CDatabase *CCachedDBConnections::GetConnection(const CString &strConnect, BOOL bAutoOpen) { CCacheMap::CPair *pKeyValPair = m_DBCache.PLookup(strConnect); CDatabase *pDB = NULL; if (pKeyValPair != NULL) { pDB = pKeyValPair->value; } if (NULL == pDB) { try { pDB = new CDatabase; } catch (...) { pDB = NULL; } } if (pDB != NULL && !pDB->IsOpen() && bAutoOpen) { ATLVERIFY(pDB->OpenEx(strConnect, CDatabase::useCursorLib | CDatabase::noOdbcDialog)); } if (NULL == pKeyValPair) { m_DBCache[strConnect] = pDB; } return pDB; }
bool EVUtil::ODBCCmdSQL( CString szDBName,CString sql ) { CDatabase db; CString strConnect; strConnect.Format(_T("ODBC;DRIVER={MICROSOFT ACCESS DRIVER (*.mdb)};UID=sa;PWD=;DBQ=%s"), szDBName); db.Open(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, strConnect,FALSE); if(db.IsOpen()) { //连接数据库成功 CRecordset rs(&db); //SQL语句 try { db.ExecuteSQL(sql); } catch (...) { db.Close(); return false; } db.Close(); return true; } return false; }
bool CGUIDialogMediaFilter::GetMinMax(const std::string &table, const std::string &field, int &min, int &max, const CDatabase::Filter &filter /* = CDatabase::Filter() */) { if (table.empty() || field.empty()) return false; CDatabase *db = NULL; CDbUrl *dbUrl = NULL; if (m_mediaType == "movies" || m_mediaType == "tvshows" || m_mediaType == "episodes" || m_mediaType == "musicvideos") { CVideoDatabase *videodb = new CVideoDatabase(); if (!videodb->Open()) { delete videodb; return false; } db = videodb; dbUrl = new CVideoDbUrl(); } else if (m_mediaType == "artists" || m_mediaType == "albums" || m_mediaType == "songs") { CMusicDatabase *musicdb = new CMusicDatabase(); if (!musicdb->Open()) { delete musicdb; return false; } db = musicdb; dbUrl = new CMusicDbUrl(); } if (db == NULL || !db->IsOpen() || dbUrl == NULL) { delete db; delete dbUrl; return false; } CDatabase::Filter extFilter = filter; std::string strSQLExtra; if (!db->BuildSQL(m_dbUrl->ToString(), strSQLExtra, extFilter, strSQLExtra, *dbUrl)) { delete db; delete dbUrl; return false; } std::string strSQL = "SELECT %s FROM %s "; min = static_cast<int>(strtol(db->GetSingleValue(db->PrepareSQL(strSQL, std::string("MIN(" + field + ")").c_str(), table.c_str()) + strSQLExtra).c_str(), NULL, 0)); max = static_cast<int>(strtol(db->GetSingleValue(db->PrepareSQL(strSQL, std::string("MAX(" + field + ")").c_str(), table.c_str()) + strSQLExtra).c_str(), NULL, 0)); db->Close(); delete db; delete dbUrl; return true; }
//定义的向数据库存储新的基本信息的函数 _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI putmsg(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); whichtab=0; bmsg bt; if(res==NULL) return 1; //error memset((void*)&bt,0,sizeof(bt)); memcpy((void*)&bt,res,sizeof(bt)); CString str; crt_conn(str); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll",0); return 1; } myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,"SELECT * FROM base_msg");} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll",0); return 1; } mrd.AddNew(); // memset((void*)&mrd.bsd,0,sizeof(mrd.bsd)); // memcpy((void*)&mrd.bsd,bt,sizeof(mrd.bsd)); /*2015-6-15 不使用整个结构拷贝,而是逐个字段赋值的方法可以避免自动增量字段的人为改变。 这里还有一个微软认可的bug,就是在调试模式时,就会出现一个CRecordset的成员地址改变的傻逼断言, 该断言好像在dbrfx.cpp文件中(line560),通过查看dbrfx.cpp文件发现,这个断言是在#ifdef _DEBUG的判断下 执行的,所以在release版本下不会有错误,但是在调式模式下会出现断言错误。 */ mrd.bsd.code=bt.code; mrd.bsd.gmax=bt.gmax; mrd.bsd.gstd=bt.gstd; mrd.bsd.gtimes=bt.gtimes; mrd.bsd.gtype=bt.gtype; mrd.bsd.gwatch=bt.gwatch; memcpy((void *)&(,(void*)&(,60); mrd.bsd.gcycle=bt.gcycle; mrd.bsd.gdecay=bt.gdecay; mrd.Update(); mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
