예제 #1
int CbcHeuristicDive::reducedCostFix (OsiSolverInterface* solver)

    //return 0; // temp
#ifndef JJF_ONE
    if (!model_->solverCharacteristics()->reducedCostsAccurate())
        return 0; //NLP
    double cutoff = model_->getCutoff() ;
    if (cutoff > 1.0e20)
        return 0;
    std::cout << "cutoff = " << cutoff << std::endl;
    double direction = solver->getObjSense() ;
    double gap = cutoff - solver->getObjValue() * direction ;
    gap *= 0.5; // Fix more
    double tolerance;
    solver->getDblParam(OsiDualTolerance, tolerance) ;
    if (gap <= 0.0)
        gap = tolerance; //return 0;
    gap += 100.0 * tolerance;
    double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcIntegerTolerance);

    const double *lower = solver->getColLower() ;
    const double *upper = solver->getColUpper() ;
    const double *solution = solver->getColSolution() ;
    const double *reducedCost = solver->getReducedCost() ;

    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();

    int numberFixed = 0 ;

# ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP
    OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver
    = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver);
    ClpSimplex * clpSimplex = NULL;
    if (clpSolver)
        clpSimplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr();
# endif
    for (int i = 0 ; i < numberIntegers ; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i] ;
        double djValue = direction * reducedCost[iColumn] ;
        if (upper[iColumn] - lower[iColumn] > integerTolerance) {
            if (solution[iColumn] < lower[iColumn] + integerTolerance && djValue > gap) {
                // may just have been fixed before
                if (clpSimplex) {
                    if (clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic) {
                        printf("DJfix %d has status of %d, dj of %g gap %g, bounds %g %g\n",
                               iColumn, clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn),
                               djValue, gap, lower[iColumn], upper[iColumn]);
                    } else {
                        assert(clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound ||
                               clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::isFixed);
                solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]) ;
                numberFixed++ ;
            } else if (solution[iColumn] > upper[iColumn] - integerTolerance && -djValue > gap) {
                // may just have been fixed before
                if (clpSimplex) {
                    if (clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic) {
                        printf("DJfix %d has status of %d, dj of %g gap %g, bounds %g %g\n",
                               iColumn, clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn),
                               djValue, gap, lower[iColumn], upper[iColumn]);
                    } else {
                        assert(clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound ||
                               clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::isFixed);
                solver->setColLower(iColumn, upper[iColumn]) ;
                numberFixed++ ;
    return numberFixed;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
     /* Read quadratic model in two stages to test loadQuadraticObjective.

        And is also possible to just read into ClpSimplex/Interior which sets it all up in one go.
        But this is only if it is in QUADOBJ format.

