예제 #1
void CTransform::LookAt(const CVec& cEye, const CVec& cCenter, const CVec& cUp)
    CVec cF = cCenter - cEye;
    cF.Normalize( );

    CVec cUpPrime = cUp;
    cUpPrime.Normalize( );

    CVec cS = cF * cUpPrime;
    CVec cU = cS * cF;

    CTransform cTemp;
    cTemp.m_afData[0][0] = cS[0];
    cTemp.m_afData[1][0] = cS[1];
    cTemp.m_afData[2][0] = cS[2];

    cTemp.m_afData[0][1] = cU[0];
    cTemp.m_afData[1][1] = cU[1];
    cTemp.m_afData[2][1] = cU[2];

    cTemp.m_afData[0][2] = -cF[0];
    cTemp.m_afData[1][2] = -cF[1];
    cTemp.m_afData[2][2] = -cF[2];

    *this = cTemp * *this;

    Translate(-cEye.m_afData[0], -cEye.m_afData[1], -cEye.m_afData[2]);
예제 #2
void CVecTests::ShouldDefaultToOriginWhenNoParameterPassed()
    CVec vec;
    QVERIFY2(vec.x() == 0.0, "X coordinate should be 0.0");
    QVERIFY2(vec.y() == 0.0, "Y coordinate should be 0.0");
    QVERIFY2(vec.z() == 0.0, "Z coordinate should be 0.0");
예제 #3
파일: Worm.cpp 프로젝트: xy124/Spill
void CWorm::ProcessPickDropItem() {
	//for all items in range: pick them up, if no item selected
	if ((g_pFramework->isNewEvent()) && (g_pFramework->KeyDown(m_pSettings->KeyPickDropItem))) {
		if (m_SelectedpItem == m_pItems.begin()) { //pick item up!
			list<CItem*>::iterator it;
			for (it = m_pGame->m_pItems.begin(); it != m_pGame->m_pItems.end(); ++it) {
				if ((*it)->getOwner() == NULL) { //nobody owns it
					//calculate distance to item:
					CVec posItem = CVec((*it)->getRect(), true);
					CVec dist = CVec(getRect());
					dist -= posItem;

					if (dist.quad_abs() < QUADMAXITEMPICKUPDIST) { //in range...., so its mine now!
						//new item = selected one:
						m_SelectedpItem = m_pItems.end();
		} else {//drop item!
			if ((*m_SelectedpItem)->isDropable()) {//can drop item
				m_SelectedpItem = m_pItems.erase(m_SelectedpItem);
// Setup the camera for the car
void Car_SetupCamera(carsim_t *psCar, CCamera *pcCam, float dt)
	float length = 40;


	CVec pos = psCar->cPos;
	CVec up = psCar->Z;
	// Limit the UP vector to a certain degree
	up.SetZ( MAX(0.5f, up.GetZ()) );

	psCar->cDestCamPos = pos - psCar->Y * length + up * 10;

	CVec v = pcCam->getPos() - psCar->cDestCamPos;
	float dist = VectorNormalize(&v);
	// Spring to the 'normal' position
	CVec campos = pcCam->getPos() - v * CVec(10,10,5) * (dist*dt);

	// Follow car camera
	pcCam->Setup( campos, pos+psCar->Y*8 );

    // DEVELOPER: side view
    keyboard_t *kb = System_GetKeyboard();
	if(psOptions->nDeveloper) {
			pcCam->Setup( pos - psCar->X*35 + psCar->Z*5, pos);
			pcCam->Setup( pos + psCar->X*35 + psCar->Z*5, pos);
			pcCam->Setup( pos + psCar->Y*35 + psCar->Z*5, pos);

	// Stationary (DEBUG) camera
	campos = CVec(30,30,420);
	//pcCam->Setup( campos, pos );

	// Hood camera
    if( psCar->nCameraType == CAM_INCAR ) {
        pos = psCar->X*psCar->cInCarCamera.GetX() + psCar->Y*psCar->cInCarCamera.GetY() + psCar->Z*psCar->cInCarCamera.GetZ() + psCar->cPos;
        pcCam->Setup( pos, pos+psCar->Y*5);

