예제 #1
bool CWKSP_Project::_Compatibility_Data(TSG_Data_Type Type, CSG_Parameters *pParameters, const CSG_String &Version)
	if( !pParameters )
		return( false );

	if( !Version.Cmp(SAGA_VERSION) )
		return( true );

	if( Version.is_Empty() )
		CSG_Parameter	*pParameter;

		if( Type == SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Grid )
			if( (pParameter = pParameters->Get_Parameter("COLORS_TYPE")) != NULL )
				if( pParameter->asInt() == 3 )
				{	// 0:Single >> 1:LUT >> 2:Discrete >> 3:Graduated >> 4:RGB Overlay >> 5:RGB Composite >> 6:Shade
					pParameter->Set_Value(5);	// RGB moved to position 5

	return( true );
예제 #2
bool CSG_CURL::Create(const CSG_String &Server, const SG_Char *Username, const SG_Char *Password)

	if( Server.is_Empty() || (m_pCURL = curl_easy_init()) == NULL )
		return( false );

	m_Server	= Server;

	if( m_Server.Find("://") < 0 )

	if( Username && *Username )	{ CSG_String s(Username); curl_easy_setopt(m_pCURL, CURLOPT_USERNAME, s.b_str()); }
	if( Password && *Password )	{ CSG_String s(Password); curl_easy_setopt(m_pCURL, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, s.b_str()); }

	CURL_SET_OPT(2, CURLOPT_URL           , m_Server.b_str());
	CURL_SET_OPT(0, CURLOPT_USERAGENT     , "libcurl-agent/1.0");

	return( true );
예제 #3
bool CSG_MetaData::Add_Property(const CSG_String &Name, const CSG_String &Value)
	if( !Value.is_Empty() &&_Get_Property(Name) < 0 )
		m_Prop_Names .Add(Name );

		return( true );

	return( false );
예제 #4
void			CMD_Print			(const CSG_String &Text, const CSG_String &XML_Tag)
	if( g_bXML )
		if( !XML_Tag.is_Empty() )
			SG_Printf("<%s>%s</%s>\n", XML_Tag.c_str(), Text.c_str(), XML_Tag.c_str());
		SG_Printf("%s\n", Text.c_str());

	std::cout << std::flush;
예제 #5
void			CMD_Print			(FILE *Stream, const CSG_String &Text, const CSG_String &XML_Tag)
	if( Stream )
		if( g_bXML )
			if( !XML_Tag.is_Empty() )
				SG_FPrintf(Stream, "<%s>%s</%s>\n", XML_Tag.c_str(), Text.c_str(), XML_Tag.c_str());
			SG_FPrintf(Stream, "%s\n", Text.c_str());

예제 #6
CSG_String CTable_Query_GUI::Get_Selection(const CSG_String &Parameter)
	CSG_String	s;

	if( Parameters(Parameter) && Parameters(Parameter)->asParameters() )
		CSG_Parameters	&P	= *Parameters(Parameter)->asParameters();

		for(int i=0; i<P.Get_Count(); i++)
			if( P[i].Get_Type() == PARAMETER_TYPE_Bool && P[i].asBool() )
				if( !s.is_Empty() )
					s	+= ",";

				s	+= P[i].Get_Identifier();

	return( s );
bool CDirect_Georeferencing_WorldFile::On_Execute(void)
	int	nx	= Parameters("NX")->asInt();
	int	ny	= Parameters("NY")->asInt();

	if( !m_Georeferencer.Set_Transformation(Parameters, nx, ny) )
		return( false );

	CSG_String	File	= Parameters("FILE")->asString();

	if( File.is_Empty() )
		return( false );

	CSG_File	Stream;

	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, false) )
		return( false );

	CSG_Matrix	R(m_Georeferencer.Get_Transformation());

	R	*= 0.001 * Parameters("Z")->asDouble() / Parameters("CFL")->asDouble() * Parameters("PXSIZE")->asDouble();

	TSG_Point	p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(0, ny);