        If no arguments does share2qp using ClpInterior (also creates quad.mps which is in QUADOBJ format)
        If one argument uses simplex e.g. testit quad.mps
        If > one uses barrier via ClpSimplex input and then ClpInterior borrow
     if (argc < 2) {
          CoinMpsIO  m;
#if defined(SAMPLEDIR)
          int status = m.readMps(SAMPLEDIR "/share2qp", "mps");
          fprintf(stderr, "Do not know where to find sample MPS files.\n");
          if (status) {
               printf("errors on input\n");
          ClpInterior model;
          model.loadProblem(*m.getMatrixByCol(), m.getColLower(), m.getColUpper(),
                            m.getRowLower(), m.getRowUpper());
          // get quadratic part
          int * start = NULL;
          int * column = NULL;
          double * element = NULL;
          m.readQuadraticMps(NULL, start, column, element, 2);
          int j;
          for (j = 0; j < 79; j++) {
               if (start[j] < start[j+1]) {
                    int i;
                    printf("Column %d ", j);
                    for (i = start[j]; i < start[j+1]; i++) {
                         printf("( %d, %g) ", column[i], element[i]);
          model.loadQuadraticObjective(model.numberColumns(), start, column, element);
          // share2qp is in old style qp format - convert to new so other options can use
          ClpCholeskyBase * cholesky = new ClpCholeskyBase();
          double *primal;
          double *dual;
          primal = model.primalColumnSolution();
          dual = model.dualRowSolution();
          int i;
          int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
          int numberRows = model.numberRows();
          for (i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
               if (fabs(primal[i]) > 1.0e-8)
                    printf("%d primal %g\n", i, primal[i]);
          for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
               if (fabs(dual[i]) > 1.0e-8)
                    printf("%d dual %g\n", i, dual[i]);
     } else {
          // Could read into ClpInterior
          ClpSimplex model;
          if (model.readMps(argv[1])) {
               printf("errors on input\n");
          if (argc < 3) {
               // simplex - just primal as dual does not work
               // also I need to fix scaling of duals on output
               // (Was okay in first place - can't mix and match scaling techniques)
               // model.scaling(0);
          } else {
               // barrier
               ClpInterior barrier;
               ClpCholeskyBase * cholesky = new ClpCholeskyBase();
          // Just check if share2qp (quad.mps here)
          // this is because I am not checking if variables at ub
          if (model.numberColumns() == 79) {
               double *primal;
               double *dual;
               primal = model.primalColumnSolution();
               dual = model.dualRowSolution();
               // Check duals by hand
               const ClpQuadraticObjective * quadraticObj =
                    (dynamic_cast<const ClpQuadraticObjective*>(model.objectiveAsObject()));
               CoinPackedMatrix * quad = quadraticObj->quadraticObjective();
               const int * columnQuadratic = quad->getIndices();
               const CoinBigIndex * columnQuadraticStart = quad->getVectorStarts();
               const int * columnQuadraticLength = quad->getVectorLengths();
               const double * quadraticElement = quad->getElements();
               int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
               int numberRows = model.numberRows();
               double * gradient = new double [numberColumns];
               // move linear objective
               memcpy(gradient, quadraticObj->linearObjective(), numberColumns * sizeof(double));
               int iColumn;
               for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    double valueI = primal[iColumn];
                    CoinBigIndex j;
                    for (j = columnQuadraticStart[iColumn];
                              j < columnQuadraticStart[iColumn] + columnQuadraticLength[iColumn]; j++) {
                         int jColumn = columnQuadratic[j];
                         double valueJ = primal[jColumn];
                         double elementValue = quadraticElement[j];
                         if (iColumn != jColumn) {
                              double gradientI = valueJ * elementValue;
                              double gradientJ = valueI * elementValue;
                              gradient[iColumn] += gradientI;
                              gradient[jColumn] += gradientJ;
                         } else {
                              double gradientI = valueI * elementValue;
                              gradient[iColumn] += gradientI;
                    if (fabs(primal[iColumn]) > 1.0e-8)
                         printf("%d primal %g\n", iColumn, primal[iColumn]);
               for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                    if (fabs(dual[i]) > 1.0e-8)
                         printf("%d dual %g\n", i, dual[i]);
               // Now use duals to get reduced costs
               // Can't use this as will try and use scaling
               // model.transposeTimes(-1.0,dual,gradient);
               // So ...
               CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = model.matrix();
               const int * row = matrix->getIndices();
               const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix->getVectorStarts();
               const int * columnLength = matrix->getVectorLengths();
               const double * element = matrix->getElements();
               for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    double dj = gradient[iColumn];
                    CoinBigIndex j;
                    for (j = columnStart[iColumn];
                              j < columnStart[iColumn] + columnLength[iColumn]; j++) {
                         int jRow = row[j];
                         dj -= element[j] * dual[jRow];
                    if (model.getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic) {
                         assert(fabs(dj) < 1.0e-5);
                    } else {
                         assert(dj > -1.0e-5);
               delete [] gradient;
     return 0;
예제 #3
static int solve(EKKModel * model, int  startup, int algorithm,
                 int presolve)
     // values pass or not
     if (startup)
          startup = 1;
     // if scaled then be careful
     bool scaled = ekk_scaling(model) == 1;
     if (scaled)
          ekk_scaleRim(model, 1);
     void * compressInfo = NULL;
     ClpSimplex * clp;
     if (!presolve || !presolveInfo) {
          // no presolve or osl presolve - compact columns
          compressInfo = ekk_compressModel(model);
          clp = clpmodel(model, startup);;
     } else {
          // pick up clp model
          clp = presolveInfo->model();

     // don't scale if alreday scaled
     if (scaled)
     if (clp->numberRows() > 10000)
          clp->factorization()->maximumPivots(100 + clp->numberRows() / 100);
     if (algorithm > 0)

     int numberIterations = clp->numberIterations();
     if (presolve && presolveInfo) {
          // very wasteful - create a clp copy of osl model
          ClpSimplex * clpOriginal = clpmodel(model, 0);
          // do postsolve
          delete clp;
          delete presolveInfo;
          presolveInfo = NULL;
          clp = clpOriginal;
          if (presolve == 3 || (presolve == 2 && clp->status())) {
               printf("Resolving from postsolved model\n");
               numberIterations += clp->numberIterations();

