예제 #1
bool CTextureDDSJob::DoWork()
  CTexture texture;
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(m_original).Equals(".dds"))
    return false;
  if (texture.LoadFromFile(m_original))
  { // convert to DDS
    CDDSImage dds;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Creating DDS version of: %s", m_original.c_str());
    return dds.Create(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(m_original, ".dds"), texture.GetWidth(), texture.GetHeight(), texture.GetPitch(), texture.GetPixels(), 40);
  return false;
예제 #2
bool CTextureDDSJob::DoWork()
  if (URIUtils::HasExtension(m_original, ".dds"))
    return false;
  CBaseTexture *texture = CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(m_original);
  if (texture)
  { // convert to DDS
    CDDSImage dds;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Creating DDS version of: %s", m_original.c_str());
    bool ret = dds.Create(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(m_original, ".dds"), texture->GetWidth(), texture->GetHeight(), texture->GetPitch(), texture->GetPixels(), 40);
    delete texture;
    return ret;
  return false;
예제 #3
        // save
        // Description:
        //      Get the image from the pipeline and save it to disk.
        // Parameters:
        //      sFileName - a string containing the filename.
        // Returns:
        //      None        
SaveOperator::save(std::string sFileName)
    Image oInputImage = _pSourceOperator->image();;

    unsigned int nWidth  = static_cast<unsigned int>(oInputImage.width() );
    unsigned int nHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(oInputImage.height());

    unsigned char * pPixels = new unsigned char[nWidth*nHeight*4];

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, oInputImage.textureID());

    CTexture  oTexture(nWidth, nHeight, 1, nWidth*nHeight*4, pPixels);
    CDDSImage oImage;
    oImage.create_textureFlat(GL_BGRA, 4, oTexture);
                                // Save without flipping (second parameter false)
    oImage.save(sFileName, false);
예제 #4
파일: MakeDDS.cpp 프로젝트: DJMatty/xbmc
void CompressToDDS(SDL_Surface* image, unsigned int format, CDDSImage &out)
  // Convert to ARGB
  SDL_PixelFormat argbFormat;
  memset(&argbFormat, 0, sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat));
  argbFormat.BitsPerPixel = 32;
  argbFormat.BytesPerPixel = 4;

  argbFormat.Amask = 0xff000000;
  argbFormat.Ashift = 24;
  argbFormat.Rmask = 0x00ff0000;
  argbFormat.Rshift = 16;
  argbFormat.Gmask = 0x0000ff00;
  argbFormat.Gshift = 8;
  argbFormat.Bmask = 0x000000ff;
  argbFormat.Bshift = 0;
  argbFormat.Amask = 0x000000ff;
  argbFormat.Ashift = 0;
  argbFormat.Rmask = 0x0000ff00;
  argbFormat.Rshift = 8;
  argbFormat.Gmask = 0x00ff0000;
  argbFormat.Gshift = 16;
  argbFormat.Bmask = 0xff000000;
  argbFormat.Bshift = 24;

  SDL_Surface *argbImage = SDL_ConvertSurface(image, &argbFormat, 0);

  double colorMSE, alphaMSE;
  if (format == XB_FMT_DXT1)
    CompressImage((squish::u8 *)argbImage->pixels, image->w, image->h, out.GetData(), squish::kDxt1, colorMSE, alphaMSE);
  else if (format == XB_FMT_DXT5)
    CompressImage((squish::u8 *)argbImage->pixels, image->w, image->h, out.GetData(), squish::kDxt5, colorMSE, alphaMSE);

  // print some info about the resulting image
  printf("Size: %dx%d %s in %u bytes. Quality: %5.2f\n", image->w, image->h, GetFormatString(format), out.GetSize(), colorMSE);

예제 #5
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: davilla/mrmc
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFileInternal(const std::string& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight, bool autoRotate, bool requirePixels, const std::string& strMimeType)
  if (URIUtils::HasExtension(texturePath, ".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  // Read image into memory to use our vfs
  XFILE::CFile file;
  XFILE::auto_buffer buf;

  if (file.LoadFile(texturePath, buf) <= 0)
    return false;

  CURL url(texturePath);
  // make sure resource:// paths are properly resolved
  if (url.IsProtocol("resource"))
    std::string translatedPath;
    if (XFILE::CResourceFile::TranslatePath(url, translatedPath))

