// Purpose: Draw function for the element
void CHUDBlockHealth::Paint()
	wchar_t sIDString[ MAX_ID_STRING ];
	sIDString[0] = 0;
	m_bBlockInTarget = false;

	C_BaseEntity *pEntity = ProcessTarget();

	// Did we find a target?
	if ( pEntity )
		// Is it a block?
		if ( pEntity->IsBlock() && pEntity->GetHealth() > 0 )
			C_BlockBase *pBlock = static_cast< C_BlockBase * > ( pEntity );

			Color c = GetTeamColor( pBlock->GetTeamNumber() );

			float BlockHealth = pBlock->GetHealth();
			float MaxBlockHealth = pBlock->GetMaxHealth();
			float HealthRatio = ( BlockHealth / MaxBlockHealth ) * 100;

			wchar_t wszHealthText[ 10 ];
			unsigned int HealthTextLen = ARRAYSIZE( wszHealthText );
			_snwprintf( wszHealthText, HealthTextLen - 1, L"%.0f%%", HealthRatio );
			wszHealthText[ HealthTextLen - 1 ] = '\0';

			wchar_t *printFormatString = NULL;
			printFormatString = L"Health | %s1 |";
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( sIDString, sizeof( sIDString ), 
				printFormatString, 1, wszHealthText );

			// Check if we have anything to output
			if ( sIDString[0] )
				int wide, tall;
				vgui::surface()->GetTextSize( m_hFont, sIDString, wide, tall );
				int ypos = YRES(260);
				int xpos = (ScreenWidth() - wide) / 2;

				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hFont );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( xpos, ypos );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );
				vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( sIDString, wcslen(sIDString) );
void CC_FreezeStatus( const CCommand& args )
	C_BaseEntity *pEntity = ProcessTarget();

	// Did we find a target?
	if ( pEntity )
		// Is it a block?
		if ( pEntity->IsBlock() && pEntity->GetHealth() > 0 )
			C_BlockBase *pBlock = static_cast< C_BlockBase * > ( pEntity );

			if ( ClassicGameRules() )
				int frozenplayerindex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( pBlock->GetLastFrozenByUserID()  );
				C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( frozenplayerindex );
				if ( pPlayer )
					Msg( "\tFrozen by %s\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
					Msg( "\tFrozen by WORLD\n" );
				int unfrozenplayerindex = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( pBlock->GetLastUnFrozenByUserID()  );
				pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( unfrozenplayerindex );
				if ( pPlayer )
					Msg( "\tUnFrozen by %s\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
					Msg( "\tUnFrozen by WORLD\n" );