// Loads the application settings file from (loadMsg) and resizes the interface
// to match the previously saved settings.  Because this is a non-essential
// file, errors are ignored when loading the settings.
ShortcutsWindow::_LoadWindowSettings(const BMessage& loadMsg)
	BRect frame;
	if (loadMsg.FindRect("window frame", &frame) == B_OK) {
		// Ensure the frame does not resize below the computed minimum.
		float width = max_c(Bounds().right, frame.right - frame.left);
		float height = max_c(Bounds().bottom, frame.bottom - frame.top);
		ResizeTo(width, height);

		// Ensure the frame is not placed outside of the screen.
		BScreen screen(this);
		float left = min_c(screen.Frame().right - width, frame.left);
		float top = min_c(screen.Frame().bottom - height, frame.top);
		MoveTo(left, top);

	for (int i = 0; i < fColumnListView->CountColumns(); i++) {
		CLVColumn* column = fColumnListView->ColumnAt(i);
		float columnWidth;
		if (loadMsg.FindFloat("column width", i, &columnWidth) == B_OK)
			column->SetWidth(max_c(column->Width(), columnWidth));