  // handle xbt:// paths differently because it allows loading the texture directly from memory
  if (url.IsProtocol("xbt"))
    XFILE::CXbtFile xbtFile;
    if (!xbtFile.Open(url))
      return false;

    return LoadFromMemory(xbtFile.GetImageWidth(), xbtFile.GetImageHeight(), 0, xbtFile.GetImageFormat(),
                          xbtFile.HasImageAlpha(), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf.get()));

  IImage* pImage;

    pImage = ImageFactory::CreateLoader(texturePath);
    pImage = ImageFactory::CreateLoaderFromMimeType(strMimeType);

  if (!LoadIImage(pImage, (unsigned char *)buf.get(), buf.size(), width, height, autoRotate))
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Load of %s failed.", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());
    delete pImage;
    return false;
  delete pImage;

  return true;
예제 #6
void TextureUpdate(const char *filename, int n)
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[n]);

	char fullname[256];
	PSD psdimage;
	CDDSImage image;
	int psd = 0;
	sprintf(fullname, "textures\\%s.psd", filename);
	if (psdimage.Load(fullname))
		sprintf(fullname, "textures\\%s.dds", filename);

		if (image.load(fullname))
예제 #7
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: Distrotech/xbmc
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFileInternal(const std::string& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight, bool autoRotate, bool requirePixels, const std::string& strMimeType)
  if (URIUtils::HasExtension(texturePath, ".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  // Read image into memory to use our vfs
  XFILE::CFile file;
  XFILE::auto_buffer buf;

  if (file.LoadFile(texturePath, buf) <= 0)
    return false;

  IImage* pImage;

    pImage = ImageFactory::CreateLoader(texturePath);
    pImage = ImageFactory::CreateLoaderFromMimeType(strMimeType);

  if (!LoadIImage(pImage, (unsigned char *)buf.get(), buf.size(), width, height, autoRotate))
    delete pImage;
    pImage = ImageFactory::CreateFallbackLoader(texturePath);
    if (!LoadIImage(pImage, (unsigned char *)buf.get(), buf.size(), width, height))
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Load of %s failed.", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());
      delete pImage;
      return false;
  delete pImage;

  return true;
예제 #8
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: AWilco/xbmc
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(const CStdString& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight,
                                bool autoRotate, unsigned int *originalWidth, unsigned int *originalHeight)
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__arm__)
  XFILE::CFile file;
  UInt8 *imageBuff      = NULL;
  int64_t imageBuffSize = 0;

  //open path and read data to buffer
  //this handles advancedsettings.xml pathsubstitution
  //and resulting networking
  if (file.Open(texturePath, 0))
    imageBuffSize =file.GetLength();
    imageBuff = new UInt8[imageBuffSize];
    imageBuffSize = file.Read(imageBuff, imageBuffSize);
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to open file %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  if (imageBuffSize <= 0)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager read texture file failed.");
    delete [] imageBuff;
    return false;

  // create the image from buffer;
  CGImageSourceRef imageSource;
  // create a CFDataRef using CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy and kCFAllocatorNull for deallocator.
  // this allows us to do a nocopy reference and we handle the free of imageBuff
  CFDataRef cfdata = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, imageBuff, imageBuffSize, kCFAllocatorNull);
  imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(cfdata, NULL);   
  if (imageSource == nil)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath(texturePath).c_str());
    delete [] imageBuff;
    return false;

  CGImageRef image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, NULL);

  int rotate = 0;
  if (autoRotate)
  { // get the orientation of the image for displaying it correctly
    CFDictionaryRef imagePropertiesDictionary = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(imageSource,0, NULL);
    if (imagePropertiesDictionary != nil)
      CFNumberRef orientation = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(imagePropertiesDictionary, kCGImagePropertyOrientation);
      if (orientation != nil)
        int value = 0;
        CFNumberGetValue(orientation, kCFNumberIntType, &value);
        if (value)
          rotate = value - 1;


  unsigned int width  = CGImageGetWidth(image);
  unsigned int height = CGImageGetHeight(image);

  m_hasAlpha = (CGImageGetAlphaInfo(image) != kCGImageAlphaNone);

  if (originalWidth)
    *originalWidth = width;
  if (originalHeight)
    *originalHeight = height;

