예제 #1
void CServerBrowser::Event_MasterListQueryHandler( const std::vector<String>& servers )
	// Get the current server list
	CServerList * pList = pCore->GetGUI()->GetServerBrowser()->GetServerList( pCore->GetGUI()->GetServerBrowser()->GetCurrentServerBrowserType() );

	// Loop over all servers in the vector
	for ( auto server : servers )
		// Add the new server to the list
		if ( server.GetLength() > 1 )
			pList->Add( server );
예제 #2
bool CConnectManager::StaticProcessPacket ( unsigned char ucPacketID, NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    // We're working on connecting?
    if ( g_pConnectManager->m_bIsConnecting )
        // The packet we're expecting?
        if ( ucPacketID == PACKET_ID_MOD_NAME )
            // Read out the mod to load
            char* szModName = new char [ BitStream.GetNumberOfBytesUsed () + 1 ];
            memset ( szModName, 0, BitStream.GetNumberOfBytesUsed () + 1 );
            if ( BitStream.Read ( szModName, BitStream.GetNumberOfBytesUsed () ) )
                // Backward compatibly examine the bytes following the mod name
                BitStream.ResetReadPointer ();
                BitStream.Read ( szModName, strlen ( szModName ) );
                char cPad;
                BitStream.Read ( cPad );
                unsigned short usServerBitStreamVersion = 0x01;
                BitStream.Read ( usServerBitStreamVersion );    // This will silently fail for < 1.0.2 and leave the bitstream version at 0x01
                CCore::GetSingleton ().GetNetwork ()->SetServerBitStreamVersion ( usServerBitStreamVersion );

                // Populate the arguments to pass it (-c host port nick)
                SString strArguments ( "%s %s", g_pConnectManager->m_strNick.c_str(), g_pConnectManager->m_strPassword.c_str() );

                // Hide the messagebox we're currently showing
                CCore::GetSingleton ().RemoveMessageBox ();

                // If we connected from quick-connect, get rid of it
                CQuickConnect * pQuickConnect = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetLocalGUI ()->GetMainMenu ()->GetQuickConnectWindow ();
                if ( pQuickConnect->IsVisible () )
                    pQuickConnect->SetVisible ( false );

                // Save the connection details into the config
                CVARS_SET ( "host",     g_pConnectManager->m_strHost );
                CVARS_SET ( "port",     g_pConnectManager->m_usPort );
                CVARS_SET ( "password", g_pConnectManager->m_strPassword );

                // Save the connection details into the recently played servers list
                in_addr Address;
                if ( CServerListItem::Parse ( g_pConnectManager->m_strHost.c_str (), Address ) )
                    CServerBrowser* pServerBrowser = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetLocalGUI ()->GetMainMenu ()->GetServerBrowser ();
                    CServerList* pRecentList = pServerBrowser->GetRecentList ();
                    CServerListItem RecentServer ( Address, g_pConnectManager->m_usPort + SERVER_LIST_QUERY_PORT_OFFSET );
                    if ( !pRecentList->Exists ( RecentServer ) )
                        pRecentList->Add ( RecentServer );

                    // Set as our current server for xfire
                    if ( XfireIsLoaded () )
                        const char *szKey[2], *szValue[2];
                        szKey[0] = "Gamemode";
                        szValue[0] = RecentServer.strType.c_str();

                        szKey[1] = "Map";
                        szValue[1] = RecentServer.strMap.c_str();

                        XfireSetCustomGameData ( 2, szKey, szValue ); 

                // Kevuwk: Forced the config to save here so that the IP/Port isn't lost on crash
                CCore::GetSingleton ().SaveConfig ();

                // Reset our variables
                g_pConnectManager->m_strNick = "";
                g_pConnectManager->m_strHost = "";
                g_pConnectManager->m_strPassword = "";

                g_pConnectManager->m_usPort = 0;
                g_pConnectManager->m_bIsConnecting = false;
                g_pConnectManager->m_tConnectStarted = 0;

                // Load the mod
                if ( !CModManager::GetSingleton ().Load ( szModName, strArguments ) )
                    // Failed loading the mod
                    strArguments.Format ( "No such mod installed (%s)", szModName );
                    CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "Error", strArguments, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR );
					g_pConnectManager->Abort ();
                // Show failed message and abort the attempt
                CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "Error", "Bad server response (2)", MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR );
                g_pConnectManager->Abort ();

            delete [] szModName;
            // Not the player joined packet?
            if ( ucPacketID != PACKET_ID_SERVER_JOIN && ucPacketID != PACKET_ID_SERVER_JOIN_DATA )
                // Show failed message and abort the attempt
                CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "Error", "Bad server response (1)", MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR );
                g_pConnectManager->Abort ();

        return true;

    return false;