예제 #1
//	@function:
//		CPartConstraint::FDisjunctionPossible
//	@doc:
//		Check if it is possible to produce a disjunction of the two given part
//		constraints. This is possible if the first ulLevels-1 have the same
//		constraints and default flags for both part constraints
	CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrFst,
	CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrSnd
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != ppartcnstrFst);
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != ppartcnstrSnd);
	GPOS_ASSERT(ppartcnstrFst->m_num_of_part_levels == ppartcnstrSnd->m_num_of_part_levels);

	const ULONG ulLevels = ppartcnstrFst->m_num_of_part_levels;
	BOOL fSuccess = true;

	for (ULONG ul = 0; fSuccess && ul < ulLevels - 1; ul++)
		CConstraint *pcnstrFst = ppartcnstrFst->Pcnstr(ul);
		CConstraint *pcnstrSnd = ppartcnstrSnd->Pcnstr(ul);
		fSuccess = (NULL != pcnstrFst &&
					NULL != pcnstrSnd &&
					pcnstrFst->Equals(pcnstrSnd) &&
					ppartcnstrFst->IsDefaultPartition(ul) == ppartcnstrSnd->IsDefaultPartition(ul));

	// last level constraints cannot be NULL as well
	fSuccess = (fSuccess &&
				NULL != ppartcnstrFst->Pcnstr(ulLevels - 1) &&
				NULL != ppartcnstrSnd->Pcnstr(ulLevels - 1));

	return fSuccess;
예제 #2
//	@function:
//		CPartConstraint::FEqualConstrMaps
//	@doc:
//		Check if two constaint maps have the same constraints
	UlongToConstraintMap *phmulcnstrFst,
	UlongToConstraintMap *phmulcnstrSnd,
	ULONG ulLevels
	if (phmulcnstrFst->Size() != phmulcnstrSnd->Size())
		return false;

	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulLevels; ul++)
		CConstraint *pcnstrFst = phmulcnstrFst->Find(&ul);
		CConstraint *pcnstrSnd = phmulcnstrSnd->Find(&ul);

		if ((NULL == pcnstrFst || NULL == pcnstrSnd) && pcnstrFst != pcnstrSnd)
			return false;

		if (NULL != pcnstrFst && !pcnstrFst->Equals(pcnstrSnd))
			return false;

	return true;