/* * 封玩家IP */ int32_t CLockIPEvent::LockPlayerIP(CRoom *pRoom,const uint32_t nEndLockTime,RoleRank nSrcRoleRank,RoleID nLockIPRoleID,LockIpResult &nLockIpResult) { int32_t ret = S_OK; if(NULL == pRoom) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("pRoom null ret=0x%08x \n",E_NULLPOINTER); return E_NULLPOINTER; } CPlayer *pPlayer = NULL; PlayerIndex nPlayerIndex = enmInvalidPlayerIndex; ret = g_PlayerMgt.GetPlayer(nLockIPRoleID, pPlayer, nPlayerIndex); //没有被 封玩家 if(ret < 0 || pPlayer == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("player does no exist{nLockIPRoleID=%d}",nLockIPRoleID); return ret; } if(!(pPlayer->IsReboot())) { ret = pRoom->AddLockIPList(pPlayer->GetConnInfo().nAddress,nEndLockTime); if(ret<0) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("add player to lockIP filed because add to lockIpList error{nLockIPRoleID=%d}",nLockIPRoleID); return ret; } } nLockIpResult = enmLockIpResult_OK; return ret; }
int32_t CHallRunMessageEvent::SendLogoutMessage(RoleID nRoleID) { int32_t nRet = S_OK; CPlayer *pPlayer = NULL; nRet = g_PlayerMgt.GetPlayer(nRoleID,pPlayer); if(nRet < 0) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("creat player object error!{nRoleID=%d, nRet=0x%08x}",nRoleID,nRet); return nRet; } ConnInfo *pConnInfo = pPlayer->GetConnInfo(); if(pConnInfo == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("null pointer:{stConnInfo=0x%08x}\n",pConnInfo); return E_NULLPOINTER; } uint32_t nOffset = 0; uint8_t arrOptionData[MaxOptionDataSize]; nRet = pConnInfo->MessageEncode(arrOptionData, MaxOptionDataSize, nOffset); if(nRet < 0) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("encode connuin failed!{nRet=0x%08x}\n", nRet); return nRet; } PlayerLogout(nRoleID,pPlayer->GetLogoutReason(),nOffset,arrOptionData); return nRet; }
FRAME_HALLSERVER_NAMESPACE_BEGIN int32_t CBuildPlayerDataMessageEvent::OnMessageEvent(MessageHeadSS * pMsgHead, IMsgBody* pMsgBody, const uint16_t nOptionLen, const void *pOptionData) { if(pMsgBody == NULL || pMsgHead == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("null pointer:{pMsgHead=0x%08x, pMsgBody=0x%08x}\n", pMsgHead, pMsgBody); return E_NULLPOINTER; } CBuildPlayerDataNoti *pNoti = dynamic_cast<CBuildPlayerDataNoti *>(pMsgBody); if(pNoti == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("null pointer:pMsgBody transform to CBuildPlayerDataNoti class failed!{nMessageID=0x%08x, nSourceID=%d}\n", pMsgHead->nMessageID, pMsgHead->nSourceID); return E_NULLPOINTER; } WRITE_DEBUG_LOG("got build player data message notify!{nPlayerCount=%d}\n", pNoti->nPlayerCount); // build the player data for(int32_t i = 0; i < pNoti->nPlayerCount; ++i) { CPlayer* pLocalPlayer = NULL; int32_t ret = g_PlayerMgt.GetPlayer(pNoti->arrRoleID[i], pLocalPlayer); if(ret < 0 || pLocalPlayer == NULL) { // build a local player by player cache ret = g_PlayerMgt.CreatePlayer(pNoti->arrRoleID[i], pLocalPlayer); uint32_t nCount = g_PlayerMgt.GetRealPlayerCount(); g_PlayerMgt.SetRealPlayerCount(++nCount); if(ret < 0 || pLocalPlayer == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("build player:create player error!{ret=0x%08x}", ret); continue; } uint32_t nStartPos = pLocalPlayer->GetStartPos(); uint32_t nEndPos = pLocalPlayer->GetEndPos(); uint32_t nPlayerDataSize = nEndPos - nStartPos; if(nPlayerDataSize >= pNoti->arrPlayerDataSize[i]) { memcpy(((uint8_t *)pLocalPlayer) + nStartPos, pNoti->arrPlayerData[i], pNoti->arrPlayerDataSize[i]); // verify if correctly built, print out! char szPlayer[MaxUpdateDataSize] = {0}; uint32_t offset = 0; sprintf(szPlayer + offset, "built player!