예제 #1
void PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS::ImportLegacyColors( const COLORS_DESIGN_SETTINGS* aSettings )
    // Init board layers colors:
    for( int i = 0; i < PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT; i++ )
        m_layerColors[i] = aSettings->GetLayerColor( i );

        // Guard: if the alpah channel is too small, the layer is not visible.
        // clamp it to 0.2
        if( m_layerColors[i].a < 0.2 )
            m_layerColors[i].a = 0.2;

    // Init specific graphic layers colors:
    for( int i = GAL_LAYER_ID_START; i < GAL_LAYER_ID_END; i++ )
        m_layerColors[i] = aSettings->GetItemColor( i );

    // Default colors for specific layers (not really board layers).
    m_layerColors[LAYER_VIAS_HOLES]         = COLOR4D( 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.8 );
    m_layerColors[LAYER_PADS_PLATEDHOLES]   = aSettings->GetItemColor( LAYER_PCB_BACKGROUND );
    m_layerColors[LAYER_PADS_NETNAMES]      = COLOR4D( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9 );
    m_layerColors[LAYER_PAD_FR_NETNAMES]    = COLOR4D( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9 );
    m_layerColors[LAYER_PAD_BK_NETNAMES]    = COLOR4D( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9 );
    m_layerColors[LAYER_DRC]                = COLOR4D( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8 );

    // are initialized from aSettings

    // These colors are not actually used. Set just in case...
    m_layerColors[LAYER_MOD_TEXT_FR] = m_layerColors[F_SilkS];
    m_layerColors[LAYER_MOD_TEXT_BK] = m_layerColors[B_SilkS];

    // Netnames for copper layers
    for( LSEQ cu = LSET::AllCuMask().CuStack();  cu;  ++cu )
        const COLOR4D lightLabel( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7 );
        const COLOR4D darkLabel = lightLabel.Inverted();
        PCB_LAYER_ID layer = *cu;

        if( m_layerColors[layer].GetBrightness() > 0.5 )
            m_layerColors[GetNetnameLayer( layer )] = darkLabel;
            m_layerColors[GetNetnameLayer( layer )] = lightLabel;

    SetBackgroundColor ( aSettings->GetItemColor( LAYER_PCB_BACKGROUND ) );

예제 #2
void PCB_PAINTER::draw( const D_PAD* aPad, int aLayer )
    VECTOR2D    size;
    VECTOR2D    position( aPad->GetPosition() );
    PAD_SHAPE_T shape;
    double      m, n;
    double      orientation = aPad->GetOrientation();
    wxString buffer;

    // Draw description layer
    if( IsNetnameLayer( aLayer ) )
        // Is anything that we can display enabled?
        if( m_pcbSettings.m_netNamesOnPads || m_pcbSettings.m_padNumbers )
            // Min char count to calculate string size
            const int MIN_CHAR_COUNT = 3;

            bool displayNetname = ( m_pcbSettings.m_netNamesOnPads &&
                                    !aPad->GetNetname().empty() );
            VECTOR2D padsize = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize() );
            double maxSize = PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS::MAX_FONT_SIZE;
            double size = padsize.y;

            // Keep the size ratio for the font, but make it smaller
            if( padsize.x < padsize.y )
                orientation += 900.0;
                size = padsize.x;
                EXCHG( padsize.x, padsize.y );
            else if( padsize.x == padsize.y )
                // If the text is displayed on a symmetrical pad, do not rotate it
                orientation = 0.0;

            // Font size limits
            if( size > maxSize )
                size = maxSize;

            m_gal->Translate( position );

            // do not display descriptions upside down
            NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( orientation );
            m_gal->Rotate( -orientation * M_PI / 1800.0 );

            // Default font settings
            m_gal->SetHorizontalJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );
            m_gal->SetVerticalJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );
            m_gal->SetBold( false );
            m_gal->SetItalic( false );
            m_gal->SetMirrored( false );

