예제 #1
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the value *this
//          argument is looking for.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    vwArgContext    - (R) The command's argument options string.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValConsume::Validate(CMICmdArgContext &vwArgContext)
    if (vwArgContext.IsEmpty())
        return MIstatus::success;

    // Consume the optional file, line, linenum arguments till the mode '--' argument
    const CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions(vwArgContext.GetArgs());
    CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
    while (it != vecOptions.end())
        const CMIUtilString & rTxt( *it );
	if ( rTxt.compare( "--" ) == 0 )
            m_bFound = true;
            m_bValid = true;
	    return MIstatus::success;
	if ( !vwArgContext.RemoveArg( rTxt ) )
	    return MIstatus::failure;

        // Next

    return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #2
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedText( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	const CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateSingleText( vrwArgContext );

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	if( nPos == (MIint)(strOptions.length() - 1) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != ' ' ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.find( cQuote, nPos + 1 );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strOptions.substr( nPos + 1, nPos2 - nPos - 1 ).c_str();;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #3
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. If there any string format
//			characters '\\' used to embed quotes these are ignored i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\""
//			becomes "%5d".
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( "\"\\\"" );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( "\\\"\"" );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	if( (nLen > 5) && ((nPos + 2) == (nPos2 - 2)) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	// or '\\'
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 3 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strQuotedTxt;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #4
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the text following *this argument and extract the options the values of
//			CMICmdArgValListBase::m_eArgType forming argument objects for each of those
//			options extracted.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwTxt		- (RW)	The command's argument options string.
//			nArgIndex	- (R)	The Nth arg position in argument context from the left.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValOptionLong::ExtractExpectedOptions( CMICmdArgContext & vrwTxt, const MIuint nArgIndex ) 
	CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions;
	MIuint nOptionsPresent = 0;
	if( (m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuoted) && 
		(m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuotedNumber) &&
		(m_eExpectingOptionType != eArgValType_StringQuotedNumberPath) )
		nOptionsPresent = vrwTxt.GetArgsLeftToParse().Split( " ", vecOptions );
		nOptionsPresent = vrwTxt.GetArgsLeftToParse().SplitConsiderQuotes( " ", vecOptions );
	if( nOptionsPresent == 0 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	MIuint nArgIndexCnt = 0;
	MIuint nTypeCnt = 0;
	MIuint nTypeCnt2 = 0;
	MIuint nFoundNOptionsCnt = 0;
	CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
	while( it != vecOptions.end() )
		// Move to the Nth argument position from left before do validation/checking
		if( nArgIndexCnt++ == nArgIndex )
			const CMIUtilString & rOption( *it ); 
			if( IsExpectedCorrectType( rOption, m_eExpectingOptionType ) )
				CMICmdArgValBase * pOptionObj = CreationObj( rOption, m_eExpectingOptionType );
				if( (pOptionObj != nullptr) && vrwTxt.RemoveArgAtPos( rOption, nArgIndex ) )
					m_vecArgsExpected.push_back( pOptionObj );

			// Is the sequence 'options' of same type broken. Expecting the same type until the
			// next argument.
			if( nTypeCnt != nTypeCnt2 )
				return MIstatus::failure;

			if( nFoundNOptionsCnt == m_nExpectingNOptions )
				return MIstatus::success;

		// Next
	if( nFoundNOptionsCnt != m_nExpectingNOptions )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return MIstatus::success;
예제 #5
// Details: Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the
// value *this
//          argument is looking for.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    vwArgContext    - (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdArgValPrintValues::Validate(CMICmdArgContext &vwArgContext) {
  if (vwArgContext.IsEmpty())
    return m_bMandatory ? MIstatus::failure : MIstatus::success;

  const CMIUtilString strArg(vwArgContext.GetArgs()[0]);
  if (IsArgPrintValues(strArg) && ExtractPrintValues(strArg)) {
    m_bFound = true;
    m_bValid = true;
    m_argValue = GetPrintValues();
    return MIstatus::success;

  return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #6
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. If there any string format
//			characters '\\' used to embed quotes these are ignored i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\""
//			becomes "%5d". Can fall through to ValidateQuotedText().
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedTextEmbedded( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cBckSlash = '\\'; 
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateQuotedText( vrwArgContext );

