예제 #1
// Purpose: Is a given point contained within a respawn room?
bool PointInRespawnRoom( CBaseEntity *pTarget, const Vector &vecOrigin )
	// Find out whether we're in a respawn room or not
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "func_respawnroom" )) != NULL)
		CFuncRespawnRoom *pRespawnRoom = (CFuncRespawnRoom *)pEntity;

		// Are we within this respawn room?
		if ( pRespawnRoom->GetActive() )
			if ( pRespawnRoom->PointIsWithin( vecOrigin ) )
				if ( !pTarget || pRespawnRoom->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || pRespawnRoom->InSameTeam( pTarget ) )
					return true;
				if ( pTarget && pRespawnRoom->IsTouching(pTarget) )
					return true;

	return false;
// Purpose: 
void CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile::PipebombTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( pOther == GetThrower() )

	// Verify a correct "other."
	if ( !pOther->IsSolid() || pOther->IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_VOLUME_CONTENTS ) )

	// Handle hitting skybox (disappear).
	trace_t pTrace;
	Vector velDir = GetAbsVelocity();
	VectorNormalize( velDir );
	Vector vecSpot = GetAbsOrigin() - velDir * 32;
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecSpot, vecSpot + velDir * 64, MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &pTrace );

	if ( pTrace.fraction < 1.0 && pTrace.surface.flags & SURF_SKY )
		UTIL_Remove( this );

	//If we already touched a surface then we're not exploding on contact anymore.
	if ( m_bTouched == true )

	// Blow up if we hit an enemy we can damage
	if ( pOther->GetTeamNumber() && pOther->GetTeamNumber() != GetTeamNumber() && pOther->m_takedamage != DAMAGE_NO )
		// Check to see if this is a respawn room.
		if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() )
			CFuncRespawnRoom *pRespawnRoom = dynamic_cast<CFuncRespawnRoom*>( pOther );
			if ( pRespawnRoom )
				if ( !pRespawnRoom->PointIsWithin( GetAbsOrigin() ) )

		// Restore damage. See comment in CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile::Create() above to understand this.
		m_flDamage = m_flFullDamage;
		Explode( &pTrace, GetDamageType() );

	// Train hack!
	if ( pOther->GetModelName() == s_iszTrainName && ( pOther->GetAbsVelocity().LengthSqr() > 1.0f ) )
		Explode( &pTrace, GetDamageType() );