예제 #1
bool CKeymapLoader::FindMappedDevice(const CStdString& deviceId, CStdString& keymapName)
  CStdString deviceIdTemp = deviceId;
  std::map<CStdString, CStdString>::iterator deviceIdIt = deviceMappings.find(deviceIdTemp.ToUpper());
  if (deviceIdIt == deviceMappings.end())
    return false;

  keymapName = deviceIdIt->second;
  return true;
예제 #2
bool cVNSIChannelScan::ReadCountries()
  m_spinCountries = GUI->Control_getSpin(m_window, CONTROL_SPIN_COUNTRIES);

  CStdString dvdlang = XBMC->GetDVDMenuLanguage();
  dvdlang = dvdlang.ToUpper();

  cRequestPacket vrp;
  if (!vrp.init(VDR_SCAN_GETCOUNTRIES))
    return false;

  cResponsePacket* vresp = ReadResult(&vrp);
  if (!vresp)
    return false;

  int startIndex = -1;
  uint32_t retCode = vresp->extract_U32();
  if (retCode == VDR_RET_OK)
    while (!vresp->end())
      uint32_t    index     = vresp->extract_U32();
      const char *isoName   = vresp->extract_String();
      const char *longName  = vresp->extract_String();
      m_spinCountries->AddLabel(longName, index);
      if (dvdlang == isoName)
        startIndex = index;

      delete[] longName;
      delete[] isoName;
    if (startIndex >= 0)
    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "cVNSIChannelScan::ReadCountries() - Return error after reading countries (%i)", retCode);
  delete vresp;
  return retCode == VDR_RET_OK;
예제 #3
void CGUIBaseContainer::OnJumpSMS(int letter)
  static const char letterMap[8][6] = { "ABC2", "DEF3", "GHI4", "JKL5", "MNO6", "PQRS7", "TUV8", "WXYZ9" };

  // only 2..9 supported
  if (letter < 2 || letter > 9 || !m_letterOffsets.size())

  const CStdString letters = letterMap[letter - 2];
  // find where we currently are
  int offset = CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
  unsigned int currentLetter = 0;
  while (currentLetter + 1 < m_letterOffsets.size() && m_letterOffsets[currentLetter + 1].first <= offset)
  // now switch to the next letter
  CStdString current = m_letterOffsets[currentLetter].second;
  int startPos = (letters.Find(current.ToUpper()) + 1) % letters.size();
  // now jump to letters[startPos], or another one in the same range if possible
  int pos = startPos;
  while (true)
    // check if we can jump to this letter
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_letterOffsets.size(); i++)
      if (m_letterOffsets[i].second.ToLower() == letters.Mid(pos, 1).ToLower())
    pos = (pos + 1) % letters.size();
    if (pos == startPos)
예제 #4
bool CKaraokeLyricsTextUStar::Load()
  // Header parameters
  CStdString coverimage, bgimage;
  int bpm = 0, startoffsetms = 0;
  bool relative = false;

  // Read the text file
  std::vector< CStdString > lines = readFile( m_lyricsFile, true );

  if ( lines.size() == 0 )
    return false;

  // Clear the lyrics array

  // Parse and validate the header according to 
  // http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/wiki/doku.php?id=editor:txt_file
  unsigned int idx = 0;

  for ( ; idx < lines.size() && lines[idx][0] == '#'; idx++ )
    // Parse into key:value
    int offset = lines[idx].Find( ':' );

    if ( offset == -1 )
      CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: invalid line '%s', no semicolon", lines[idx].c_str() );
      return false;

    CStdString key = lines[idx].Mid( 1, offset - 1 );
    CStdString value = lines[idx].Mid( offset + 1 );

    if ( key == "TITLE" )
      m_songName = value;
    else if ( key == "ARTIST" )
      m_artist = value;
    else if ( key == "VIDEO" )
      CStdString videopath;
      URIUtils::GetDirectory( m_lyricsFile, videopath );
      m_videoFile = videopath + value;

      if ( !XFILE::CFile::Exists( m_videoFile ) )
        CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: VIDEO entry is present, but video file %s is not found", m_videoFile.c_str() );
    else if ( key == "COVER" )
      coverimage = value;
    else if ( key == "BACKGROUND" )
      bgimage = value;
    else if ( key == "VIDEOGAP" )
      m_videoOffset = atoi( value.c_str() );
    else if ( key == "BPM" )
      bpm = atoi( value.c_str() );
    else if ( key == "GAP" )
      startoffsetms = atoi( value.c_str() );
    else if ( key == "RELATIVE" )
      relative = (value.ToUpper() == "YES" );
    else if ( key == "LANGUAGE" || key == "EDITION" || key == "GENRE" || key == "YEAR" || key == "MP3" )
      ; // do nothing
      CLog::Log( LOGWARNING, "UStar lyric loader: unsupported keyword '%s'", key.c_str() );