  // check texture size limits and limit to screen size - preserving aspectratio of image  
  if ( width > g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize() || height > g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize() )
    float aspect;

    if ( width > height )
      aspect = (float)width / (float)height;
      width  = g_Windowing.GetWidth();
      height = (float)width / (float)aspect;
      aspect = (float)height / (float)width;
      height = g_Windowing.GetHeight();
      width  = (float)height / (float)aspect;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Texture manager texture clamp:new texture size: %i x %i", width, height);

  // use RGBA to skip swizzling
  Allocate(width, height, XB_FMT_RGBA8);
  m_orientation = rotate;
  CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();

  // hw convert jmpeg to RGBA
  CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(m_pixels,
    width, height, 8, GetPitch(), colorSpace,
    kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big);


  // Flip so that it isn't upside-down
  //CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, height);
  //CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0f, -1.0f);
    CGContextClearRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height));
    // (just a way of checking whether we're running in 10.5 or later)
    if (CGContextDrawLinearGradient == 0)
      CGContextClearRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height));
      CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeCopy);
  //CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeCopy);
  CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), image);
  delete [] imageBuff;
  DllImageLib dll;
  if (!dll.Load())
    return false;

  ImageInfo image;
  memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image));

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  if(!dll.LoadImage(texturePath.c_str(), width, height, &image))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  m_hasAlpha = NULL != image.alpha;

  Allocate(image.width, image.height, XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);
  if (autoRotate && image.exifInfo.Orientation)
    m_orientation = image.exifInfo.Orientation - 1;
  if (originalWidth)
    *originalWidth = image.originalwidth;
  if (originalHeight)
    *originalHeight = image.originalheight;

  unsigned int dstPitch = GetPitch();
  unsigned int srcPitch = ((image.width + 1)* 3 / 4) * 4; // bitmap row length is aligned to 4 bytes

  unsigned char *dst = m_pixels;
  unsigned char *src = image.texture + (m_imageHeight - 1) * srcPitch;

  for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
    unsigned char *dst2 = dst;
    unsigned char *src2 = src;
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++, dst2 += 4, src2 += 3)
      dst2[0] = src2[0];
      dst2[1] = src2[1];
      dst2[2] = src2[2];
      dst2[3] = 0xff;
    src -= srcPitch;
    dst += dstPitch;

    dst = m_pixels + 3;
    src = image.alpha + (m_imageHeight - 1) * m_imageWidth;

    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
      unsigned char *dst2 = dst;
      unsigned char *src2 = src;

      for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++,  dst2+=4, src2++)
        *dst2 = *src2;
      src -= m_imageWidth;
      dst += dstPitch;


  return true;
예제 #9
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(const CStdString& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight,
                                bool autoRotate, unsigned int *originalWidth, unsigned int *originalHeight)
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

  //ImageLib is sooo sloow for jpegs. Try our own decoder first. If it fails, fall back to ImageLib.
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".jpg") || URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".tbn"))
    CJpegIO jpegfile;
    if (jpegfile.Open(texturePath, maxWidth, maxHeight))
      if (jpegfile.Width() > 0 && jpegfile.Height() > 0)
        Allocate(jpegfile.Width(), jpegfile.Height(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);
        if (jpegfile.Decode(m_pixels, GetPitch(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8))
          if (autoRotate && jpegfile.Orientation())
            m_orientation = jpegfile.Orientation() - 1;
          return true;

  DllImageLib dll;
  if (!dll.Load())
    return false;

  ImageInfo image;
  memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image));

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  if(!dll.LoadImage(texturePath.c_str(), width, height, &image))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  m_hasAlpha = NULL != image.alpha;

  Allocate(image.width, image.height, XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);
  if (autoRotate && image.exifInfo.Orientation)
    m_orientation = image.exifInfo.Orientation - 1;
  if (originalWidth)
    *originalWidth = image.originalwidth;
  if (originalHeight)
    *originalHeight = image.originalheight;

  unsigned int dstPitch = GetPitch();
  unsigned int srcPitch = ((image.width + 1)* 3 / 4) * 4; // bitmap row length is aligned to 4 bytes

  unsigned char *dst = m_pixels;
  unsigned char *src = image.texture + (m_imageHeight - 1) * srcPitch;

  for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
    unsigned char *dst2 = dst;
    unsigned char *src2 = src;
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++, dst2 += 4, src2 += 3)
      dst2[0] = src2[0];
      dst2[1] = src2[1];
      dst2[2] = src2[2];
      dst2[3] = 0xff;
    src -= srcPitch;
    dst += dstPitch;

    dst = m_pixels + 3;
    src = image.alpha + (m_imageHeight - 1) * m_imageWidth;

