String EvalExpr::ExpStr(CParser& p, int numDigits) { String x = MulStr(p, numDigits); for(;;) { if(p.Char('+')) x = x + " + " + MulStr(p, numDigits); else if(p.Char('-')) x = x + " - " + MulStr(p, numDigits); else if(p.Char(':')) x = x + ":" + MulStr(p, numDigits); else { x.Replace("+ -", "- "); return x; } } }
TInt E32Main() { __UHEAP_MARK; CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New(); // set filename TFileName theFileName = _L("c:\\etext\\incp\\dunk.pml"); // Parse PML CParser* myParser; CRichText* richTextDoc; TRAPD(ret, myParser=CParser::NewL()); TRAP(ret, richTextDoc = myParser->ParseL(theFileName)); // *********** insert test code here **************** /* TInt para=richTextDoc->CountParas(); TInt length=richTextDoc->DocumentLength(); CParaFormat* myformat; TRAP(ret,myformat=CParaFormat::NewL()); TCharFormat charFormat; CPicture* picture; TPtrC view; TRAP(ret,richTextDoc->SenseParaFormatL(length,myformat)); TRAP(ret,richTextDoc->SenseChars(0,view,charFormat,picture)); TRAP(ret,richTextDoc->SenseChars(10,view,charFormat,picture)); richTextDoc->Delete(4,6); //TRAP(ret,richTextDoc->InsertL(richTextDoc->DocumentLength(),EParagraphDelimiter)); */ // make rich text reader & read rich text doc & parse back to PML CRichTextReader* myRTReader; CBufSeg* returnedPmlDoc; TRAP(ret, myRTReader = CRichTextReader::NewL()); TRAP(ret, returnedPmlDoc = myRTReader->ConvertRichText(richTextDoc)); // save to disc CFileApp* myFileApp; TRAP(ret, myFileApp = CFileApp::NewL()); TInt errorLevel = myFileApp->SaveFile(returnedPmlDoc,theFileName); // finish up Adt::Destroy(myFileApp); Adt::Destroy(myRTReader); Adt::Destroy(myParser); Adt::Destroy(cleanup); __UHEAP_MARKEND; return 0; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Export Entreprise to XML file //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Datas::exportEntreprise( QString filename, const CEntreprise &p ) { qDebug( "CDatas::exportPersonne" ); // Fake to keep information about global which is used by gerant and employe save function CParser *parserEntses = g_ParserEntses; CParser *Parser = new CParser( filename ); g_ParserEntses = Parser; Parser->initWrite( "Exportation" ); p.saveToXML( Parser->getDocument() ); Parser->writeFile(); delete Parser; g_ParserEntses = parserEntses; }
Point ReadPoint(CParser& p) { Point pt; pt.x = p.ReadInt(); pt.y = p.ReadInt(); return pt; }
bool CCompiler::_CheckName() { int i; CStrMap oMapName; for(int nParser = 0; nParser < (int)m_oVecChildParsers.size(); nParser++) { CParser* poParser = m_oVecChildParsers[nParser]; for(i = 0; i < poParser->GetDefineInfoCount(); i++) { SDefineInfo* pstDefineInfo = poParser->GetDefineInfoByPos(i); if(oMapName.find(pstDefineInfo->szName) != oMapName.end()) { m_strErrMsg.Format("%s error: <define name=%s> already defined", poParser->GetName(), pstDefineInfo->szName); return false; } oMapName[pstDefineInfo->szName] = 0; m_oDefineInfoMap[pstDefineInfo->szName] = pstDefineInfo; } for(i = 0; i < poParser->GetTypeInfoCount(); i++) { STypeInfo* pstTypeInfo = poParser->GetTypeInfoByPos(i); if(oMapName.find(pstTypeInfo->szName) != oMapName.end()) { m_strErrMsg.Format("%s error: <type name=%s> already defined", poParser->GetName(), pstTypeInfo->szName); return false; } oMapName[pstTypeInfo->szName] = 0; pstTypeInfo->nSeq = ++m_nTypeSeq; m_oMapTypeInfo[pstTypeInfo->szName] = pstTypeInfo; } for(i = 0; i < poParser->GetMessageInfoCount(); i++) { SMessageInfo* pstMessageInfo = poParser->GetMessageInfoByPos(i); if(oMapName.find(pstMessageInfo->szName) != oMapName.end()) { m_strErrMsg.Format("%s error: <message name=%s> already defined", poParser->GetName(), pstMessageInfo->szName); return false; } oMapName[pstMessageInfo->szName] = 0; } } return true; }
