예제 #1
void CFunctionView::UpdateFileViewAndSetModified()
    // If document is updated successfully then,
    // update the view
    if ( UpdateFunctionInDocument())
        CFunctionEditorDoc* pDoc = (CFunctionEditorDoc*)CView::GetDocument();
        if ( pDoc != NULL )
            CFileView* pFileView = CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).podGetFileViewPtr();
            if (pFileView != NULL)
                pFileView->OnUpdate( NULL, 0, NULL );
                pFileView->vGoToLine( m_nStartingLine + m_nCurrentLine );
            pDoc->SetModifiedFlag( TRUE );
예제 #2
void CMsgHandlerDlg::OnCbtnMsgHandlerApply() 

    BOOL bValidateSelection = FALSE;
    // Get document pointer
    CFunctionEditorDoc* pDoc = CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).podGetFunctionEditorDoc();
    if (NULL != pDoc)
        SBUS_SPECIFIC_INFO sBusSpecInfo;
        // Validate user selections
        bValidateSelection = bValidateUserSelection(pDoc); 
        if (bValidateSelection == TRUE)
            CString omFunc = CGlobalObj::omGetBusSpecMsgHndlrName(m_eBus);;
            // Add to function editor
            CString omSelectedText = _T("");

            omSelectedText = BUS_FN_HDR; // Start comment section: init
                             sBusSpecInfo.m_omBusName); // Replace the bus name

            omFunc += m_omStrSelectedItemText;
            omSelectedText.Replace( _T("PLACE_HODLER_FOR_FUNCTIONNAME"),
                omFunc );
            pDoc->m_omSourceCodeTextList.AddTail( omSelectedText );
            // Form the function prototype
            omSelectedText  = m_omStrSelectedItemText;
            int nIndex = -1;

            // Get the type and set the parameter type
            BOOL bIsMsgSpecificHandler = FALSE;
            //Find out whether the Msg handler is DatabaseMsgName type or ID type
            CString omMsgHandlerType = CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).m_omMsgStructName;
            nIndex = omSelectedText.Find(defSTR_MSG_SPECIFIC_HANDLER);
            if( nIndex != -1 )
                bIsMsgSpecificHandler = TRUE;
                // For database message type is equal same as msg name
                omMsgHandlerType = omSelectedText.Mid( nIndex +
                                                     defMESSAGE_NAME_INDEX );
            CString omStrParamtype;
            if (bIsMsgSpecificHandler == TRUE && (m_eBus == CAN))
                omStrParamtype = omMsgHandlerType;
            else// For Msg ID, Range and generic messages the type is sTCANDATA
                omStrParamtype = CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).m_omMsgStructName;
            CString omFormatString = m_eBus == CAN ? defDEFAULT_MSG_HANDLER_CODE_CAN : defDEFAULT_MSG_HANDLER_CODE;
            omSelectedText.Format(  omFormatString,
                                    omSelectedText,   // Fun name
                                    omStrParamtype ); // Parameter type

            pDoc->m_omSourceCodeTextList.AddTail( omSelectedText );

            CString omStrPrototype = omSelectedText;
            // Add to tree view
            CFnsTreeView* pomTreeView = CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).podGetFuncsTreeViewPtr();
            if(pomTreeView != NULL )
                // Add the prototype to the tree view
                CTreeCtrl& omTree = pomTreeView->GetTreeCtrl();
                HTREEITEM hItem = omTree.GetSelectedItem();
                HTREEITEM hNew = 
                    omTree.InsertItem( omSelectedText, hItem);
                omTree.SetItemImage( hNew, 5, 5 );
                omTree.SelectItem( hNew );
                // Form the body of the function
                omSelectedText = "{";
                pDoc->m_omSourceCodeTextList.AddTail( omSelectedText );
                if (CGlobalObj::ouGetObj(m_eBus).m_omMsgStructName.IsEmpty())
                omSelectedText = defTODO;
                pDoc->m_omSourceCodeTextList.AddTail( omSelectedText );

                // Form the function footer
                omSelectedText = BUS_FN_FOOTER;
                omSelectedText.Replace(_T("PLACE_HODLER_FOR_BUSNAME"), sBusSpecInfo.m_omBusName);
                omSelectedText.Replace( _T("PLACE_HODLER_FOR_FUNCTIONNAME"),
                    omFunc );

                pDoc->m_omSourceCodeTextList.AddTail( omSelectedText );

                CStringArray* pMsgArray = 
                if ( pMsgArray != NULL )
                    pMsgArray->Add( omStrPrototype );
                pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL );
                pDoc->SetModifiedFlag( TRUE );
    m_omStrSelectedItemText = _T("");
    BOOL bButtonChecked  = FALSE;
    bButtonChecked =  IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_RBTN_MSG_NAME);
    if(bButtonChecked != FALSE )