예제 #1
void CGitStatusCache::RemoveCacheForPath(const CTGitPath& path)
    // Stop the crawler starting on a new folder
    CCrawlInhibitor crawlInhibit(&m_folderCrawler);
    CCachedDirectory::ItDir itMap;
    CCachedDirectory * dirtoremove = NULL;

    itMap = m_directoryCache.find(path);
    if ((itMap != m_directoryCache.end())&&(itMap->second))
        dirtoremove = itMap->second;
    if (dirtoremove == NULL)
예제 #2
CStatusCacheEntry CCachedDirectory::GetStatusForMember(const CTGitPath& path, bool bRecursive,  bool bFetch /* = true */)
	CString sProjectRoot;
	bool bIsVersionedPath;

	bool bRequestForSelf = false;
		bRequestForSelf = true;
		AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
		// HasAdminDir might modify m_directoryPath, so we need to do it synchronized
		bIsVersionedPath = m_directoryPath.HasAdminDir(&sProjectRoot);
		bIsVersionedPath = path.HasAdminDir(&sProjectRoot);

	// In all most circumstances, we ask for the status of a member of this directory.
	ATLASSERT(m_directoryPath.IsEquivalentToWithoutCase(path.GetContainingDirectory()) || bRequestForSelf);

	//If is not version control path
	if( !bIsVersionedPath)
		CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) _T(": %s is not underversion control\n"), path.GetWinPath());
		return CStatusCacheEntry();

	// We've not got this item in the cache - let's add it
	// We never bother asking SVN for the status of just one file, always for its containing directory

	if (GitAdminDir::IsAdminDirPath(path.GetWinPathString()))
		// We're being asked for the status of an .git directory
		// It's not worth asking for this
		return CStatusCacheEntry();

		return GetStatusFromGit(path, sProjectRoot);
		return GetStatusFromCache(path, bRecursive);
예제 #3
CStatusCacheEntry CCachedDirectory::GetStatusForMember(const CTGitPath& path, bool bRecursive,  bool bFetch /* = true */)
	CString strCacheKey;
	bool bRequestForSelf = false;
		bRequestForSelf = true;
//OutputDebugStringA("GetStatusForMember: ");OutputDebugStringW(path.GetWinPathString());OutputDebugStringA("\r\n");
	// In all most circumstances, we ask for the status of a member of this directory.
	ATLASSERT(m_directoryPath.IsEquivalentToWithoutCase(path.GetContainingDirectory()) || bRequestForSelf);

	CString sProjectRoot;
	const BOOL bIsVersionedPath = path.HasAdminDir(&sProjectRoot);

	//If is not version control path
	if( !bIsVersionedPath)
		ATLTRACE(_T("%s is not underversion control\n"), path.GetWinPath());
		return CStatusCacheEntry();

	// We've not got this item in the cache - let's add it
	// We never bother asking SVN for the status of just one file, always for its containing directory

	if (g_GitAdminDir.IsAdminDirPath(path.GetWinPathString()))
		// We're being asked for the status of an .git directory
		// It's not worth asking for this
		return CStatusCacheEntry();

		return GetStatusFromGit(path, sProjectRoot);
		return GetStatusFromCache(path, bRecursive);
예제 #4
/* Fetch is false, means fetch status from cache */
CStatusCacheEntry CGitStatusCache::GetStatusForPath(const CTGitPath& path, DWORD flags,  bool bFetch /* = true */)
    bool bRecursive = !!(flags & TGITCACHE_FLAGS_RECUSIVE_STATUS);

    // Check a very short-lived 'mini-cache' of the last thing we were asked for.
    long now = (long)GetTickCount();
    if(now-m_mostRecentExpiresAt < 0)
            return m_mostRecentStatus;
    m_mostRecentPath = path;
    m_mostRecentExpiresAt = now+1000;

    if (IsPathGood(path))
        // Stop the crawler starting on a new folder while we're doing this much more important task...
        // Please note, that this may be a second "lock" used concurrently to the one in RemoveCacheForPath().
        CCrawlInhibitor crawlInhibit(&m_folderCrawler);