            // Set a proper color for the label
            const COLOR4D& color  = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( aPad, aPad->GetLayer() );
            COLOR4D labelColor = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( NULL, aLayer );

            if( color.GetBrightness() > 0.5 )
                m_gal->SetStrokeColor( labelColor.Inverted() );
                m_gal->SetStrokeColor( labelColor );

            VECTOR2D textpos( 0.0, 0.0);

            // Divide the space, to display both pad numbers and netnames
            // and set the Y text position to display 2 lines
            if( displayNetname && m_pcbSettings.m_padNumbers )
                size = size / 2.0;
                textpos.y = size / 2.0;

            if( displayNetname )
                // calculate the size of net name text:
                double tsize = padsize.x / aPad->GetShortNetname().Length();
                tsize = std::min( tsize, size );
                // Use a smaller text size to handle interline, pen size..
                tsize *= 0.7;
                VECTOR2D namesize( tsize, tsize );
                m_gal->SetGlyphSize( namesize );
                m_gal->SetLineWidth( namesize.x / 12.0 );
                m_gal->StrokeText( aPad->GetShortNetname(), textpos, 0.0 );

            if( m_pcbSettings.m_padNumbers )
                textpos.y = -textpos.y;
                aPad->StringPadName( buffer );
                int len = buffer.Length();
                double tsize = padsize.x / std::max( len, MIN_CHAR_COUNT );
                tsize = std::min( tsize, size );
                // Use a smaller text size to handle interline, pen size..
                tsize *= 0.7;
                tsize = std::min( tsize, size );
                VECTOR2D numsize( tsize, tsize );

                m_gal->SetGlyphSize( numsize );
                m_gal->SetLineWidth( numsize.x / 12.0 );
                m_gal->StrokeText( aPad->GetPadName(), textpos, 0.0 );


    // Pad drawing
    const COLOR4D& color = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( aPad, aLayer );
    if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[PADS_VISIBLE] )
        // Outline mode
        m_gal->SetIsFill( false );
        m_gal->SetIsStroke( true );
        m_gal->SetLineWidth( m_pcbSettings.m_outlineWidth );
        m_gal->SetStrokeColor( color );
        // Filled mode
        m_gal->SetIsFill( true );
        m_gal->SetIsStroke( false );
        m_gal->SetFillColor( color );

    m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetPosition() ) );
    m_gal->Rotate( -aPad->GetOrientation() * M_PI / 1800.0 );

    // Choose drawing settings depending on if we are drawing a pad itself or a hole
        // Drawing hole: has same shape as PAD_CIRCLE or PAD_OVAL
        size  = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetDrillSize() ) / 2.0;
        shape = aPad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG ? PAD_OVAL : PAD_CIRCLE;
    else if( aLayer == SOLDERMASK_N_FRONT || aLayer == SOLDERMASK_N_BACK )
        // Drawing soldermask
        int soldermaskMargin = aPad->GetSolderMaskMargin();

        m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
        size  = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x / 2.0 + soldermaskMargin,
                          aPad->GetSize().y / 2.0 + soldermaskMargin );
        shape = aPad->GetShape();
    else if( aLayer == SOLDERPASTE_N_FRONT || aLayer == SOLDERPASTE_N_BACK )
        // Drawing solderpaste
        int solderpasteMargin = aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin();

        m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
        size  = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x / 2.0 + solderpasteMargin,
                          aPad->GetSize().y / 2.0 + solderpasteMargin );
        shape = aPad->GetShape();
        // Drawing every kind of pad
        m_gal->Translate( VECTOR2D( aPad->GetOffset() ) );
        size  = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize() ) / 2.0;
        shape = aPad->GetShape();

    switch( shape )
    case PAD_OVAL:
        if( size.y >= size.x )
            m = ( size.y - size.x );
            n = size.x;

            if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[PADS_VISIBLE] )
                // Outline mode
                m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, -m ), n, -M_PI, 0 );
                m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( 0, m ),  n, M_PI, 0 );
                m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( -n, m ) );
                m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( n, -m ),  VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
                // Filled mode
                m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( 0, -m ), n );
                m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( 0, m ),  n );
                m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -n, -m ), VECTOR2D( n, m ) );
            m = ( size.x - size.y );
            n = size.y;