		 R[0][0],	// A: pixel size in the x-direction in map units/pixel
		 R[1][0],	// D: rotation about y-axis
		-R[0][1],	// B: rotation about x-axis
		-R[1][1],	// E: pixel size in the y-direction in map units, almost always negative
		     p.x,	// X: top left pixel center
		     p.y	// Y: top left pixel center

	CSG_Shapes	*pExtents	= Parameters("EXTENT")->asShapes();

	if( pExtents )
		pExtents->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon, SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));
		pExtents->Add_Field(_TL("NAME"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

		CSG_Shape	*pExtent	= pExtents->Add_Shape();

		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World( 0,  0);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World( 0, ny);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(nx, ny);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);
		p	= m_Georeferencer.Image_to_World(nx,  0);	pExtent->Add_Point(p.x, p.y);

		pExtent->Set_Value(0, SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));

	return( true );
예제 #8
bool CGDAL_Formats::On_Execute(void)
    CSG_Table	*pFormats	= Parameters("FORMATS")->asTable();

    pFormats->Set_Name(_TL("GDAL Formats"));

    pFormats->Add_Field("ID"    , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("NAME"  , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("FILTER", SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("TYPE"  , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("ACCESS", SG_DATATYPE_String);

    int		Type	= Parameters("TYPE"  )->asInt();
    int		Access	= Parameters("ACCESS")->asInt();

    if( Type != 1 )	// not vectors only
        for(int i=0; i<SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Count(); i++)
            if( SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().is_Raster(i) )
                CSG_String	R(SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Can_Read (i) ? "R" : "");
                CSG_String	W(SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Can_Write(i) ? "W" : "");

                if( (Access != 0 || !R.is_Empty()) && (Access != 1 || !W.is_Empty()) )
                    CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ID    , SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Description(i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Name       (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Extension  (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , "RASTER");
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, R + W);

    if( Type != 0 )	// not rasters only
        for(int i=0; i<SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Count(); i++)
            if( SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().is_Vector(i) )
                CSG_String	R(SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Can_Read (i) ? "R" : "");
                CSG_String	W(SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Can_Write(i) ? "W" : "");

                if( (Access != 0 || !R.is_Empty()) && (Access != 1 || !W.is_Empty()) )
                    CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ID    , SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Description(i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Name       (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Extension  (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , "VECTOR");
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, R + W);

    if( Parameters("RECOGNIZED")->asBool() )
        CSG_String	Filter_All;

        for(int i=0; i<pFormats->Get_Count(); i++)
            CSG_String	Filter	= pFormats->Get_Record(i)->asString(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER);

            if( !Filter.is_Empty() )
                Filter.Replace("/", ";");

                Filter_All	+= (Filter_All.is_Empty() ? "*." : ";*.") + Filter;

        if( !Filter_All.is_Empty() )
            CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , _TL("All Recognized Files"));
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, Filter_All);
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , Type   == 0 ? "RASTER" : Type   == 1 ? "VECTOR" : "RASTER/VECTOR");
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, Access == 0 ? "R"      : Access == 1 ? "W"      : "RW"           );

    return( pFormats->Get_Count() > 0 );
bool CPointCloud_From_Text_File::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_File	Stream;

	if( !Stream.Open(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), SG_FILE_R, false) )
		Error_Set(_TL("Unable to open input file!"));

		return( false );

	int	xField	= Parameters("XFIELD")->asInt() - 1;
	int	yField	= Parameters("YFIELD")->asInt() - 1;
	int	zField	= Parameters("ZFIELD")->asInt() - 1;

	char	Separator;

	switch( Parameters("SEPARATOR")->asInt() )
	default:	Separator	= '\t';	break;
    case  1:	Separator	=  ' ';	break;
    case  2:	Separator	=  ',';	break;