/* calculate expression from inputtext */ EXP_ValueHandle EXP_ParseInput(const char* inputtext) { CValue* resultval=NULL; CParser parser; CExpression* expr = parser.ProcessText(inputtext); if (expr) { resultval = expr->Calculate(); expr->Release(); } else { resultval = new CErrorValue("couldn't parsetext"); } return (EXP_ValueHandle) resultval; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { CParser cParser; CConverter cConv; if(argc<3) { usage(); return 0; } cParser.Parse(argc,argv); cConv = CConverter(&cParser); if (cConv.GenerateTextures() != EXIT_SUCCESS) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (cConv.WriteTextures() != EXIT_SUCCESS) return EXIT_FAILURE; return 0; }
String EvalExpr::PowStr(CParser& p, int numDigits) { String x = TermStr(p, numDigits); for(;;) if(p.Char('^')) x = x + "^" + TermStr(p, numDigits); else return x; }
String EvalExpr::TermStr(CParser& p, int numDigits) { if(p.IsId()) { String strId = p.ReadId(); if(functions.Find(strId) >= 0) { p.PassChar('('); String x = ExpStr(p, numDigits); p.PassChar(')'); return strId + "(" + x + ")"; } if (noCase) strId = ToUpper(strId); if (IsNull(numDigits)) { if (constants.Find(strId) < 0) variables.GetAdd(strId, 0); return strId; } else { if (constants.Find(strId) >= 0) return strId; else { double dat = variables.GetAdd(strId, 0); return FormatDoubleFix(dat, numDigits); } } } if(p.Char('(')) { String x = ExpStr(p, numDigits); p.PassChar(')'); return "(" + x + ")"; } return FormatDoubleFix(p.ReadDouble(), IsNull(numDigits) ? 3 : numDigits); }
double EvalExpr::Pow(CParser& p) { double x = Term(p); for(;;) { if(p.Char('^')) x = pow(x, Term(p)); else return x; } }
bool CCompiler::_Parse(LPCTSTR pszFile, BOOL bCliEnDe) { if(false == m_oMainParser.Parse(pszFile, &m_oMainParser, bCliEnDe)) { m_strErrMsg.Format("Parse %s failed:\r\n %s", pszFile, m_oMainParser.GetErrMsg()); return false; } char szDir[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(szDir, pszFile, sizeof(szDir)); char* p = szDir; while(*p != '\0') { if(*p == '/') *p = '\\'; p++; } p = strrchr(szDir, '\\'); if(p != NULL) *(p+1) = '\0'; else szDir[0] = '\0'; for(int i = 0; i < m_oMainParser.GetIncludeInfoCount(); i++) { SIncludeInfo* pstInfo = m_oMainParser.GetIncludeInfoByPos(i); ASSERT(pstInfo != NULL); char szFile[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szFile, "%s%s", szDir, pstInfo->szFile); CParser* poParser = new CParser; if(false == poParser->Parse(szFile, &m_oMainParser, bCliEnDe)) { m_strErrMsg.Format("Parse %s failed:\r\n %s", szFile, poParser->GetErrMsg()); delete poParser; return false; } m_oVecChildParsers.push_back(poParser); } return true; }
/** @SYMTestCaseID SYSLIB-XML-CT-3748 @SYMTestCaseDesc Processing namespaces. @SYMTestPriority Medium @SYMTestActions Creating an xml parser and enabling namespace mapping reporting, before parsing a document. @SYMTestExpectedResults The document is parsed with the namespace mapping reporting enabled. @SYMDEF INC059062 */ LOCAL_C void INC059062L() { RDefectTests handler; CleanupClosePushL (handler); CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC(KXmlParserDataType, handler); User::LeaveIfError(parser->EnableFeature(EReportNamespaceMapping)); RFile handle; handle.Open(TheFs, KNsAndBindingFile, EFileShareReadersOnly); CleanupClosePushL (handle); ParseL(*parser, handle); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&handle); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (parser); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&handler); }
void Ctrl::ReadKeyMods(CParser& p) { const char *s = p.GetPtr(); if(*s) keyShift = *s++ == '1'; if(*s) keyCtrl = *s++ == '1'; if(*s) keyAlt = *s++ == '1'; }
LOCAL_C void Defect_DEF096973L() { test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-XML-CT-3173 ")); TBuf16<128> ucs4_0041; ucs4_0041.Append(0x01); ucs4_0041.Append(0x04); ucs4_0041.Append(0x6A); ucs4_0041.Append(0x00); ucs4_0041.Append(0x7F); ucs4_0041.Append(0x02); ucs4_0041.Append(0x80); ucs4_0041.Append(0x41); ucs4_0041.Append(0x01); ucs4_0041.Append(0x01); //Extra END tag _LIT8 (KWbxmlParserDataType, "text/wbxml"); RDefectTests handler; CleanupClosePushL (handler); CParser* parser = CParser::NewL(KWbxmlParserDataType, handler); CleanupStack::PushL (parser); // Now switch to a different parser (wbxml) parser->ParseBeginL (KWbxmlParserDataType); TBuf8<256> buf8; // Copy will ignore the upper byte if the byte-pair < 256, otherwise the value 1 is used. buf8.Copy(ucs4_0041); TRAPD (err,parser->ParseL(buf8)); test(err == KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt); parser->ParseEndL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (parser); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&handler); }
