예제 #1
CMusicFileHandler::eError	CMusicFileHandler::Play( const CString & filename )
	const CString	extension( CFileSystem::GetFileExtension( filename ) );

	// Determine codec of the file
	s_pDecoder = NULL;

	for ( u32 codec = 0; codec <= s_CodecNum; ++codec )
		const char *	p_extension( &( s_Stubs[ codec ].extension[ 0 ] ) );

		while ( *p_extension != 0 )
			if ( extension.IEquals( p_extension ) == true )
				s_pDecoder = &s_Stubs[ codec ];


			p_extension += 4;

	if ( s_pDecoder == NULL )
		return NO_CODEC;

	s_pDecoder->init( 0 );

	if ( s_pDecoder->load( const_cast< char * >( filename.GetPtr() ) ) )
		s_bMusicIsPlaying = true;

		s_bMusicIsPlaying = false;


		// Cannot replay file...
		return REPLAY_ERROR;

	// ok !
	s_bMusicIsPaused = false;

	return SUCCESS;
예제 #2
CTexture *	CTextureManager::Create( const CString & filename, bool warn )
	CTexture *		p_texture( NULL );
	CFile * const	p_file( CFileSystem::Open( filename, "rb" ) );

	if ( p_file != NULL )
		const CString	extension( p_file->GetExtension() );

		if ( extension == "png" || extension == "PNG" )
			p_texture = ReadPNG( p_file );
		else if ( extension == "tga" || extension == "TGA" )
			p_texture = ReadTGA( p_file );
		else if ( extension == "jpg" || extension == "JPG" )
			p_texture = ReadJPG( p_file );
		else if ( extension == "bmp" || extension == "BMP" )
			p_texture = ReadBMP( p_file );
			TRACE( "Unrecognised image extension %s\n", extension.GetPtr() );
			ASSERT( 0, "" );

		CFileSystem::Close( p_file );

	if ( p_texture == NULL )
		if ( warn == true )
			TRACE( "Failed to load image %s\n", filename.GetPtr() );
			ASSERT( 0, "" );

	return p_texture;
예제 #3
CInformationDialog::CInformationDialog( const sDirEntry * const p_file_info )
:	CModalMessageBox( "File Information", "" )
	CString		text;

	text.Printf( "FileName: %s\n", p_file_info->m_szFileName.GetPtr() );

	//	Display the size of the file
	s32	size( 0 );

	if ( p_file_info->IsDirectory() == true )
		CFileList	dir_files;
		CString		full_path( CFileAssistant::Get()->GetFocusList()->GetCurrentPath() );

		full_path += p_file_info->m_szFileName;

		if ( CFileSystem::GetDirectoryFiles( full_path, dir_files ) == true )
			for ( CFileList::iterator it = dir_files.begin(); it != dir_files.end(); ++it )
				if ( ( *it ).IsFile() == true )
					CFile * const	p_file( CFileSystem::Open( ( *it ).m_szFileName, "rb" ) );

					if ( p_file != NULL )
						size += p_file->GetLength();

						CFileSystem::Close( p_file );
		if ( p_file_info->m_Stats.st_size > 0 )
			size = p_file_info->m_Stats.st_size;

	if ( size > 0 && size < 1024 )
		size = 1;
		size /= 1024;

	text.Printf( "%sSize: %d KB\n", text.GetPtr(), size );

	//	Display the text
	SetText( text );

	AddExitCode( EXIT_CROSS, "Continue" );

	CHUD::SetButtons( "Continue", "", "", "" );