예제 #1
ALERROR CGameSettings::ParseCommandLine (char *pszCmdLine)

//	ParseCommandLine
//	Allow command line to override settings

	ALERROR error;
	int i;

	char *argv[2];
	argv[0] = "Transcendence";
	argv[1] = pszCmdLine;
	CXMLElement *pCmdLine;
	if (error = CreateXMLElementFromCommandLine(2, argv, &pCmdLine))
		return error;

	//	Loop over all command line arguments

	for (i = 0; i < COMMAND_LINE_DATA_COUNT; i++)
		bool bValue;
		if (pCmdLine->FindAttributeBool(CString(g_CommandLineData[i].pszParam, -1, true), &bValue))
			SetValueBoolean(g_CommandLineData[i].iOption, bValue);

	//	If we have an arg then use it as the save file name

	if (pCmdLine->GetContentElementCount() > 0)
		m_sSaveFile = pCmdLine->GetContentText(0);

	//	Done

	delete pCmdLine;

	return NOERROR;
ALERROR CEnergyFieldType::OnCreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	OnCreateFromXML
//	Create from XML

	ALERROR error;

	//	Effect

	CXMLElement *pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_TAG);
	if (pEffect)
		if (error = CEffectCreator::CreateFromXML(Ctx, 
				strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d:e"), GetUNID()), 
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("energy field %x: Unable to load effect"), GetUNID());
			return error;

	pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(HIT_EFFECT_TAG);
	if (pEffect == NULL)
		pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_WHEN_HIT_TAG);

	if (pEffect)
		if (error = CEffectCreator::CreateFromXML(Ctx, 
				strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d:h"), GetUNID()), 
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("energy field %x: Unable to load hit effect"), GetUNID());
			return error;

		//	For compatibility with previous versions, if we're using the old
		//	<ShipEnergyFieldType> then altEffect defaults to TRUE. Otherwise, for new
		//	<OverlayType> altEffect defaults to false.

		bool bAltEffect;
		if (pEffect->FindAttributeBool(ALT_EFFECT_ATTRIB, &bAltEffect))
			m_bAltHitEffect = bAltEffect;
			m_bAltHitEffect = strEquals(pDesc->GetTag(), SHIP_ENERGY_FIELD_TYPE_TAG);
		m_bAltHitEffect = false;

	//	Rotation

	m_bRotateWithShip = !pDesc->GetAttributeBool(IGNORE_SHIP_ROTATION_ATTRIB);

	//	Damage adjustment

	LoadDamageAdj(pDesc, ABSORB_ADJ_ATTRIB, m_iAbsorbAdj);

	//	Bonus adjustment

	LoadDamageAdj(pDesc, BONUS_ADJ_ATTRIB, m_iBonusAdj);

	//	Load the weapon suppress

	if (error = m_WeaponSuppress.InitFromXML(pDesc->GetAttribute(WEAPON_SUPPRESS_ATTRIB)))
		Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Unable to load weapon suppress attribute");
		return error;

	//	Keep track of the events that we have

	m_bHasOnUpdateEvent = FindEventHandler(ON_UPDATE_EVENT);

	//	Done

	return NOERROR;
예제 #3
ALERROR COverlayType::OnCreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	OnCreateFromXML
//	Create from XML

	ALERROR error;

	//	Effect

	CXMLElement *pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_TAG);
	if (pEffect)
		if (error = CEffectCreator::CreateFromXML(Ctx, 
				strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d:e"), GetUNID()), 
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("energy field %x: Unable to load effect"), GetUNID());
			return error;

	pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(HIT_EFFECT_TAG);
	if (pEffect == NULL)
		pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_WHEN_HIT_TAG);

	if (pEffect)
		if (error = CEffectCreator::CreateFromXML(Ctx, 
				strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d:h"), GetUNID()), 
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("energy field %x: Unable to load hit effect"), GetUNID());
			return error;

		//	For compatibility with previous versions, if we're using the old
		//	<ShipEnergyFieldType> then altEffect defaults to TRUE. Otherwise, for new
		//	<OverlayType> altEffect defaults to false.

		bool bAltEffect;
		if (pEffect->FindAttributeBool(ALT_EFFECT_ATTRIB, &bAltEffect))
			m_fAltHitEffect = bAltEffect;
			m_fAltHitEffect = strEquals(pDesc->GetTag(), SHIP_ENERGY_FIELD_TYPE_TAG);
		m_fAltHitEffect = false;

	//	Rotation

	m_fRotateWithShip = !pDesc->GetAttributeBool(IGNORE_SHIP_ROTATION_ATTRIB);

	//	Damage adjustment

	int iAbsorbCount;
	LoadDamageAdj(pDesc, ABSORB_ADJ_ATTRIB, m_iAbsorbAdj, &iAbsorbCount);

	//	Bonus adjustment

	LoadDamageAdj(pDesc, BONUS_ADJ_ATTRIB, m_iBonusAdj);

	//	Load the weapon suppress

	if (error = m_WeaponSuppress.InitFromXML(pDesc->GetAttribute(WEAPON_SUPPRESS_ATTRIB)))
		Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Unable to load weapon suppress attribute");
		return error;

	//	Keep track of the events that we have

	m_fHasOnUpdateEvent = FindEventHandler(ON_UPDATE_EVENT);

	//	Are we a field/shield overlay (or part of hull)?
	//	By default, we are a shield overlay if we absorb damage.

	bool bValue;
	if (pDesc->FindAttributeBool(SHIELD_OVERLAY_ATTRIB, &bValue))
		m_fShieldOverlay = bValue;
		m_fShieldOverlay = (iAbsorbCount > 0);

	//	Counter

	CXMLElement *pCounter = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(COUNTER_TAG);
	if (pCounter)
		CString sStyle = pCounter->GetAttribute(STYLE_ATTRIB);
		if (strEquals(sStyle, COUNTER_PROGRESS))
			m_iCounterType = counterProgress;
		else if (strEquals(sStyle, COUNTER_RADIUS))
			m_iCounterType = counterRadius;
			Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Unknown counter style: %s"), sStyle);
			return ERR_FAIL;

		m_sCounterLabel = pCounter->GetAttribute(LABEL_ATTRIB);
		m_iCounterMax = pCounter->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(MAX_ATTRIB, 0, -1, 100);
		m_wCounterColor = ::LoadRGBColor(pCounter->GetAttribute(COLOR_ATTRIB));
		m_iCounterType = counterNone;
		m_iCounterMax = 0;
		m_wCounterColor = 0;

	//	Options

	m_fDisarmShip = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(DISARM_ATTRIB);
	m_fParalyzeShip = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(PARALYZE_ATTRIB);
	m_fDisableShipScreen = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(DISABLE_SHIP_SCREEN_ATTRIB);
	m_fSpinShip = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(SPIN_ATTRIB);

	int iDrag;
	if (pDesc->FindAttributeInteger(DRAG_ATTRIB, &iDrag))
		m_rDrag = Min(Max(0, iDrag), 100) / 100.0;
		m_rDrag = 1.0;

	//	Done

	return NOERROR;