int getGroundTruth(map<string, vector<CPlate>>& xmlMap, const char* path) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLNode::char_encoding_GBK); #endif XMLNode xMainNode = XMLNode::openFileHelper(path, "tagset"); int n = xMainNode.nChildNode("image"); // this prints the "coefficient" value for all the "NumericPredictor" tags: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { XMLNode imageNode = xMainNode.getChildNode("image", i); string imageName = imageNode.getChildNode("imageName").getText(); vector<CPlate> plateVec; int m = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").nChildNode("taggedRectangle"); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { XMLNode plateNode = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").getChildNode("taggedRectangle", j); int x = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("x")); int y = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("y")); int width = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("width")); int height = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("height")); int angle = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("rotation")); string plateStr = plateNode.getText(); RotatedRect rr(Point2f(float(x), float(y)), Size2f(float(width), float(height)), angle); CPlate plate; plate.setPlateStr(plateStr); plate.setPlatePos(rr); plateVec.push_back(plate); } xmlMap[imageName] = plateVec; } return 0; }
int CPlateRecognize::plateRecognize(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate> &plateVecOut, int img_index) { std::vector<CPlate> plateVec; int resultPD = plateDetect(src, plateVec, img_index); if (resultPD == 0) { size_t num = plateVec.size(); int index = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < num; j++) { CPlate item =; Mat plateMat = item.getPlateMat(); if (0) { imshow("plate", plateMat); waitKey(0); destroyWindow("plate"); } Color color = item.getPlateColor(); if (color == UNKNOWN) { color = getPlateType(plateMat, true); item.setPlateColor(color); } std::string plateColor = getPlateColor(color); if (0) { std::cout << "plateColor:" << plateColor << std::endl; } std::string plateIdentify = ""; int resultCR = charsRecognise(item, plateIdentify); if (resultCR == 0) { std::string license = plateColor + ":" + plateIdentify; item.setPlateStr(license); plateVecOut.push_back(item); } else { std::string license = plateColor; item.setPlateStr(license); plateVecOut.push_back(item); if (0) { std::cout << "resultCR:" << resultCR << std::endl; } } } if (getResultShow()) { Mat result; src.copyTo(result); for (size_t j = 0; j < num; j++) { CPlate item = plateVec[j]; Mat plateMat = item.getPlateMat(); int height = 36; int width = 136; if (height * index + height < result.rows) { Mat imageRoi = result(Rect(0, 0 + height * index, width, height)); addWeighted(imageRoi, 0, plateMat, 1, 0, imageRoi); } index++; RotatedRect minRect = item.getPlatePos(); Point2f rect_points[4]; minRect.points(rect_points); Scalar lineColor = Scalar(255, 255, 255); if (item.getPlateLocateType() == SOBEL) lineColor = Scalar(255, 0, 0); if (item.getPlateLocateType() == COLOR) lineColor = Scalar(0, 255, 0); if (item.getPlateLocateType() == CMSER) lineColor = Scalar(0, 0, 255); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) line(result, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j + 1) % 4], lineColor, 2, 8); } showResult(result); } } return resultPD; }