        // Find the roll angle of the car
        // TODO: Do this better
        float roll = -atanf( psCar->X.GetZ() ) * (180/PI);
        pcCam->setRoll( roll );
    } else 
        pcCam->setRoll( 0 );
예제 #5
CCoordSys::CCoordSys(CVec& org, CVec& dirX, CVec& dirY, UNIT_SYSTEM units)
	m_vecDirZ = dirX.Cross(dirY);
	m_vecDirX = dirX.Normalized();
	m_vecDirY = dirY.Normalized();
	m_vecDirZ = m_vecDirZ.Normalized();
	m_vecOrg = org;
	m_enumUnits = units;
 void RemoveUnusedFrames()  //  frames count will not go below t_initialFrames
     for( uiw frame = 0; frame < _o_frames.Size() && _o_frames.Size() >= t_initialFrames; ++frame )
         if( _o_frames[ frame ].used == 0 )
             _o_frames.Erase( frame, 1 );
예제 #7
파일: Framework.cpp 프로젝트: xy124/Spill
void CFramework::drawLine(CVec v1, CVec v2, int r, int g, int b, bool doOnViewCheck) {
	vector<S_ViewPort>::iterator it;
	for (it = g_pFramework->ViewPorts.begin(); it != g_pFramework->ViewPorts.end(); ++it) {
		if ( (doOnViewCheck == false) ||
				((v1.inRect(it->m_View)) && (v2.inRect(it->m_View))) )  {
				v1.x + (it->m_ScreenPosition.x) - (it->m_View.x), v1.y,
				v2.x + (it->m_ScreenPosition.x) - (it->m_View.x), v2.y,
				r, g, b, 255);
예제 #8
void CTransform::RotateAxis(float fAngle, CVec cAxis)
    cAxis.Normalize( );
    float s = VectorSinD(fAngle);
    float c = VectorCosD(fAngle);
    float t = 1.0f - c;

    float x = cAxis.m_afData[0];
    float y = cAxis.m_afData[1];
    float z = cAxis.m_afData[2];

    CTransform  cRotMatrix;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[0][0] = t * x * x + c;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[0][1] = t * x * y + s * z;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[0][2] = t * x * z - s * y;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[0][3] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[1][0] = t * x * y - s * z;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[1][1] = t * y * y + c;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[1][2] = t * y * z + s * x;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[1][3] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[2][0] = t * x * z + s * y;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[2][1] = t * y * z - s * x;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[2][2] = t * z * z + c;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[2][3] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[3][0] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[3][1] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[3][2] = 0.0;
    cRotMatrix.m_afData[3][3] = 1.0;

    *this = cRotMatrix * *this;
    X &Enumerate( uiw *p_frame, uiw *p_index )
        ASSUME( p_frame && p_index );

        for( ; ; )
            uiw frame = *p_frame;
            uiw index = *p_index;
            if( *p_index == t_frameSize )
                *p_index = 0;
            if( frame == _o_frames.Size() )
                *p_frame = uiw_max;
                return _o_frames[ 0 ].p_mem[ 0 ];
            if( !_IsFree( &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ] ) )
                return _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ];
예제 #10
void CAA_DragonFire::update() {
	if (getLastCollisionX().bIsCollision) {
		CBlockKoord blockKoord;
		CVec vec = CVec(	getRect().x+(m_bOrientation == OLEFT ? -3.0f : getRect().w+3.0f),	//x
							getRect().y + 50.0f);												//y
		blockKoord = vec.toBlockKoord();
		CBlock * pOldBlock = m_pGame->getBlock(blockKoord);
		if ((pOldBlock != NULL) && (pOldBlock->getBlockType() != CBlock::AIR)) {
			m_pGame->BuildBlock(blockKoord, CBlock::AIR, m_WormID, m_TeamID);

		//TODO: save map in xml...


 void RemoveByFrameIndex( uiw frame, uiw index )
     ASSUME( frame < _o_frames.Size() && index < t_frameSize );
     ASSUME( !_IsFree( &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ] ) );
     _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ].~X();
     _SetFree( &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ] );
     --_o_frames[ frame ].used;
예제 #12
파일: Physics.cpp 프로젝트: albertz/Spill
CBlock::BlockType CPhysics::getBlockType(CVec &vec) {
	CBlock* b;
	b= m_pGame->getBlock(vec.toBlockKoord());
	if (b != NULL) //vec existiert tats�chlich!
		return b->getBlockType();
		return CBlock::NORMAL;
 uiw Size()
     uiw size = 0;
     for( uiw frame = 0; frame < _o_frames.Size(); ++frame )
         size += _o_frames[ frame ].used;
     return size;
    X *AddUninit()
        for( uiw frame = 0; frame < _o_frames.Size(); ++frame )
            if( _o_frames[ frame ].used < t_frameSize )
                for( uiw index = 0; ; ++index )
                    ASSUME( index < t_frameSize );
                    if( _IsFree( _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem + index ) )
                        ++_o_frames[ frame ].used;
                        return &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ];