CCommandEventManager::CScriptNode *parseWhile() { Parser.skipSpace(); CWhileNode *node = new CWhileNode(); node->Root = parsedScript; node->Line = Parser.Line; node->Condition = Parser.getLine(); Parser.skipLine(); node->Statement = parseInstructionList(); if (Parser.getToken() != TOKEN_ENDLOOP) { nlwarning("[%s] Unknown token found in structure while, expected endloop at line %d. Skip line", parsedScript->Name.c_str(), Parser.Line); Parser.skipLine(); } return (CCommandEventManager::CScriptNode*)node; }
//User has selected FSX addon menu ("VatConnect...") void CFSXGUI::OnFSXAddonMenuSelected() { if (m_bRunning) return; m_bRunning = true; if (!m_bGraphicsInitialized) { m_apDialogs.push_back(&m_dlgMain); m_apOpenDialogs.push_back(&m_dlgMain); } //Determine full path to preferences file. PWSTR pPath; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, NULL, &pPath))) { WCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH]; size_t n; wcscpy_s(Temp, MAX_PATH, pPath); CoTaskMemFree(pPath); //Make directory just in case not there. Since this is the first module called, //other classes don't have to do this. PathAppend(Temp, APPDATA_FOLDER); CreateDirectory(Temp, NULL); PathAppend(Temp, PREF_FILENAME_L); wcstombs_s(&n, m_cPrefPathAndFilename, Temp, MAX_PATH); } //Load preferences/options CParser File; CreateDefaultPreferences(false); if (!File.SetFileAsInput(m_cPrefPathAndFilename)) CreateDefaultPreferences(true); else LoadPreferences(File); //REVISIT if this fails (mangled file?), values are okay but should alert user return; }
void VerifyVersionFile () { CFileBuffer Buffer (VERSION_PATH, true); CParser Parser (Buffer.GetBuffer<char> (), PSP_COMMENT_LINE); String prefix; Parser.ParseToken (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, prefix); uint8 minor; uint16 major; uint32 build; Parser.ParseDataType<uint16> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &major, 1); Parser.ParseDataType<uint8> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &minor, 1); Parser.ParseDataType<uint32> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &build, 1); if (CompareVersion (prefix.CString(), major, minor, build)) { ServerPrint ("Version file out of date; updating...\n"); WriteVersion (); } }
// // Load() // Parses a .vmt file. Note, the parser is very loose. .vmt files vary // so much in the official resources that it is hard to know what is legal. // vlBool CVMTFile::Load(IO::Readers::IReader *Reader) { delete this->Root; this->Root = 0; if (!Reader->Open()) { return vlFalse; } CByteTokenizer ByteTokenizer = CByteTokenizer(Reader); CTokenizer Tokenizer = CTokenizer(&ByteTokenizer); CParser Parser = CParser(&Tokenizer); try{ this->Root = Parser.Parse(); }catch (char *cErrorMessage) { LastError.SetFormatted("Error parsing material on line %u (%s).", Tokenizer.GetLine(), cErrorMessage); } Reader->Close(); return this->Root != 0; }
CCommandEventManager::CScriptNode *parseIf() { Parser.skipSpace(); CIfNode *node = new CIfNode(); node->Root = parsedScript; node->Line = Parser.Line; node->Condition = Parser.getLine(); Parser.skipLine(); node->TrueStatement = parseInstructionList(); uint token = Parser.getToken(); if (token == TOKEN_ELSE) { node->FalseStatement = parseInstructionList(); token = Parser.getToken(); } if (token != TOKEN_ENDIF) { nlwarning("[%s] Unknown token found in structure if, expected endif at line %d. Skip line", parsedScript->Name.c_str(), Parser.Line); Parser.skipLine(); } return (CCommandEventManager::CScriptNode*)node; }