	CSG_String	sLine;
	CSG_Strings	Values;

	if( !Stream.Read_Line(sLine) )
		Error_Set(_TL("Empty file!"));

		return( false );

	if( Parameters("SKIP_HEADER")->asBool() )	// header contains field names
		CSG_String_Tokenizer	tokValues(sLine, Separator);	// read each field name for later use

		while( tokValues.Has_More_Tokens() )
			Values	+= tokValues.Get_Next_Token();

    CSG_PointCloud	*pPoints	= SG_Create_PointCloud();
    pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), false));

	CSG_Array_Int	Fields;

    if( SG_UI_Get_Window_Main() )
		CSG_Parameters	&Fields	= *Parameters("FIELDSPECS")->asParameters();

		int	nFields	= Fields.Get_Count() / 2;

		CSG_String	Names, Types;

		for(int iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
			Names	+= CSG_String::Format("%s;", Fields(CSG_String::Format("NAME%03d", iField))->asString());
			Types	+= CSG_String::Format("%d;", Fields(CSG_String::Format("TYPE%03d", iField))->asInt   ());


		TSG_Data_Type	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Float;	// default

		CSG_String_Tokenizer	tokFields(Parameters("FIELDS"    )->asString(), ";");
		CSG_String_Tokenizer	tokTypes (Parameters("FIELDTYPES")->asString(), ";");
		CSG_String_Tokenizer	tokNames (Parameters("FIELDNAMES")->asString(), ";");

		while( tokFields.Has_More_Tokens() )
			int	iField;

			if( !tokFields.Get_Next_Token().asInt(iField) || iField < 1 )
				Error_Set(_TL("Error parsing attribute field index"));

				return( false );

			Fields	+= iField - 1;

			CSG_String	Name;

			if( tokNames.Has_More_Tokens() )
				Name	= tokNames.Get_Next_Token(); Name.Trim(true); Name.Trim(false);

			if( Name.is_Empty() )
				if( iField - 1 < Values.Get_Count() )
					Name	= Values[iField - 1];
					Name.Printf("FIELD%02d", iField);

			if( tokTypes.Has_More_Tokens() )
				Get_Data_Type(Type, tokTypes.Get_Next_Token());

			pPoints->Add_Field(Name, Type);

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("Importing data ..."));

	int		nLines	= 0;
	sLong	Length	= Stream.Length();

	while( Stream.Read_Line(sLine) )

		if( pPoints->Get_Count() % 10000 == 0 && !Set_Progress((double)Stream.Tell(), (double)Length) )
			return( true );	// user break

		CSG_String_Tokenizer	tokValues(sLine, Separator);


		while( tokValues.Has_More_Tokens() )	// read every column in this line and fill vector
			Values	+= tokValues.Get_Next_Token();

		double	x, y, z;

		if( xField >= Values.Get_Count() || !Values[xField].asDouble(x)
		||  yField >= Values.Get_Count() || !Values[yField].asDouble(y)
		||  zField >= Values.Get_Count() || !Values[zField].asDouble(z) )
			Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s [%d]", _TL("Warning"), _TL("Skipping misformatted line"), nLines);


        pPoints->Add_Point(x, y, z);

		for(int iAttribute=0; iAttribute<pPoints->Get_Attribute_Count(); iAttribute++)
			if( Fields[iAttribute] >= Values.Get_Count() )
				pPoints->Set_NoData(3 + iAttribute);
			else switch( pPoints->Get_Attribute_Type(iAttribute) )
			case SG_DATATYPE_String:
				pPoints->Set_Attribute(iAttribute, Values[Fields[iAttribute]]);

					double	Value;

					if( Values[Fields[iAttribute]].asDouble(Value) )
						pPoints->Set_Attribute(iAttribute, Value);
						pPoints->Set_NoData(3 + iAttribute);

