ) );

				// we discard pong values of 1
				// the client sends one of these when connecting plus we return 1 on error to kill two birds with one stone

				if( Pong != 1 )
					// we also discard pong values when we're downloading because they're almost certainly inaccurate
					// this statement also gives the player a 5 second grace period after downloading the map to allow queued (i.e. delayed) ping packets to be ignored

					if( !m_DownloadStarted || ( m_DownloadFinished && GetTime( ) - m_FinishedDownloadingTime >= 5 ) )
						// we also discard pong values when anyone else is downloading if we're configured to

						if( m_Game->m_GHost->m_PingDuringDownloads || !m_Game->IsDownloading( ) )
							m_Pings.push_back( GetTicks( ) - Pong );

							if( m_Pings.size( ) > 20 )
								m_Pings.erase( m_Pings.begin( ) );

				m_Game->EventPlayerPongToHost( this, Pong );
		else if( Packet->GetPacketType( ) == GPS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			BYTEARRAY Data = Packet->GetData( );

			if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_INIT )
				if( m_Game->m_GHost->m_Reconnect )
					m_GProxy = true;
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Game->m_GHost->m_GPSProtocol->SEND_GPSS_INIT( m_Game->m_GHost->m_ReconnectPort, m_PID, m_GProxyReconnectKey, m_Game->GetGProxyEmptyActions( ) ) );
					CONSOLE_Print( "[GAME: " + m_Game->GetGameName( ) + "] player [" + m_Name + "] is using GProxy++" );
					// todotodo: send notice that we're not permitting reconnects
					// note: GProxy++ should never send a GPS_INIT message if bot_reconnect = 0 because we don't advertise the game with invalid map dimensions
					// but it would be nice to cover this case anyway
			else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_RECONNECT )
				// this is handled in ghost.cpp
			else if( Packet->GetID( ) == CGPSProtocol :: GPS_ACK && Data.size( ) == 8 )
				uint32_t LastPacket = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( Data, false, 4 );
				uint32_t PacketsAlreadyUnqueued = m_TotalPacketsSent - m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

				if( LastPacket > PacketsAlreadyUnqueued )
					uint32_t PacketsToUnqueue = LastPacket - PacketsAlreadyUnqueued;

					if( PacketsToUnqueue > m_GProxyBuffer.size( ) )
						PacketsToUnqueue = m_GProxyBuffer.size( );

					while( PacketsToUnqueue > 0 )
						m_GProxyBuffer.pop( );

		delete Packet;
예제 #7
파일: bnet.cpp 프로젝트: kr4uzi/ghostlite
void CBNET :: ProcessPackets( )
	CIncomingGameHost*				GameHost	= NULL;
	CIncomingChatEvent*				ChatEvent	= NULL;
	BYTEARRAY						WardenData;
	vector<CIncomingFriendList*>	Friends;
	vector<CIncomingClanList*>		Clans;

	// process all the received packets in the m_Packets queue
	// this normally means sending some kind of response

	while( !m_Packets.empty() )
		CCommandPacket* Packet = m_Packets.front();

		if( Packet->GetPacketType() == BNET_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			switch( Packet->GetID() )
			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_NULL:
				// warning: we do not respond to NULL packets with a NULL packet of our own
				// this is because PVPGN servers are programmed to respond to NULL packets so it will create a vicious cycle of useless traffic
				// official battle.net servers do not respond to NULL packets

				m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_NULL( Packet->GetData() );

			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_GETADVLISTEX:
				GameHost = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_GETADVLISTEX( Packet->GetData() );

				if( GameHost )
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] joining game [" << GameHost->GetGameName() << "]\n";

				delete GameHost;
				GameHost = NULL;

			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_ENTERCHAT:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_ENTERCHAT( Packet->GetData() ) )
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] joining channel [" << m_FirstChannel << "]\n";
					m_InChat = true;
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_JOINCHANNEL(m_FirstChannel) );


			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_CHATEVENT:
				ChatEvent = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_CHATEVENT( Packet->GetData() );

				if( ChatEvent )
					ProcessChatEvent( ChatEvent );

				delete ChatEvent;
				ChatEvent = NULL;

			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_CHECKAD:
				m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_CHECKAD( Packet->GetData() );

			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_STARTADVEX3:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_STARTADVEX3( Packet->GetData() ) )
					m_InChat = false;
					m_GHost->EventBNETGameRefreshed( this );
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] startadvex3 failed\n";
					m_GHost->EventBNETGameRefreshFailed( this );


			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_PING:
				m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_PING( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_PING( Packet->GetData() ) ) );

