예제 #1
void SwitchContext ( CVehicle* pVehicle )
    if ( !pVehicle ) return;

    // Grab the vehicle's internal interface
    CVehicleSA* pVehicleSA = dynamic_cast < CVehicleSA* > ( pVehicle );

    DWORD dwVehicle = (DWORD)pVehicleSA->GetInterface ();

    // Grab the driver of the vehicle
    CPed* thePed = pVehicle->GetDriver ();
    if ( thePed )
        // Switch the context to the driver of the vehiclee
        SwitchContext ( thePed );
        if ( bNotInLocalContext )
            // Prevent the game making remote players vehicle's audio behave like locals (and deleting 
            // radio etc when they are removed) - issue #95
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50230C, 0x0 );

            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( dwVehicle + 312 + 0xA5, 0 );

            // For tanks, to prevent our mouse movement affecting remote tanks
            // 006AEA25   0F85 60010000    JNZ gta_sa.006AEB8B
            // V
            // 006AEA25   90               NOP
            // 006AEA26   E9 60010000      JMP gta_sa.006AEB8B
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x6AEA25, 0x90 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x6AEA26, 0xE9 );

            // Same for firetrucks and SWATs
            // 00729B96   0F85 75010000    JNZ gta_sa.00729D11
            // V
            // 00729B96   90               NOP
            // 00729B97   E9 75010000      JMP gta_sa.00729D11
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x729B96, 0x90 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x729B97, 0xE9 );

            bRadioHackInstalled = TRUE;

            //0050237C  |. E8 9F37FFFF    CALL gta_sa_u.004F5B20
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50237C + 0, 0xE8 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50237C + 1, 0x9F );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50237C + 2, 0x37 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50237C + 3, 0xFF );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x50237C + 4, 0xFF );

            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x5023A3 + 0, 0xE8 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x5023A3 + 1, 0xB8 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x5023A3 + 2, 0x37 );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x5023A3 + 3, 0xFF );
            MemPutFast < BYTE > ( 0x5023A3 + 4, 0xFF );
예제 #2
void SwitchContext ( CVehicle* pVehicle )
    if ( !pVehicle ) return;

    // Grab the vehicle's internal interface
    CVehicleSA* pVehicleSA = dynamic_cast < CVehicleSA* > ( pVehicle );

    DWORD dwVehicle = (DWORD)pVehicleSA->GetInterface ();

    // Grab the driver of the vehicle
    CPed* thePed = pVehicle->GetDriver ();
    if ( thePed )
        // Switch the context to the driver of the vehiclee
        SwitchContext ( thePed );
        if ( bNotInLocalContext )
            // Prevent the game making remote players vehicle's audio behave like locals (and deleting 
            // radio etc when they are removed) - issue #95
            *(BYTE *)0x50230C = 0x0;

            *(BYTE *)(dwVehicle + 312 + 0xA5) = 0; // set the is local player's flag to 0 on the audio entity for the vehicle

            // For tanks, to prevent our mouse movement affecting remote tanks
            // 006AEA25   0F85 60010000    JNZ gta_sa.006AEB8B
            // V
            // 006AEA25   90               NOP
            // 006AEA26   E9 60010000      JMP gta_sa.006AEB8B
            *(BYTE *)0x6AEA25 = 0x90;
            *(BYTE *)0x6AEA26 = 0xE9;

            bRadioHackInstalled = TRUE;

            //0050237C  |. E8 9F37FFFF    CALL gta_sa_u.004F5B20
            *(BYTE *)(0x50237C + 0) = 0xE8;
            *(BYTE *)(0x50237C + 1) = 0x9F;
            *(BYTE *)(0x50237C + 2) = 0x37;
            *(BYTE *)(0x50237C + 3) = 0xFF;
            *(BYTE *)(0x50237C + 4) = 0xFF;

            *(BYTE *)(0x5023A3 + 0) = 0xE8;
            *(BYTE *)(0x5023A3 + 1) = 0xB8;
            *(BYTE *)(0x5023A3 + 2) = 0x37;
            *(BYTE *)(0x5023A3 + 3) = 0xFF;
            *(BYTE *)(0x5023A3 + 4) = 0xFF;
예제 #3
CTaskSimpleCarSetPedInAsDriverSA::CTaskSimpleCarSetPedInAsDriverSA(CVehicle* pTargetVehicle, CTaskUtilityLineUpPedWithCar* pUtility)
    DEBUG_TRACE("CTaskSimpleCarSetPedInAsDriverSA::CTaskSimpleCarSetPedInAsDriverSA(CVehicle* pTargetVehicle, CTaskUtilityLineUpPedWithCar* pUtility)");

