/*static*/ void ChatDialog::chatChanged(int list, int type) { if (list == NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_INCOMING_CHAT && type == NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD) { // play sound when recv a message soundManager->play(SOUND_NEW_CHAT_MESSAGE); std::list<std::string> ids; if (rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueueIds(true, ids)) { uint chatflags = Settings->getChatFlags(); std::list<std::string>::iterator id; for (id = ids.begin(); id != ids.end(); id++) { ChatDialog *cd = getChat(*id, chatflags); if (cd) { cd->insertChatMsgs(); } } } } /* now notify all open priavate chat windows */ std::map<std::string, ChatDialog *>::iterator it; for (it = chatDialogs.begin (); it != chatDialogs.end(); it++) { if (it->second) { it->second->onChatChanged(list, type); } } }
void PluginGUIHandler::ReceivedVoipData(const QString& peer_id) { std::cerr << "****** Plugin GUI handler: received VoipData!" << std::endl; std::vector<RsVoipDataChunk> chunks ; if(!rsVoip->getIncomingData(peer_id.toStdString(),chunks)) { std::cerr << "PluginGUIHandler::ReceivedVoipData(): No data chunks to get. Weird!" << std::endl; return ; } ChatDialog *di = ChatDialog::getExistingChat(peer_id.toStdString()) ; if (di) { ChatWidget *cw = di->getChatWidget(); if (cw) { const QList<ChatWidgetHolder*> &chatWidgetHolderList = cw->chatWidgetHolderList(); foreach (ChatWidgetHolder *chatWidgetHolder, chatWidgetHolderList) { AudioChatWidgetHolder *acwh = dynamic_cast<AudioChatWidgetHolder*>(chatWidgetHolder) ; if (acwh) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunks.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int chunkIndex=0; chunkIndex<chunks.size(); chunkIndex++){ QByteArray qb(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(chunks[chunkIndex].data),chunks[chunkIndex].size); acwh->addAudioData(peer_id,&qb); } } break; } } } } else {
void PopupChatWindow::setStyle() { ChatDialog *cd = getCurrentDialog(); if (cd && cd->setStyle()) { calculateStyle(cd); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QNetworkConfigurationManager manager; if (manager.capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager::NetworkSessionRequired) { // Get saved network configuration QSettings settings(QSettings::UserScope, QLatin1String("Trolltech")); settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("QtNetwork")); const QString id = settings.value(QLatin1String("DefaultNetworkConfiguration")).toString(); settings.endGroup(); // If the saved network configuration is not currently discovered use the system default QNetworkConfiguration config = manager.configurationFromIdentifier(id); if ((config.state() & QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered) != QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered) { config = manager.defaultConfiguration(); } QNetworkSession *networkSession = new QNetworkSession(config, &app); networkSession->open(); networkSession->waitForOpened(); if (networkSession->isOpen()) { // Save the used configuration QNetworkConfiguration config = networkSession->configuration(); QString id; if (config.type() == QNetworkConfiguration::UserChoice) { id = networkSession->sessionProperty( QLatin1String("UserChoiceConfiguration")).toString(); } else { id = config.identifier(); } QSettings settings(QSettings::UserScope, QLatin1String("Trolltech")); settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("QtNetwork")); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("DefaultNetworkConfiguration"), id); settings.endGroup(); } } ChatDialog dialog; #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN // Make application better looking and more usable on small screen dialog.showMaximized(); #else dialog.show(); #endif return app.exec(); }
void PopupChatWindow::undockTab() { ChatDialog *cd = dynamic_cast<ChatDialog*>(ui.tabWidget->currentWidget()); if (cd) { PopupChatWindow *pcw = getWindow(true); if (pcw) { removeDialog(cd); pcw->addDialog(cd); cd->show(); pcw->show(); pcw->calculateTitle(cd); } } }
