예제 #1
* CTTSEngObj::OutputSentence *
*   This method is used to output an item list.
HRESULT CTTSEngObj::OutputSentence( CItemList& ItemList, ISpTTSEngineSite* pOutputSite )
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    ULONG WordIndex;

    //--- Lookup words in our voice
    SPLISTPOS ListPos = ItemList.GetHeadPosition();
    while( ListPos && !(pOutputSite->GetActions() & SPVES_ABORT) )
        CSentItem& Item = ItemList.GetNext( ListPos );

        //--- Process sentence items
        switch( Item.pXmlState->eAction )
          //--- Speak some text ---------------------------------------
          case SPVA_Speak:
            //--- We don't say anything for punctuation or control characters
            //    in this sample. 
            if( iswalpha( Item.pItem[0] ) || iswdigit( Item.pItem[0] ) )
                //--- Lookup the word, if we can't find it just use the first one
                for( WordIndex = 0; WordIndex < m_ulNumWords; ++WordIndex )
                    if( ( m_pWordList[WordIndex].ulTextLen == Item.ulItemLen ) &&
                        ( !wcsnicmp( m_pWordList[WordIndex].pText, Item.pItem, Item.ulItemLen )) )
                if( WordIndex == m_ulNumWords )
                    WordIndex = 0;

                //--- Queue the event
                CSpEvent Event;
                Event.eEventId             = SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY;
                Event.elParamType          = SPET_LPARAM_IS_UNDEFINED;
                Event.ullAudioStreamOffset = m_ullAudioOff;
                Event.lParam               = Item.ulItemSrcOffset;
                Event.wParam               = Item.ulItemSrcLen;
                hr = pOutputSite->AddEvents( &Event, 1 );

                //--- Queue the audio data
                hr = pOutputSite->Write( m_pWordList[WordIndex].pAudio,
                                         NULL );

                //--- Update the audio offset
                m_ullAudioOff += m_pWordList[WordIndex].ulNumAudioBytes;

          //--- Output some silence for a pause -----------------------
          case SPVA_Silence:
            BYTE Buff[1000];
            memset( Buff, 0, 1000 );
            ULONG NumSilenceBytes = Item.pXmlState->SilenceMSecs * 22;

            //--- Queue the audio data in chunks so that we can get
            //    interrupted if necessary.
            while( !(pOutputSite->GetActions() & SPVES_ABORT) )
                if( NumSilenceBytes > 1000 )
                    hr = pOutputSite->Write( Buff, 1000, NULL );
                    NumSilenceBytes -= 1000;
                    hr = pOutputSite->Write( Buff, NumSilenceBytes, NULL );

            //--- Update the audio offset
            m_ullAudioOff += NumSilenceBytes;

          //--- Fire a bookmark event ---------------------------------
          case SPVA_Bookmark:
            //--- The bookmark is NOT a null terminated string in the Item, but we need
            //--- to convert it to one.  Allocate enough space for the string.
            WCHAR * pszBookmark = (WCHAR *)_alloca((Item.ulItemLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
            memcpy(pszBookmark, Item.pItem, Item.ulItemLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
            pszBookmark[Item.ulItemLen] = 0;
            //--- Queue the event
            SPEVENT Event;
            Event.eEventId             = SPEI_TTS_BOOKMARK;
            Event.elParamType          = SPET_LPARAM_IS_STRING;
            Event.ullAudioStreamOffset = m_ullAudioOff;
            Event.lParam               = (LPARAM)pszBookmark;
            Event.wParam               = _wtol(pszBookmark);
            hr = pOutputSite->AddEvents( &Event, 1 );

          case SPVA_Pronounce:
            //--- Our sample engine doesn't handle this. If it
            //    did, you would use the associated pronunciation in
            //    the XmlState structure instead of the lexicon.

          case SPVA_ParseUnknownTag:
            //--- This will reference an XML tag that is unknown to SAPI
            //    if your engine has private tags to control state, you
            //    would examine these tags and see if you recognize it. This
            //    would also be the point that you would make the rendering
            //    state change.

    return hr;
} /* CTTSEngObj::OutputSentence */