        _o_frames.Resize( _o_frames.Size() + 1 );

        return &_o_frames.Back().p_mem[ 0 ];
 void Clear()
     for( uiw frame = 0; frame < _o_frames.Size(); ++frame )
         for( uiw index = 0; index < t_frameSize; ++index )
             if( !_IsFree( &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ] ) )
                 _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ].~X();
                 _SetFree( &_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ] );
         _o_frames[ frame ].used = 0;
 void Remove( X *p_val )
     for( uiw frame = 0; ; ++frame )
         ASSUME( frame < _o_frames.Size() );
         if( p_val >= _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem && p_val <= _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem + t_frameSize - 1 )
             ASSUME( !_IsFree( p_val ) );
             _SetFree( p_val );
             --_o_frames[ frame ].used;
 bln GetFrameIndexByAddr( const void *cp_addr, uiw *p_frame, uiw *p_index )
     ASSUME( p_frame && p_index );
     const byte *cp_byteAddr = (byte *)cp_addr;
     for( uiw frame = 0; frame < _o_frames.Size(); ++frame )
         if( cp_byteAddr >= (byte *)_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem && (X *)cp_byteAddr < _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem + t_frameSize )
             *p_frame = frame;
             cp_byteAddr -= (uiw)_o_frames[ frame ].p_mem;
             *p_index = (uiw)cp_byteAddr / sizeof(X);
             return true;
     return false;
예제 #18
파일: CAA_Cloud.cpp 프로젝트: albertz/Spill
void CAA_Cloud::init(CVec StartPos, CWorm * pAimWorm, CWorm * pOwnerWorm, int TeamID) {
	FloatRect fr = StartPos.toFloatRect();
	fr.w = m_pSprite->GetRect().w;
	fr.h = m_pSprite->GetRect().h;
	fr.y = 0; //Clouds are on Heaven!
	m_TeamID = TeamID;
	m_pAimWorm = pAimWorm;
	m_pOwnerWorm = pOwnerWorm;

	//don't do physics on that!

	m_fLighteningState = 0.0f;
예제 #19
CVec CTransform::operator*(const CVec& cVec) const
    int nSize = cVec.GetSize( );
    CVec cTemp(nSize);

    for (int i = 0; i < nSize; ++i)
        cTemp.m_afData[i] = 0.0f;
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            if (j < nSize)
                    cTemp.m_afData[i] += m_afData[i][j] * cVec.m_afData[j];
            else if (j == 3)
                    cTemp.m_afData[i] += m_afData[i][j];

    return cTemp;
예제 #20
파일: CSky.cpp 프로젝트: tecan/StreetRod3
// Initialize the sky
bool CSky::Initialize(void)
	// Allocate the stars
	m_psStars = new star_t[MAX_STARS];
	if(m_psStars == NULL)
		return false;

	// Set the star details
    float radius = 90;
    CVec f;
    for(int i=0; i<MAX_STARS; i++) {
        GetAngles(-fabs(GetRandomNum()*45), 0, fabs(GetRandomNum()*360), &f, NULL, NULL);
        m_psStars[i].pos = f*radius;
        m_psStars[i].size = fabs(GetRandomNum());
        m_psStars[i].flicker = fabs(GetRandomNum());

        // Calculate the rotation
	    CVec p = m_psStars[i].pos;
	    VectorNormalize( &p );

        m_psStars[i].yaw = (float)(-atan2(p.GetX(),p.GetY()) * (180/PI));

        float dist = (float)sqrt((float)(p.GetX() * p.GetX() + p.GetY() * p.GetY()));
	    m_psStars[i].pitch = (float)(-atan2(dist,p.GetZ()) * (180/PI)+270);

	// Load the moon texture
	m_psMoonTexture = Cache_LoadTexture("data/textures/sky/moonlg.png");
	if(m_psMoonTexture == NULL)
		return false;