void sharefile::on_download_clicked() { PersonLoginInfo *info = new PersonLoginInfo(checkedFile.HostName,checkedFile.HostIP); ChatDialog *ServerDialog = new ChatDialog(info); ServerDialog->fileName = checkedFile.filePath; ServerDialog->show(); //ServerDialog->startServer(); downSend = new UdpConnection(); checkedFile.ServerIP = SystemInformation().getHostIP(); checkedFile.ServerName = SystemInformation().getHostName(); downSend->sendMessage(5,checkedFile,QHostAddress(checkedFile.HostIP),6666); }
void MainFrame::OnItemActivate(TNotifyUI& msg) { CTabLayoutUI* pTabControl = static_cast<CTabLayoutUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(kMainTabControlName)); if (pTabControl != NULL) { if (pTabControl->GetCurSel() == 0) { CFriendsUI* pFriendsList = static_cast<CFriendsUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(kFriendsListControlName)); if ((pFriendsList != NULL) && pFriendsList->GetItemIndex(msg.pSender) != -1) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { Node* node = (Node*)msg.pSender->GetTag(); CControlUI* background = m_PaintManager.FindControl(kBackgroundControlName); if (!pFriendsList->CanExpand(node) && (background != NULL)) { FriendListItemInfo friend_info; for (std::vector<FriendListItemInfo>::const_iterator citer = friends_.begin(); citer != friends_.end(); ++citer) { if (_tcsicmp(citer->id, node->data().value) == 0) { friend_info = *citer; break; } } TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (_tcslen(background->GetBkImage()) > 0) { _stprintf_s(szBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("bg%d.png"), bk_image_index_); } ChatDialog* pChatDialog = new ChatDialog(szBuf, background->GetBkColor(), myself_info_, friend_info); if (pChatDialog == NULL) return; pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); skin_changed_observer_.AddReceiver(pChatDialog); pChatDialog->CenterWindow(); ::ShowWindow(*pChatDialog, SW_SHOW); } } } } } }
void CRichEditWnd::OnItemActive(TNotifyUI& msg) { CAnimationTabLayoutUI* pTabControl = static_cast<CAnimationTabLayoutUI*>(GetPaintMgr()->FindControl(_T("TAB_MAIN"))); if (pTabControl != NULL) { if (pTabControl->GetCurSel() == 1) { CFriendsUI* pFriendsList = static_cast<CFriendsUI*>(GetPaintMgr()->FindControl(_T("LIST_FRIEND"))); if ((pFriendsList != NULL) && pFriendsList->GetItemIndex(msg.pSender) != -1) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { Node* node = (Node*)msg.pSender->GetTag(); CControlUI* background = GetPaintMgr()->FindControl(_T("bg")); if (!pFriendsList->CanExpand(node) && (background != NULL)) { FriendListItemInfo friend_info; for (std::vector<FriendListItemInfo>::const_iterator citer = friends_.begin(); citer != friends_.end(); ++citer) { if (_tcsicmp(citer->id, node->data().value) == 0) { friend_info = *citer; break; } } ChatDialog* pChatDialog = new ChatDialog(background->GetBkImage(), background->GetBkColor(), myself_info_, friend_info); if (pChatDialog == NULL) return; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #else pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif pChatDialog->CenterWindow(); ::ShowWindow(*pChatDialog, SW_SHOW); } } } } } }
void VOIPGUIHandler::ReceivedInvitation(const RsPeerId &peer_id, int flags) { #ifdef VOIPGUIHANDLER_DEBUG std::cerr << "****** VOIPGUIHandler: received Invitation from peer " << peer_id.toStdString() << " with flags==" << flags << std::endl; #endif ChatDialog *di = ChatDialog::getChat(ChatId(peer_id), Settings->getChatFlags()); if (di) { ChatWidget *cw = di->getChatWidget(); if(cw) { const QList<ChatWidgetHolder*> &chatWidgetHolderList = cw->chatWidgetHolderList(); foreach (ChatWidgetHolder *chatWidgetHolder, chatWidgetHolderList) { VOIPChatWidgetHolder *acwh = dynamic_cast<VOIPChatWidgetHolder*>(chatWidgetHolder) ; if (acwh) acwh->ReceivedInvitation(peer_id, flags); } } } else {
void PopupChatWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (tabbedWindow) { for (int index = ui.tabWidget->count() - 1; index >= 0; --index) { ChatDialog *dialog = dynamic_cast<ChatDialog*>(ui.tabWidget->widget(0)); if (dialog == NULL) { continue; } if (!dialog->close()) { event->ignore(); break; } } } else { if (chatDialog && !chatDialog->close()) { event->ignore(); } } }
