bool ScmdServer_Impl::HandleListClients( HCLIENT hClient, ILTMessage_Read& msg ) { float fPing = 0.0f; uint16 nClientID = 0; uint8 aClientIP[4]; uint16 nPort; std::string sPlayerHandle = ""; // Write out the message header. CAutoMessage cMsg; cMsg.Writeuint8( MID_SCMD ); cMsg.Writeuint8( kScmdCommandListClients ); cMsg.Writeuint8( kScmdCommandStatusOk ); // Iterate over all the clients and put their id, ping, ip and name in the message. HCLIENT hIterClient = g_pLTServer->GetNextClient( NULL ); while( hIterClient ) { nClientID = ( uint16 )g_pLTServer->GetClientID( hIterClient ); g_pLTServer->GetClientPing( hIterClient, fPing ); g_pLTServer->GetClientAddr( hIterClient, aClientIP, &nPort ); cMsg.Writeuint16(( uint16 )nClientID ); cMsg.Writeuint16(( uint16 )( fPing + 0.5f )); cMsg.Writeuint8( aClientIP[0] ); cMsg.Writeuint8( aClientIP[1] ); cMsg.Writeuint8( aClientIP[2] ); cMsg.Writeuint8( aClientIP[3] ); // Get the player for this client. If there is none, // then we can't determine the name. CPlayerObj* pPlayerObj = ( CPlayerObj* )g_pLTServer->GetClientUserData( hIterClient ); if( !pPlayerObj ) { sPlayerHandle = ""; } else { sPlayerHandle = pPlayerObj->GetNetUniqueName( ); } cMsg.WriteString( sPlayerHandle.c_str( )); hIterClient = g_pLTServer->GetNextClient( hIterClient ); } // Write out the the list terminator. cMsg.Writeuint16(0xFFFF); SendMessage( hClient, *cMsg ); return true; }
static bool BootClient( bool bById, uint16 nBootClientId, char const* pszBootName ) { uint32 nClientId = 0; std::string sPlayerHandle = ""; bool bBooted = false; // Iterate over all the clients and put their id, ping, ip and name in the message. HCLIENT hIterClient = NULL; for( hIterClient = g_pLTServer->GetNextClient( NULL ); hIterClient; hIterClient = g_pLTServer->GetNextClient( hIterClient )) { nClientId = g_pLTServer->GetClientID( hIterClient ); // Check if we're booting by ID. if( bById ) { if( nClientId == nBootClientId ) { g_pLTServer->KickClient( hIterClient ); bBooted = true; break; } } else { // Get the player for this client. If there is none, // then we can't determine the name. CPlayerObj* pPlayerObj = ( CPlayerObj* )g_pLTServer->GetClientUserData( hIterClient ); if( !pPlayerObj ) { continue; } else { sPlayerHandle = pPlayerObj->GetNetUniqueName( ); } // See if this matches the name we want to boot. if( stricmp( pszBootName, sPlayerHandle.c_str( )) == 0 ) { bBooted = ( g_pLTServer->KickClient( hIterClient ) == LT_OK ); break; } } } return bBooted; }
void CTO2GameServerShell::Update(LTFLOAT timeElapsed) { // Update the main server first CGameServerShell::Update(timeElapsed); m_VersionMgr.Update(); if (!GetServerDir()) return; //if we're hosting LANOnly game, don't publish the server if( m_ServerGameOptions.m_bLANOnly ) return; // Are we still waiting? static std::string status; switch (GetServerDir()->GetCurStatus()) { case IServerDirectory::eStatus_Processing : status =""; break; case IServerDirectory::eStatus_Waiting : if (status.empty()) status = GetServerDir()->GetLastRequestResultString(); break; case IServerDirectory::eStatus_Error : { IServerDirectory::ERequest eErrorRequest = GetServerDir()->GetLastErrorRequest(); status = GetServerDir()->GetLastRequestResultString(); GetServerDir()->ProcessRequestList(); } break; }; // Publish