예제 #1


	Topological Bayesian Inference (TBI) process within HMT-SLAM

CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBIPtr CHMTSLAM::TBI_main_method(
	CLocalMetricHypothesis	*LMH,
	const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID &areaID)

	CHMTSLAM	*obj = (CHMTSLAM*) LMH->m_parent.get();

	const THypothesisID		LMH_ID = LMH->m_ID;

	// Lock the map:
	synch::CCriticalSectionLocker( &obj->m_map_cs );

	TMessageLSLAMfromTBIPtr msg = TMessageLSLAMfromTBIPtr(new TMessageLSLAMfromTBI());

	// Fill out easy data:
	msg->hypothesisID = LMH_ID;
	msg->cur_area = areaID;

	// get a pointer to the current area:
	const CHMHMapNodePtr currentArea = obj->m_map.getNodeByID( areaID );

	obj->logFmt(mrpt::utils::LVL_DEBUG, "[TBI] Request for area id=%i\n",(int)areaID);

	// --------------------------------------------------------
	// 1) Use bounding-boxes to get a first list of candidates
	//    The candidates are saved in "msg->loopClosureData"
	// -------------------------------------------------------
	// But first: if the areas are within the LMH, then we have to update the maps in the HMAP!
	if (LMH->m_neighbors.find( areaID ) != LMH->m_neighbors.end() )
		// Update:
		LMH->updateAreaFromLMH( areaID );

	for (CHierarchicalMapMHPartition::iterator a=obj->m_map.begin();a!=obj->m_map.end();++a)
		// Only for other areas!
		if (a->first==areaID) continue;

		// Test hypothesis: LMH_ID
		if (a->second->m_hypotheses.has(LMH_ID))
			// Not neighbors:
			if (a->second->isNeighbor( areaID, LMH_ID) )

			// OK, check:
			// But first: if the areas are within the LMH, then we have to update the maps in the HMAP!
			if (LMH->m_neighbors.find( a->first ) != LMH->m_neighbors.end() )
				// Update:
				LMH->updateAreaFromLMH( a->first );

			// Compute it:
			double match = obj->m_map.computeOverlapProbabilityBetweenNodes(
					areaID,		// From
					a->first,	// To
					LMH_ID );

			obj->logFmt(mrpt::utils::LVL_DEBUG, "[TBI] %i-%i -> overlap prob=%f\n",(int)areaID,(int)a->first,match);

			if (match>0.9)
				// Initialize the new entry in "msg->loopClosureData" for the areas:
				//  "areaID" <-> "a->first"
				TMessageLSLAMfromTBI::TBI_info	&tbi_info = msg->loopClosureData[ a->first ];

				tbi_info.log_lik = 0;
	} // end for each node in the graph.

	// ----------------------------------------------------
	// 2) Use the TBI engines
	// ----------------------------------------------------
	std::set<CHMHMapNode::TNodeID>  lstNodesToErase;
		synch::CCriticalSection lock( obj->m_topLCdets_cs );

		for ( deque<CTopLCDetectorBase*>::const_iterator it=obj->m_topLCdets.begin();it!=obj->m_topLCdets.end();++it)
			for (map< CHMHMapNode::TNodeID, TMessageLSLAMfromTBI::TBI_info >::iterator candidate = msg->loopClosureData.begin();candidate != msg->loopClosureData.end();++candidate)
				// If the current log_lik of this area is reaaaally low, we could skip the computation with other LC detectors...
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// TODO: ...

				// Proceed:
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				const CHMHMapNodePtr refArea = obj->m_map.getNodeByID( candidate->first );
				double this_log_lik;

				// get the output from this LC detector:
				CPose3DPDFPtr pdf = (*it)->computeTopologicalObservationModel(
					this_log_lik );

				// Add to the output:
				candidate->second.log_lik += this_log_lik;

				// This is because not all LC detector MUST return a pose PDF (i.e. image-based detectors)
				if (pdf.present())
					ASSERT_( IS_CLASS(pdf, CPose3DPDFSOG ) );
					CPose3DPDFSOGPtr SOG = CPose3DPDFSOGPtr( pdf );

					// Mix (append) the modes, if any:
					if (SOG->size()>0)
						candidate->second.delta_new_cur.appendFrom( *SOG );
			} // end for each candidate area
		} // end for each LC detector

	} // end of m_topLCdets_cs lock

	// Delete candidates which had no PDF when they should.
	for (set<CHMHMapNode::TNodeID>::const_iterator it=lstNodesToErase.begin();it!=lstNodesToErase.end();++it)

	obj->logFmt(mrpt::utils::LVL_DEBUG, "[TBI_main] Done. %u candidates found.\n",(unsigned int)msg->loopClosureData.size() );

	return msg;