/* @SYMTestCaseID BASESRVCS-XML-UT-4012 @SYMTestCaseDesc INC133484-Watchermainthread crashes when receiving corrupted email notification. @SYMTestPriority High @SYMTestActions Tests that the wbxml parser can handle parsing of corrupted emnc file. @SYMTestExpectedResults WBXML Parser should detect corruption or negative length and leave with KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt @SYMDEF INC133484 */ LOCAL_C void Incident_INC133484L() { _LIT8( KWbxmlParserDataType, "text/wbxml"); RBuf8 aBuf; RFs aRfs; RFile aRFile; RDefectTests handler; CleanupClosePushL(handler); CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC( KWbxmlParserDataType, handler ); parser->ParseBeginL(); User::LeaveIfError(aRfs.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(aRfs); User::LeaveIfError(aRFile.Open(aRfs,KCorruptWAPEmailPushMsg3,EFileRead)); CleanupClosePushL(aRFile); TInt size; User::LeaveIfError(aRFile.Size(size)); aBuf.CreateL(size); CleanupClosePushL(aBuf); aRFile.Read(aBuf); TRAPD(err,parser->ParseL(aBuf)); // If inside an OOM test loop and alloc failure then report it back to the caller. if (OOM_TestingActive && (err == KErrNoMemory)) User::Leave(err); test(err == KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &aRfs); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (parser); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&handler); }
ICommand* CInputHandler::getCommand(string command) { CParser parser; CCommandMetadata* metacmd = parser.parse(command); if(metacmd->command.isPresent) { if(metacmd->command.value == "h") { if(metacmd->startAddress.isPresent || metacmd->startAddress.isPresent) { throw EUnexpectedAddress(); return 0; } } } if(!isValid(metacmd)) { throw EInvalidAddress(); return 0; } return commandFactory->getCommand(metacmd); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE *inf; char fistr[100]; char endr[3]; printf("Enter filename:\n"); gets(fistr); inf = fopen(fistr,"r"); if(inf==NULL){ printf("Cannot open input file %s\n",fistr); return 0; } CParser obj; obj.InitParse(inf,stderr,stdout); // obj.pr_tokentable(); obj.yyparse(); printf("\nEnde?\n"); gets(endr); if(endr=="ja") return 0; }
String ReadId(CParser& p, String& rr) { String id = SchId(p, rr); p.Char(','); if(p.IsNumber()) p.ReadNumber(); p.Char(','); if(p.IsNumber()) p.ReadNumber(); p.Char(')'); return id; }
/** @SYMTestCaseID SYSLIB-XML-CT-1598 @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests to make sure XML parser does not crash when parsing a message that is not complete. @SYMTestPriority Medium @SYMTestActions Parses the message that is not complete. @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail. @SYMDEF INC073797 */ LOCAL_C void INC073797() { RFs fs; User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(fs); RFile result; TFileName filename; User::LeaveIfError(result.Temp(fs, _L("C:\\"), filename, EFileWrite)); CleanupClosePushL(result); TRebuildingContentHandler contentHandler(result); CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC(KParserDataType, contentHandler); parser->ParseL(KIncompleteData()); test(contentHandler.iError==KErrNone); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); fs.Delete(filename); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs); }
/* PDEF142385-Tests that the wbxml parser can handle parsing of corrupted emnc file. */ LOCAL_C void Defect_PDEF142385L() { _LIT8( KWbxmlParserDataType, "text/wbxml"); RBuf8 aBuf; RFs aRfs; RFile aRFile; RDefectTests handler; CleanupClosePushL(handler); CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC( KWbxmlParserDataType, handler ); parser->ParseBeginL(); User::LeaveIfError(aRfs.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(aRfs); User::LeaveIfError(aRFile.Open(aRfs,KCorruptWAPEmailPushMsg4,EFileRead)); CleanupClosePushL(aRFile); TInt size; User::LeaveIfError(aRFile.Size(size)); aBuf.CreateL(size); CleanupClosePushL(aBuf); aRFile.Read(aBuf); TRAPD(err,parser->ParseL(aBuf)); // If inside an OOM test loop and alloc failure then report it back to the caller. if (OOM_TestingActive && (err == KErrNoMemory)) User::Leave(err); // Since the input file is a well formed WBXML, the code should not crash nor should it raise a "KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt" exception test(err == KErrNone); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5); }
