bool CTorrent::MakeTorrent(uint64 uPieceLength, bool bMerkle, const QString& Name, bool bPrivate) { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); if(!pFile->IsComplete()) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("A torrent can not be made form an Incompelte file %1").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); return false; } if(uPieceLength < KB2B(16)) //if(!uPieceLength) { uPieceLength = pFile->GetFileSize() / (KB2B(40) / 20); // target hast set size 40 KB uint64 i = KB2B(16); for (; i < MB2B(32); i *= 2) { if (i >= uPieceLength) break; } uPieceLength = i; } m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); m_TorrentInfo->SetTorrentName(Name.isEmpty() ? pFile->GetFileName() : Name); m_TorrentInfo->SetTotalLength(pFile->GetFileSize()); if(bPrivate) m_TorrentInfo->SetPrivate(); m_TorrentInfo->SetProperty("CreationTime", QDateTime::currentDateTime()); ASSERT(m_pHash.isNull()); if(bMerkle) m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHashTree(HashTorrent, m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength(), uPieceLength)); else m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHashSet(HashTorrent, m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength(), uPieceLength)); return true; }
bool CTorrent::LoadTorrentFromFile(const QByteArray& InfoHash) { ASSERT(m_TorrentInfo == NULL); m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); ASSERT(m_pHash.isNull()); m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHash(HashTorrent)); m_pHash->SetHash(InfoHash); QString TorrentFile = QString(InfoHash.toHex()) + ".torrent"; if(m_TorrentInfo->LoadTorrentFile(theCore->m_TorrentManager->GetTorrentDir() + TorrentFile)) { if(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash() == InfoHash) { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); if(pFile->GetFileSize() == 0) pFile->SetFileSize(m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength()); LoadPieceHashes(); if(m_TorrentInfo->IsMultiFile() && !pFile->IsMultiFile()) { CFileHashPtr pMasterHash = pFile->GetMasterHash(); if(!pMasterHash.isNull() && pMasterHash->GetHash() == InfoHash) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("The multi file %1 is missing its proper index, restoring form torrent").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); InstallMetadata(); } } if(!m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty() && !pFile->IsComplete() && !pFile->GetPartMap()) SetupPartMap(); } else { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("The torrent file %1 contains an invalid infohash").arg(TorrentFile)); delete m_TorrentInfo; m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); m_TorrentInfo->SetInfoHash(InfoHash); } } else m_TorrentInfo->SetInfoHash(InfoHash); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); return true; // Note: that is always true even if we fail to load as we always wil be able to proceed one way or another }
_UINT32 CPPTXFile::ConvertPPTYToPPTX(std::wstring bsInput, std::wstring bsOutput, std::wstring bsThemesFolder)//bsOutput и файл и директория может быть { OOX::CPath pathLocalTempDirectory; if (m_fCallbackCompress)//если компрессора нет - конвертим в назначеную директорию pathLocalTempDirectory = m_strTempDir ; else pathLocalTempDirectory = bsOutput; //выходной файл - папка #ifdef _DEBUG #if defined(_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64) if (m_fCallbackCompress) pathLocalTempDirectory = _T("C:\\PPTMemory\\PPTX_test"); #endif #endif NSBinPptxRW::CPPTXWriter oWriter; oWriter.Init(pathLocalTempDirectory.GetPath()); CFile oFileBinary; oFileBinary.OpenFile((std::wstring)bsInput); LONG lFileSize = (LONG)oFileBinary.GetFileSize(); BYTE* pSrcBuffer = new BYTE[lFileSize]; oFileBinary.ReadFile(pSrcBuffer, (DWORD)lFileSize); oFileBinary.CloseFile(); std::wstring strBsInput = bsInput; std::wstring srcFolder = NSDirectory::GetFolderPath(strBsInput); oWriter.OpenPPTY(pSrcBuffer, lFileSize, srcFolder, bsThemesFolder); RELEASEARRAYOBJECTS(pSrcBuffer); _UINT32 hRes = 0; if (m_fCallbackCompress) { std::wstring strOutput = bsOutput; std::wstring strInput = pathLocalTempDirectory.GetPath(); hRes = m_fCallbackCompress(m_pCallbackArg, strInput, strOutput) ? 0 : AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT; NSDirectory::DeleteDirectory(strInput); } return hRes; }
bool JPGDecoder::CanDecode(const std::string &filename) { CFile *fp = new CFile(); bool ret = false; unsigned char magic[2]; if (fp->Open(filename)) { //JPEG image files begin with FF D8 and end with FF D9. // check for FF D8 big + little endian on start uint64_t readbytes = fp->Read(magic, 2); if (readbytes == 2) { if ((magic[0] == 0xd8 && magic[1] == 0xff) || (magic[1] == 0xd8 && magic[0] == 0xff)) ret = true; } if (ret) { ret = false; //check on FF D9 big + little endian on end uint64_t fileSize = fp->GetFileSize(); fp->Seek(fileSize - 2); readbytes = fp->Read(magic, 2); if (readbytes == 2) { if ((magic[0] == 0xd9 && magic[1] == 0xff) || (magic[1] == 0xd9 && magic[0] == 0xff)) ret = true; } } } delete fp; return ret; }