	// Load the star texture
	m_psStarTexture = Cache_LoadTexture("data/textures/sky/star.png");
	if(m_psStarTexture == NULL)
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #21
파일: util.cpp 프로젝트: dsapandora/bioloid
// calculates euler angles representing rotation matrix
void CMathLib::getOrientation(CMatrix &mat, CVec &first, CVec &second)
          float a, b, g;
     b = atan2(-mat.a[2], sqrt(mat.a[0]*mat.a[0]+mat.a[1]*mat.a[1]));

     if (fabsf(b - M_PI/2.0) < 0.0001)
        a = 0;
        g = atan2(mat.a[4], mat.a[5]);        
     } else if (fabsf(b + M_PI/2.0) < 0.0001)
        a = 0;
        g = -atan2(mat.a[4], mat.a[5]);        
     } else
        a = atan2(mat.a[1]/cos(b), mat.a[0]/cos(b));
        g = atan2(mat.a[6]/cos(b), mat.a[10]/cos(b));   
     first.set(g, b, a);
     second = first;
  float a, b, g;

  b = atan2(-mat.a[4], sqrt(mat.a[5]*mat.a[5]+mat.a[6]*mat.a[6]) );

  if(fabs(b - M_PI/2.0) < 0.0001) {
    g = 0;
    a = atan2(mat.a[9], mat.a[10]);
  else if(fabs(b + M_PI/2.0) < 0.0001) {
    g = 0;
    a = atan2(-mat.a[9], mat.a[10]);
  else {
    a = atan2(mat.a[8]/cos(b), mat.a[0]/cos(b) );
    g = atan2(mat.a[6]/cos(b), mat.a[5]/cos(b) );

  first.set(g, a, b);
  second = first;*/
예제 #22
파일: Vec.cpp 프로젝트: ak4hige/myway3d
float CVec::AngleBetween(const CVec& cVec) const
    return (acosf((*this ^ cVec) / (Magnitude( ) * cVec.Magnitude( ))));
예제 #23
파일: Physics.cpp 프로젝트: albertz/Spill
void CPhysics::doPhysicsFor(CPhysicalObject * it) {

	if (! it->getCanMove())

	S_Collision YCollision;
	S_Collision XCollision;

	float timeElapsed = g_pTimer->getElapsed();
	if (timeElapsed == 0.0f)
		return; //macht keinen Sinn....
	FloatRect FR = it->getRect(); //rect of PO..PhysicalObject
	CVec dir = it->getDir(); //dir of PO
	XCollision.bIsCollision = false;
	YCollision.bIsCollision = false;

	float time = timeElapsed;
	int i;//Anzahl der Kleinschritte herrausbekommen:
	for (i = 1; dir.quad_abs()*time > BLOCKSIZE*BLOCKSIZE; i++) {
		time = timeElapsed/i;

	for (i = 1; (i*time <= timeElapsed); i++) {
		if (!XCollision.bIsCollision) {
			FR.x += dir.x*time;
			XCollision = getCollision(FR);
			if (XCollision.bIsCollision) { //kollission durch x-Rutschen?
				FR.x -= dir.x*time; //dann x-Rutschen wieder r�ckg�ngig machen
				dir.x *= (-1 * XCollision.fBouncingFactorX);

		if (!YCollision.bIsCollision) {
			//yes all physicall objects fall!
			//Fallbeschleunigung dazu!
			//HINT: Fallkurve hängt von getTimeelapsed ab!! evtl mit s=g/2t² arbeieten
			dir.y += Gravity*time; //graviy muss nach unten zeigen...

			it->setCanJump(false); //kann auf jeden erstmal nicht springen
			//Kollission durch y-Verschiebung??
			FR.y += dir.y*time;
			YCollision = getCollision(FR);
			if (YCollision.bIsCollision) { //kollission durch y-Rutschen?
				//getBouncingfactor from Blocktype
				FR.y -= dir.y*time; //dann y-Rutschen wieder r�ckg�ngig machen
				dir.y *= (-1 * YCollision.fBouncingFactorY);//neues Y
				if ((Abs(dir.y) < 10.0f) || (YCollision.BlockType == CBlock::JUMPBOARD)) {


		if (YCollision.bIsCollision && XCollision.bIsCollision)

	}//für jeden SChritt...
	//wenn keine x-Kollission:
	//HINT:Reibung://Flugreibung ist Sinnlos!
	if (!XCollision.bIsCollision)
		dir.x *= (Friction ) ; //TODO TimeElapsed einrechnen!

	if (FR.x < 0.0f) FR.x = 0.0f; //man kann nicht aus dem linken bildschirm fallen!!
	if (FR.y < 0.0f) {//opben geht das ganze natürlich auch nicht
		FR.y = 0.0f;
		dir.y = 0.0f;
	}//MBE Performance: allways 0.0f if its float! with .0f!!!

