예제 #1
void CNetworkMgmt::vGetNodeName(BYTE byAddress, char* acNodeName)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nConMgrCnt; i++)
        CNodeConManager* pNodConMgr = m_ConMgrArr[i];

        if (pNodConMgr != NULL)
            if (pNodConMgr->byGetNodeAddress() == byAddress)
                i = m_nConMgrCnt; //break the loop
                _tcscpy(acNodeName, pNodConMgr->m_acNodeName);
예제 #2
BYTE CNetworkMgmt::byGetNodeAddress(DWORD dwClient)
    BYTE byAddress = ADDRESS_NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nConMgrCnt; i++)
        CNodeConManager* pNodConMgr = m_ConMgrArr[i];

        if (pNodConMgr != NULL)
            if (pNodConMgr->m_dwClientID == dwClient)
                i = m_nConMgrCnt; //break the loop
                byAddress = pNodConMgr->byGetNodeAddress();
    return byAddress;