			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_AUTH_INFO:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_AUTH_INFO( Packet->GetData() ) )
					if( m_BNCSUtil->HELP_SID_AUTH_CHECK( m_GHost->m_TFT, m_GHost->m_Warcraft3Path, m_CDKeyROC, m_CDKeyTFT, 
														 m_Protocol->GetValueStringFormulaString(), m_Protocol->GetIX86VerFileNameString(), 
														 m_Protocol->GetClientToken(), m_Protocol->GetServerToken() ) )
						// override the exe information generated by bncsutil if specified in the config file
						// apparently this is useful for pvpgn users

						if( m_EXEVersion.size() == 4 )
							cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = " 
								<< m_EXEVersion[0] << " " << m_EXEVersion[1] << " " + m_EXEVersion[2] << " " << m_EXEVersion[3] << '\n';
							m_BNCSUtil->SetEXEVersion( m_EXEVersion );

						if( m_EXEVersionHash.size() == 4 )
							cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = " 
								<< m_EXEVersionHash[0] << " " << m_EXEVersionHash[1] << " " << m_EXEVersionHash[2] << " " << m_EXEVersionHash[3] << '\n';
							m_BNCSUtil->SetEXEVersionHash( m_EXEVersionHash );

						if( m_GHost->m_TFT )
							cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne\n";
							cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos\n";							

						m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_AUTH_CHECK( m_GHost->m_TFT, m_Protocol->GetClientToken(), m_BNCSUtil->GetEXEVersion(), 
																			 m_BNCSUtil->GetEXEVersionHash(), m_BNCSUtil->GetKeyInfoROC(), m_BNCSUtil->GetKeyInfoTFT(), 
																			 m_BNCSUtil->GetEXEInfo(), "GHost" ) );
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - bncsutil key hash failed (check your Warcraft 3 path and cd keys), disconnecting\n";
						m_Socket->Disconnect( );
						delete Packet;


			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_AUTH_CHECK:
				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_AUTH_CHECK( Packet->GetData() ) )
					// cd keys accepted
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] cd keys accepted\n";
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON(m_BNCSUtil->GetClientKey(), m_UserName) );
					// cd keys not accepted
					switch( UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( m_Protocol->GetKeyState( ), false ) )
					case CBNETProtocol :: KR_ROC_KEY_IN_USE:
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - ROC CD key in use by user [" << m_Protocol->GetKeyStateDescription() << "], disconnecting\n";
					case CBNETProtocol :: KR_TFT_KEY_IN_USE:
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - TFT CD key in use by user [" + m_Protocol->GetKeyStateDescription() << "], disconnecting\n";
					case CBNETProtocol :: KR_OLD_GAME_VERSION:
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - game version is too old, disconnecting\n";
					case CBNETProtocol :: KR_INVALID_VERSION:
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting\n";
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - cd keys not accepted, disconnecting\n";

					m_Socket->Disconnect( );
					delete Packet;


				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON( Packet->GetData( ) ) )
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] username [" << m_UserName << "] accepted\n";

					if( m_PasswordHashType == "pvpgn" )
						// pvpgn logon
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] using pvpgn logon type (for pvpgn servers only)\n";
						m_BNCSUtil->HELP_PvPGNPasswordHash( m_UserPassword );
						m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF( m_BNCSUtil->GetPvPGNPasswordHash() ) );
						// battle.net logon

						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] using battle.net logon type (for official battle.net servers only)\n";
						m_BNCSUtil->HELP_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF( m_Protocol->GetSalt( ), m_Protocol->GetServerPublicKey() );
						m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF( m_BNCSUtil->GetM1() ) );
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - invalid username, disconnecting\n";
					m_Socket->Disconnect( );
					delete Packet;


				if( m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF( Packet->GetData() ) )
					// logon successful

					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon successful\n";
					m_LoggedIn = true;
					m_GHost->EventBNETLoggedIn( this );
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_NETGAMEPORT(m_GHost->m_HostPort) );
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_ENTERCHAT() );
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_FRIENDSLIST() );
					m_Socket->PutBytes( m_Protocol->SEND_SID_CLANMEMBERLIST() );
					cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias << "] logon failed - invalid password, disconnecting\n";

					// try to figure out if the user might be using the wrong logon type since too many people are confused by this

					string Server = m_Server;
					transform( Server.begin( ), Server.end( ), Server.begin( ), (int(*)(int))(int(*)(int))tolower );

					if( m_PasswordHashType == "pvpgn" && ( Server == "useast.battle.net" || Server == "uswest.battle.net" || Server == "asia.battle.net" || Server == "europe.battle.net" ) )
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias 
						<< "] it looks like you're trying to connect to a battle.net server using a pvpgn logon type, check your config file's \"battle.net custom data\" section\n";
					else if( m_PasswordHashType != "pvpgn" && ( Server != "useast.battle.net" && Server != "uswest.battle.net" && Server != "asia.battle.net" && Server != "europe.battle.net" ) )
						cout << "[BNET: " << m_ServerAlias 
						<< "] it looks like you're trying to connect to a pvpgn server using a battle.net logon type, check your config file's \"battle.net custom data\" section\n";

					m_Socket->Disconnect( );
					delete Packet;


			case CBNETProtocol :: SID_FRIENDSLIST:
				Friends = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_FRIENDSLIST( Packet->GetData() );

				for( vector<CIncomingFriendList*>::iterator i = m_Friends.begin(); i != m_Friends.end(); ++i )
					delete *i;

				m_Friends = Friends;

				vector<CIncomingClanList *> Clans = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_SID_CLANMEMBERLIST( Packet->GetData( ) );

				for( vector<CIncomingClanList*>::iterator i = m_Clans.begin(); i != m_Clans.end(); ++i )
					delete *i;

				m_Clans = Clans;

		delete Packet;