void VOIPGUIHandler::ReceivedVoipData(const RsPeerId &peer_id) { std::vector<RsVOIPDataChunk> chunks ; if(!rsVOIP->getIncomingData(peer_id,chunks)) { std::cerr << "VOIPGUIHandler::ReceivedVoipData(): No data chunks to get. Weird!" << std::endl; return ; } ChatDialog *di = ChatDialog::getChat(ChatId(peer_id), Settings->getChatFlags()); if (di) { ChatWidget *cw = di->getChatWidget(); if (cw) { const QList<ChatWidgetHolder*> &chatWidgetHolderList = cw->chatWidgetHolderList(); foreach (ChatWidgetHolder *chatWidgetHolder, chatWidgetHolderList) { VOIPChatWidgetHolder *acwh = dynamic_cast<VOIPChatWidgetHolder*>(chatWidgetHolder) ; if (acwh) { for (unsigned int chunkIndex=0; chunkIndex<chunks.size(); chunkIndex++) { QByteArray qb(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(chunks[chunkIndex].data),chunks[chunkIndex].size); if(chunks[chunkIndex].type == RsVOIPDataChunk::RS_VOIP_DATA_TYPE_AUDIO) acwh->addAudioData(peer_id, &qb); else if(chunks[chunkIndex].type == RsVOIPDataChunk::RS_VOIP_DATA_TYPE_VIDEO) acwh->addVideoData(peer_id, &qb); else std::cerr << "VOIPGUIHandler: Unknown data type received. type=" << chunks[chunkIndex].type << std::endl; } break; } } } } else {
/*static*/ ChatDialog *ChatDialog::getChat(const std::string &peerId, uint chatflags) { /* see if it already exists */ ChatDialog *cd = getExistingChat(peerId); if (cd == NULL) { ChatLobbyId lobby_id = 0; if (rsMsgs->isLobbyId(peerId, lobby_id)) { // chatflags = RS_CHAT_OPEN | RS_CHAT_FOCUS; // use own flags } uint32_t distant_peer_status ; std::string distant_chat_pgp_id ; if(rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(peerId,distant_peer_status,distant_chat_pgp_id)) chatflags = RS_CHAT_OPEN | RS_CHAT_FOCUS; // use own flags if (chatflags & RS_CHAT_OPEN) { if (lobby_id) { std::list<ChatLobbyInfo> linfos; rsMsgs->getChatLobbyList(linfos); for (std::list<ChatLobbyInfo>::const_iterator it(linfos.begin()); it != linfos.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).lobby_id == lobby_id) { cd = new ChatLobbyDialog(lobby_id); chatDialogs[peerId] = cd; cd->init(peerId, QString::fromUtf8((*it).lobby_name.c_str())); } } } else if(distant_peer_status > 0) { cd = new PopupDistantChatDialog(); chatDialogs[peerId] = cd; std::string peer_name = rsPeers->getGPGName(distant_chat_pgp_id) ; cd->init(peerId, tr("Talking to ")+QString::fromStdString(peer_name)+" (PGP id="+QString::fromStdString(distant_chat_pgp_id)+")") ; } else { RsPeerDetails sslDetails; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(peerId, sslDetails)) { cd = new PopupChatDialog(); chatDialogs[peerId] = cd; cd->init(peerId, PeerDefs::nameWithLocation(sslDetails)); } } } } if (cd == NULL) { return NULL; } cd->insertChatMsgs(); cd->showDialog(chatflags); return cd; }
void PopupChatWindow::calculateTitle(ChatDialog *dialog) { bool hasNewMessages = false; ChatDialog *cd; /* is typing */ bool isTyping = false; if (ui.tabWidget->isVisible()) { ui.tabWidget->getInfo(isTyping, hasNewMessages, NULL); } else { if (dialog) { isTyping = dialog->isTyping(); hasNewMessages = dialog->hasNewMessages(); } } if (ui.tabWidget->isVisible()) { cd = dynamic_cast<ChatDialog*>(ui.tabWidget->currentWidget()); } else { cd = dialog; } QIcon icon; if (isTyping) { mBlinkIcon = QIcon(); icon = QIcon(IMAGE_TYPING); } else if (hasNewMessages) { icon = QIcon(IMAGE_CHAT); if (Settings->getChatFlags() & RS_CHAT_BLINK) { mBlinkIcon = icon; } else { mBlinkIcon = QIcon(); } } else { mBlinkIcon = QIcon(); if (cd && cd->hasPeerStatus()) { icon = QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(cd->getPeerStatus())); } else { icon = qApp->windowIcon(); } } setWindowIcon(icon); if (cd) { QString title = cd->getTitle(); if (cd->hasPeerStatus()) { title += " (" + StatusDefs::name(cd->getPeerStatus()) + ")"; } setWindowTitle(title); } else { setWindowTitle("RetroShare"); } }
void MainFrame::Notify(TNotifyUI& msg) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("windowinit")) == 0) { OnPrepare(msg); } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("killfocus")) == 0) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kSignatureControlName) == 0) { msg.pSender->SetVisible(false); CControlUI* signature_tip = paint_manager_.FindControl(kSignatureTipsControlName); if (signature_tip != NULL) { CRichEditUI* signature = static_cast<CRichEditUI*>(msg.pSender); if (signature != NULL) signature_tip->SetText(signature->GetText()); signature_tip->SetVisible(true); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kSearchEditControlName) == 