     // put back solution

     double * rowDual = (double *) ekk_rowduals(model);
     int numberRows = ekk_getInumrows(model);
     int numberColumns = ekk_getInumcols(model);
     int * rowStatus = (int *) ekk_rowstat(model);
     double * rowSolution = (double *) ekk_rowacts(model);
     int i;
     int * columnStatus = (int *) ekk_colstat(model);
     double * columnSolution = (double *) ekk_colsol(model);
     memcpy(rowSolution, clp->primalRowSolution(), numberRows * sizeof(double));
     memcpy(rowDual, clp->dualRowSolution(), numberRows * sizeof(double));
     for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
          if (clp->getRowStatus(i) == ClpSimplex::basic)
               rowStatus[i] = 0x80000000;
               rowStatus[i] = 0;

     double * columnDual = (double *) ekk_colrcosts(model);
     memcpy(columnSolution, clp->primalColumnSolution(),
            numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     memcpy(columnDual, clp->dualColumnSolution(), numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     for (i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
          if (clp->getColumnStatus(i) == ClpSimplex::basic)
               columnStatus[i] = 0x80000000;
               columnStatus[i] = 0;
     ekk_setIprobstat(model, clp->status());
     ekk_setRobjvalue(model, clp->objectiveValue());
     ekk_setInumpinf(model, clp->numberPrimalInfeasibilities());
     ekk_setInumdinf(model, clp->numberDualInfeasibilities());
     ekk_setIiternum(model, numberIterations);
     ekk_setRsumpinf(model, clp->sumPrimalInfeasibilities());
     ekk_setRsumdinf(model, clp->sumDualInfeasibilities());
     delete clp;
     if (compressInfo)
          ekk_decompressModel(model, compressInfo);

     if (scaled)
          ekk_scaleRim(model, 2);
     return 0;
예제 #4
파일: sprint.cpp 프로젝트: sednanref/tesis
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
     ClpSimplex  model;
     int status;
     // Keep names
     if (argc < 2) {
          status = model.readMps("small.mps", true);
     } else {
          status = model.readMps(argv[1], true);
     if (status)
       This driver implements what I called Sprint.  Cplex calls it
       "sifting" which is just as silly.  When I thought of this trivial idea
       it reminded me of an LP code of the 60's called sprint which after
       every factorization took a subset of the matrix into memory (all
       64K words!) and then iterated very fast on that subset.  On the
       problems of those days it did not work very well, but it worked very
       well on aircrew scheduling problems where there were very large numbers
       of columns all with the same flavor.

     /* The idea works best if you can get feasible easily.  To make it
        more general we can add in costed slacks */

     int originalNumberColumns = model.numberColumns();
     int numberRows = model.numberRows();

     // We will need arrays to choose variables.  These are too big but ..
     double * weight = new double [numberRows+originalNumberColumns];
     int * sort = new int [numberRows+originalNumberColumns];
     int numberSort = 0;
     // Say we are going to add slacks - if you can get a feasible
     // solution then do that at the comment - Add in your own coding here
     bool addSlacks = true;

     if (addSlacks) {
          // initial list will just be artificials
          // first we will set all variables as close to zero as possible
          int iColumn;
          const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
          const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
          double * columnSolution = model.primalColumnSolution();

          for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < originalNumberColumns; iColumn++) {
               double value = 0.0;
               if (columnLower[iColumn] > 0.0)
                    value = columnLower[iColumn];
               else if (columnUpper[iColumn] < 0.0)
                    value = columnUpper[iColumn];
               columnSolution[iColumn] = value;
          // now see what that does to row solution
          double * rowSolution = model.primalRowSolution();
          memset (rowSolution, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
          model.times(1.0, columnSolution, rowSolution);

          int * addStarts = new int [numberRows+1];
          int * addRow = new int[numberRows];
          double * addElement = new double[numberRows];
          const double * lower = model.rowLower();
          const double * upper = model.rowUpper();
          addStarts[0] = 0;
          int numberArtificials = 0;
          double * addCost = new double [numberRows];
          const double penalty = 1.0e8;
          int iRow;
          for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
               if (lower[iRow] > rowSolution[iRow]) {
                    addRow[numberArtificials] = iRow;
                    addElement[numberArtificials] = 1.0;
                    addCost[numberArtificials] = penalty;
                    addStarts[numberArtificials] = numberArtificials;
               } else if (upper[iRow] < rowSolution[iRow]) {
                    addRow[numberArtificials] = iRow;
                    addElement[numberArtificials] = -1.0;
                    addCost[numberArtificials] = penalty;
                    addStarts[numberArtificials] = numberArtificials;
          model.addColumns(numberArtificials, NULL, NULL, addCost,
                           addStarts, addRow, addElement);
          delete [] addStarts;
          delete [] addRow;
          delete [] addElement;
          delete [] addCost;
          // Set up initial list
          numberSort = numberArtificials;
          int i;
          for (i = 0; i < numberSort; i++)
               sort[i] = i + originalNumberColumns;
     } else {
          // Get initial list in some magical way
          // Add in your own coding here

     int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
     const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
     const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
     double * fullSolution = model.primalColumnSolution();

