CSG_String CPresence_Prediction::Get_Feature(int x, int y, int i)
	CSG_Grid	*pFeature	= m_Features[i].pGrid;

	if( m_nNumClasses > 1 && m_Features[i].bNumeric )
		return( CSG_String::Format("%d", (int)(m_nNumClasses * (pFeature->asDouble(x, y) - pFeature->Get_Min()) / pFeature->Get_Range())) );

	return( SG_Get_String(pFeature->asDouble(x, y), -2) );
bool CGrid_Normalise::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid();

	if( pGrid->Get_StdDev() <= 0.0 )
		return( false );

	if( pGrid != Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGrid() )
		pGrid	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGrid();
		pGrid	->Assign(Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid());

	pGrid->Fmt_Name("%s (%s)", pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("Normalized"));

	double		Minimum, Maximum, Offset, Scale;

	Minimum	= Parameters("RANGE")->asRange()->Get_Min();
	Maximum	= Parameters("RANGE")->asRange()->Get_Max();
	Offset	= pGrid->Get_Min();
	Scale	= (Maximum - Minimum) / pGrid->Get_Range();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) )
				pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Minimum + Scale * (pGrid->asDouble(x, y) - Offset));

	if( pGrid == Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid() )

	return( true );
bool CGrid_Invert::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= Parameters("INVERSE")->asGrid();

	if( pGrid == NULL )
		pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")->asGrid();
	else if( pGrid != Parameters("GRID")->asGrid() )

		pGrid->Fmt_Name("%s [%s]", pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("Inverse"));

	double	zMin	= pGrid->Get_Min();
	double	zMax	= pGrid->Get_Max();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) )
				pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, zMax - (pGrid->asDouble(x, y) - zMin));

	if( pGrid == Parameters("GRID")->asGrid() )

	return( true );
bool CPanSharp_PCA::On_Execute(void)
	bool			bResult;
	CSG_Parameters	Tool_Parms;
	CSG_Table		Eigen;

	// get the principal components for the low resolution bands

	SG_RUN_TOOL_KEEP_PARMS(bResult, "statistics_grid", 8, Tool_Parms,
			SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("GRIDS"     , Parameters("GRIDS" ))
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("METHOD"    , Parameters("METHOD"))
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("EIGEN"     , &Eigen)
		&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("COMPONENTS", 0)	// get all components

	if( !bResult )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pPCA	= Tool_Parms.Get_Parameter("PCA")->asGridList();

	int			i, n	= pPCA->Get_Grid_Count();

	CSG_Grid	*PCA	= new CSG_Grid[n];
	CSG_Grid	*pPan	= Parameters("PAN")->asGrid();

	// replace first principal component with the high resolution panchromatic band

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("Replace first PC with PAN"));

	double	Offset_Pan, Offset, Scale;

	if( Parameters("PAN_MATCH")->asInt() == 0 )	// scale PAN band to fit first PC histogram
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_Min();
		Offset		= pPCA->Get_Grid(0)->Get_Min();
		Scale		= pPCA->Get_Grid(0)->Get_Range() / pPan->Get_Range();
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_Mean();
		Offset		= pPCA->Get_Grid(0)->Get_Mean();
		Scale		= pPCA->Get_Grid(0)->Get_StdDev() / pPan->Get_StdDev();


	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( pPan->is_NoData(x, y) )
				PCA[0].Set_NoData(x, y);
				PCA[0].Set_Value(x, y, Offset + Scale * (pPan->asDouble(x, y) - Offset_Pan));

	// resample all other PCs to match the high resolution of the PAN band

	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling	= Get_Resampling(Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt());

	for(i=1; i<n; i++)
		Process_Set_Text("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), pPCA->Get_Grid(i)->Get_Name());

		PCA[i].Assign(pPCA->Get_Grid(i), Resampling);

		delete(pPCA->Get_Grid(i));	// PCA tool was unmanaged, so we have to delete the output



	for(i=0; i<n; i++)

	// inverse principal component rotation for the high resolution bands

	SG_RUN_TOOL_KEEP_PARMS(bResult, "statistics_grid", 10, Tool_Parms,
			SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("PCA"  , Tool_Parms("PCA"))


	if( !bResult )
		return( false );

	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pHiRes	= Parameters("SHARPEN")->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pLoRes	= Parameters("GRIDS"  )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Tool_Parms("GRIDS"  )->asGridList();

	if( !Parameters("OVERWRITE")->asBool() )

	for(i=0; i<pLoRes->Get_Grid_Count() && i<pGrids->Get_Grid_Count(); i++)
		if( pHiRes->Get_Grid(i) )



	return( true );
bool CPanSharp_IHS::On_Execute(void)
	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling	= Get_Resampling(Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt());

	int			y;

	CSG_Grid	*pPan	= Parameters("PAN")->asGrid();

	Process_Set_Text("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), Parameters("R")->asGrid()->Get_Name());
	CSG_Grid	*pR	= Parameters("R_SHARP")->asGrid();
	pR->Assign  (Parameters("R")->asGrid(), Resampling);

	Process_Set_Text("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), Parameters("G")->asGrid()->Get_Name());
	CSG_Grid	*pG	= Parameters("G_SHARP")->asGrid();
	pG->Assign  (Parameters("G")->asGrid(), Resampling);

	Process_Set_Text("%s: %s ...", _TL("Resampling"), Parameters("B")->asGrid()->Get_Name());
	CSG_Grid	*pB	= Parameters("B_SHARP")->asGrid();
	pB->Assign  (Parameters("B")->asGrid(), Resampling);