std::wstring COfficeOdfFileW::DetectTypeDocument(const std::wstring & pathOOX) { std::wstring sRes; CFile file; CString fileContentType = std_string2string(pathOOX + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"[Content_Types].xml"); if (file.OpenFile(fileContentType) != S_OK) return sRes; int nBufferSize = min (file.GetFileSize(), 4096); BYTE *pBuffer = new BYTE[nBufferSize]; file.ReadFile(pBuffer, nBufferSize); file.CloseFile(); if (pBuffer != NULL) { const char *docxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml"; const char *dotxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template.main+xml"; const char *docmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *dotmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *xlsxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"; const char *xltxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template.main+xml"; const char *xlsmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *xltmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *pptxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation.main+xml"; const char *ppsxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow.main+xml"; const char *potxFormatLine = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template.main+xml"; const char *pptmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *ppsmFormatLine = "application/"; const char *potmFormatLine = "application/"; std::string strContentTypes((char*)pBuffer, nBufferSize); int res = 0; if ( (res = strContentTypes.find(docxFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(dotxFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(docmFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(dotmFormatLine))>0) { sRes = L"text"; } else if ((res = strContentTypes.find(xlsxFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(xltxFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(xlsmFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(xltmFormatLine))>0) { sRes = L"spreadsheet"; } else if ((res = strContentTypes.find(pptxFormatLine) > 0) || /*(res = strContentTypes.find(ppsxFormatLine))>0 ||*/ (res = strContentTypes.find(potxFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(pptmFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(ppsmFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(potmFormatLine))>0 || (res = strContentTypes.find(ppsxFormatLine)) >0 ) { } delete []pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } return sRes; }
void CTorrent::SetupPartMap() { ASSERT(!m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty()); CFile* pFile = GetFile(); // Single File if(!m_TorrentInfo->IsMultiFile()) { if(!pFile->GetPartMap()) pFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(new CSynced<CPartMap>(m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength()))); return; } // Multi File: CJoinedPartMap* pParts = qobject_cast<CJoinedPartMap*>(pFile->GetPartMap()); if(pParts) { ASSERT(!pParts->GetLinks().isEmpty()); return; // is already set up } pParts = new CJoinedPartMap(pFile->GetFileSize()); pFile->GetInspector()->SetIndexSource(HashTorrent); CFileList* pList = pFile->GetList(); uint64 Offset = 0; foreach(const CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo& SubFile, m_TorrentInfo->GetFiles()) { if(SubFile.Length == 0) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_WARNING, tr("Ignoring empty file '%1' in torrent '%2'").arg(SubFile.FileName).arg(pFile->GetFileName())); continue; } CFile* pSubFile = new CFile(); if(pFile->GetProperty("Temp").toBool()) pSubFile->SetProperty("Temp", true); QString Dir = pFile->GetFileDir(); Dir += pFile->GetFileName() + "/"; if(!SubFile.FilePath.isEmpty()) Dir += SubFile.FilePath.join("/") + "/"; pSubFile->SetFileDir(Dir); pSubFile->AddEmpty(HashTorrent, SubFile.FileName, SubFile.Length, pFile->IsPending()); // Note: SubFile->MasterHash is set in MasterFile->Resume uint64 uBegin = Offset; uint64 uEnd = Offset + SubFile.Length; Offset += SubFile.Length; CSharedPartMap* pSubParts = new CSharedPartMap(uEnd - uBegin); pSubFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(pSubParts)); pParts->SetupLink(uBegin, uEnd, pSubFile->GetFileID()); pSubParts->SetupLink(uBegin, uEnd, pFile->GetFileID()); pList->AddFile(pSubFile); if(!pSubFile->IsPending()) pSubFile->Resume(); if(pFile->IsPaused(true)) pSubFile->Pause(); else if(pFile->IsStarted()) pSubFile->Start(); } pFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(pParts)); }