0) { msg.pSender->SetVisible(false); CControlUI* search_tip = static_cast<CRichEditUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kSearchEditTipControlName)); if (search_tip != NULL) { CRichEditUI* search_edit = static_cast<CRichEditUI*>(msg.pSender); if (search_edit != NULL) search_tip->SetText(search_edit->GetText()); search_tip->SetVisible(true); } } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("click")) == 0) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kCloseButtonControlName) == 0) { OnExit(msg); } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kMinButtonControlName) == 0) { #if defined(UNDER_CE) ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); #else SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); #endif } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kMaxButtonControlName) == 0) { #if defined(UNDER_CE) ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE); CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kMaxButtonControlName)); if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false); pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kRestoreButtonControlName)); if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true); #else SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, 0); #endif } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kRestoreButtonControlName) == 0) { #if defined(UNDER_CE) ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_RESTORE); CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kMaxButtonControlName)); if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true); pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kRestoreButtonControlName)); if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false); #else SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); #endif } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kHideLeftMainPannelControlName) == 0) { CControlUI* left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kLeftMainPannelControlName); CControlUI* hide_left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kHideLeftMainPannelControlName); CControlUI* show_left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kShowLeftMainPannelControlName); if ((left_main_pannel != NULL) && (show_left_main_pannel != NULL) && (hide_left_main_pannel != NULL)) { hide_left_main_pannel->SetVisible(false); left_main_pannel->SetVisible(false); show_left_main_pannel->SetVisible(true); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kShowLeftMainPannelControlName) == 0) { CControlUI* left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kLeftMainPannelControlName); CControlUI* hide_left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kHideLeftMainPannelControlName); CControlUI* show_left_main_pannel = paint_manager_.FindControl(kShowLeftMainPannelControlName); if ((left_main_pannel != NULL) && (show_left_main_pannel != NULL) && (hide_left_main_pannel != NULL)) { hide_left_main_pannel->SetVisible(true); left_main_pannel->SetVisible(true); show_left_main_pannel->SetVisible(false); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kSignatureTipsControlName) == 0) { msg.pSender->SetVisible(false); CRichEditUI* signature = static_cast<CRichEditUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kSignatureControlName)); if (signature != NULL) { signature->SetText(msg.pSender->GetText()); signature->SetVisible(true); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kSearchEditTipControlName) == 0) { msg.pSender->SetVisible(false); CRichEditUI* search_edit = static_cast<CRichEditUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kSearchEditControlName)); if (search_edit != NULL) { search_edit->SetText(msg.pSender->GetText()); search_edit->SetVisible(true); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kChangeBkSkinControlName) == 0) { CControlUI* background = paint_manager_.FindControl(kBackgroundControlName); if (background != NULL) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ++bk_image_index_; if (kBackgroundSkinImageCount < bk_image_index_) bk_image_index_ = 0; #if defined(UNDER_WINCE) _stprintf(szBuf, _T("file='bg%d.png' corner='600,200,1,1'"), bk_image_index_); #else _stprintf_s(szBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("file='bg%d.png' corner='600,200,1,1'"), bk_image_index_); #endif background->SetBkImage(szBuf); SkinChangedParam param; CControlUI* background = paint_manager_.FindControl(kBackgroundControlName); if (background != NULL) { param.bkcolor = background->GetBkColor(); if (_tcslen(background->GetBkImage()) > 0) { #if defined(UNDER_WINCE) _stprintf(szBuf, _T("bg%d.png"), bk_image_index_); #else _stprintf_s(szBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("bg%d.png"), bk_image_index_); #endif } param.bgimage = szBuf; } skin_changed_observer_.Broadcast(param); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kChangeColorSkinControlName) == 0) { CDuiRect rcWindow; GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rcWindow); rcWindow.top = rcWindow.top + msg.pSender->GetPos().bottom; new ColorSkinWindow(this, rcWindow); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("timer")) == 0) { return OnTimer(msg); } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("selectchanged")) == 0) { CTabLayoutUI* pTabControl = static_cast<CTabLayoutUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kTabControlName)); if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kFriendButtonControlName) == 0) { if (pTabControl && pTabControl->GetCurSel() != 0) { pTabControl->SelectItem(0); UpdateFriendsList(); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kGroupButtonControlName) == 0) { if (pTabControl && pTabControl->GetCurSel() != 1) { pTabControl->SelectItem(1); UpdateGroupsList(); } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), kMicroBlogButtonControlName) == 0) { if (pTabControl && pTabControl->GetCurSel() != 2) { pTabControl->SelectItem(2); UpdateMicroBlogList(); } } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("itemactivate")) == 0) { CTabLayoutUI* pTabControl = static_cast<CTabLayoutUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kTabControlName)); if (pTabControl != NULL) { if (pTabControl->GetCurSel() == 0) { CFriendsUI* pFriendsList = static_cast<CFriendsUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kFriendsListControlName)); if ((pFriendsList != NULL) && pFriendsList->GetItemIndex(msg.pSender) != -1) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { Node* node = (Node*)msg.pSender->GetTag(); CControlUI* background = paint_manager_.FindControl(kBackgroundControlName); if (!pFriendsList->CanExpand(node) && (background != NULL)) { FriendListItemInfo friend_info; for (std::vector<FriendListItemInfo>::const_iterator citer = friends_.begin(); citer != friends_.end(); ++citer) { if (_tcsicmp(citer->id.c_str(), node->data().value.c_str()) == 0) { friend_info = *citer; break; } } TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (_tcslen(background->GetBkImage()) > 0) { #if defined(UNDER_WINCE) _stprintf(szBuf, _T("bg%d.png"), bk_image_index_); #else _stprintf_s(szBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("bg%d.png"), bk_image_index_); #endif } ChatDialog* pChatDialog = new ChatDialog(szBuf, background->GetBkColor(), myself_info_, friend_info); if( pChatDialog == NULL ) return; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #else pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif skin_changed_observer_.AddReceiver(pChatDialog); pChatDialog->CenterWindow(); ::ShowWindow(*pChatDialog, SW_SHOW); } } } } } } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, _T("itemclick")) == 0) { CTabLayoutUI* pTabControl = static_cast<CTabLayoutUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kTabControlName)); if (pTabControl != NULL) { if (pTabControl->GetCurSel() == 0) { CFriendsUI* pFriendsList = static_cast<CFriendsUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kFriendsListControlName)); if ((pFriendsList != NULL) && pFriendsList->GetItemIndex(msg.pSender) != -1) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { Node* node = (Node*)msg.pSender->GetTag(); if (pFriendsList->CanExpand(node)) { pFriendsList->SetChildVisible(node, !node->data().child_visible_); } } } } else if (pTabControl->GetCurSel() == 1) { CGroupsUI* pGroupsList = static_cast<CGroupsUI*>(paint_manager_.FindControl(kGroupsListControlName)); if ((pGroupsList != NULL) && pGroupsList->GetItemIndex(msg.pSender) != -1) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { Node* node = (Node*)msg.pSender->GetTag(); if (pGroupsList->CanExpand(node)) { pGroupsList->SetChildVisible(node, !node->data().child_visible_); } } } } } } }