	// Back slash must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	// or '\\'
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Need to find the other back slash
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Make sure not same back slash, need two slashs
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Look for the two quotes
	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPosQuote1 = nPos + 1;
	const MIint nPosQuote2 = (nPos2 < nLen) ? nPos2 + 1 : nPos2;
	if( (nPosQuote1 != nPosQuote2) && 
		(strOptions[ nPosQuote1 ] != cQuote) && (strOptions[ nPosQuote2 ] != cQuote) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPosQuote2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strQuotedTxt;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #7
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. Can fall through to 
//			ValidateSingleText() or ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded().
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedText( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';

	// Look for first quote of two
	MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateSingleText( vrwArgContext );

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	if( nPos == (MIint)(nLen - 1) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != ' ') )
			return MIstatus::failure;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( cQuote );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Is there quotes surrounding string formatting embedded quotes
	if( IsStringArgQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( strOptions ) )
		return ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( vrwArgContext );

	// Make sure not same back quote, need two quotes
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strOptions.substr( nPos + 1, nPos2 - nPos - 1 ).c_str();	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #8
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the value *this
//			argument is looking for.
// Type:	Overridden.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::Validate( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	if( vrwArgContext.IsEmpty() )
		return MIstatus::success;

	if( m_bHandleQuotedString )
		return ValidateQuotedText( vrwArgContext );

	return ValidateSingleText( vrwArgContext );
예제 #9
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract only the next
//			word delimited by the next space.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateSingleText( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	if( vrwArgContext.GetNumberArgsPresent() == 1 )
		const CMIUtilString & rArg( vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse() ); 
		if( IsStringArg( rArg ) )
			m_bFound = true;
			m_bValid = true;
			m_argValue = rArg;
			vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( rArg );
			return MIstatus::success;
			return MIstatus::failure;
	// More than one option...
	const CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions( vrwArgContext.GetArgs() );
	CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
	while( it != vecOptions.end() )
		const CMIUtilString & rArg( *it ); 
		if( IsStringArg( rArg )  )
			m_bFound = true;
			if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( rArg ) )
				m_bValid = true;
				m_argValue = rArg;
				return MIstatus::success;
				return MIstatus::failure;
		// Next

	return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #10
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the list of
//			arguments based on the argument object type to look for.
// Type:	Overridden.
// Args:	vwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValListOfN::Validate( CMICmdArgContext & vwArgContext )
	if( m_eArgType >= eArgValType_count )
		m_eArgType = eArgValType_invalid;
		return MIstatus::failure;

	if( vwArgContext.IsEmpty() )
		return MIstatus::success;

	const CMIUtilString & rArg( vwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse() ); 
	if( IsListOfN( rArg ) && CreateList( rArg ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		vwArgContext.RemoveArg( rArg );
		return MIstatus::success;
		return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #11
// Details: Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the
// long
//          argument *this argument type is looking for.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    vwArgContext    - (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdArgValOptionLong::Validate(CMICmdArgContext &vwArgContext) {
  if (vwArgContext.IsEmpty())
    return m_bMandatory ? MIstatus::failure : MIstatus::success;

  if (vwArgContext.GetNumberArgsPresent() == 1) {
    const CMIUtilString &rArg(vwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse());
    if (IsArgLongOption(rArg) && ArgNameMatch(rArg)) {
      m_bFound = true;

      if (!vwArgContext.RemoveArg(rArg))
        return MIstatus::failure;

      if (m_nExpectingNOptions == 0) {
        m_bValid = true;
        return MIstatus::success;

      m_bIsMissingOptions = true;
      return MIstatus::failure;
    } else
      return MIstatus::failure;

