예제 #1
파일: PVRDatabase.cpp 프로젝트: Omel/xbmc
bool CPVRDatabase::Delete(const CPVRClient &client)
  /* invalid client uid */
  if (client.ID().IsEmpty())
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PVR - %s - invalid client uid", __FUNCTION__);
    return false;

  CStdString strWhereClause = FormatSQL("sUid = '%s'", client.ID().c_str());
  return DeleteValues("clients", strWhereClause);
예제 #2
bool CPVRDatabase::Delete(const CPVRClient &client)
  /* invalid client uid */
  if (client.ID().empty())
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PVR - %s - invalid client uid", __FUNCTION__);
    return false;

  Filter filter;
  filter.AppendWhere(PrepareSQL("sUid = '%s'", client.ID().c_str()));

  return DeleteValues("clients", filter);
예제 #3
bool CPVRDatabase::Delete(const CPVRClient &client)
  if (client.GetID() == PVR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID)
    return false;

  CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGPVR, "Deleting client '%s' from the database", client.ID().c_str());

  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  Filter filter;
  filter.AppendWhere(PrepareSQL("idClient = '%i'", client.GetID()));

  return DeleteValues("clients", filter);
예제 #4
bool CPVRDatabase::Persist(const CPVRClient &client)
  if (client.GetID() == PVR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID)
    return false;

  CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGPVR, "Persisting client '%s' to database", client.ID().c_str());

  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  const std::string strQuery = PrepareSQL("REPLACE INTO clients (idClient, iPriority) VALUES (%i, %i);",
                                          client.GetID(), client.GetPriority());

  return ExecuteQuery(strQuery);
예제 #5
int CPVRDatabase::GetPriority(const CPVRClient &client)
  if (client.GetID() == PVR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID)
    return 0;

  CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGPVR, "Getting priority for client '%s' from the database", client.ID().c_str());

  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  const std::string strWhereClause = PrepareSQL("idClient = '%i'", client.GetID());
  const std::string strValue = GetSingleValue("clients", "iPriority", strWhereClause);

  if (strValue.empty())
    return 0;

  return atoi(strValue.c_str());