            if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[PADS_VISIBLE] )
                // Outline mode
                m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( -m, 0 ), n, M_PI / 2, 3 * M_PI / 2 );
                m_gal->DrawArc( VECTOR2D( m, 0 ),  n, M_PI / 2, -M_PI / 2 );
                m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, -n ) );
                m_gal->DrawLine( VECTOR2D( -m, n ),  VECTOR2D( m, n ) );
                // Filled mode
                m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( -m, 0 ), n );
                m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( m, 0 ),  n );
                m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -m, -n ), VECTOR2D( m, n ) );

    case PAD_RECT:
        m_gal->DrawRectangle( VECTOR2D( -size.x, -size.y ), VECTOR2D( size.x, size.y ) );

        std::deque<VECTOR2D> pointList;
        wxPoint corners[4];

        VECTOR2D padSize = VECTOR2D( aPad->GetSize().x, aPad->GetSize().y ) / 2;
        VECTOR2D deltaPadSize = size - padSize; // = solder[Paste/Mask]Margin or 0

        aPad->BuildPadPolygon( corners, wxSize( deltaPadSize.x, deltaPadSize.y ), 0.0 );
        pointList.push_back( VECTOR2D( corners[0] ) );
        pointList.push_back( VECTOR2D( corners[1] ) );
        pointList.push_back( VECTOR2D( corners[2] ) );
        pointList.push_back( VECTOR2D( corners[3] ) );

        if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[PADS_VISIBLE] )
            // Add the beginning point to close the outline
            pointList.push_back( pointList.front() );
            m_gal->DrawPolyline( pointList );
            m_gal->DrawPolygon( pointList );

    case PAD_CIRCLE:
        m_gal->DrawCircle( VECTOR2D( 0.0, 0.0 ), size.x );

예제 #3
void PCB_PAINTER::draw( const TRACK* aTrack, int aLayer )
    VECTOR2D start( aTrack->GetStart() );
    VECTOR2D end( aTrack->GetEnd() );
    int      width = aTrack->GetWidth();

    if( m_pcbSettings.m_netNamesOnTracks && IsNetnameLayer( aLayer ) )
        // If there is a net name - display it on the track
        if( aTrack->GetNetCode() > NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )
            VECTOR2D line = ( end - start );
            double length = line.EuclideanNorm();

            // Check if the track is long enough to have a netname displayed
            if( length < 10 * width )

            const wxString& netName = aTrack->GetShortNetname();
            VECTOR2D textPosition = start + line / 2.0;     // center of the track
            double textOrientation = -atan( line.y / line.x );
            double textSize = std::min( static_cast<double>( width ), length / netName.length() );

            // Set a proper color for the label
            const COLOR4D& color = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( aTrack, aTrack->GetLayer() );
            COLOR4D labelColor = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( NULL, aLayer );

            if( color.GetBrightness() > 0.5 )
                m_gal->SetStrokeColor( labelColor.Inverted() );
                m_gal->SetStrokeColor( labelColor );

            m_gal->SetLineWidth( width / 10.0 );
            m_gal->SetBold( false );
            m_gal->SetItalic( false );
            m_gal->SetMirrored( false );
            m_gal->SetGlyphSize( VECTOR2D( textSize * 0.7, textSize * 0.7 ) );
            m_gal->SetHorizontalJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );
            m_gal->SetVerticalJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );
            m_gal->StrokeText( netName, textPosition, textOrientation );
    else if( IsCopperLayer( aLayer ) )
        // Draw a regular track
        const COLOR4D& color = m_pcbSettings.GetColor( aTrack, aLayer );
        m_gal->SetStrokeColor( color );
        m_gal->SetIsStroke( true );

        if( m_pcbSettings.m_sketchMode[TRACKS_VISIBLE] )
            // Outline mode
            m_gal->SetLineWidth( m_pcbSettings.m_outlineWidth );
            m_gal->SetIsFill( false );
            // Filled mode
            m_gal->SetFillColor( color );
            m_gal->SetIsFill( true );
        m_gal->DrawSegment( start, end, width );