int CGW_Multi_Regression_Grid::Get_Variables(int x, int y, CSG_Vector &z, CSG_Vector &w, CSG_Matrix &Y)
	TSG_Point	Point	= m_dimModel.Get_Grid_to_World(x, y);
	int			nPoints	= m_Search.is_Okay() ? (int)m_Search.Select_Nearest_Points(Point.x, Point.y, m_nPoints_Max, m_Radius, m_Direction) : m_Points.Get_Count();

	Y.Create(1 + m_nPredictors, nPoints);

	for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints; iPoint++)
		double	ix, iy, iz;

		CSG_Shape	*pPoint	= m_Search.is_Okay() && m_Search.Get_Selected_Point(iPoint, ix, iy, iz)
			? m_Points.Get_Shape((int)iz)
			: m_Points.Get_Shape(iPoint);

		z[iPoint]		= pPoint->asDouble(0);
		w[iPoint]		= m_Weighting.Get_Weight(SG_Get_Distance(Point, pPoint->Get_Point(0)));
		Y[iPoint][0]	= 1.0;

		for(int iPredictor=1; iPredictor<=m_nPredictors; iPredictor++)
			Y[iPoint][iPredictor]	= pPoint->asDouble(iPredictor);

	return( nPoints );
예제 #2
bool CKriging_Simple::Get_Weights(const CSG_Points_Z &Points, CSG_Matrix &W)
	int	n	= Points.Get_Count();

	if( n > 0 )
		int	n	= Points.Get_Count();

		W.Create(n, n);

		for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
			W[i][i]	= 0.0;				// diagonal...

			for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
				W[i][j]	= W[j][i]	= Get_Weight(Points.Get_X(i), Points.Get_Y(i), Points.Get_X(j), Points.Get_Y(j));

		return( W.Set_Inverse(!m_Search.Do_Use_All(), n) );

	return( false );
예제 #3
int CKriging_Universal::Get_Weights(const TSG_Point &p, CSG_Matrix &W, CSG_Points_Z &Points)
	int		n	= m_Search.Get_Nearest_Points(Points, p, m_nPoints_Max, m_Radius, m_Direction);

	if( n >= m_nPoints_Min )
		int		i, j, k;

		int	nCoords	= m_bCoords ? 2 : 0;
		int	nGrids	= m_pGrids->Get_Count();

		W.Create(n + 1 + nGrids + nCoords, n + 1 + nGrids + nCoords);

		for(i=0; i<n; i++)
			W[i][i]	= 0.0;				// diagonal...
			W[i][n]	= W[n][i]	= 1.0;	// edge...

			for(j=i+1; j<n; j++)
				W[i][j]	= W[j][i]	= Get_Weight(Points[i], Points[j]);

			for(k=0, j=n+1; k<nGrids; k++, j++)
				W[i][j]	= W[j][i]	= m_pGrids->asGrid(k)->Get_Value(Points[i].x, Points[i].y, m_Interpolation);

			for(k=0, j=n+nGrids+1; k<nCoords; k++, j++)
				W[i][j]	= W[j][i]	= k == 0 ? Points[i].x : Points[i].y;

		for(i=n; i<=n+nGrids+nCoords; i++)
			for(j=n; j<=n+nGrids+nCoords; j++)
				W[i][j]	= 0.0;

		if( W.Set_Inverse(true, n + 1 + nGrids + nCoords) )
			return( n );

	return( 0 );
예제 #4
int CGWR_Grid_Downscaling::Get_Variables(int x, int y, CSG_Vector &z, CSG_Vector &w, CSG_Matrix &Y)
	int		n	= 0;

	Y.Create(1 + m_nPredictors, m_Search.Get_Count());

	for(int i=0, ix, iy; i<m_Search.Get_Count(); i++)
		double	id, iw;

		if( m_Search.Get_Values(i, ix = x, iy = y, id, iw, true) && m_pDependent->is_InGrid(ix, iy) )
			z[n]	= m_pDependent->asDouble(ix, iy);
			w[n]	= iw;
			Y[n][0]	= 1.0;

			for(int j=0; j<m_nPredictors && iw>0.0; j++)
				if( !m_pPredictors[j]->is_NoData(ix, iy) )
					Y[n][j + 1]	= m_pPredictors[j]->asDouble(ix, iy);
					iw	= 0.0;

			if( iw > 0.0 )


	return( n );
예제 #5
bool CSG_Matrix::Set_Transpose(void)
	CSG_Matrix	m;
	if( m.Create(*this) && Create(m_ny, m_nx) )
		for(int y=0; y<m_ny; y++)
			for(int x=0; x<m_nx; x++)
				m_z[y][x]	= m.m_z[x][y];

		return( true );

	return( false );
예제 #6
bool CChange_Detection::Get_Changes(CSG_Table &Initial, CSG_Table &Final, CSG_Table *pChanges, CSG_Matrix &Identity)
	int		iInitial, iFinal;