the server if we've waited long enough since the last directory update uint32 nCurTime = (uint32)GetTickCount(); if ((m_nLastPublishTime == 0) || ((nCurTime - m_nLastPublishTime) > k_nRepublishDelay)) { status = ""; m_nLastPublishTime = nCurTime; uint32 nMax = 0; g_pLTServer->GetMaxConnections(nMax); // If not run by a dedicated server, we need to add one connection // for the local host. if( !m_ServerGameOptions.m_bDedicated ) nMax++; GetServerDir()->SetActivePeer(0); CAutoMessage cMsg; // Update the summary info cMsg.WriteString(GetHostName()); GetServerDir()->SetActivePeerInfo(IServerDirectory::ePeerInfo_Name, *cMsg.Read()); char fname[_MAX_FNAME] = ""; _splitpath( GetCurLevel(), NULL, NULL, fname, NULL ); // Update the summary info cMsg.WriteString(g_pVersionMgr->GetBuild()); cMsg.WriteString( fname ); cMsg.Writeuint8(GetNumPlayers()); cMsg.Writeuint8(nMax); cMsg.Writebool(m_ServerGameOptions.m_bUsePassword); cMsg.Writeuint8((uint8)GetGameType()); cMsg.WriteString( m_ServerGameOptions.m_sModName.c_str() ); GetServerDir()->SetActivePeerInfo(IServerDirectory::ePeerInfo_Summary, *cMsg.Read()); // Update the details ServerMissionSettings sms = g_pServerMissionMgr->GetServerSettings(); cMsg.Writebool(sms.m_bUseSkills); cMsg.Writebool(sms.m_bFriendlyFire); cMsg.Writeuint8(sms.m_nMPDifficulty); cMsg.Writefloat(sms.m_fPlayerDiffFactor); CPlayerObj* pPlayer = GetFirstNetPlayer(); while (pPlayer) { //has player info cMsg.Writebool(true); cMsg.WriteString(pPlayer->GetNetUniqueName()); cMsg.Writeuint16( Min( GetPlayerPing(pPlayer), ( uint32 )65535 )); pPlayer = GetNextNetPlayer(); }; //end of player info cMsg.Writebool(false); cMsg.Writeuint8(sms.m_nRunSpeed); cMsg.Writeuint8(sms.m_nScoreLimit); cMsg.Writeuint8(sms.m_nTimeLimit); GetServerDir()->SetActivePeerInfo(IServerDirectory::ePeerInfo_Details, *cMsg.Read()); // Update the port char aHostAddr[16]; uint16 nHostPort; g_pLTServer->GetTcpIpAddress(aHostAddr, sizeof(aHostAddr), nHostPort); cMsg.Writeuint16(nHostPort); GetServerDir()->SetActivePeerInfo(IServerDirectory::ePeerInfo_Port, *cMsg.Read()); // Tell serverdir again about info, but in service specific manner. PeerInfo_Service_Titan peerInfo; peerInfo.m_sHostName = GetHostName( ); peerInfo.m_sCurWorld = fname; peerInfo.m_nCurNumPlayers = GetNumPlayers( ); peerInfo.m_nMaxNumPlayers = nMax; peerInfo.m_bUsePassword = m_ServerGameOptions.m_bUsePassword; peerInfo.m_sGameType = GameTypeToString( GetGameType( )); peerInfo.m_nScoreLimit = sms.m_nScoreLimit; peerInfo.m_nTimeLimit = sms.m_nTimeLimit; PeerInfo_Service_Titan::Player player; CPlayerObj::PlayerObjList::const_iterator iter = CPlayerObj::GetPlayerObjList( ).begin( ); while( iter != CPlayerObj::GetPlayerObjList( ).end( )) { CPlayerObj* pPlayerObj = *iter; player.m_sName = pPlayerObj->GetNetUniqueName( ); player.m_nScore = pPlayerObj->GetPlayerScore()->GetScore( ); float fPing; g_pLTServer->GetClientPing( pPlayerObj->GetClient( ), fPing ); player.m_nPing = ( uint16 )( fPing + 0.5f ); peerInfo.m_PlayerList.push_back( player ); iter++; } cMsg.Writeuint32(( uint32 )&peerInfo ); GetServerDir()->SetActivePeerInfo(IServerDirectory::ePeerInfo_Service, *cMsg.Read()); // Tell the world about me... GetServerDir()->QueueRequest(IServerDirectory::eRequest_Publish_Server); } }