bool COleDBConnectionProp::Connect(CDatabase& database, bool bShowDialog) { CWaitCursor cursor; if(m_strDSN.IsEmpty()) { ShowError("Empty ODBC Source"); return false; } if(m_strLoginName.IsEmpty()) { ShowError("Empty Login Name"); return false; } CString ConnectString = "DSN=" + m_strDSN + ";"; if(!m_strDatabaseName.IsEmpty()) { ConnectString += "DATABASE=" + m_strDatabaseName + ";"; } ConnectString += "UID=" + m_strLoginName + ";" + "PWD=" + m_strPassword + ";" ; try { DWORD dwOptions = CDatabase::useCursorLib; if(!bShowDialog) dwOptions |= CDatabase::noOdbcDialog; if(database.IsOpen()) database.Close(); if(!database.OpenEx(ConnectString,dwOptions)) { return false; } } catch( CDBException* pExc) { pExc->ReportError(); pExc->Delete(); return false; } return true; }
//定义的删除数据的函数 _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI deldata(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(res==NULL) return 1; whichtab=1; CString str,conn; crt_conn(conn); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,conn);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-008",0); return 1; } str.Format("%s",(char*)res); myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-010",0); return 1; } if(mrd.IsEOF() || !mrd.CanUpdate() || !mrd.CanTransact()) { MessageBox(NULL,"delete result error!","from dll-009",0); mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 1; } /* mrd.MoveFirst(); while(!mrd.IsEOF()) { mrd.Delete(); mrd.MoveNext(); } */ mrd.Delete(); db.CommitTrans(); mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
//定义的从数据库读出的基本信息的函数 _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI getmsg(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // if(res==NULL) // return 1; whichtab=0; dlmsg.RemoveAll(); CString str,s1; crt_conn(str); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll",0); return 1; } s1.Format("SELECT * FROM base_msg"); myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,s1);} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-001",0); return 1; } if(mrd.IsEOF()) { mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; } mrd.MoveFirst(); while(!mrd.IsEOF()) { dlmsg.Add(mrd.bsd); mrd.MoveNext(); } mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
/*2015-6-21修改,修改为按查询条件取得记录,条件查询语句直接在函数外构造,并直接通过参数传入 在本函数直接使用。*/ _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI get_dt(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(res==NULL) return 1; whichtab=3; dldt.RemoveAll(); CString str; crt_conn(str); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1007",0); return 1; } str.Format("%s",(char*)res,strlen((char*)res)); myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,str,0);} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1008",0); return 1; } if(mrd.IsEOF()) { mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; } mrd.MoveFirst(); while(!mrd.IsEOF()) { dldt.Add(mrd.dt); mrd.MoveNext(); } mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
//定义的表格4 data_tab的存储函数,该函数也用于记录的批量处理 _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI put_dt(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(res==NULL) return 1; whichtab=3; CArray<data_tab,data_tab&> *ca; ca=(CArray<data_tab,data_tab&> *)res; CString str; int i,j; crt_conn(str); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1003",0); return 1; } myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,"SELECT * FROM data_tab",0);} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1004",0); return 1; } i=ca->GetCount(); for(j=0;j<i;j++) { mrd.AddNew(); memset((void*)&(mrd.dt),0,sizeof(mrd.dt)); mrd.dt=ca->GetAt(j); mrd.Update(); } mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