  // More than one option...
  MIuint nArgIndex = 0;
  const CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions(vwArgContext.GetArgs());
  CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
  while (it != vecOptions.end()) {
    const CMIUtilString &rArg(*it);
    if (IsArgOptionCorrect(rArg) && ArgNameMatch(rArg)) {
      m_bFound = true;

      if (!vwArgContext.RemoveArg(rArg))
        return MIstatus::failure;

      if (m_nExpectingNOptions != 0) {
        if (ExtractExpectedOptions(vwArgContext, nArgIndex)) {
          m_bValid = true;
          return MIstatus::success;

        m_bIsMissingOptions = true;
        return MIstatus::failure;
      } else {
        m_bValid = true;
        return MIstatus::success;

    // Next

  return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #12
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the value *this
//          argument is looking for.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    vwArgContext    - (R) The command's argument options string.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValFile::Validate(CMICmdArgContext &vwArgContext)
    if (vwArgContext.IsEmpty())
        return m_bMandatory ? MIstatus::failure : MIstatus::success;

    // The GDB/MI spec suggests there is only parameter

    if (vwArgContext.GetNumberArgsPresent() == 1)
        const CMIUtilString &rFile(vwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse());
        if (IsFilePath(rFile))
            m_bFound = true;
            m_bValid = true;
            m_argValue = rFile.Trim('"');
            return MIstatus::success;
            return MIstatus::failure;

    // In reality there are more than one option,  if so the file option
    // is the last one (don't handle that here - find the best looking one)
    const CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions(vwArgContext.GetArgs());
    CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
    while (it != vecOptions.end())
        const CMIUtilString &rTxt(*it);
        if (IsFilePath(rTxt))
            m_bFound = true;

            if (vwArgContext.RemoveArg(rTxt))
                m_bValid = true;
                m_argValue = rTxt.Trim('"');
                return MIstatus::success;
                return MIstatus::success;

        // Next

    return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #13
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract the value *this
//          argument is looking for.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    vwArgContext    - (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValThreadGrp::Validate(CMICmdArgContext &vwArgContext)
    if (vwArgContext.IsEmpty())
        return m_bMandatory ? MIstatus::failure : MIstatus::success;

    if (vwArgContext.GetNumberArgsPresent() == 1)
        const CMIUtilString &rArg(vwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse());
        if (IsArgThreadGrp(rArg) && ExtractNumber(rArg))
            m_bFound = true;
            m_bValid = true;
            m_argValue = GetNumber();
            return MIstatus::success;
            return MIstatus::failure;

    // More than one option...
    const CMIUtilString::VecString_t vecOptions(vwArgContext.GetArgs());
    CMIUtilString::VecString_t::const_iterator it = vecOptions.begin();
    while (it != vecOptions.end())
        const CMIUtilString &rArg(*it);
        if (IsArgThreadGrp(rArg) && ExtractNumber(rArg))
            m_bFound = true;

            if (vwArgContext.RemoveArg(rArg))
                m_bValid = true;
                m_argValue = GetNumber();
                return MIstatus::success;
                return MIstatus::failure;

        // Next

    return MIstatus::failure;
예제 #14
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Given a set of command argument objects parse the context option string to
//			find those argument and retrieve their value. If the function fails call
//			GetArgsThatAreMissing() to see which commands that were mandatory were 
//			missing or failed to parse.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vStrMiCmd		- (R)  Command's name.
//			vCmdArgsText	- (RW) A command's options or argument.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgSet::Validate( const CMIUtilString & vStrMiCmd, CMICmdArgContext & vwCmdArgsText )
	m_cmdArgContext = vwCmdArgsText;