	Identity.Create(Final.Get_Count() + 1, Initial.Get_Count() + 1);

	for(iInitial=0; iInitial<Initial.Get_Count(); iInitial++)
		CSG_String	s	= Initial[iInitial].asString(CLASS_NAM);

		for(iFinal=0; iFinal<Final.Get_Count(); iFinal++)
			Identity[iInitial][iFinal]	= s.Cmp(Final[iFinal].asString(CLASS_NAM)) ? 0 : 1;

	Identity[Initial.Get_Count()][Final.Get_Count()]	= 1;	// unclassified


	pChanges->Add_Field(_TL("Name"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	for(iFinal=0; iFinal<Final.Get_Count(); iFinal++)
		pChanges->Add_Field(Final[iFinal].asString(CLASS_NAM), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	pChanges->Add_Field(_TL("Unclassified"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(iInitial=0; iInitial<Initial.Get_Count(); iInitial++)
		pChanges->Add_Record()->Set_Value(0, Initial[iInitial].asString(CLASS_NAM));

	pChanges->Add_Record()->Set_Value(0, _TL("Unclassified"));

	return( true );
예제 #7
CSG_Matrix CSG_Matrix::Multiply(const CSG_Matrix &Matrix) const
	CSG_Matrix	m;

	if( m_nx == Matrix.m_ny && m.Create(Matrix.m_nx, m_ny) )
		for(int y=0; y<m.m_ny; y++)
			for(int x=0; x<m.m_nx; x++)
				double	z	= 0.0;

				for(int n=0; n<m_nx; n++)
					z	+= m_z[y][n] * Matrix.m_z[n][x];

				m.m_z[y][x]	= z;

	return( m );
예제 #8
bool CTable_PCA::Get_Matrix(CSG_Matrix &Matrix)
    int		i, j1, j2;

    Matrix.Create(m_nFeatures, m_nFeatures);

    switch( m_Method )
    case 0:	// Correlation matrix: Center and reduce the column vectors.
        for(j1=0; j1<m_nFeatures; j1++)
            Matrix[j1][j1] = 1.0;

        for(i=0; i<m_pTable->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, m_pTable->Get_Count()); i++)
            if( !is_NoData(i) )
                for(j1=0; j1<m_nFeatures-1; j1++)
                    for(j2=j1+1; j2<m_nFeatures; j2++)
                        Matrix[j1][j2]	+= Get_Value(j1, i) * Get_Value(j2, i);

    case 1:	// Variance-covariance matrix: Center the column vectors.
    case 2:	// Sums-of-squares-and-cross-products matrix
        for(i=0; i<m_pTable->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, m_pTable->Get_Count()); i++)
            if( !is_NoData(i) )
                for(j1=0; j1<m_nFeatures; j1++)
                    for(j2=j1; j2<m_nFeatures; j2++)
                        Matrix[j1][j2]	+= Get_Value(j1, i) * Get_Value(j2, i);

    for(j1=0; j1<m_nFeatures; j1++)
        for(j2=j1; j2<m_nFeatures; j2++)
            Matrix[j2][j1] = Matrix[j1][j2];

    return( true );
예제 #9
// find_normal() - Function to find the set of normal equations
//                 that allow a quadratic trend surface to be
//                 fitted through N  points using least squares
//                 V.1.0, Jo Wood, 27th November, 1994.
bool CParam_Scale::Get_Normal(CSG_Matrix &Normal)
	double	x1, y1,	x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, xy2, x2y, xy3, x3y, x2y2, xy, N;	// coefficients of X-products.

	x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = x3 = y3 = x4 = y4 = xy2 = x2y = xy3 = x3y = x2y2 = xy = N = 0.0;

	// Calculate matrix of sums of squares and cross products
	for(int y=0; y<m_Weights.Get_NY(); y++)
		double	dy	= Get_Cellsize() * (y - m_Radius);

		for(int x=0; x<m_Weights.Get_NX(); x++)
			double	dw	= m_Weights[y][x];

			double	dx	= Get_Cellsize() * (x - m_Radius);

			x4		+= dw * dx * dx * dx * dx;
			x2y2	+= dw * dx * dx * dy * dy;
			x3y		+= dw * dx * dx * dx * dy;
			x3		+= dw * dx * dx * dx;
			x2y		+= dw * dx * dx * dy;
			x2		+= dw * dx * dx;

			y4		+= dw * dy * dy * dy * dy;
			xy3		+= dw * dx * dy * dy * dy;
			xy2		+= dw * dx * dy * dy;
			y3		+= dw * dy * dy * dy;
			y2		+= dw * dy * dy;

			xy		+= dw * dx * dy;

			x1		+= dw * dx;

			y1		+= dw * dy;

			N		+= dw;

	// Store cross-product matrix elements.
	Normal.Create(6, 6);

