예제 #1
파일: FxUtil.cpp 프로젝트: Stoiss/jaMME
//  FX_AddFlash
CFlash *FX_AddFlash( vec3_t origin, 
					float size1, float size2, float sizeParm,
					float alpha1, float alpha2, float alphaParm,
					vec3_t sRGB, vec3_t eRGB, float rgbParm,
					int killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags, 
					EMatImpactEffect matImpactFX /*MATIMPACTFX_NONE*/, int fxParm /*-1*/ )
	if ( theFxHelper.mFrameTime < 0 )
	{ // disallow adding new effects when the system is paused
		return 0;

	if (!shader)
	{ //yeah..this is bad, I guess, but SP seems to handle it by not drawing the flash, so I will too.
		return 0;

	CFlash *fx = new CFlash;

	if ( fx )
		fx->SetOrigin1( origin );

		// RGB----------------
		fx->SetRGBStart( sRGB );
		fx->SetRGBEnd( eRGB );

		if (( flags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_WAVE )
			fx->SetRGBParm( rgbParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK )
			// rgbParm should be a value from 0-100..
			fx->SetRGBParm(rgbParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime + theFxHelper.mTimeFraction);

		// Alpha----------------
		fx->SetAlphaStart( alpha1 );
		fx->SetAlphaEnd( alpha2 );

		if (( flags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK ) == FX_ALPHA_WAVE )
			fx->SetAlphaParm( alphaParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK )
			fx->SetAlphaParm(alphaParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime + theFxHelper.mTimeFraction);

		// Size----------------
		fx->SetSizeStart( size1 );
		fx->SetSizeEnd( size2 );

		if (( flags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_WAVE )
			fx->SetSizeParm( sizeParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK )
			fx->SetSizeParm(sizeParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime + theFxHelper.mTimeFraction);

		fx->SetShader( shader );
		fx->SetFlags( flags );

//		fx->SetSTScale( 1.0f, 1.0f );

		FX_AddPrimitive( (CEffect**)&fx, killTime );

	return fx;
예제 #2
//  FX_AddFlash
CFlash *FX_AddFlash( vec3_t origin, vec3_t sRGB, vec3_t eRGB, float rgbParm,
						int killTime, qhandle_t shader, int flags = 0 )
	if ( theFxHelper.mFrameTime < 1 )
	{ // disallow adding new effects when the system is paused
		return 0;

	CFlash *fx = new CFlash;

	if ( fx )
		fx->SetOrigin1( origin );

		// RGB----------------
		fx->SetRGBStart( sRGB );
		fx->SetRGBEnd( eRGB );

		if (( flags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK ) == FX_RGB_WAVE )
			fx->SetRGBParm( rgbParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_RGB_PARM_MASK )
			// rgbParm should be a value from 0-100..
			fx->SetRGBParm( rgbParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime );

/*		// Alpha----------------
		fx->SetAlphaStart( alpha1 );
		fx->SetAlphaEnd( alpha2 );

		if (( flags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK ) == FX_ALPHA_WAVE )
			fx->SetAlphaParm( alphaParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_ALPHA_PARM_MASK )
			fx->SetAlphaParm( alphaParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime );

		// Size----------------
		fx->SetSizeStart( size1 );
		fx->SetSizeEnd( size2 );

		if (( flags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK ) == FX_SIZE_WAVE )
			fx->SetSizeParm( sizeParm * PI * 0.001f );
		else if ( flags & FX_SIZE_PARM_MASK )
			fx->SetSizeParm( sizeParm * 0.01f * killTime + theFxHelper.mTime );
		fx->SetShader( shader );
		fx->SetFlags( flags );

//		fx->SetSTScale( 1.0f, 1.0f );

		FX_AddPrimitive( (CEffect**)&fx, killTime );

	return fx;