void CTorrent::OnFileHashed() { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); ASSERT(m_TorrentInfo); if(m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty()) // are we making a torrent { QStringList Shared = theCore->Cfg()->GetStringList("Content/Shared"); Shared.append(theCore->GetIncomingDir()); Shared.append(theCore->GetTempDir()); QList<CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo> Files; if(CJoinedPartMap* pParts = qobject_cast<CJoinedPartMap*>(pFile->GetPartMap())) { QMap<uint64, SPartMapLink*> Links = pParts->GetJoints(); for(QMap<uint64, SPartMapLink*>::iterator I = Links.end(); I != Links.begin();) { SPartMapLink* pLink = *(--I); CFile* pSubFile = pFile->GetList()->GetFileByID(pLink->ID); if(!pSubFile) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("A sub file of %1 has been being removed befoure the torrent was created").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); pFile->TorrentHashed(this, false); return; } CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo File; QString Root; QStringList Path = GetRelativeSharedPath(pSubFile->GetFilePath(), Shared, Root).split("/", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(!Path.isEmpty()) { if(Path.count() > 1) Path.removeFirst(); File.FileName = Path.takeLast(); File.FilePath = Path; } else File.FileName = "unknown"; File.Length = pSubFile->GetFileSize(); Files.append(File); } } if(CFileHashTree* pHashTree = qobject_cast<CFileHashTree*>( m_TorrentInfo->MakeMetadata(Files, pHashTree->GetPartSize(), QList<QByteArray>(), pHashTree->GetRootHash()); else if(CFileHashSet* pHashSet = qobject_cast<CFileHashSet*>( m_TorrentInfo->MakeMetadata(Files, pHashSet->GetPartSize(), pHashSet->GetHashSet()); else { ASSERT(0); } if(!pFile->IsPending()) SaveTorrentToFile(); m_pHash->SetHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); pFile->TorrentHashed(this, true); } else // we are importing a torrent { bool bMatch = false; if(CFileHashTree* pHashTree = qobject_cast<CFileHashTree*>( bMatch = m_TorrentInfo->GetRootHash() == pHashTree->GetRootHash(); else if(CFileHashSet* pHashSet = qobject_cast<CFileHashSet*>( bMatch = m_TorrentInfo->GetPieceHashes() == pHashSet->GetHashSet(); else { ASSERT(0); } if(bMatch) { if(!pFile->IsPending()) SaveTorrentToFile(); m_pHash->SetHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); } pFile->TorrentHashed(this, bMatch); } }
BOOL CKatakoi::GetNameIndex(CArcFile* pclArc, YCMemory<BYTE>& clmbtSec, DWORD& dwNameIndex) { // Open the filename represented by the index TCHAR szPathToSec[MAX_PATH]; if (GetPathToSec(szPathToSec, pclArc->GetArcPath()) == FALSE) { // sec5 file couldn't be found // MessageBox(pclArc->GetProg()->GetHandle(), _T("sec5ファイルが見つかりません。\nインストールフォルダ内にsec5ファイルが存在していない可能性があります。"), _T("エラー"), MB_OK); return FALSE; } CFile clfSec; if (!clfSec.OpenForRead(szPathToSec)) { // Failed to open the sec5 file return FALSE; } DWORD dwSecSize = clfSec.GetFileSize(); // Reading clmbtSec.resize(dwSecSize); clfSec.Read(&clmbtSec[0], dwSecSize); if (memcmp(&clmbtSec[0], "SEC5", 4) != 0) { // Incorrect sec5 file TCHAR szError[MAX_PATH * 2]; _stprintf(szError, _T("%s is incorrect."), szPathToSec); // MessageBox(pclArc->GetProg()->GetHandle(), szError, _T("Error"), MB_OK); return FALSE; } // Find the RESR for (dwNameIndex = 8; dwNameIndex < dwSecSize; ) { if (memcmp(&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex], "RESR", 4) == 0) { // Found "RESR" DWORD dwNameIndexSize = *(LPDWORD)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + 4]; DWORD dwNameIndexFiles = *(LPDWORD)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + 8]; dwNameIndex += 12; // Find the index that matches the name of the archive for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNameIndexFiles; i++) { DWORD dwWork = 0; dwWork += strlen((char*)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + dwWork]) + 1; // File name dwWork += strlen((char*)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + dwWork]) + 1; // File type dwWork += strlen((char*)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + dwWork]) + 1; // Archive type DWORD dwLength = *(LPDWORD)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + dwWork]; // Archive name + File number dwWork += 4; for (DWORD i = (dwNameIndex + dwWork); ; i++) { if (clmbtSec[i] == '\0') { // Index dex doesn't match the name of the archive break; } if (lstrcmp((LPCTSTR)&clmbtSec[i], pclArc->GetArcName()) == 0) { // Found a match with the name of the archive // Validity if (lstrcmp(PathFindFileName(szPathToSec), _T("toa.sec5")) == 0) { // 杏奈ちゃんにお願い pclArc->SetFlag(TRUE); } else if (lstrcmp(PathFindFileName(szPathToSec), _T("katakoi.sec5")) == 0) { // 片恋いの月 pclArc->SetFlag(TRUE); } return TRUE; } } dwNameIndex += dwWork + dwLength; } break; } dwNameIndex += 8 + *(LPDWORD)&clmbtSec[dwNameIndex + 4]; } // No file in the index was a match // MessageBox(pclArc->GetProg()->GetHandle(), _T("ファイル名の取得に失敗しました。\nアーカイブファイル名が変更されている可能性があります。"), _T("Error"), MB_OK); return FALSE; }