Geostat_grid* Cartesian_grid_geometry_xml_io::
  read_grid_geometry(QDir dir,const QDomElement& elem, std::string* errors) const {

	QString grid_name = elem.attribute("name");

	QDomElement elemGeom = elem.firstChildElement("Geometry");

  std::string final_grid_name;
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid://"+grid_name.toStdString(),
    		gridModels_manager + "/" + grid_name.toStdString());
  Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  if(grid == 0) return 0;

  int nx = elemGeom.attribute("nx").toInt();
  int ny = elemGeom.attribute("ny").toInt();
  int nz = elemGeom.attribute("nz").toInt();

  double xsize = elemGeom.attribute("dx").toDouble();
  double ysize = elemGeom.attribute("dy").toDouble();
  double zsize = elemGeom.attribute("dz").toDouble();

  double ox = elemGeom.attribute("ox").toDouble();
  double oy = elemGeom.attribute("oy").toDouble();
  double oz = elemGeom.attribute("oz").toDouble();
  float rotation_z_angle = elemGeom.attribute("rotation_z_angle").toFloat();

  grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz, xsize, ysize, zsize );
  grid->origin( Cartesian_grid::location_type( ox,oy,oz ) );

  return grid;

예제 #2
Simulacre_input_filter::read_cartesian_grid( QDataStream& stream, 
                                            std::string* errors ) {
  char* name;
  stream >> name;
  std::string grid_name( name );

  Q_INT32 version;
  stream >> version;
  if( version < 100 ) {
    errors->append( "file too old" );
    return 0;

  Q_UINT32 nx, ny, nz;
  stream >> nx >> ny >> nz;
  float xsize, ysize, zsize;
  float ox,oy,oz;
  stream >> xsize >> ysize >> zsize >> ox >> oy >> oz;

  std::string final_grid_name;
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni = 
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid", gridModels_manager + "/" + grid_name,
                                     &final_grid_name );
  Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz, xsize, ysize, zsize );
  grid->origin( Cartesian_grid::location_type( ox,oy,oz ) );

  Q_UINT32 properties_count;
  stream >> properties_count;

  std::vector< char* > prop_names( properties_count );
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < properties_count; i++ ) 
    stream >> prop_names[i];
  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < properties_count; j++ ) {
    std::string prop_name( prop_names[j] );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop = grid->add_property( prop_name );
    for( GsTLInt k = 0; k < nx*ny*nz ; k++ ) {
      float val;
      stream >> val;
      prop->set_value( val, k );

  // clean up
  for( unsigned int k = 0; k < properties_count; k++ ) {
    delete [] prop_names[k];
  delete [] name;

  return grid;
bool Create_mgrid_from_cgrid::exec(){
  // Get the grid from the manager
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + cgrid_name_ );
  if( ni.raw_ptr() == 0 ) {
    errors_->report( "Object " + cgrid_name_ + " does not exist." );
    return false;

  Cartesian_grid* cgrid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  if( cgrid == 0) {
    errors_->report( "Object " + cgrid_name_ + " is not a cartesian grid." );
    return false;
 // Get the region
  std::vector<Grid_region*> regions;
  std::vector<std::string>::iterator it =  region_names_.begin();
  for( ; it!= region_names_.end(); ++it) {
    Grid_region* region = cgrid->region( *it );
    if(!region) {
      errors_->report( "Region " + (*it) + " does not exist."  );
      return false;
// Create the new masked_grid

  ni = 
      gridModels_manager + "/" + mgrid_name_);
  if( ni.raw_ptr() == 0 ) {
    errors_->report( "Object " + mgrid_name_ + " already exists. Use a different name." );
    return false;
  Reduced_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Reduced_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );

  //Create the grid
  if( regions.size() == 1 ) {  //avoid a copy of the region array
  } else {
    int mask_size = regions[0]->size();
    std::vector<bool> mask( mask_size );
    for( int i=0; i< mask_size; ++i ) {
      bool ok = false;
      for( int j = 0; j<regions.size(); j++ ) {
        ok == ok || regions[j]->is_inside_region(i);
      mask[i] = ok;

  grid->origin( cgrid->origin() );

  proj_->new_object( mgrid_name_ );
  return true;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Initialize Inventor and Qt
    QWidget *myWindow = SoQt::init(argv[0]);
    if (myWindow == NULL) exit(1);

    SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni_cmaps =
                                        colormap_manager );
    Manager* dir = dynamic_cast<Manager*>( ni_cmaps.raw_ptr() );

    if( !dir ) {
        GsTLlog << "could not create directory "
                << colormap_manager << "\n";
        return 1;
    dir->factory( "colormap", Color_scale::create_new_interface );
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "colormap://",
                                     colormap_manager + "/rainbow" );
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "colormap://",
                                     colormap_manager + "/cyan_red" );

    Root::instance()->list_all( cout );

    int nx=5;
    int ny=3;
    int nz=6;

    Cartesian_grid grid;
    grid.set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz, 1, 1, 1 );
    grid.origin( GsTLPoint( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5 ) );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop = grid.add_property( "toto", typeid( float ) );
    for( int i=0; i < nx*ny*nz; i ++ )
        prop->set_value( i, i );

    Oinv_cgrid oinv_grid;
    oinv_grid.init( &grid );
    oinv_grid.set_property( "toto" );
    oinv_grid.oinv_node()->visible = true;

    cout << "Setting up oinv scene" << endl;

    SoSelection* root = new SoSelection;

    SoSeparator* line_sep = new SoSeparator;
    SoLightModel* light_model = new SoLightModel;
    light_model->model = SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR;
    line_sep->addChild( light_model );
    SoMaterial* material = new SoMaterial;
    material->diffuseColor.setValue( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    line_sep->addChild( material );
    SoDrawStyle* draw_style = new SoDrawStyle;
    draw_style->style = SoDrawStyle::LINES;
    draw_style->lineWidth = 2;
    line_sep->addChild( draw_style );
    oinv_grid.property_display_mode( Oinv::NOT_PAINTED );
    line_sep->addChild( oinv_grid.oinv_node() );

    root->addChild( line_sep );

    SoSeparator* filled_sep = new SoSeparator;
    SoDrawStyle* draw_style_filled = new SoDrawStyle;
    draw_style_filled->style = SoDrawStyle::FILLED;
    filled_sep->addChild( draw_style_filled );
    oinv_grid.property_display_mode( Oinv::PAINTED );
    filled_sep->addChild( oinv_grid.oinv_node() );

    root->addChild( filled_sep );

    SoQtGsTLViewer* myViewer = new SoQtGsTLViewer( (QWidget*) myWindow, "camera" );
    //SoQtExaminerViewer *myViewer = new SoQtExaminerViewer(myWindow);


예제 #5
Geostat_grid* Csv_grid_infilter::read( std::ifstream& infile ) {

  int nx = dialog_->nx();
  int ny = dialog_->ny();
  int nz = dialog_->nz();
  float x_size = dialog_->x_size();
  float y_size = dialog_->y_size();
  float z_size = dialog_->z_size();
  float Ox = dialog_->Ox();
  float Oy = dialog_->Oy();
  float Oz = dialog_->Oz();

  bool use_no_data_value = dialog_->use_no_data_value();
  float no_data_value = GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value;
  QString no_data_value_str = QString().arg(no_data_value);
  if( dialog_->use_no_data_value() ) {
    no_data_value = dialog_->no_data_value();
    no_data_value_str = QString::number(no_data_value);


  QByteArray tmp = dialog_->name().simplified().toLatin1();
  std::string name( tmp.constData() );

  // ask manager to get a new grid and initialize it
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + name );

  if( ni.raw_ptr() != 0 ) {
    GsTLcerr << "object " << name << " already exists\n" << gstlIO::end;
    return 0;

  appli_message( "creating new grid '" << name << "'" 
		             << " of dimensions: " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz);

  ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid", 
                                        gridModels_manager + "/" + name );
  Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  appli_assert( grid != 0 );

  grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz,
			x_size, y_size, z_size);
  grid->origin( GsTLPoint( Ox,Oy,Oz) );
  appli_message( "grid resized to " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz
		<< "  total=: " << grid->size() );

  std::string buffer;
  //   now, read the file

  std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
  QStringList property_names = QString(buffer.c_str()).split(",");