	//Wenn keine kollission dann Verschieben !...^^

	//gegebenenfalls neue collision setzen
	if (YCollision.BlockType != CBlock::AIR)
 uiw Frames()
     return _o_frames.Size();
 void ClearToInitial()
     _o_frames.Resize( t_initialFrames );
// Update the wheel position
void Car_UpdateWheel(carsim_t *psCar, CModel *pcTrack, int id)
	wheel_t *w = &psCar->sWheels[id];

	CVec	relpos = w->cRelPos;
	float	p[3], t1[9], t2[9];
	plane_t	plane;

	// Calculate the wheel 'top' pos
	CVec wheelPos = psCar->X*relpos.GetX() + psCar->Y*relpos.GetY() + psCar->Z*relpos.GetZ() + psCar->cPos;

	// Convert the wheel in car coords
	relpos -= CVec(0,0,w->fRestLength);	
	w->cPos = psCar->X*relpos.GetX() + psCar->Y*relpos.GetY() + psCar->Z*relpos.GetZ() + psCar->cPos;	
	// This is for the rendering
	w->fWheelZ = -w->fRestLength;	

	// Defaults
	w->fSuspLength = w->fRestLength;
	w->fPistonVelocity = 0;

	// Check for collisions
	p[0] = w->cPos.GetX();	p[1] = w->cPos.GetY();	p[2] = w->cPos.GetZ();

	w->bCollision = false;
	float	pDist = 0;

	if( pcTrack->getCDModel()->sphereCollision( p, w->fRadius ) ) {

		float top=999999;
		for(int n=0; n<pcTrack->getCDModel()->getNumCollisions(); n++) {

			pcTrack->getCDModel()->getCollidingTriangles(n, t1,t2,false);		

			plane = CalculatePlane(CVec(t1[0],t1[1],t1[2]),

			// If the normal is too great for the tyre, ignore the collision
			if(DotProduct(plane.vNormal,psCar->Z) < 0.5f)

			// Find the plane that is raised towards the wheel center the most
			if( DotProduct(wheelPos, plane.vNormal) + plane.fDistance < top) {

				// TODO: Check if the tyre is not too high (ie, over the suspension joint)
				top = DotProduct(wheelPos, plane.vNormal) + plane.fDistance;
				w->cNormal = plane.vNormal;
				pDist = plane.fDistance;
			w->bCollision = true;

	w->fSpeed = 0;

	// If not colliding, just leave

	// Make the tyre sit on top of the road
	float d = DotProduct(w->cPos, w->cNormal) + pDist;
	w->fSuspLength = d;

	relpos = w->cRelPos - CVec(0,0,w->fSuspLength);
	w->fWheelZ = -w->fSuspLength;
	w->cPos = psCar->X*relpos.GetX() + psCar->Y*relpos.GetY() + psCar->Z*relpos.GetZ() + psCar->cPos;

	// Get the piston velocity for the suspension
	CVec vel = CrossProduct(psCar->cPos-w->cPos, psCar->cAngVelocity) + psCar->cVelocity;

	w->fPistonVelocity = (psCar->Z * DotProduct(psCar->Z,vel)).GetZ();

	// Calculate the rotation speed of the tyre
	CVec s = psCar->Y * DotProduct(psCar->cVelocity, psCar->Y);
	w->fSpeed = VectorLength(s);    

	if(DotProduct(psCar->cVelocity, psCar->Y) > 0)
		w->fSpin += w->fSpeed / w->fRadius;
		w->fSpin -= w->fSpeed / w->fRadius;

    // Rotation is based on the Torque from the engine
    //w->fSpin += w->fTorque / w->fRadius;

    // If the torque is greater then the slip torque for the surface, the wheel is slipping and the engine force
    // is less
    // Note: The slip torque is constant for now
    if(id == 1) {
        //tMainSR3.f1 = w->fTorque;

    if(w->fTorque > 100) {
        // Slipping
        w->fEngineLoad = w->fTorque/50;
        w->bSlip = true;
    } else {
        w->bSlip = false;
        w->fEngineLoad = 0;

	w->fSpin = LimitAngle(w->fSpin);
예제 #27
CObject *CreateBox()
	static Nullable < SGeometry > boxGeo;
	if( boxGeo.IsNull() )
		Geometry::BoxTN( &boxGeo.Get(), true );