int CMyDatabase::CloseConnection( CDatabase &m_Database) { try { if ( m_Database.IsOpen() ) m_Database.Close(); } catch( CDBException *e) { char Message[255] = {0}; sprintf(Message,"CMyDatabase::CloseConnection(%s)",e->m_strError); WriteLog(Message,""); e->Delete(); } return 0; }
void CCachedDBConnections::RemoveConnection(const CString &strConnect) { CCacheMap::CPair *pKeyValPair = m_DBCache.PLookup(strConnect); if (pKeyValPair != NULL) { CDatabase *pDB = NULL; std::swap(pDB, pKeyValPair->value); if (pDB != NULL) { if (pDB->IsOpen()) { pDB->Close(); } delete pDB; pDB = NULL; } m_DBCache.RemoveKey(strConnect); } }
/*2015-6-21修改,该函数无需批量处理,所以传入的参数不是队列而是一个结构指针*/ _declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI put_ct(void *res) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(res==NULL) return 1; whichtab=2; CString str; crt_conn(str); CDatabase db; if(db.IsOpen()) db.Close(); try {db.Open(NULL,false,false,str);} catch(CDBException *ep) { MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1001",0); return 1; } myrecord mrd(&db); if(mrd.IsOpen()) mrd.Close(); try {mrd.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE,"SELECT * FROM code_tab");} catch(CDBException *ep) { db.Close(); MessageBox(NULL,ep->m_strError,"from dll-1002",0); return 1; } /* mrd.AddNew(); memset((void*)&(mrd.ct),0,sizeof(mrd.ct)); memcpy((void*)&(mrd.ct),res,sizeof(mrd.ct)); */ mrd.MoveFirst(); mrd.Edit(); memcpy((void*)&(mrd.ct),res,sizeof(mrd.ct)); mrd.Update(); mrd.Close(); db.Close(); return 0; };
BOOL CServerSocet::CloseSocket(CString* sMessage) { if(SocWin != NULL) if(SocWin->m_hWnd != NULL) SocWin->DestroyWindow(); if (sokClientSocket!= NULL) { int i; for(i=0;i<iMaxCol;i++) { if(sokClientSocket[i]!=NULL) { CDatabase* dBase; if(sokClientSocket[i]->dBase != NULL) { try { dBase = sokClientSocket[i]->dBase; if(dBase!=NULL) { if(dBase->IsOpen()) { dBase->Close(); } } } catch(...) { } delete(dBase); sokClientSocket[i]->dBase = NULL; } if(sokClientSocket[i]->hThread != NULL) { TerminateThread(sokClientSocket[i]->hThread,0); } sokClientSocket[i]->hThread = NULL; delete(sokClientSocket[i]); sokClientSocket[i] = NULL; } } delete(sokClientSocket); sokClientSocket = NULL; } CString S; S.Format(_T("Закрытие сокета")); if(sMessage != NULL) { *sMessage = *sMessage + S; } if(bCreateSocket) closesocket(sokServerSocket); bCreateSocket = FALSE; if(sMessage != NULL) *sMessage = *sMessage + _T("\tвыполненно\n"); bStatus = FALSE; return TRUE; }
UINT CNav_ExportCustomsDlg::ExportData(LPVOID p) { HRESULT hRes; Excel::_ApplicationPtr appExcel; hRes = appExcel.CreateInstance( _T("Excel.Application")); CNav_ExportCustomsDlg *Dialog; Dialog = (CNav_ExportCustomsDlg*)p; if(Dialog != NULL) { CString sStart, sEnd; Dialog->m_EndDate.GetWindowText(sEnd); Dialog->m_StartDate.GetWindowText(sStart); CString sGTD; Dialog->m_EdGTDNUMBER.GetWindowText(sGTD); COleDateTime datStart,datEnd, cDate; datStart.ParseDateTime(sStart); datEnd.ParseDateTime(sEnd); CString sConnect; CString sServer, sDatabase; sServer = sReadFromIni(_T("DB"),_T("SERVER"),_T("svbyminssq3")); //sWriteToIni(_T("DB"),_T("SERVER"),sServer); sDatabase = sReadFromIni(_T("DB"),_T("DATABASE"),_T("SHATE-M-8")); //sWriteToIni(_T("DB"),_T("DATABASE"),sDatabase); Excel::WorkbooksPtr ExcelBooks; Excel::_WorkbookPtr ExcelBook; Excel::_WorksheetPtr ExcelSheet; Excel::RangePtr range; VARIANT bTRUE; bTRUE.vt = 11; bTRUE.boolVal = TRUE; appExcel->Visible[0] = FALSE; ExcelBook= appExcel->Workbooks->Add(); ExcelSheet = ExcelBook->Worksheets->Item[1]; sConnect.Format(_T("DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=%s;UID=;WSID=%s;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=%s;LANGUAGE=русский"),sServer,GetWinUserName(),sDatabase); CDatabase* dBase; dBase = NULL; try { dBase = new(CDatabase); dBase->SetQueryTimeout(600); dBase->OpenEx(sConnect,CDatabase::noOdbcDialog); sConnect.Format(_T("EXEC [sp_setapprole] '%s', '%s', 'none', 0, 0"),_T("$ndo$shadow"),_T("FF5EC4E40F67BD4EDF3D04F8B84364DAD0")); dBase->ExecuteSQL(sConnect); } catch(CDBException *exsept) { appExcel->Visible[0] = TRUE; Dialog->m_stState.SetWindowTextW(exsept->m_strError); exsept->Delete(); if(dBase != NULL) { if(dBase->IsOpen()) { dBase->Close(); } delete(dBase); } dBase = NULL; Dialog->m_BtOK.ShowWindow(1); Dialog->SecondThread = NULL; return 0; } CString sSQL; try { CRecordset Query(dBase); int iField; CDBVariant dbValue; Dialog->m_stState.SetWindowTextW(_T("Формирование")); sGTD = sGTD + _T("'"); sSQL = _T("select distinct SIH.[Posting Date],(SIL.[TTN Series]+SIL.[TTN Number]) AS TTN,SIL.[Item No_ 2], SIH.[Bill-to Name] "); sSQL = sSQL + _T(" from [")+sDatabase; sSQL = sSQL + _T("$Sales Invoice Header] as SIH join ["); sSQL = sSQL + sDatabase; sSQL = sSQL + _T("$Sales Invoice Line] as SIL on SIL.[Document No_] = SIH.[No_] and SIL.[No_] is not null and SIL.[No_] <> '' and SIL.[TTN Series] <> '' and SIL.[TTN Number] <> '' join ["); sSQL = sSQL + sDatabase; sSQL = sSQL + _T("$Custom Declaration Relation] as CDR on CDR.[Item No_] = SIL.[No_] and CDR.[Document Type] = 5 and CDR.[CD No_] = '") + sGTD; sSQL = sSQL + _T(" where [Sales Process Type Code] = 'Б/Н_ДОСТАВКА' and Left(CONVERT ( nchar , SIH.[Posting Date], 112),8) >= '")+ datStart.Format(_T("%Y%m%d"))+_T("'"); sSQL = sSQL + _T(" and Left(CONVERT ( nchar , SIH.[Posting Date], 112),8) <= '")+ datEnd.Format(_T("%Y%m%d"))+_T("'"); //sSQL = sSQL + _T(" and CDR.[CD No_] = '") + sGTD; CString sDat; int iRow; iRow = 1; sDat = _T("Дата учета продажи"); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,2] = sDat.AllocSysString(); sDat = _T("Номер ТТН, ТН"); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,3] = sDat.AllocSysString(); sDat = _T("Код проданного товара (код товара2)"); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,4] = sDat.AllocSysString(); sDat = _T("Клиент"); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,5] = sDat.AllocSysString(); Query.Open(CRecordset::snapshot,sSQL, CRecordset::readOnly); while(!Query.IsEOF()) { iRow++; if((iRow -2) % 100 == 0) { sSQL.Format(_T("Обработанно %d"),iRow-2); Dialog->m_stState.SetWindowTextW(sSQL); } iField = 0; Query.GetFieldValue(iField, dbValue); sDat = GetValue(&dbValue); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,2] = sDat.AllocSysString(); iField = 1; Query.GetFieldValue(iField, dbValue); sDat = GetValue(&dbValue); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,3] = sDat.AllocSysString(); iField = 2; Query.GetFieldValue(iField, dbValue); sDat = GetValue(&dbValue); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,4] = sDat.AllocSysString(); iField = 3; Query.GetFieldValue(iField, dbValue); sDat = GetValue(&dbValue); ExcelSheet->Cells->Item[iRow,5] = sDat.AllocSysString(); Query.MoveNext(); } Query.Close(); } catch(CDBException *exsept) { /*appExcel->Visible[0] = TRUE; appExcel = NULL;*/ appExcel->Visible[0] = TRUE; Dialog->m_stState.SetWindowTextW(exsept->m_strError); Dialog->m_EdError.SetWindowTextW(sSQL); exsept->Delete(); if(dBase != NULL) { if(dBase->IsOpen()) { dBase->Close(); } delete(dBase); } Dialog->m_BtOK.ShowWindow(1); Dialog->SecondThread = NULL; dBase = NULL; return 0; } Dialog->m_stState.SetWindowTextW(_T("Выполненно")); Dialog->m_BtOK.ShowWindow(1); } appExcel->Visible[0] = TRUE; Dialog->SecondThread = NULL; return 1; }