  // BPM must be defined
  if ( bpm == 0 )
    CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: BPM is not defined, file is invalid" );
    return false;

  // Should be more lines
  if ( idx == lines.size() )
    CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: no lyrics found besides the header" );
    return false;

  double beatstep = 60.0 / bpm / 4.0;
  CLog::Log( LOGDEBUG, "UStar lyric loader: found valid lyrics, BPM is %d (%g)", bpm, beatstep );

  // Now parse the words/notes part
  int lyric_flags = 0;

  for ( ; idx < lines.size() && lines[idx][0] != 'E'; idx++ )
    char type = lines[idx][0];

    // A valid type should be followed by space
    if ( type != 'F' && type != ':' && type != '*' && type != '-' && lines[idx][1] != ' ' )
      CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: invalid line '%s', bad note type or no tail space", lines[idx].c_str() );
      return false;

    // Parse the numbers in the line into the vector
    int numbercount = (type == '-') ? 1 : 3;
    char * p = &(lines[idx][1]);
    std::vector< int > numbers;

    while ( numbercount > 0 )
      unsigned int length = 0;

      // Skip all leading space
      while ( isspace( *p ) )

      // skip non-space
      while ( p[length] && !isspace( p[length] ) )
        if ( !isdigit( p[length] ) )
          CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: invalid line '%s', bad digit at back-position %d", lines[idx].c_str(), numbercount );
          return false;


      p[length++] = '\0';

      if ( strlen(p) == 0 )
        CLog::Log( LOGERROR, "UStar lyric loader: invalid line '%s', empty digit at back-position %d", lines[idx].c_str(), numbercount );
        return false;

      numbers.push_back( atoi( p ) );

      // Adjust p
      p += length;

    int notestart_timing = (int)((numbers[0] * beatstep) * 10 + (startoffsetms / 100));

    if ( type != '-' )
      // Pitch is not used yet; notelenght will not be used at all
      //int notelength = numbers[1] * beatstep * 10;
      //int notepitch = numbers[2];

      addLyrics( p, notestart_timing, lyric_flags | LYRICS_CONVERT_UTF8 );
      lyric_flags = 0;

      //CLog::Log( LOGDEBUG, ":: %d %d [%d - %d] %d '%s'", numbers[0], numbers[1], notestart_timing, notelength, notepitch, text );
      lyric_flags = CKaraokeLyricsText::LYRICS_NEW_LINE;
      addLyrics( " ", notestart_timing, lyric_flags | LYRICS_CONVERT_UTF8 );

      // If we're relative, adjust to the pause start
      if ( relative )
        startoffsetms += (int)((numbers[0] * beatstep) * 10);

      //CLog::Log( LOGERROR, ":: [stop] %d [%d]", numbers[0], notestart_timing );

  // Indicate that lyrics have pitch
  m_hasPitch = true;
  return true;
예제 #5
UINT EnumDevices( CStdStrArray &devices, TCHAR * cPrefix )
  CStdString sPrefix( cPrefix );
  CStdString sCurrDev;
  int i=0;

  //Make sure we clear out any elements which may already be in the array

  //Determine what OS we are running on
  osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
  BOOL bGetVer = GetVersionEx(&osvi);

  //On NT use the QueryDosDevice API
  if (bGetVer && (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT))
    //Use QueryDosDevice to look for all devices of the form COMx. This is a better
    //solution as it means that no devices have to be opened at all.
    TCHAR szDevices[65535];
    DWORD dwChars = QueryDosDevice(NULL, szDevices, 65535);
    if (dwChars)

      for (;;)
        //Get the current device name
        TCHAR* pszCurrentDevice = &szDevices[i];
        sCurrDev = &szDevices[i];

        //If it looks like "COMX" then
        //add it to the array which will be returned
        int nLen = sCurrDev.GetLength();
        if (nLen > sPrefix.GetLength() && _tcsnicmp(sCurrDev.c_str(), sPrefix.c_str() , sPrefix.GetLength() ) == 0)
          //Work out the port number
          devices.push_back( CStdString(_T("\\\\.\\")) + CStdString( pszCurrentDevice ) );

        // Go to next NULL character
        i+= sCurrDev.GetLength();
        //while(szDevices[i] != _T('\0'))
        //  i++;