     // Just do this number of passes
     int maxPass = 100;
     int iPass;
     double lastObjective = 1.0e31;

     // Just take this number of columns in small problem
     int smallNumberColumns = CoinMin(3 * numberRows, numberColumns);
     smallNumberColumns = CoinMax(smallNumberColumns, 3000);
     // We will be using all rows
     int * whichRows = new int [numberRows];
     for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++)
          whichRows[iRow] = iRow;
     double originalOffset;
     model.getDblParam(ClpObjOffset, originalOffset);

     for (iPass = 0; iPass < maxPass; iPass++) {
          printf("Start of pass %d\n", iPass);
          //printf("Bug until submodel new version\n");
          CoinSort_2(sort, sort + numberSort, weight);
          // Create small problem
          ClpSimplex small(&model, numberRows, whichRows, numberSort, sort);
          // now see what variables left out do to row solution
          double * rowSolution = model.primalRowSolution();
          memset (rowSolution, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
          int iRow, iColumn;
          // zero out ones in small problem
          for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberSort; iColumn++) {
               int kColumn = sort[iColumn];
               fullSolution[kColumn] = 0.0;
          // Get objective offset
          double offset = 0.0;
          const double * objective = model.objective();
          for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < originalNumberColumns; iColumn++)
               offset += fullSolution[iColumn] * objective[iColumn];
          small.setDblParam(ClpObjOffset, originalOffset - offset);
          model.times(1.0, fullSolution, rowSolution);

          double * lower = small.rowLower();
          double * upper = small.rowUpper();
          for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
               if (lower[iRow] > -1.0e50)
                    lower[iRow] -= rowSolution[iRow];
               if (upper[iRow] < 1.0e50)
                    upper[iRow] -= rowSolution[iRow];
          /* For some problems a useful variant is to presolve problem.
             In this case you need to adjust smallNumberColumns to get
             right size problem.  Also you can dispense with creating
             small problem and fix variables in large problem and do presolve
             on that. */
          // Solve
          // move solution back
          const double * solution = small.primalColumnSolution();
          for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberSort; iColumn++) {
               int kColumn = sort[iColumn];
               model.setColumnStatus(kColumn, small.getColumnStatus(iColumn));
               fullSolution[kColumn] = solution[iColumn];
          for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++)
               model.setRowStatus(iRow, small.getRowStatus(iRow));
          memcpy(model.primalRowSolution(), small.primalRowSolution(),
                 numberRows * sizeof(double));
          if ((small.objectiveValue() > lastObjective - 1.0e-7 && iPass > 5) ||
                    !small.numberIterations() ||
                    iPass == maxPass - 1) {

               break; // finished
          } else {
               lastObjective = small.objectiveValue();
               // get reduced cost for large problem
               // this assumes minimization
               memcpy(weight, model.objective(), numberColumns * sizeof(double));
               model.transposeTimes(-1.0, small.dualRowSolution(), weight);
               // now massage weight so all basic in plus good djs
               for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    double dj = weight[iColumn];
                    double value = fullSolution[iColumn];
                    if (model.getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         dj = -1.0e50;
                    else if (dj < 0.0 && value < columnUpper[iColumn])
                         dj = dj;
                    else if (dj > 0.0 && value > columnLower[iColumn])
                         dj = -dj;
                    else if (columnUpper[iColumn] > columnLower[iColumn])
                         dj = fabs(dj);
                         dj = 1.0e50;
                    weight[iColumn] = dj;
                    sort[iColumn] = iColumn;
               // sort
               CoinSort_2(weight, weight + numberColumns, sort);
               numberSort = smallNumberColumns;
     if (addSlacks) {
          int i;
          int numberArtificials = numberColumns - originalNumberColumns;
          for (i = 0; i < numberArtificials; i++)
               sort[i] = i + originalNumberColumns;
          model.deleteColumns(numberArtificials, sort);
     delete [] weight;
     delete [] sort;
     delete [] whichRows;
     return 0;