    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
      unsigned char *dst2 = dst;
      unsigned char *src2 = src;

      for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++,  dst2+=4, src2++)
        *dst2 = *src2;
      src -= m_imageWidth;
      dst += dstPitch;


  return true;
예제 #10
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: vod777/xbmc
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFileInternal(const CStdString& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight, bool autoRotate)
#if defined(HAS_OMXPLAYER)
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".jpg") || 
      /*|| URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".png")*/)
    COMXImage omx_image;

      // TODO: we only decode as half width and height. this is a workaround for the PI memory limitation
      if(omx_image.Decode(omx_image.GetWidth() / 2, omx_image.GetHeight() / 2))
        Allocate(omx_image.GetDecodedWidth(), omx_image.GetDecodedHeight(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);

          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager (OMX) out of memory");
          return false;

        m_originalWidth  = omx_image.GetOriginalWidth();
        m_originalHeight = omx_image.GetOriginalHeight();

        m_hasAlpha = omx_image.IsAlpha();

        if (autoRotate && omx_image.GetOrientation())
          m_orientation = omx_image.GetOrientation() - 1;

          int size = ( ( GetPitch() * GetRows() ) > omx_image.GetDecodedSize() ) ?
                           omx_image.GetDecodedSize() : ( GetPitch() * GetRows() );

          memcpy(m_pixels, (unsigned char *)omx_image.GetDecodedData(), size);


        return true;
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

  //ImageLib is sooo sloow for jpegs. Try our own decoder first. If it fails, fall back to ImageLib.
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".jpg") || URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".tbn"))
    CJpegIO jpegfile;
    if (jpegfile.Open(texturePath, maxWidth, maxHeight))
      if (jpegfile.Width() > 0 && jpegfile.Height() > 0)
        Allocate(jpegfile.Width(), jpegfile.Height(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);
        if (jpegfile.Decode(m_pixels, GetPitch(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8))
          if (autoRotate && jpegfile.Orientation())
            m_orientation = jpegfile.Orientation() - 1;
          return true;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Load of %s failed. Falling back to ImageLib", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());

  DllImageLib dll;
  if (!dll.Load())
    return false;

  ImageInfo image;
  memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image));

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  if(!dll.LoadImage(texturePath.c_str(), width, height, &image))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  LoadFromImage(image, autoRotate);

  return true;
예제 #11
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: midripps/xbmc
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(const CStdString& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight,
                                bool autoRotate, unsigned int *originalWidth, unsigned int *originalHeight)
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    if (image.ReadFile(texturePath))
      Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
      return true;
    return false;

  //ImageLib is sooo sloow for jpegs. Try our own decoder first. If it fails, fall back to ImageLib.
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".jpg") || URIUtils::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".tbn"))
    CJpegIO jpegfile;
    if (jpegfile.Open(texturePath, maxWidth, maxHeight))
      if (jpegfile.Width() > 0 && jpegfile.Height() > 0)
        Allocate(jpegfile.Width(), jpegfile.Height(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8);
        if (jpegfile.Decode(m_pixels, GetPitch(), XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8))
          if (autoRotate && jpegfile.Orientation())
            m_orientation = jpegfile.Orientation() - 1;
          return true;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Load of %s failed. Falling back to ImageLib", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());

  DllImageLib dll;
  if (!dll.Load())
    return false;

  ImageInfo image;
  memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image));

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  if(!dll.LoadImage(texturePath.c_str(), width, height, &image))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  if (originalWidth)
    *originalWidth = image.originalwidth;
  if (originalHeight)
    *originalHeight = image.originalheight;

  LoadFromImage(image, autoRotate);

  return true;
예제 #12
파일: Texture.cpp 프로젝트: Kr0nZ/boxee
bool CBaseTexture::LoadFromFile(const CStdString& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight,
                                bool autoRotate, unsigned int *originalWidth, unsigned int *originalHeight,
                                unsigned int dstWidth, unsigned int dstHeight)
  //Quick and dirty check if the file is DDS file...