	DataObject_Set_Parameter(pPoints, "DISPLAY_VALUE_AGGREGATE", 3);	// highest z
	DataObject_Set_Parameter(pPoints, "COLORS_TYPE"            , 3);	// graduated colors
	DataObject_Set_Parameter(pPoints, "METRIC_ATTRIB"          , 2);	// z attrib
	DataObject_Set_Parameter(pPoints, "METRIC_ZRANGE", pPoints->Get_Minimum(2), pPoints->Get_Maximum(2));


	if( nLines > pPoints->Get_Count() )
		Message_Add(" ", true);
		Message_Fmt("%s: %d %s", _TL("Warning"), nLines - pPoints->Get_Count(), _TL("invalid points have been skipped"));

	Message_Add(" ", true);
	Message_Fmt("%d %s", pPoints->Get_Count(), _TL("points have been imported with success"));

	return( true );
예제 #10
bool	SG_FTP_Download(const CSG_String &Target_Directory, const CSG_String &Source, const SG_Char *Username, const SG_Char *Password, unsigned short Port, bool bBinary, bool bVerbose)
	CSG_String	_Source(Source); _Source.Trim();

	if( _Source.Find("ftp://") == 0 )
		_Source	= _Source.Right(_Source.Length() - CSG_String("ftp://").Length());

	CSG_String	ftpHost	= _Source.BeforeFirst('/');
	CSG_String	ftpDir	= _Source.AfterFirst ('/').BeforeLast('/'); // ftpDir.Prepend("/");
	CSG_String	ftpFile	= _Source.AfterLast  ('/');

	wxFTP ftp;

	if( Username && *Username )	{	ftp.SetUser    (Username);	}
	if( Password && *Password )	{	ftp.SetPassword(Password);	}

	if( !ftp.Connect(ftpHost.c_str(), Port) )
		if( bVerbose )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Couldn't connect"));

		return( false );

	if( !ftpDir.is_Empty() && !ftp.ChDir(ftpDir.c_str()) )
		if( bVerbose )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Couldn't change to directory"), ftpDir.c_str()));

		return( false );

	if( ftp.GetFileSize(ftpFile.c_str()) == -1 )
		if( bVerbose )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Couldn't get the file size"), ftpFile.c_str()));

	wxInputStream	*pStream	= ftp.GetInputStream(ftpFile.c_str());

	if( !pStream )
		if( bVerbose )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Couldn't get the file"), ftpFile.c_str()));

		return( false );

	wxFileOutputStream	*pFile	= new wxFileOutputStream(SG_File_Make_Path(Target_Directory, ftpFile).c_str());

	if( !pFile )
		if( bVerbose )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format("%s [%s]", _TL("Couldn't create target file"), SG_File_Make_Path(Target_Directory, ftpFile).c_str()));


		return( false );



	return( true );
예제 #11
bool CSG_MetaData::from_JSON(const CSG_String &JSON)


	CSG_MetaData	*pNode	= this;

	const SG_Char	*pc	= JSON.c_str();

	while( *pc )
		CSG_String	Element;

		for(bool bQuota=false;;)
			SG_Char c = *pc++;
			if( !c || c == '\n' ) { break; } else
				if( c == '\"' )
					Element += c; bQuota = !bQuota;
				else if( bQuota || (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != ',') )
					Element += c;

		if( Element.is_Empty() )
			// nop
		else if( Element.Find('[') >= 0 )	// array begins
			pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"'));

			pNode->Add_Property("array", 1);
		else if( Element.Find(']') >= 0 )	// array ends
			if( pNode != this )
				pNode	= pNode->Get_Parent();
		else if( Element.Find('{') >= 0 )	// object begins
			Element	= Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"');

			if( !Element.is_Empty() )
				pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(Element);
			else if( pNode->Get_Property("array") )
				pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(CSG_String::Format("%d", pNode->Get_Children_Count()));
		else if( Element.Find('}') >= 0 )	// object ends
			if( pNode != this )
				pNode	= pNode->Get_Parent();
			CSG_String	Key  (Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"'));
			CSG_String	Value(Element.AfterFirst(':'));

			if( Value.Find('\"') > -1 )
				Value	= Value.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"');

			pNode->Add_Child(Key, Value);

	return( true );