{nRoleID=%d, strRoleName=%s, nAccountID=%d, " "nVipLevel=%d, nUserLevel=%d, nPlayerGender=%d, nCurRoomCount=%d, ", pLocalPlayer->GetRoleID(), pLocalPlayer->GetRoleName(), pLocalPlayer->GetAccountID(), pLocalPlayer->GetVipLevel(), pLocalPlayer->GetUserLevel(), pLocalPlayer->GetPlayerGender(), pLocalPlayer->GetCurEnterRoomCount()); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); if(pLocalPlayer->GetCurEnterRoomCount() > 0) { sprintf(szPlayer + offset, "{"); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); PlayerRoomInfo arrPlayerRoomInfo[MaxEnterRoomCount]; int32_t nActualCount = 0; pLocalPlayer->GetPlayerRoomInfo(arrPlayerRoomInfo, MaxEnterRoomCount, nActualCount); for(int32_t i = 0; i < nActualCount; ++i) { char* fmt = NULL; if(i < nActualCount - 1) fmt = "{nServerID=%d, nRoomID=%d, nPlayerState=%d}, "; else fmt = "{nServerID=%d, nRoomID=%d, nPlayerState=%d}}, "; sprintf(szPlayer + offset, fmt, arrPlayerRoomInfo[i].nServerID, arrPlayerRoomInfo[i].nRoomID, arrPlayerRoomInfo[i].nPlayerState); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); } } sprintf(szPlayer + offset, "nLoginTime=%ld, nTunnelIndex=%d, nServerID=%d, nOnlineTime=%lu, " "nLeftMoney=%d, nExperience=%d, nLastVersion=%d, nIsRobot=%d, nAdminCount=%d, ", pLocalPlayer->GetLoginTime(), pLocalPlayer->GetConnInfo().nTunnelIndex, pLocalPlayer->GetConnInfo().nServerID, pLocalPlayer->GetOnlineTime(),pLocalPlayer->GetLeftMoney(), pLocalPlayer->GetExperience(), pLocalPlayer->GetLastVersion(), (int32_t)pLocalPlayer->IsRobot(), pLocalPlayer->GetPlayerAdminCount()); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); if(pLocalPlayer->GetPlayerAdminCount() > 0) { sprintf(szPlayer + offset, "{"); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); RoomID arrRoomIDS[MaxBeAdminPerPlayer]; int32_t nActualCount = 0; pLocalPlayer->GetAllAdminRoom(arrRoomIDS, MaxBeAdminPerPlayer, nActualCount); for(int32_t i = 0; i < nActualCount; ++i) { char* fmt = NULL; if(i < nActualCount - 1) fmt = "{nRoomID=%d, nRoleRank=%d}, "; else fmt = "{nRoomID=%d, nRoleRank=%d}}, "; sprintf(szPlayer + offset, fmt, arrRoomIDS[i], pLocalPlayer->GetAdminRoleRank(arrRoomIDS[i])); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); } } sprintf(szPlayer + offset, "nIdentityType=%u, nPlayerState=%d, nCurNewPlayerRoomCount=%u}\n", pLocalPlayer->GetIdentityType(), pLocalPlayer->GetPlayerState(), pLocalPlayer->GetNewPlayerRoomCount()); offset = (uint32_t) strlen(szPlayer); WRITE_DEBUG_LOG("%s", szPlayer); } else { continue; } // build room player list RoomID arrRoomID[MaxEnterRoomCount]; int32_t nEnterRoomCount = 0; pLocalPlayer->GetAllEnterRoom(arrRoomID, MaxEnterRoomCount, nEnterRoomCount); for(int32_t j = 0; j < nEnterRoomCount; ++j) { CRoom *pRoom = NULL; ret = g_RoomMgt.GetRoom(arrRoomID[j], pRoom); if(ret < 0 || pRoom == NULL) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("building player data, failed to find room object!{nRoomID=%d}\n", arrRoomID[j]); continue; } if(pRoom->IsPlayerInRoom(pNoti->arrRoleID[i])) { WRITE_ERROR_LOG("building player data, the player should not in this room!{nRoleID=%d, nRoomID=%d}\n", pNoti->arrRoleID[i], arrRoomID[j]); continue; } //将玩家添加到房间对象中去 pRoom->AddPlayer(pNoti->arrRoleID[i]); } } } return S_OK; }