        CTGitPath dirpath = path.GetContainingDirectory();
        if ((dirpath.IsEmpty()) || (!m_shellCache.IsPathAllowed(dirpath.GetWinPath())))
            dirpath = path.GetDirectory();
        CCachedDirectory * cachedDir = GetDirectoryCacheEntry(dirpath);
        if (cachedDir != NULL)
            //ATLTRACE(_T("GetStatusForMember %d\n"), bFetch);
            m_mostRecentStatus = cachedDir->GetStatusForMember(path, bRecursive, bFetch);
            return m_mostRecentStatus;
    ATLTRACE(_T("ignored no good path %s\n"), path.GetWinPath());
    m_mostRecentStatus = CStatusCacheEntry();
    if (m_shellCache.ShowExcludedAsNormal() && path.IsDirectory() && m_shellCache.HasGITAdminDir(path.GetWinPath(), true))
        ATLTRACE(_T("force status %s\n"), path.GetWinPath());
    return m_mostRecentStatus;
예제 #5
/* Fetch is false, means fetch status from cache */
CStatusCacheEntry CGitStatusCache::GetStatusForPath(const CTGitPath& path, DWORD flags,  bool bFetch /* = true */)
    bool bRecursive = !!(flags & TGITCACHE_FLAGS_RECUSIVE_STATUS);

    // Check a very short-lived 'mini-cache' of the last thing we were asked for.
    long now = (long)GetTickCount();
    if(now-m_mostRecentExpiresAt < 0)
            return m_mostRecentStatus;
        AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
        m_mostRecentPath = path;
        m_mostRecentExpiresAt = now + 1000;

    if (IsPathGood(path))
        // Stop the crawler starting on a new folder while we're doing this much more important task...
        // Please note, that this may be a second "lock" used concurrently to the one in RemoveCacheForPath().
        CCrawlInhibitor crawlInhibit(&m_folderCrawler);

        CTGitPath dirpath = path.GetContainingDirectory();
        if ((dirpath.IsEmpty()) || (!m_shellCache.IsPathAllowed(dirpath.GetWinPath())))
            dirpath = path.GetDirectory();
        CCachedDirectory * cachedDir = GetDirectoryCacheEntry(dirpath);
        if (cachedDir != NULL)
            //ATLTRACE(_T("GetStatusForMember %d\n"), bFetch);
            CStatusCacheEntry entry = cachedDir->GetStatusForMember(path, bRecursive, bFetch);
                AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
                m_mostRecentStatus = entry;
                return m_mostRecentStatus;
        // path is blocked for some reason: return the cached status if we have one
        // we do here only a cache search, absolutely no disk access is allowed!
        CCachedDirectory::ItDir itMap = m_directoryCache.find(path.GetDirectory());
        if ((itMap != m_directoryCache.end())&&(itMap->second))
            if (path.IsDirectory())
                CStatusCacheEntry entry = itMap->second->GetOwnStatus(false);
                AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
                m_mostRecentStatus = entry;
                return m_mostRecentStatus;
                // We've found this directory in the cache
                CCachedDirectory * cachedDir = itMap->second;
                CStatusCacheEntry entry = cachedDir->GetCacheStatusForMember(path);
                    AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
                    m_mostRecentStatus = entry;
                    return m_mostRecentStatus;
    AutoLocker lock(m_critSec);
    ATLTRACE(_T("ignored no good path %s\n"), path.GetWinPath());
    m_mostRecentStatus = CStatusCacheEntry();
    if (m_shellCache.ShowExcludedAsNormal() && path.IsDirectory() && m_shellCache.HasGITAdminDir(path.GetWinPath(), true))
        ATLTRACE(_T("force status %s\n"), path.GetWinPath());
    return m_mostRecentStatus;
예제 #6
void CGitStatusCache::UpdateShell(const CTGitPath& path)
	if (path.IsEquivalentToWithoutCase(m_mostRecentPath))
		m_mostRecentExpiresAt = 0;
예제 #7
git_error_t * CCachedDirectory::GetStatusCallback(void *baton, const char *path, git_wc_status2_t *status)
	CCachedDirectory* pThis = (CCachedDirectory*)baton;

	if (path == NULL)
		return 0;