//Read one column at a time
  std::streampos start_data = infile.tellg();
  for(unsigned int j = 0; j< property_names.size(); j++) {
    infile.seekg( start_data );
    // Check if property j is categorical
    bool is_categ = false;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<30 ; i++ ) {
      bool ok;
      if( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) break;
      QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
      QStringList values_str = qstr.split(",");
      if(!ok)  {
        is_categ = true;
    infile.seekg( start_data );

    if(is_categ) {
      GsTLGridCategoricalProperty* prop = 
      ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( categoricalDefinition_manager, name+"-"+property_names[j].toStdString());
      CategoricalPropertyDefinitionName* cat_def = 

      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
      infile.seekg( start_data );

      int node_id=0;
      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
        QString val = values_qstr[j];
        if(use_no_data_value && val == no_data_value_str)  {
          prop->set_value( GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value, node_id );
        else {
          prop->set_value( val.toStdString(), node_id );
    else {
      GsTLGridProperty* prop = 
      int node_id=0;
      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
        if(!values_qstr[j].isEmpty()) {
          bool ok;
          float val = values_qstr[j].toFloat(&ok);
          if(ok  && val != no_data_value) prop->set_value(val,node_id);

  return grid;
예제 #6
Geostat_grid* Gslib_grid_infilter::read( std::ifstream& infile ) {

    int nx = dialog_->nx();
    int ny = dialog_->ny();
    int nz = dialog_->nz();
    float x_size = dialog_->x_size();
    float y_size = dialog_->y_size();
    float z_size = dialog_->z_size();
    float Ox = dialog_->Ox();
    float Oy = dialog_->Oy();
    float Oz = dialog_->Oz();

    QByteArray tmp = dialog_->name().simplified().toLatin1();
    std::string name( tmp.constData() );

    // ask manager to get a new grid and initialize it
    SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
        Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + name );

    if( ni.raw_ptr() != 0 ) {
        GsTLcerr << "object " << name << " already exists\n" << gstlIO::end;
        return 0;

    appli_message( "creating new grid '" << name << "'"
                   << " of dimensions: " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz);

    ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid",
                                          gridModels_manager + "/" + name );
    Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
    appli_assert( grid != 0 );

    grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz,
                          x_size, y_size, z_size);
    grid->origin( GsTLPoint( Ox,Oy,Oz) );
    appli_message( "grid resized to " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz
                   << "  total=: " << grid->size() );

    std::string buffer;

    //   now, read the file

    // read title
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    // read nb of properties
    int property_count;
    infile >> property_count;
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    // check whether the file contains multiple realizations
    bool has_multi_real = false;

    int lines_to_skip = grid->size() + property_count;
    for( int pos=0; pos < lines_to_skip ; pos++ )
        std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
    float val;
    if( infile >> val ) has_multi_real = true;

    // reposition the stream
    infile.seekg( 0 );
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    if( has_multi_real ) {
        std::vector<MultiRealization_property*> properties;
        for( int i=0; i<property_count; i++ ) {
            std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
            QString prop_name( buffer.c_str() );
            MultiRealization_property* prop;
            QByteArray tmp = prop_name.simplified().toAscii();
            prop = grid->add_multi_realization_property( tmp.constData() );
            if( !prop ) {
                GsTLcerr << "Several properties share the same name " << gstlIO::end;
                return 0;

            properties.push_back( prop );


        while( infile ) {
            if( !infile ) break;
            char c = infile.peek();
            if( !std::isdigit(c) ) break;

            std::vector<GsTLGridProperty*> props;
            int index = 0;
            for( unsigned int ii=0; ii < property_count; ii++) {

                GsTLGridProperty* prop = properties[index]->new_realization();
                props.push_back( prop );

            read_one_realization( infile, props, grid->size() );

    else {
        std::vector<GsTLGridProperty*> properties;
        for( int i=0; i<property_count; i++ ) {
            std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
            QString prop_name( buffer.c_str() );

            QByteArray tmp  =prop_name.simplified().toAscii();
            GsTLGridProperty* prop =
                grid->add_property( tmp.constData() );
            properties.push_back( prop );
        read_one_realization( infile, properties, grid->size() );


    return grid;