예제 #1
void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::AssocieModule( wxCommandEvent& event )
    FOOTPRINT_ALIAS*     alias;
    COMPONENT*           component;
    wxFileName           fn;
    wxString             msg, tmp;
    char                 Line[1024];
    FILE*                file;
    size_t               ii;

    SEARCH_STACK&        search = Kiface().KifaceSearch();

    if( m_netlist.IsEmpty() )

    // Find equivalents in all available files.
    for( ii = 0; ii < m_AliasLibNames.GetCount(); ii++ )
        fn = m_AliasLibNames[ii];

        if( !fn.HasExt() )
            fn.SetExt( FootprintAliasFileExtension );
            // above fails if filename has more than one point
            fn.SetExt( fn.GetExt() + wxT( "." ) + FootprintAliasFileExtension );

        tmp = search.FindValidPath( fn.GetFullPath() );

        if( !tmp )
            msg.Printf( _( "Footprint alias library file '%s' could not be found in the "
                           "default search paths." ),
                        GetChars( fn.GetFullName() ) );
            wxMessageBox( msg, FMT_TITLE_LIB_LOAD_ERROR, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );

        file = wxFopen( tmp, wxT( "rt" ) );

        if( file == NULL )
            msg.Printf( _( "Error opening alias library '%s'." ), GetChars( tmp ) );
            wxMessageBox( msg, FMT_TITLE_LIB_LOAD_ERROR, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );

        while( GetLine( file, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) ) != NULL )
            char* text = Line;
            wxString value, footprint, wtext = FROM_UTF8( Line );

            value = GetQuotedText( wtext );

            if( text == NULL || ( *text == 0 ) || value.IsEmpty() )

            footprint = GetQuotedText( wtext );

            if( footprint.IsEmpty() )

            value.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );

            alias = new FOOTPRINT_ALIAS();
            alias->m_Name = value;
            alias->m_FootprintName = footprint;
            aliases.push_back( alias );

        fclose( file );

    // Display the number of footprint aliases.
    msg.Printf( _( "%d footprint aliases found." ), aliases.size() );
    SetStatusText( msg, 0 );

    m_skipComponentSelect = true;
    ii = 0;

    for( unsigned kk = 0;  kk < m_netlist.GetCount();  kk++ )
        component = m_netlist.GetComponent( kk );

        bool found = false;
        m_compListBox->SetSelection( ii++, true );

        if( !component->GetFPID().empty() )

        BOOST_FOREACH( FOOTPRINT_ALIAS& alias, aliases )

            if( alias.m_Name.CmpNoCase( component->GetValue() ) != 0 )

            // filter alias so one can use multiple aliases (for polar and
            // nonpolar caps for example)
            const FOOTPRINT_INFO *module = m_footprints.GetModuleInfo( alias.m_FootprintName );

            if( module )
                size_t filtercount = component->GetFootprintFilters().GetCount();
                found = ( 0 == filtercount ); // if no entries, do not filter

                for( size_t jj = 0; jj < filtercount && !found; jj++ )
                    found = module->GetFootprintName().Matches( component->GetFootprintFilters()[jj] );
                msg.Printf( _( "Component %s: footprint %s not found in any of the project "
                               "footprint libraries." ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( alias.m_FootprintName ) );
                wxMessageBox( msg, _( "CvPcb Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );

            if( found )
                SetNewPkg( alias.m_FootprintName );


        // obviously the last chance: there's only one filter matching one footprint
        if( !found && 1 == component->GetFootprintFilters().GetCount() )
            // we do not need to analyse wildcards: single footprint do not
            // contain them and if there are wildcards it just will not match any
            const FOOTPRINT_INFO* module = m_footprints.GetModuleInfo( component->GetFootprintFilters()[0] );

            if( module )
                SetNewPkg( component->GetFootprintFilters()[0] );

    m_skipComponentSelect = false;
예제 #2
void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::DisplayStatus()
    wxString   msg;
    COMPONENT* component;

    if( wxWindow::FindFocus() == m_compListBox || wxWindow::FindFocus() == m_libListBox )
        msg.Printf( _( "Components: %d, unassigned: %d" ), (int) m_netlist.GetCount(),
                    m_undefinedComponentCnt );
        SetStatusText( msg, 0 );


        component = GetSelectedComponent();

        if( component )
            for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii < component->GetFootprintFilters().GetCount();  ii++ )
                if( msg.IsEmpty() )
                    msg += component->GetFootprintFilters()[ii];
                    msg += wxT( ", " ) + component->GetFootprintFilters()[ii];

            msg = _( "Filter list: " ) + msg;

        SetStatusText( msg, 1 );
        wxString footprintName = m_footprintListBox->GetSelectedFootprint();