    CVehicleSA* pTargetVehicleSA = dynamic_cast < CVehicleSA* > ( pTargetVehicle );

    if ( pTargetVehicleSA )
        DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CTaskSimpleCarSetPedInAsDriver__Constructor;
        DWORD dwVehiclePtr = (DWORD)pTargetVehicleSA->GetInterface();
        DWORD dwThisInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();

            mov     ecx, dwThisInterface
            push    pUtility
            push    dwVehiclePtr
            call    dwFunc
    } else {
예제 #4
CTaskComplexEnterCarAsDriverSA::CTaskComplexEnterCarAsDriverSA ( CVehicle* pTargetVehicle):CTaskComplexEnterCarSA ( pTargetVehicle, true, false, false, false )
    DEBUG_TRACE("CTaskComplexEnterCarAsDriverSA::CTaskComplexEnterCarAsDriverSA(CVehicle* pTargetVehicle)");

    CVehicleSA* pTargetVehicleSA = dynamic_cast < CVehicleSA* > ( pTargetVehicle );

    if ( pTargetVehicleSA )
        if ( !IsValid () ) return;
        DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CTaskComplexEnterCarAsDriver__Constructor;
        DWORD dwVehiclePtr = (DWORD)pTargetVehicleSA->GetInterface();
        DWORD dwThisInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();

            mov     ecx, dwThisInterface
            push    dwVehiclePtr
            call    dwFunc
    } else {
예제 #5
void cheat_lockstatus()
	if (!cheat_state->_generic.lockstatus)
	if (gta_menu_active())
	if (cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled)
	if (!pGameInterface || !pGameInterface->GetPools())
	if (!pPedSelf)

	const vehicle_entry *vehicle;
	char				buf[256];
	int					v;
	float				w, h;

	D3DXVECTOR3			poss, screenposs;
	CVector2D			screenPosition;
	CVector				ourPosition, iterPosition, ourPosMinusIter;

	// get our position
	if (!isBadPtr_GTA_pVehicle(pPedSelf->GetVehicle()))
		ourPosition = *(pPedSelf->GetVehicle()->GetPosition());
		ourPosition = pPedSelf->GetInterface()->Placeable.matrix->vPos;

	// setup iterator
	CVehicleSA	*iterVehicle = NULL;
	CPoolsSA	*pPools = reinterpret_cast <CPoolsSA *> (pGameInterface->GetPools());
	CPoolsSA::vehiclePool_t::mapType::iterator iter = pPools->m_vehiclePool.map.begin();

	// iterate
	while (iter.pos < iter.end)
		// map iterator CVehicleSA pointer to our CVehicleSA pointer
		iterVehicle = iter.pos->second;

		// advance to next CVehicleSA for next pass

		// move past null pointers
		if (isBadPtr_GTA_pVehicle(iterVehicle))
		//if ( isBadPtr_GTA_pVehicle(iterVehicle->GetVehicleInterface()) )
		//	continue;

		// check if it's farther than set.vehicle_tags_dist
		iterPosition = iterVehicle->GetInterface()->Placeable.matrix->vPos;
		ourPosMinusIter = ourPosition - iterPosition;
		if (ourPosMinusIter.Length() > set.vehicle_tags_dist)

		// check if it's our vehicle
		if (iterVehicle == pPedSelf->GetVehicle())

		// check if it's near zero
		if (iterVehicle->GetPosition()->IsNearZero())

		// CVector to D3DXVECTOR3, function to be converted to CVector later
		poss.x = iterPosition.fX;
		poss.y = iterPosition.fY;
		poss.z = iterPosition.fZ;

		// yup
		CalcScreenCoors(&poss, &screenposs);

		// check if the vehicle is culled or not
		if (screenposs.z < 1.f)

		// D3DXVECTOR3 to CVector2D
		screenPosition.fX = screenposs.x;
		screenPosition.fY = screenposs.y;

		// get the vehicle model's name
		vehicle = gta_vehicle_get_by_id(iterVehicle->GetModelIndex());

		// get SAMP's vehicle id
		if (g_Vehicles != NULL)
			v = translateGTASAMP_vehiclePool.iSAMPID[getVehicleGTAIDFromInterface((DWORD *)iterVehicle->GetVehicleInterface())];
			v = (int)iterVehicle->GetArrayID();

		// render time //
		h = pD3DFont->DrawHeight();
		_snprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s", iterVehicle->AreDoorsLocked() ? "Закрыта" : "Открыта");
		w = pD3DFont->DrawLength(buf);

		// different color if car is being driven
		DWORD	color_veh;
		if (iterVehicle->AreDoorsLocked())
			color_veh = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 0, 0); // blueish 100, 150, 235
			color_veh = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 255, 0);

		// render vehicle name
		pD3DFont->PrintShadow(screenPosition.fX, screenPosition.fY,
			color_veh, buf);