BOOL CMarkersPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CDialog *pConfigDlg; CFileMarker *pMarker; int Index; CResizablePage::OnInitDialog(); // preset resize layout AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTION_CHECKLIST, TOP_LEFT,BOTTOM_LEFT); AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTION_FRAME, TOP_LEFT,BOTTOM_LEFT); AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTION_INFO_FRAME, TOP_LEFT,TOP_RIGHT); AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTION_DESCRIPTION, TOP_LEFT,TOP_RIGHT); AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTION_CONFIG_FRAME, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); AddAnchor(IDC_PROPERTYSHEET, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT); AddAnchor(IDC_SELECTIONS_MAKE, BOTTOM_LEFT); // // subclass checklistbox m_SelectionCheckList.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_SELECTION_CHECKLIST,this); // for (Index = 0; Index < g_DupeFileFind.GetFileSelectionArray()->GetSize(); Index++) { pMarker = g_DupeFileFind.GetFileSelectionArray()->GetAt(Index); pConfigDlg = pMarker->GetForm(); if (pConfigDlg) { CRect rcSheet; pConfigDlg->Create(pMarker->GetFormID(), this); GetDlgItem( IDC_PROPERTYSHEET )->GetWindowRect( &rcSheet ); ScreenToClient( &rcSheet ); pConfigDlg->SetWindowPos( NULL, rcSheet.left-7,, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); pConfigDlg->UpdateData(); } m_SelectionCheckList.AddString ( pMarker->GetName() ); m_SelectionCheckList.SetItemData ( Index, (DWORD)pMarker ); } if ( m_SelectionCheckList.GetCount() != 0 ) { m_SelectionCheckList.SetCurSel(0); UpdateForm(); } // CANNOT LOG HERE return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
// a) Child dialog resize // b) Scroll bars handling at resize void CDialogScrollView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { if (nType == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { return; } CDialog* pDlg = GetDialog(); if (pDlg != NULL) { pDlg->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CRect totalRect; pDlg->GetClientRect(totalRect); SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, totalRect.Size(), rect.Size()); } CScrollView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); }