        FOOTPRINT_INFO* module = m_footprints.GetModuleInfo( footprintName );

        if( module )    // can be NULL if no netlist loaded
            msg = _( "Description: " ) + module->GetDoc();
            SetStatusText( msg, 0 );

            msg  = _( "Key words: " ) + module->GetKeywords();
            SetStatusText( msg, 1 );

    wxString filters;

    if( m_footprintListBox )
        if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_CVPCB_FOOTPRINT_DISPLAY_FILTERED_LIST ) )
            filters = _( "key words" );

        if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_CVPCB_FOOTPRINT_DISPLAY_PIN_FILTERED_LIST ) )
            if( !filters.IsEmpty() )
                filters += wxT( "+" );

            filters += _( "pin count" );

        if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_CVPCB_FOOTPRINT_DISPLAY_BY_LIBRARY_LIST ) )
            if( !filters.IsEmpty() )
                filters += wxT( "+" );

            filters += _( "library" );

        if( filters.IsEmpty() )
            msg = _( "No filtering" );
            msg.Printf( _( "Filtered by %s" ), GetChars( filters ) );

        msg << wxT( ": " ) << m_footprintListBox->GetCount();

        SetStatusText( msg, 2 );
예제 #3
void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::AutomaticFootprintMatching( wxCommandEvent& event )
    COMPONENT*           component;
    wxString             msg, error_msg;
    size_t               ii;

    if( m_netlist.IsEmpty() )

    if( buildEquivalenceList( equiv_List, &error_msg ) )
        wxMessageBox( error_msg, _( "Equivalence File Load Error" ), wxOK |  wxICON_WARNING, this );

    // Sort the association list by component value.
    // When sorted, find duplicate definitions (i.e. 2 or more items
    // having the same component value) is more easy.
    std::sort( equiv_List.begin(), equiv_List.end(), sortListbyCmpValue );

    // Display the number of footprint/component equivalences.
    msg.Printf( _( "%lu footprint/cmp equivalences found." ), (unsigned long)equiv_List.size() );
    SetStatusText( msg, 0 );

    // Now, associate each free component with a footprint, when the association
    // is found in list
    m_skipComponentSelect = true;
    ii = 0;

    for( unsigned kk = 0;  kk < m_netlist.GetCount();  kk++ )
        component = m_netlist.GetComponent( kk );

        bool found = false;
        m_compListBox->SetSelection( ii++, true );

        if( !component->GetFPID().empty() ) // the component has already a footprint

        // Here a first attempt is made. We can have multiple equivItem of the same value.
        // When happens, using the footprint filter of components can remove the ambiguity by
        // filtering equivItem so one can use multiple equiv_List (for polar and
        // non-polar caps for example)
        for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < equiv_List.size(); idx++ )
            FOOTPRINT_EQUIVALENCE& equivItem = equiv_List[idx];

            if( equivItem.m_ComponentValue.CmpNoCase( component->GetValue() ) != 0 )

            const FOOTPRINT_INFO *module = m_FootprintsList.GetModuleInfo( equivItem.m_FootprintFPID );

            bool equ_is_unique = true;
            unsigned next = idx+1;
            int  previous = idx-1;

            if( next < equiv_List.size() &&
                    equivItem.m_ComponentValue == equiv_List[next].m_ComponentValue )
                equ_is_unique = false;

            if( previous >= 0 &&
                    equivItem.m_ComponentValue == equiv_List[previous].m_ComponentValue )
                equ_is_unique = false;

            // If the equivalence is unique, no ambiguity: use the association
            if( module && equ_is_unique )
                SetNewPkg( equivItem.m_FootprintFPID );
                found = true;

            // The equivalence is not unique: use the footprint filter to try to remove
            // ambiguity
            if( module )
                size_t filtercount = component->GetFootprintFilters().GetCount();
                found = ( 0 == filtercount ); // if no entries, do not filter

                for( size_t jj = 0; jj < filtercount && !found; jj++ )
                    found = module->GetFootprintName().Matches( component->GetFootprintFilters()[jj] );
                msg.Printf( _( "Component %s: footprint %s not found in any of the project "
                               "footprint libraries." ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( equivItem.m_FootprintFPID ) );

                if( ! error_msg.IsEmpty() )
                    error_msg << wxT("\n\n");

                error_msg += msg;

            if( found )
                SetNewPkg( equivItem.m_FootprintFPID );

        if( found )

        // obviously the last chance: there's only one filter matching one footprint
        if( 1 == component->GetFootprintFilters().GetCount() )
            // we do not need to analyze wildcards: single footprint do not
            // contain them and if there are wildcards it just will not match any
            const FOOTPRINT_INFO* module = m_FootprintsList.GetModuleInfo( component->GetFootprintFilters()[0] );

            if( module )
                SetNewPkg( component->GetFootprintFilters()[0] );

    if( !error_msg.IsEmpty() )
        wxMessageBox( error_msg, _( "CvPcb Warning" ), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING, this );

    m_skipComponentSelect = false;