	CTGitPath svnPath;

		if ((status->text_status != git_wc_status_none)&&(status->text_status != git_wc_status_missing))
			svnPath.SetFromSVN(path, (status->entry->kind == svn_node_dir));

				if (pThis->m_bRecursive)
					// Add any versioned directory, which is not our 'self' entry, to the list for having its status updated

				// Make sure we know about this child directory
				// This initial status value is likely to be overwritten from below at some point
				git_wc_status_kind s = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(status->text_status, status->prop_status);
				CCachedDirectory * cdir = CGitStatusCache::Instance().GetDirectoryCacheEntryNoCreate(svnPath);
				if (cdir)
					// This child directory is already in our cache!
					// So ask this dir about its recursive status
					git_wc_status_kind st = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(s, cdir->GetCurrentFullStatus());
					AutoLocker lock(pThis->m_critSec);
					pThis->m_childDirectories[svnPath] = st;
					// the child directory is not in the cache. Create a new entry for it in the cache which is
					// initially 'unversioned'. But we added that directory to the crawling list above, which
					// means the cache will be updated soon.
					AutoLocker lock(pThis->m_critSec);
					pThis->m_childDirectories[svnPath] = s;
			// Keep track of the most important status of all the files in this directory
			// Don't include subdirectories in this figure, because they need to provide their
			// own 'most important' value
			pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus, status->text_status);
			pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus, status->prop_status);
			if (((status->text_status == git_wc_status_unversioned)||(status->text_status == git_wc_status_none))
				// treat unversioned files as modified
				if (pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus != git_wc_status_added)
					pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus, git_wc_status_modified);
		// Subversion returns no 'entry' field for versioned folders if they're
		// part of another working copy (nested layouts).
		// So we have to make sure that such an 'unversioned' folder really
		// is unversioned.
		if (((status->text_status == git_wc_status_unversioned)||(status->text_status == git_wc_status_missing))&&(!svnPath.IsEquivalentToWithoutCase(pThis->m_directoryPath))&&(svnPath.IsDirectory()))
			if (svnPath.HasAdminDir())
				// Mark the directory as 'versioned' (status 'normal' for now).
				// This initial value will be overwritten from below some time later
					AutoLocker lock(pThis->m_critSec);
					pThis->m_childDirectories[svnPath] = git_wc_status_normal;
				// Make sure the entry is also in the cache
				// also mark the status in the status object as normal
				status->text_status = git_wc_status_normal;
		else if (status->text_status == git_wc_status_external)
			// Mark the directory as 'versioned' (status 'normal' for now).
			// This initial value will be overwritten from below some time later
				AutoLocker lock(pThis->m_critSec);
				pThis->m_childDirectories[svnPath] = git_wc_status_normal;
			// we have added a directory to the child-directory list of this
			// directory. We now must make sure that this directory also has
			// an entry in the cache.
			// also mark the status in the status object as normal
			status->text_status = git_wc_status_normal;
			if (svnPath.IsDirectory())
				AutoLocker lock(pThis->m_critSec);
				pThis->m_childDirectories[svnPath] = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(status->text_status, status->prop_status);
			else if ((CGitStatusCache::Instance().IsUnversionedAsModified())&&(status->text_status != git_wc_status_missing))
				// make this unversioned item change the most important status of this
				// folder to modified if it doesn't already have another status
				if (pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus != git_wc_status_added)
					pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(pThis->m_mostImportantFileStatus, git_wc_status_modified);

	pThis->AddEntry(svnPath, status);

	return 0;