예제 #1
long CMUSHclientDoc::SpellCheckCommand(long StartCol, long EndCol) 
  if (!App.m_bSpellCheckOK)
    return -1;

  CEdit * pEdit = NULL;
  CWnd * pWnd = NULL;

  // find command window

  for(POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); pos != NULL; )
	  CView* pView = GetNextView(pos);
	  if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView)))
		  CSendView* pmyView = (CSendView*)pView;

      // what is the current selection?

      pWnd = pmyView;
      pEdit = & (pmyView->GetEditCtrl());
      }	  // end of being a CSendView
    }   // end of loop through views

  if (pEdit == NULL)
	  return -1;    // couldn't find it

  int nStartChar, 

  // get current selection
  pEdit->GetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); 

  // make wanted selection 1-relative
  if (StartCol > 0)

  bool bHaveSelection = EndCol > StartCol &&
                         StartCol >= 0 &&
                         EndCol >= 0;

  // select what the scripter wanted
  if (bHaveSelection)
     pEdit->SetSel (StartCol, EndCol); 

  if (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua)

    lua_settop(App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, 0);   // clear stack

    lua_getglobal (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, SPELLCHECKFUNCTION);  
    if (!lua_isfunction (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1))
      return true;  // assume ok, what can we do?

    CString strText;
    bool bAll = GetSelection (pEdit, strText);
    lua_pushstring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, strText);  // string to be checked
    lua_pushboolean (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, bAll);    // doing all?

    int narg = lua_gettop(App.m_SpellChecker_Lua) - 1;  // all but the function
    int error = CallLuaWithTraceBack (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, narg, 1);
    if (error)
      LuaError (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, "Run-time error", SPELLCHECKFUNCTION, "Command-line spell-check");
      lua_close (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua);
      App.m_SpellChecker_Lua = NULL;
      App.m_bSpellCheckOK = false;
      return -1;    

    if (lua_isstring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1))
      const char * p = lua_tostring (App.m_SpellChecker_Lua, -1);
      if (bAll)
        pEdit->SetSel (0, -1, TRUE);
      pEdit->ReplaceSel (p, true);
      // put original selection back
      pEdit->SetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); 
      return 1;   // spell checked ok

    // put original selection back
    pEdit->SetSel (nStartChar, nEndChar); 
    return 0;      // they cancelled

  return -1;

} // end of CMUSHclientDoc::SpellCheckCommand
예제 #2
BSTR CMUSHclientDoc::Menu(LPCTSTR Items, LPCTSTR Default) 
	CString strResult;
  CSendView* pmyView = NULL;

  for(POSITION pos=GetFirstViewPosition();pos!=NULL;)
    CView* pView = GetNextView(pos);

    if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSendView)))
      pmyView = (CSendView*)pView;

      }	  // end of being a CSendView

  if (!pmyView)
    return strResult.AllocSysString();

  CEdit * ctlEdit = & pmyView->GetEditCtrl();

  int nStartChar,

  // find the selection range
  ctlEdit->GetSel(nStartChar, nEndChar);

  if (nEndChar < 0)
    nEndChar = nStartChar;

  vector<string> v;

  StringToVector (Items, v, "|");

  int iCount = v.size ();

  // must have at least one item
  if (iCount < 1)
    return strResult.AllocSysString();

  CCompleteWordDlg dlg;
  set<string> extraItems;

  for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = v.begin (); i != v.end (); i++)
    extraItems.insert (*i);

  dlg.m_extraItems = &extraItems;
  dlg.m_strDefault = Default;
  dlg.m_bFunctions = false;
  dlg.m_pt = ctlEdit->PosFromChar (nEndChar - 1);  // strangely doesn't work at end of line


  if (dlg.DoModal () == IDOK)
     strResult = dlg.m_strResult;

	return strResult.AllocSysString();
}   // end of CMUSHclientDoc::Menu