//Save preferences to m_cPrefPathAndFilename int CFSXGUI::SavePreferences() { CParser File; if (!File.OpenFileForOutput(m_cPrefPathAndFilename)) return 0; File.WriteString(STR_PREF_HEADER); File.WriteString("\nPTTKey = "); File.WriteInt(m_Prefs.PTTVKey); File.WriteString("\nPTTJoyButton = "); File.WriteInt(m_Prefs.PTTJoyButton); File.CloseFile(); return 1; }
String ReadPropertyParam(CParser& p) { const char *b = p.GetPtr(); int level = 0; while(!p.IsEof()) { if(p.IsChar(';')) break; if(p.IsChar(')') && level == 0) break; if(p.Char(')')) { if(level == 0) break; level--; } else if(p.Char('(')) level++; else p.SkipTerm(); } return TrimLeft(TrimRight(String(b, p.GetPtr()))); }
double EvalExpr::Term(CParser& p) { if(p.IsId()) { String strId = p.ReadId(); if(double (*function)(double) = functions.Get(strId, 0)) { p.PassChar('('); double x = Exp(p); p.PassChar(')'); return function(x); } if (noCase) strId = ToUpper(strId); double ret = constants.Get(strId, Null); if (IsNull(ret)) ret = variables.GetAdd(strId, 0); return ret; } else if(p.Char('(')) { double x = Exp(p); p.PassChar(')'); return x; } else return p.ReadDouble(); }
int main() { ETMachine machine; CParser parser; //IParser& parser = myParser; parser.LoadFromFile( "SAMPLE.hpp" ); parser.Parse( true ); std::cout << parser.GetImmCode(); std::ofstream out( "code.txt" ); out << parser.GetImmCode() << std::endl; Imm2asm i2a; std::string asmcode = i2a.TranslateToAsm( parser.GetImmCode(), parser.GetTables() ); std::cout << asmcode << std::endl; machine.LoadCode( asmcode ); machine.Reset(); while ( machine.Step() ) ; std::cout << machine.GetOutputLog(); //long* a = (long*)(machine.m_stack.m_stack + MaxStackSize - 4); //long* b = (long*)(machine.m_stack.m_stack + MaxStackSize - 8); //std::cout << *a << " " << *b; return 0; }
// Look up each key binding in the config file and set the mappings for // all key combinations that trigger it. static void LoadConfigBindings() { std::map<CStr, CConfigValueSet> bindings = g_ConfigDB.GetValuesWithPrefix( CFG_COMMAND, "hotkey." ); CParser multikeyParser; multikeyParser.InputTaskType( "multikey", "<[~$arg(_negate)]$value_+_>_[~$arg(_negate)]$value" ); for( std::map<CStr, CConfigValueSet>::iterator bindingsIt = bindings.begin(); bindingsIt != bindings.end(); ++bindingsIt ) { std::string hotkeyName = bindingsIt->first.substr(7); // strip the "hotkey." prefix for( CConfigValueSet::iterator it = bindingsIt->second.begin(); it != bindingsIt->second.end(); ++it ) { std::string hotkey; if( it->GetString( hotkey ) ) { std::vector<SKey> keyCombination; CParserLine multikeyIdentifier; multikeyIdentifier.ParseString( multikeyParser, hotkey ); // Iterate through multiple-key bindings (e.g. Ctrl+I) bool negateNext = false; for( size_t t = 0; t < multikeyIdentifier.GetArgCount(); t++ ) { if( multikeyIdentifier.GetArgString( (int)t, hotkey ) ) { if( hotkey == "_negate" ) { negateNext = true; continue; } // Attempt decode as key name int mapping = FindKeyCode( hotkey ); // Attempt to decode as a negation of a keyname // Yes, it's going a bit far, perhaps. // Too powerful for most uses, probably. // However, it got some hardcoding out of the engine. // Thus it makes me happy. if( !mapping ) { LOGWARNING(L"Hotkey mapping used invalid key '%hs'", hotkey.c_str() ); continue; } SKey key = { (SDLKEY)mapping, negateNext }; keyCombination.push_back(key); negateNext = false; } } std::vector<SKey>::iterator itKey, itKey2; for( itKey = keyCombination.begin(); itKey != keyCombination.end(); ++itKey ) { SHotkeyMapping bindCode; = hotkeyName; bindCode.negated = itKey->negated; for( itKey2 = keyCombination.begin(); itKey2 != keyCombination.end(); ++itKey2 ) { // Push any auxiliary keys. if( itKey != itKey2 ) bindCode.requires.push_back( *itKey2 ); } g_HotkeyMap[itKey->code].push_back( bindCode ); } } } } }