void NotifyQt::UpdateGUI() { if(RsAutoUpdatePage::eventsLocked()) return ; { QMutexLocker m(&_mutex) ; if(!_enabled) return ; } static bool already_updated = false ; // these only update once at start because they may already have been set before // the gui is running, then they get updated by callbacks. if(!already_updated) { emit messagesChanged() ; emit neighboursChanged(); emit configChanged(); already_updated = true ; } /* Finally Check for PopupMessages / System Error Messages */ if (rsNotify) { uint32_t sysid; uint32_t type; std::string title, id, msg; /* You can set timeToShow, timeToLive and timeToHide or can leave the standard */ ToasterItem *toaster = NULL; if (rsNotify->NotifyPopupMessage(type, id, title, msg)) { uint popupflags = Settings->getNotifyFlags(); switch(type) { case RS_POPUP_ENCRYPTED_MSG: SoundManager::play(SOUND_MESSAGE_ARRIVED); if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_MSG) && !_disableAllToaster) { toaster = new ToasterItem(new MessageToaster("", tr("Encrypted message"), QString("[%1]").arg(tr("Encrypted message")))); } break; case RS_POPUP_MSG: SoundManager::play(SOUND_MESSAGE_ARRIVED); if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_MSG) && !_disableAllToaster) { toaster = new ToasterItem(new MessageToaster(id, QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str()))); } break; case RS_POPUP_CONNECT: SoundManager::play(SOUND_USER_ONLINE); if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_CONNECT) && !_disableAllToaster) { toaster = new ToasterItem(new OnlineToaster(RsPeerId(id))); } break; case RS_POPUP_DOWNLOAD: SoundManager::play(SOUND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_DOWNLOAD) && !_disableAllToaster) { /* id = file hash */ toaster = new ToasterItem(new DownloadToaster(RsFileHash(id), QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()))); } break; case RS_POPUP_CHAT: if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_CHAT) && !_disableAllToaster) { // TODO: fix for distant chat, look up if dstant chat uses RS_POPUP_CHAT ChatDialog *chatDialog = ChatDialog::getChat(ChatId(RsPeerId(id))); ChatWidget *chatWidget; if (chatDialog && (chatWidget = chatDialog->getChatWidget()) && chatWidget->isActive()) { // do not show when active break; } toaster = new ToasterItem(new ChatToaster(RsPeerId(id), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str()))); } break; case RS_POPUP_GROUPCHAT: if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_GROUPCHAT) && !_disableAllToaster) { MainWindow *mainWindow = MainWindow::getInstance(); if (mainWindow && mainWindow->isActiveWindow() && !mainWindow->isMinimized()) { if (MainWindow::getActivatePage() == MainWindow::Friends) { if (FriendsDialog::isGroupChatActive()) { // do not show when active break; } } } toaster = new ToasterItem(new GroupChatToaster(RsPeerId(id), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str()))); } break; case RS_POPUP_CHATLOBBY: if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_CHATLOBBY) && !_disableAllToaster) { ChatId chat_id(id); ChatDialog *chatDialog = ChatDialog::getChat(chat_id); ChatWidget *chatWidget; if (chatDialog && (chatWidget = chatDialog->getChatWidget()) && chatWidget->isActive()) { // do not show when active break; } ChatLobbyDialog *chatLobbyDialog = dynamic_cast<ChatLobbyDialog*>(chatDialog); RsGxsId sender(title); if (!chatLobbyDialog || chatLobbyDialog->isParticipantMuted(sender)) break; // participant is muted toaster = new ToasterItem(new ChatLobbyToaster(chat_id.toLobbyId(), sender, QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str()))); } break; case RS_POPUP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT: if ((popupflags & RS_POPUP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT) && !