	Normal[0][0] = x4;
	Normal[0][1] = Normal[1][0] = x2y2;
	Normal[0][2] = Normal[2][0] = x3y;
	Normal[0][3] = Normal[3][0] = x3;
	Normal[0][4] = Normal[4][0] = x2y;
	Normal[0][5] = Normal[5][0] = x2;

	Normal[1][1] = y4;
	Normal[1][2] = Normal[2][1] = xy3;
	Normal[1][3] = Normal[3][1] = xy2;
	Normal[1][4] = Normal[4][1] = y3;
	Normal[1][5] = Normal[5][1] = y2;

	Normal[2][2] = x2y2;
	Normal[2][3] = Normal[3][2] = x2y;
	Normal[2][4] = Normal[4][2] = xy2;
	Normal[2][5] = Normal[5][2] = xy;

	Normal[3][3] = x2;
	Normal[3][4] = Normal[4][3] = xy;
	Normal[3][5] = Normal[5][3] = x1;

	Normal[4][4] = y2;
	Normal[4][5] = Normal[5][4] = y1;

	Normal[5][5] = N;

	return( true );
예제 #10
bool CFilter_3x3::On_Execute(void)
	bool		bAbsolute;
	CSG_Matrix	Filter;
	CSG_Grid	*pInput, *pResult;
	CSG_Table	*pFilter;

	pInput		= Parameters("INPUT"     )->asGrid();
	pResult		= Parameters("RESULT"    )->asGrid();

	bAbsolute	= Parameters("ABSOLUTE"  )->asBool();

	pFilter		= Parameters("FILTER"    )->asTable()
				? Parameters("FILTER"    )->asTable()
				: Parameters("FILTER_3X3")->asTable();

	if( pFilter->Get_Count() < 1 || pFilter->Get_Field_Count() < 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid filter matrix"));

		return( false );

	Filter.Create(pFilter->Get_Field_Count(), pFilter->Get_Count());

		for(int iy=0; iy<Filter.Get_NY(); iy++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pFilter->Get_Record(iy);

			for(int ix=0; ix<Filter.Get_NX(); ix++)
				Filter[iy][ix]	= pRecord->asDouble(ix);

	int	dx	= (Filter.Get_NX() - 1) / 2;
	int	dy	= (Filter.Get_NY() - 1) / 2;

	if( !pResult || pResult == pInput )
		pResult	= SG_Create_Grid(pInput);
		pResult->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pInput->Get_Name(), _TL("Filter")));


	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	s	= 0.0;
			double	n	= 0.0;

			if( pInput->is_InGrid(x, y) )
				for(int iy=0, jy=y-dy; iy<Filter.Get_NY(); iy++, jy++)
					for(int ix=0, jx=x-dx; ix<Filter.Get_NX(); ix++, jx++)
						if( pInput->is_InGrid(jx, jy) )
							s	+= Filter[iy][ix] * pInput->asDouble(jx, jy);
							n	+= fabs(Filter[iy][ix]);

			if( n > 0.0 )
				pResult->Set_Value(x, y, bAbsolute ? s : s / n);
				pResult->Set_NoData(x, y);

	if( !Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid() || Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid() == pInput )



	return( true );
예제 #11
bool CPoint_Trend_Surface::Get_Regression(CSG_Shapes *pPoints, int iAttribute)
	int		i, j, Field;


	m_Names	+= pPoints->Get_Name();

	for(i=1; i<=m_xOrder; i++)
		m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("x"), i);

	for(i=1; i<=m_yOrder; i++)
		m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("y"), i);

		for(j=1; j<=m_xOrder && i<m_tOrder && j<m_tOrder; j++)
			m_Names	+= Get_Power(SG_T("x"), j) + Get_Power(SG_T("y"), i);

	CSG_Vector	Y, xPow, yPow;
	CSG_Matrix	X;

	X.Create(m_Names.Get_Count(), pPoints->Get_Count());
	xPow.Create(m_xOrder + 1);
	yPow.Create(m_yOrder + 1);

	xPow[0]	= 1.0;
	yPow[0]	= 1.0;

	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pPoints->Get_Count()); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iShape);

		if( !pShape->is_NoData(iAttribute) )
			double		zShape	= pShape->asDouble(iAttribute);
			TSG_Point	Point	= pShape->Get_Point(0);

			Y[iShape]		= zShape;
			X[iShape][0]	= 1.0;

			for(i=1, Field=1; i<=m_xOrder; i++)
				X[iShape][Field++]	= xPow[i]	= xPow[i - 1] * Point.x;

			for(i=1; i<=m_yOrder; i++)
				X[iShape][Field++]	= yPow[i]	= yPow[i - 1] * Point.y;

				for(j=1; j<=m_xOrder && i<m_tOrder && j<m_tOrder; j++)
					X[iShape][Field++]	= xPow[j] * yPow[i];

	CSG_Matrix	Xt, XtXinv;

	Xt		= X;
	Xt		.Set_Transpose();

	XtXinv	= Xt * X;
	XtXinv	.Set_Inverse();

	m_Coefficients	= XtXinv * Xt * Y;

	return( true );