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("RGB to IHS"));

	double	rMin	= pR->Get_Min(),	rRange	= pR->Get_Range();
	double	gMin	= pG->Get_Min(),	gRange	= pG->Get_Range();
	double	bMin	= pB->Get_Min(),	bRange	= pB->Get_Range();

	for(y=0; y<pPan->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, pPan->Get_NY()); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<pPan->Get_NX(); x++)
			bool	bNoData	= true;

			if( pPan->is_NoData(x, y) || pR->is_NoData(x, y) || pG->is_NoData(x, y) || pB->is_NoData(x, y) )
				pR->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pG->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pB->Set_NoData(x, y);
				double	r	= (pR->asDouble(x, y) - rMin) / rRange;	if( r < 0.0 ) r = 0.0; else if( r > 1.0 ) r = 1.0;
				double	g	= (pG->asDouble(x, y) - gMin) / gRange;	if( g < 0.0 ) g = 0.0; else if( g > 1.0 ) g = 1.0;
				double	b	= (pB->asDouble(x, y) - bMin) / bRange;	if( b < 0.0 ) b = 0.0; else if( b > 1.0 ) b = 1.0;

				double	h, s, i	= r + g + b;
				if( i <= 0.0 )
					h	= 0.0;
					s	= 0.0;
					if( r == g && g == b )			{	h	= 0.0;	}
					else if( b < r && b < g )		{	h	= (g - b) / (i - 3 * b)    ;	}
					else if( r < g && r < b )		{	h	= (b - r) / (i - 3 * r) + 1;	}
					else							{	h	= (r - g) / (i - 3 * g) + 2;	}

					if     ( 0.0 <= h && h < 1.0 )	{	s	= (i - 3 * b) / i;	}
					else if( 1.0 <= h && h < 2.0 )	{	s	= (i - 3 * r) / i;	}
					else							{	s	= (i - 3 * g) / i;	}

				pR->Set_Value(x, y, i);
				pG->Set_Value(x, y, s);
				pB->Set_Value(x, y, h);

	double	Offset_Pan, Offset, Scale;

	if( Parameters("PAN_MATCH")->asInt() == 0 )
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_Min();
		Offset		= pR->Get_Min();
		Scale		= pR->Get_Range() / pPan->Get_Range();
		Offset_Pan	= pPan->Get_Mean();
		Offset		= pR->Get_Mean();
		Scale		= pR->Get_StdDev() / pPan->Get_StdDev();

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("IHS to RGB"));

	for(y=0; y<pPan->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, pPan->Get_NY()); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<pPan->Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pR->is_NoData(x, y) )
				double	i	= Offset + Scale * (pPan->asDouble(x, y) - Offset_Pan);
				double	s	= pG  ->asDouble(x, y);
				double	h	= pB  ->asDouble(x, y);

				double	r, g, b;

				if     ( 0.0 <= h && h < 1.0 )
					r	= i * (1 + 2 * s - 3 * s * h) / 3;
					g	= i * (1 -     s + 3 * s * h) / 3;
					b	= i * (1 -     s            ) / 3;
				else if( 1.0 <= h && h < 2.0 )
					r	= i * (1 -     s                  ) / 3;
					g	= i * (1 + 2 * s - 3 * s * (h - 1)) / 3;
					b	= i * (1 -     s + 3 * s * (h - 1)) / 3;
					r	= i * (1 -     s + 3 * s * (h - 2)) / 3;
					g	= i * (1 -     s                  ) / 3;
					b	= i * (1 + 2 * s - 3 * s * (h - 2)) / 3;

				pR->Set_Value(x, y, rMin + r * rRange);
				pG->Set_Value(x, y, gMin + g * gRange);
				pB->Set_Value(x, y, bMin + b * bRange);

	return( true );
예제 #6
bool CSurfer_Export::On_Execute(void)
	const char	ID_BINARY[]	= "DSBB";

	FILE		*Stream;

	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")->asGrid();

	CSG_String	File	= Parameters("FILE")->asString();

	bool		bNoData	= Parameters("NODATA")->asBool();

	switch( Parameters("FORMAT")->asInt() )
	case 0:	// Surfer 6 - Binary...

		if( (Stream = fopen(File.b_str(), "wb")) != NULL )
			short	sValue;
			double	dValue;

			fwrite(ID_BINARY, 4, sizeof(char), Stream);

			sValue	= (short)pGrid->Get_NX  (); fwrite(&sValue, 1, sizeof(short ), Stream);
			sValue	= (short)pGrid->Get_NY  (); fwrite(&sValue, 1, sizeof(short ), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_XMin(); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_XMax(); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_YMin(); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_YMax(); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_Min (); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);
			dValue	=        pGrid->Get_Max (); fwrite(&dValue, 1, sizeof(double), Stream);

			float	*fLine	= (float *)SG_Malloc(pGrid->Get_NX() * sizeof(float));

			for(int y=0; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++)
				for(int x=0; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++)
					fLine[x]	= bNoData && pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) ? NODATAVALUE : pGrid->asFloat(x, y);

				fwrite(fLine, pGrid->Get_NX(), sizeof(float), Stream);



			return( true );

	case 1:	// Surfer - ASCII...

		if( (Stream = fopen(File.b_str(), "w")) != NULL )
			fprintf(Stream, "DSAA\n");
			fprintf(Stream, "%d %d\n", pGrid->Get_NX  (), pGrid->Get_NY  ());
			fprintf(Stream, "%f %f\n", pGrid->Get_XMin(), pGrid->Get_XMax());
			fprintf(Stream, "%f %f\n", pGrid->Get_YMin(), pGrid->Get_YMax());
			fprintf(Stream, "%f %f\n", pGrid->Get_Min (), pGrid->Get_Max ());

			for(int y=0; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++)
				for(int x=0; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++)
					fprintf(Stream, "%f ", bNoData && pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) ? NODATAVALUE : pGrid->asFloat(x, y));

				fprintf(Stream, "\n");


			return( true );

	return( false );