_disableAllToaster) { // id = gpgid // title = ssl name // msg = peer id toaster = new ToasterItem(new FriendRequestToaster(RsPgpId(id), QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()), RsPeerId(msg))); } break; } } /*Now check Plugins*/ if (!toaster) { int pluginCount = rsPlugins->nbPlugins(); for (int i = 0; i < pluginCount; ++i) { RsPlugin *rsPlugin = rsPlugins->plugin(i); if (rsPlugin) { ToasterNotify *toasterNotify = rsPlugin->qt_toasterNotify(); if (toasterNotify) { toaster = toasterNotify->toasterItem(); continue; } } } } if (toaster) { /* init attributes */ toaster->widget->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); /* add toaster to waiting list */ //QMutexLocker lock(&waitingToasterMutex); waitingToasterList.push_back(toaster); } if (rsNotify->NotifySysMessage(sysid, type, title, msg)) { /* make a warning message */ switch(type) { case RS_SYS_ERROR: QMessageBox::critical(MainWindow::getInstance(), QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str())); break; case RS_SYS_WARNING: QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::getInstance(), QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str())); break; default: case RS_SYS_INFO: QMessageBox::information(MainWindow::getInstance(), QString::fromUtf8(title.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(msg.c_str())); break; } } if (rsNotify->NotifyLogMessage(sysid, type, title, msg)) { /* make a log message */ std::string logMesString = title + " " + msg; switch(type) { case RS_SYS_ERROR: case RS_SYS_WARNING: case RS_SYS_INFO: emit logInfoChanged(QString::fromUtf8(logMesString.c_str())); } } } /* Now start the waiting toasters */ startWaitingToasters(); }
void MainWindow::RecvFileInfo(FileInformation info,int type) { qDebug(__func__); if(type == 4) filelist.push_back(info); else if(type == 5) { qDebug("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); PersonLoginInfo *pinfo = new PersonLoginInfo(info.ServerName,info.ServerIP); ChatDialog *share = new ChatDialog(pinfo,info); share->fileName = info.filePath; share->startClient(); } /* while(udpsocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { qDebug() << "cmcmcmcm"; qint16 type; QString IP; FileInformation value; qDebug() << filelist.size(); QList<FileInformation>::iterator File = filelist.begin(); udpcli->receiveMessage(uudpsocket,type,IP,value); if(type == 4)//作为客户端接收到别人的信息,将文件信息更新到自己的tablewidget { qDebug() << type; if(IP != "") { // filelist.push_back(value); qDebug()<<value.fileName; qDebug()<<value.fileSize; qDebug()<<value.fileType; } } else if(type == 5)//作为服务器收到别人的请求下载信息,然后遍历自己的容器是否存在这个文件,然后把文件发给他 { qDebug() << "ok"; if(!filelist.isEmpty()) { while(value.fileName == (*File).fileName && File != filelist.end()) { ++File; qDebug() << "okk"; //找到了,发射一个信号给发送文件,开始发送文件 qDebug() << value.fileload; file = new ChatDialog(); file.setfileload(value.fileload); file.setip(value.ip); } qDebug() << "NO"; } } }*/ }
void CNotice::TypeClick(TNotifyUI& msg) { if(msg.pSender->IsName(noticeView::kClose)){ GetPaintMgr()->KillTimer(GetPaintMgr()->GetRoot(),100); Close(IDOK); } else if (msg.pSender->IsName(noticeView::kLogo)) { if(EMT_GROUP_MSG == m_NoticeType||EMT_SYS_MSG==m_NoticeType) { if(theApp->IsIconic()) theApp->ShowWindow(true); theApp->SetPage(3);//转到群聊窗口 } else if(EMT_FRIEND_MSG==m_NoticeType||EMT_FRIEND_LOAD==m_NoticeType||EMT_FRIEND_SHAKE==m_NoticeType) { if (theApp->FindChatBox(m_sWho)) { ChatDialog* pDlg = NULL; if ((pDlg=theApp->FindChatBox(m_sWho))!=NULL) { pDlg->ShowWindow(true); pDlg->BringWindowToTop(); } } else { User friend_; theApp->FindUserFromList(m_sWho,friend_); ChatDialog* pChatDialog = new ChatDialog(_T(""), 0, theUser, friend_); if( pChatDialog == NULL ) return; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #else pChatDialog->Create(NULL, _T("ChatDialog"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME | WS_POPUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif pChatDialog->SetWindowText(friend_.m_loadName); //skin_changed_observer_.AddReceiver(pChatDialog); pChatDialog->CenterWindow(); ::ShowWindow(*pChatDialog, SW_SHOW); //装入链表 thelockChatDlgList.Lock(); theChatDialogList.AddTail(pChatDialog); thelockChatDlgList.UnLock(); } } Close(IDOK); } else if (msg.pSender->IsName(noticeView::kNoNotice)) { if(EMT_GROUP_MSG==m_NoticeType) bGroupMsgTip = false; if(EMT_FRIEND_MSG==m_NoticeType) bFriednMsgTip = false; if(EMT_FRIEND_LOAD==m_NoticeType) bFriednLoadTip = false; if(EMT_FRIEND_SHAKE==m_NoticeType) bFriednShakeTip = false; Close(IDOK); } }