예제 #1
bool Rectangle::Intersects(const Circle& circle) const {

    double radius = circle.GetRadius();

    auto cp = circle.GetPosition();

    auto t = GetTop();
    double distTop = Math::GetDistance(cp, t.GetPointOne(), t.GetPointTwo());

    auto l = GetLeft();
    double distLeft = Math::GetDistance(cp, l.GetPointOne(), l.GetPointTwo());

    auto r = GetRight();
    double distRight = Math::GetDistance(cp, r.GetPointOne(), r.GetPointTwo());

    auto b = GetBottom();
    double distBottom = Math::GetDistance(cp, b.GetPointOne(), b.GetPointTwo());

    bool resultTop = distTop <= radius;
    bool resultLeft = distLeft <= radius;
    bool resultRight = distRight <= radius;
    bool resultBottom = distBottom <= radius;
    bool isInside = Intersects(Point(circle.GetPosition()));
    return (isInside || resultTop || resultLeft || resultRight || resultBottom);
예제 #2
파일: CLine.cpp 프로젝트: cugone/Abrams2010
bool Line::Intersects(const Circle& circle) const {
    double r2 = circle.GetRadius();
    r2 *= r2;
    bool eOne_result = ((_extent_one - circle.GetPosition()).GetLengthSquared() < r2);
    bool eTwo_result = ((_extent_two - circle.GetPosition()).GetLengthSquared() < r2);
    if(eOne_result) return true;
    if(eTwo_result) return true;
    return this->GetDistance(Point(circle.GetPosition())) <= circle.GetRadius();
예제 #3
bool Sector::Intersects(const Circle& circle) const {

    //Intersections performed fast to slow.
    //If bounding circle and argument circle do not intersect: no.
    //If initial point intersects circle: yes.
    //If terminal point intersects circle: yes.
    //If central point intersects circle: yes.
    //If the angle between the circle and the sector is in-between the start and end angles (mapped to [0, 2pi]): yes.
    //If the circle intersects the initial line: yes.
    //If the circle intersects the terminal line: yes.
    //Otherwise: no.

    double my_x = this->GetX();
    double my_y = this->GetY();
    double your_x = circle.GetX();
    double your_y = circle.GetY();
    double radius_sum = this->GetRadius() + circle.GetRadius();
    if(a2de::Point::GetDistance(my_x, my_y, your_x, your_y) > radius_sum) return false;

    if(this->GetStartPoint().Intersects(circle)) return true;
    if(this->GetEndPoint().Intersects(circle)) return true;
    if(Point(this->GetPosition()).Intersects(circle)) return true;
    double angle = Vector2D::GetFacingAngle(circle.GetPosition(), this->GetPosition());

    //Map return values to [0, 360]
    double sA = this->GetStartAngle();
    if(sA > Math::A2DE_PI) {
        sA -= Math::A2DE_2PI;
    double eA = this->GetEndAngle();
    if(eA > Math::A2DE_PI) {
        eA -= Math::A2DE_2PI;
    bool within_sector = (sA <= angle && angle <= eA);
    if(within_sector) return true;

    Line sl(this->GetPosition(), this->GetStartPoint().GetPosition());
    Line tl(this->GetPosition(), this->GetEndPoint().GetPosition());

    if(sl.Intersects(circle)) return true;
    if(tl.Intersects(circle)) return true;

    return false;