	// Iterate all the arguments or options required by a command
	const MIuint nArgs = vwCmdArgsText.GetNumberArgsPresent();
	MIuint nArgsMandatoryCnt = 0;
	SetCmdArgs_t::const_iterator it = m_setCmdArgs.begin();
	while( it != m_setCmdArgs.end() )
		const CMICmdArgValBase * pArg( *it );
		const CMIUtilString & rArgName( pArg->GetName() ); MIunused( rArgName );
		if( pArg->GetIsMandatory() )
		if( !const_cast< CMICmdArgValBase * >( pArg )->Validate( vwCmdArgsText ) )
			if( pArg->GetIsMandatory() && !pArg->GetFound() )
				m_setCmdArgsThatAreMissing.push_back( const_cast< CMICmdArgValBase * >( pArg ) );
			else if( pArg->GetFound() ) 
				if( pArg->GetIsMissingOptions() )
					m_setCmdArgsMissingInfo.push_back( const_cast< CMICmdArgValBase * >( pArg ) );
				else if( !pArg->GetValid() )
					m_setCmdArgsThatNotValid.push_back( const_cast< CMICmdArgValBase * >( pArg ) );
		if( pArg->GetFound() && !pArg->GetIsHandledByCmd() )
			m_bIsArgsPresentButNotHandledByCmd = true;
			m_setCmdArgsNotHandledByCmd.push_back( const_cast< CMICmdArgValBase * >( pArg ) );

		// Next

	// Check that one or more argument objects have any issues to report...

	if( nArgs < nArgsMandatoryCnt )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_N_OPTIONS_REQUIRED ), nArgsMandatoryCnt ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( !vwCmdArgsText.IsEmpty() )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_CONTEXT_NOT_ALL_EATTEN ), vwCmdArgsText.GetArgsLeftToParse().c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;

	if( IsArgsPresentButNotHandledByCmd() )
		WarningArgsNotHandledbyCmdLogFile( vStrMiCmd );

	CMIUtilString strListMissing;
	CMIUtilString strListInvalid;
	CMIUtilString strListMissingInfo;
	const bool bArgsMissing = (m_setCmdArgsThatAreMissing.size() > 0);
	const bool bArgsInvalid = (m_setCmdArgsThatNotValid.size() > 0);
	const bool bArgsMissingInfo = (m_setCmdArgsMissingInfo.size() > 0);
	if( !(bArgsMissing || bArgsInvalid || bArgsMissingInfo) )
		return MIstatus::success;
	if( bArgsMissing )
		MIuint i = 0;
		SetCmdArgs_t::const_iterator it = m_setCmdArgsThatAreMissing.begin();
		while( it != m_setCmdArgsThatAreMissing.end() )
			if( i++ > 0 )
				strListMissing += m_constStrCommaSpc;

			const CMICmdArgValBase * pArg( *it );
			strListMissing += pArg->GetName();

			// Next
	if( bArgsInvalid )
		MIuint i = 0;
		SetCmdArgs_t::const_iterator it = m_setCmdArgsThatNotValid.begin();
		while( it != m_setCmdArgsThatNotValid.end() )
			if( i++ > 0 )
				strListMissing += m_constStrCommaSpc;

			const CMICmdArgValBase * pArg( *it );
			strListInvalid += pArg->GetName();

			// Next
	if( bArgsMissingInfo )
		MIuint i = 0;
		SetCmdArgs_t::const_iterator it = m_setCmdArgsMissingInfo.begin();
		while( it != m_setCmdArgsMissingInfo.end() )
			if( i++ > 0 )
				strListMissingInfo += m_constStrCommaSpc;

			const CMICmdArgValBase * pArg( *it );
			strListMissingInfo += pArg->GetName();

			// Next
	if( bArgsMissing && bArgsInvalid )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MAN_INVALID ), strListMissing.c_str(), strListInvalid.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( bArgsMissing )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MANDATORY ), strListMissing.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( bArgsMissingInfo )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MISSING_INF ), strListMissingInfo.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( bArgsInvalid )
		SetErrorDescription( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_INVALID ), strListInvalid.c_str() ) );
		return MIstatus::failure;
	return MIstatus::success;