  CFile file;
  if (!file.Open(texturePath))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Error opening texture file: %s", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  // read the header
  uint32_t magic;
  if (file.Read(&magic, 4) != 4)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Can't read signature from file: %s", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  if (strncmp((const char *)&magic, "DDS ", 4) == 0 || CUtil::GetExtension(texturePath).Equals(".dds"))
  { // special case for DDS images
    CDDSImage image;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - loading dds file: %s", __FUNCTION__, texturePath.c_str());
    Update(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), 0, image.GetFormat(), image.GetData(), false);
    return true;

  DllImageLib dll;
  if (!dll.Load())
    return false;

  ImageInfo image;
  memset(&image, 0, sizeof(image));
  //image.width = dstWidth;
  //image.height = dstHeight;

  unsigned int width = maxWidth ? std::min(maxWidth, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();
  unsigned int height = maxHeight ? std::min(maxHeight, g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize()) : g_Windowing.GetMaxTextureSize();

  if(!dll.LoadImage(texturePath.c_str(), width, height, &image))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Texture manager unable to load file: %s", texturePath.c_str());
    return false;

  Allocate(image.width, image.height, XB_FMT_B8G8R8A8);
  if (autoRotate && image.exifInfo.Orientation)
    m_orientation = image.exifInfo.Orientation - 1;
  if (originalWidth)
    *originalWidth = image.originalwidth;
  if (originalHeight)
    *originalHeight = image.originalheight;

  unsigned int destPitch = GetPitch();
  unsigned int srcPitch = ((image.width + 1)* 3 / 4) * 4; // bitmap row length is aligned to 4 bytes

  // test background color for alpha blending
  long  nBkgndIndex;
  RGBQUAD nBkgndColor;
  dll.GetBackgroundColor(&image, &nBkgndColor, &nBkgndIndex);

  for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
    unsigned char *dst = m_pixels + y * destPitch;
    unsigned char *src = image.texture + (m_imageHeight - 1 - y) * srcPitch;
    unsigned char *alpha = image.alpha + (m_imageHeight - 1 - y) * m_imageWidth;
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++)
      *dst++ = *src++;
      *dst++ = *src++;
      *dst++ = *src++;
      *dst++ = (image.alpha) ? *alpha++ : 0xff;

  if (nBkgndIndex != -1)
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < m_imageHeight; y++)
      unsigned char *dst = m_pixels + y * destPitch;
      //unsigned char *src = image.texture + (m_imageHeight - 1 - y) * srcPitch;
      //unsigned char *alpha = image.alpha + (m_imageHeight - 1 - y) * m_imageWidth;
      for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_imageWidth; x++)
        if (*dst == nBkgndColor.rgbBlue
            && *(dst + 1) == nBkgndColor.rgbGreen
            && *(dst + 2) == nBkgndColor.rgbRed)
          *(dst + 3) = 0x00;
        dst += 4;



  return true;
예제 #13
int CreateTexture(const char *filename, bool clamp, bool duplicate, unsigned int minfilter, unsigned int magfilter)
	if (!filename)
//		return -1;
		return CreateTexture("default", false, false, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR);

	if (duplicate == false)
		for (int n = 0; n < textures; n++)
			if (_stricmp(filename, texinfo[n].filename) == 0)
				return n;

	char fullname[256];
	PSD psdimage;
	CDDSImage image;
	int psd = 0;
	sprintf(fullname, "textures\\%s.psd", filename);
	if (psdimage.Load(fullname))
		psd = 1;
		sprintf(fullname, "textures\\%s.dds", filename);

		if (!image.load(fullname))
	//		return -1;
			return CreateTexture("default", false, false, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR);

	texture = (unsigned int*)realloc(texture, sizeof(unsigned int) * (textures + 1));
	texinfo = (TexInfo*)realloc(texinfo, sizeof(TexInfo) * (textures + 1));

	int mipmap = 0;
		mipmap = 1;

	glGenTextures(1, &texture[textures]);
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[textures]);
	if (psd)
	glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, minfilter);
	glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magfilter);
	glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, anisotropy);

	if (clamp)

	strcpy(texinfo[textures].filename, filename);
	if (psd)
		texinfo[textures].width = psdimage.width;
		texinfo[textures].height = psdimage.height;
		texinfo[textures].width = image.get_width();
		texinfo[textures].height = image.get_height();
	texinfo[textures].mipmap = mipmap;
	texinfo[textures].refcount = 1;



	return textures - 1;