        // Bump pointer to the next string

        // The list is double-NULL terminated, so if the character is
        // now NULL, we're at the end
        if (szDevices[i] == _T('\0'))
      return -1;
    //On 95/98 open up each port to determine their existence

    //Up to 255 COM devices are supported so we iterate through all of them seeing
    //if we can open them or if we fail to open them, get an access denied or general error error.
    //Both of these cases indicate that there is a COM port at that number. 
    for (UINT i=1; i<256; i++)
      //Form the Raw device name
      CStdString sDev;
      sDev.Format(_T("\\\\.\\%s%d"), sPrefix.c_str(), i);

      //Try to open the port
      BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
      HANDLE hPort = ::CreateFile(sDev.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
      if (hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        DWORD dwError = GetLastError();

        //Check to see if the error was because some other app had the port open or a general failure
        if (dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwError == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE)
          bSuccess = TRUE;
        //The port was opened successfully
        bSuccess = TRUE;

        //Don't forget to close the port, since we are going to do nothing with it anyway

      //Add the port number to the array which will be returned
      if (bSuccess)
  return devices.size();
예제 #6
void CGUITextLayout::ParseText(const CStdString &text, vector<DWORD> &parsedText)
  if (!m_font)

  // run through the string, searching for:
  // [B] or [/B] -> toggle bold on and off
  // [I] or [/I] -> toggle italics on and off
  // [COLOR ffab007f] or [/COLOR] -> toggle color on and off
  // [CAPS <option>] or [/CAPS] -> toggle capatilization on and off

  DWORD currentStyle = m_font->GetStyle(); // start with the default font's style
  DWORD currentColor = 0;

  stack<DWORD> colorStack;

  // these aren't independent, but that's probably not too much of an issue
  // eg [UPPERCASE]Glah[LOWERCASE]FReD[/LOWERCASE]Georeg[/UPPERCASE] will work (lower case >> upper case)

  int startPos = 0;
  size_t pos = text.Find('[');
  while (pos != CStdString::npos && pos + 1 < text.size())
    DWORD newStyle = 0;
    DWORD newColor = currentColor;
    bool newLine = false;
    // have a [ - check if it's an ON or OFF switch
    bool on(true);
    int endPos = pos++; // finish of string
    if (text[pos] == '/')
      on = false;
    // check for each type
    if (text.Mid(pos,2) == "B]")
    { // bold - finish the current text block and assign the bold state
      newStyle = FONT_STYLE_BOLD;
      pos += 2;
    else if (text.Mid(pos,2) == "I]")
    { // italics
      newStyle = FONT_STYLE_ITALICS;
      pos += 2;
    else if (text.Mid(pos,10) == "UPPERCASE]")
      newStyle = FONT_STYLE_UPPERCASE;
      pos += 10;
    else if (text.Mid(pos,10) == "LOWERCASE]")
      newStyle = FONT_STYLE_LOWERCASE;
      pos += 10;
    else if (text.Mid(pos,3) == "CR]" && on)
      newLine = true;
      pos += 3;
    else if (text.Mid(pos,5) == "COLOR")
    { // color
      size_t finish = text.Find("]", pos + 5);
      if (on && finish != CStdString::npos)
      { // create new color
        newColor = m_colors.size();
        m_colors.push_back(g_colorManager.GetColor(text.Mid(pos + 5, finish - pos - 5)));
      else if (!on && finish == pos + 5)
      { // revert to previous color
        if (colorStack.size() > 1)
        newColor = colorStack.top();
      pos = finish + 1;

    if (newStyle || newColor != currentColor || newLine)
    { // we have a new style or a new color, so format up the previous segment
      CStdString subText = text.Mid(startPos, endPos - startPos);
      if (currentStyle & FONT_STYLE_UPPERCASE)
      if (currentStyle & FONT_STYLE_LOWERCASE)
      AppendToUTF32(subText, ((currentStyle & 3) << 24) | (currentColor << 16), parsedText);
      if (newLine)

      // and switch to the new style
      startPos = pos;
      currentColor = newColor;
      if (on)
        currentStyle |= newStyle;
        currentStyle &= ~newStyle;
    pos = text.Find('[',pos);
  // now grab the remainder of the string
  CStdString subText = text.Mid(startPos, text.GetLength() - startPos);
  if (currentStyle & FONT_STYLE_UPPERCASE)
  if (currentStyle & FONT_STYLE_LOWERCASE)
  AppendToUTF32(subText, ((currentStyle & 3) << 24) | (currentColor << 16), parsedText);