SInt32 CLandmarks::AtTarget(CFootBotEntity& c_fb) { /* * Go through the targets * If the square distance between the foot-bot center and the target center * is less than the target radius squared, return the id of the current target * Otherwise, return -1 */ for(size_t i = 0; i < TARGETS; ++i) { if(SquareDistance(CVector2(c_fb.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOriginAnchor().Position.GetX(), c_fb.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOriginAnchor().Position.GetY()), m_vecTargets[i]) < TARGET_RADIUS2) { return i; } } return -1; }
void CFootBotUN::ControlStep() { printf("\n --------- UN %s - Simulation step %d -----------\n", GetRobot().GetRobotId().c_str(), CSimulator::GetInstance().GetSpace().GetSimulationClock()); m_pcLEDs->SetAllColors(CColor::BLUE); /** Wifi communications section */ std::ostringstream str(ostringstream::out); if (amIaGenerator) { if (m_iSendOrNotSend % m_generatePacketInterval == 0) { if (skipFirstSend) { skipFirstSend = false; } else { sendPackets++; str << "Hi I'm " << str_Me << " and I say \"Hello " << str_Dest << "\""; str << ",Hi I'm " << str_Me << " and I say \"Hello " << str_Dest << "\""; m_pcWifiActuator->SendMessageTo(str_Dest, str.str()); //std::cout << str_Me << " sending\n"; } } } m_iSendOrNotSend++; //searching for the received msgs TMessageList t_incomingMsgs; m_pcWifiSensor->GetReceivedMessages(t_incomingMsgs); for (TMessageList::iterator it = t_incomingMsgs.begin(); it != t_incomingMsgs.end(); it++) { receivedPackets++; std::cout << str_Me << " received: " << it->Payload << " from " << it->Sender << " (total received=)" << receivedPackets << std::endl; } /** End of wifi*/ /** LCM for getting current positions and obtaining the next target point */ UInt8 robotID = atoi(GetRobot().GetRobotId().substr(3).c_str()); /* New target point from the COMMAND engine*/ if (lcmThreadCommand.getLcmHandler()->existNode(robotID)) { Node nodeCommand = lcmThreadCommand.getLcmHandler()->getNodeById(robotID); targetPosition.Set(nodeCommand.getPosition().GetX(), nodeCommand.getPosition().GetY()); printf("ID %d - TARGET: (%f,%f)\n", robotID, nodeCommand.getPosition().GetX(), nodeCommand.getPosition().GetY()); } else { if (lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->existNode(robotID)) { Node nodeCommand = lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->getNodeById(robotID); targetPosition.Set(nodeCommand.getPosition().GetX(), nodeCommand.getPosition().GetY()); printf("ID %d - TARGET: (%f,%f)\n", robotID, nodeCommand.getPosition().GetX(), nodeCommand.getPosition().GetY()); } } if (lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->existNode(robotID)) { //lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->printNodeListElements(); /** LCM related Node information */ //To get the other nodes locations through LCM listNodeObstacles = lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->retrieveNodeList(); //Get myself mySelf = lcmThread.getLcmHandler()->getNodeById(robotID); printf("ID %d\n", mySelf.getId()); printf("POS (%f,%f)\n", mySelf.getPosition().GetX(), mySelf.getPosition().GetY()); printf("QUAT (%f,%f,%f,%f)\n", mySelf.getOrientation().GetW(), mySelf.getOrientation().GetX(), mySelf.getOrientation().GetY(), mySelf.getOrientation().GetZ()); printf("VEL %d\n", mySelf.getVelocity()); /** From the simulator */ CVector2 oldPosition = position; CSpace& space = CSimulator::GetInstance().GetSpace(); const std::string stringIdA = GetRobot().GetRobotId(); CFootBotEntity *robotEntityA = static_cast<CFootBotEntity*>(&space.GetEntity(stringIdA)); CVector3 cFootBotPositionA = robotEntityA->GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition(); CQuaternion cFootBotOrientationA = robotEntityA->GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation(); CVector3 axis; CRadians oA; cFootBotOrientationA.ToAngleAxis(oA, axis); if (axis.GetZ() < 0) oA = -oA; // Position position = CVector2(cFootBotPositionA.GetX(), cFootBotPositionA.GetY()); // Angle angle = oA; // Velocity //velocity = CVector2(speed, 0); velocity = CVector2(mySelf.getVelocity(), 0); /** NAVIGATION AND AVOIDING COLLISION */ updateAgent(agent); agent->clearObstacles(); addNodesAsObstacles(listNodeObstacles); if ((targetPosition - position).Length() < m_targetMinPointDistance) { // 2 cm state = ARRIVED_AT_TARGET; printf("State: STOPPED\n"); } else { state = MOVING; printf("State: MOVING\n"); } updateNavigation(); } }