	SGeometrySlice slice;
	slice.indicesCount = boxGeo->indicesCount;
	slice.is_defined = true;
	slice.startIndex = 0;
	slice.startVertex = 0;
	slice.verticesCount = boxGeo->verticesCount;

	D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC o_sampDef;
    o_sampDef.AddressU = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
    o_sampDef.AddressV = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
    o_sampDef.AddressW = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP;
    o_sampDef.BorderColor[ 0 ] = 1.f;
    o_sampDef.BorderColor[ 1 ] = 1.f;
    o_sampDef.BorderColor[ 2 ] = 1.f;
    o_sampDef.BorderColor[ 3 ] = 1.f;
    o_sampDef.ComparisonFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_NEVER;
    o_sampDef.Filter = D3D11_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC;
    o_sampDef.MaxAnisotropy = 16;
    o_sampDef.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
    o_sampDef.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
    o_sampDef.MipLODBias = 0.f;

	D3D11_BLEND_DESC o_blend = {};
    o_blend.AlphaToCoverageEnable = false;
    o_blend.IndependentBlendEnable = false;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].BlendEnable = true;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].SrcBlend = D3D11_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].DestBlend = D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].BlendOp = D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].SrcBlendAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_ZERO;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].DestBlendAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_ZERO;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].BlendOpAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD;
    o_blend.RenderTarget[ 0 ].RenderTargetWriteMask = D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALL;

    o_rsDesc.AntialiasedLineEnable = false;
    o_rsDesc.CullMode = D3D11_CULL_BACK;
    o_rsDesc.DepthBias = 0;
    o_rsDesc.DepthBiasClamp = 0.f;
    o_rsDesc.DepthClipEnable = true;
    o_rsDesc.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_SOLID;
    o_rsDesc.FrontCounterClockwise = false;
    o_rsDesc.MultisampleEnable = false;
    o_rsDesc.ScissorEnable = false;
    o_rsDesc.SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.f;

	CVec < STex, void > tex;
	tex.EmplaceBack( TextureLoader::Load( "Textures/Best-Desktop-Background-130.jpg" ), &o_sampDef, vec2( 0 ), vec2( 4000, 4 ), vec2( 0.75, 0.75 ), 0 );

	CVec < SMaterial, void > mat;
	mat.EmplaceBack( &boxGeo.Get(), slice, 1, 0, std::move( tex ), ShadersManager::AcquireByName( "lightless" ), &o_blend, &o_rsDesc, Colora::White, Colora::White, Color::Black, 0.5, RStates::target );
	mat[ 0 ].is_enabled = true;
	mat[ 0 ].is_inFrustum = true;

	return new CObject( vec3( 0 ), vec3( 0 ), vec3( 0 ), std::move( mat ) );
 X &Get( uiw frame, uiw index )
     ASSUME( frame < _o_frames.Size() && index < t_frameSize );
     return _o_frames[ frame ].p_mem[ index ];
 CFramedStore() : _o_frames( t_initialFrames )
     _o_frames.Resize( t_initialFrames );
예제 #30
파일: CSky.cpp 프로젝트: tecan/StreetRod3
// Render the sky
void CSky::Render(CCamera *psCamera)
    int     i;
    float   fSize;


	// Make the sky be around the camera
    if(psCamera) {
        CVec p = psCamera->getPos();
	    glTranslatef(p.GetX(), p.GetY(), p.GetZ());

	// Draw the stars

    star_t *s = m_psStars;
    for(i=0; i<MAX_STARS; i++, s++) {
        glTranslatef(s->pos.GetX(), s->pos.GetY(), s->pos.GetZ());
        glRotatef(s->yaw-180, 0,0,1);
        glRotatef(s->pitch, 0,0,1);

        float f = 1-(fabs(GetRandomNum()*0.6f) * s->flicker);

        fSize = s->size;

	    glTexCoord2i(0,0);		glVertex3f(-fSize, 0, -fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(1,0);		glVertex3f(fSize,  0, -fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(1,1);		glVertex3f(fSize,  0, fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(0,1);		glVertex3f(-fSize, 0, fSize);


    // Draw the moon
    fSize = 5.5f;
	    glTexCoord2i(0,0);		glVertex3f(-fSize, 0, -fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(1,0);		glVertex3f(fSize,  0, -fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(1,1);		glVertex3f(fSize,  0, fSize);
	    glTexCoord2i(0,1);		glVertex3f(-fSize, 0, fSize);
