bool CGUIDialogPlayEject::ShowAndGetInput(const CFileItem & item, unsigned int uiAutoCloseTime /* = 0 */) { // Make sure we're actually dealing with a Disc Stub if (!item.IsDiscStub()) return false; // Create the dialog CGUIDialogPlayEject * pDialog = (CGUIDialogPlayEject *)g_windowManager. GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAY_EJECT); if (!pDialog) return false; // Figure out Line 1 of the dialog CStdString strLine1; if (item.GetVideoInfoTag()) { strLine1 = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strTitle; } else { strLine1 = URIUtils::GetFileName(item.GetPath()); URIUtils::RemoveExtension(strLine1); } // Figure out Line 2 of the dialog CStdString strLine2; CXBMCTinyXML discStubXML; if (discStubXML.LoadFile(item.GetPath())) { TiXmlElement * pRootElement = discStubXML.RootElement(); if (!pRootElement || strcmpi(pRootElement->Value(), "discstub") != 0) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error loading %s, no <discstub> node", item.GetPath().c_str()); else XMLUtils::GetString(pRootElement, "message", strLine2); } // Setup dialog parameters pDialog->SetHeading(219); pDialog->SetLine(0, 429); pDialog->SetLine(1, strLine1); pDialog->SetLine(2, strLine2); pDialog->SetChoice(ID_BUTTON_PLAY - 10, 208); pDialog->SetChoice(ID_BUTTON_EJECT - 10, 13391); if (uiAutoCloseTime) pDialog->SetAutoClose(uiAutoCloseTime); // Display the dialog pDialog->DoModal(); return pDialog->IsConfirmed(); }
bool CGUIDialogPlayEject::ShowAndGetInput(CVariant vHeading, CVariant vLine0, CVariant vLine1, CVariant vLine2, unsigned int uiAutoCloseTime /* = 0 */) { CGUIDialogPlayEject * pDialog = (CGUIDialogPlayEject *)g_windowManager. GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_PLAY_EJECT); if (!pDialog) return false; pDialog->SetHeading(vHeading); pDialog->SetLine(0, vLine0); pDialog->SetLine(1, vLine1); pDialog->SetLine(2, vLine2); pDialog->SetChoice(ID_BUTTON_PLAY - 10, 208); pDialog->SetChoice(ID_BUTTON_EJECT - 10, 13391); if (uiAutoCloseTime) pDialog->SetAutoClose(uiAutoCloseTime); pDialog->DoModal(); return pDialog->IsConfirmed(); }