예제 #1
double PFReconstructor::nsigmaHcal(const Cluster& cluster) const {

  return 1. + exp(-cluster.energy() / 100.);
예제 #2
파일: CMSHcal.cpp 프로젝트: HEP-FCC/papas
bool CMSHCAL::acceptance(const Cluster& cluster) const {
  double energy = cluster.energy();
  double eta = fabs(cluster.eta());
  bool accept = false;
  auto& pars = m_acceptanceParameters;

  if (eta < m_etaCrack) {
    if (energy > pars[0])
      accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (pars[1] / (1 + exp((energy + pars[2]) / (pars[3]))));
  } else if (eta < pars[4]) {
    if (energy > pars[5]) {
      if (energy < pars[6])
        accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (pars[7] + pars[8] * energy + pars[9] * (pow(energy, 2)));
        accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (pars[10] / (1 + exp((energy + pars[11]) / pars[12])));
  } else if (eta < pars[13] && energy > pars[14])
    accept = true;

  /*if (eta < m_etaCrack) {
    if (energy > 1.) accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (1 / (1 + exp((energy - 1.93816) / (-1.75330))));
  } else if (eta < 3.) {
    if (energy > 1.1) {
      if (energy < 10.)
        accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (1.05634 - 1.66943e-01 * energy + 1.05997e-02 * (pow(energy, 2)));
        accept = rootrandom::Random::uniform(0, 1) < (8.09522e-01 / (1 + exp((energy - 9.90855) / -5.30366)));
  } else if (eta < 5. && energy > 7)
    accept = true;*/

  return accept;
예제 #3
파일: ClicEcal.cpp 프로젝트: HEP-FCC/papas
bool ClicECAL::acceptance(const Cluster& cluster) const {
  double energy = cluster.energy();
  double eta = fabs(cluster.eta());
  if (eta < volumeCylinder().inner().etaJunction())
    return (energy > m_emin[0]);  // barrel
  else if (eta < m_etaAcceptance)
    return energy > m_emin[1];  // endcap
    return false;
예제 #4
파일: CMSEcal.cpp 프로젝트: HEP-FCC/papas
bool CMSECAL::acceptance(const Cluster& cluster) const {
  double energy = cluster.energy();
  double eta = fabs(cluster.eta());
  if (eta < m_etaCrack)
    return energy > m_emin[kBarrel];
  else if (eta < m_etaAcceptanceThreshold)                                           // 2.93)
    return ((energy > m_emin[kEndCap]) & (cluster.pt() > m_ptAcceptanceThreshold));  // 0.2));
    return false;
예제 #5
SimParticle PFReconstructor::reconstructCluster(const Cluster& cluster, papas::Layer layer, double energy,
                                                const TVector3& vertex) {
  // construct a photon if it is an ecal
  // construct a neutral hadron if it is an hcal
  int pdgId = 0;
  if (energy < 0) {
    energy = cluster.energy();
  // double charge = ParticlePData::particleCharge(pdgId);
  if (layer == papas::Layer::kEcal) {
    pdgId = 22;  // photon
  } else if (layer == papas::Layer::kHcal) {
    pdgId = 130;  // K0
  } else {
    // TODO raise ValueError('layer must be equal to ecal_in or hcal_in')
  // assert(pdg_id)
  double mass = ParticlePData::particleMass(pdgId);

  if (energy < mass)  // null particle
    return SimParticle();

  double momentum;
  if (mass == 0) {
    momentum = energy;
  }  //#avoid sqrt for zero mass
  else {
    momentum = sqrt(pow(energy, 2) - pow(mass, 2));
  TVector3 p3 = cluster.position().Unit() * momentum;
  TLorentzVector p4 = TLorentzVector(p3.Px(), p3.Py(), p3.Pz(), energy);  // mass is not accurate here

  IdType newid = Id::makeRecParticleId();
  SimParticle particle{newid, pdgId, 0., p4, vertex};
  // TODO discuss with Colin
  particle.path()->addPoint(papas::Position::kEcalIn, cluster.position());
  if (layer == papas::Layer::kHcal) {  // alice not sure
    particle.path()->addPoint(papas::Position::kHcalIn, cluster.position());

  // alice: Colin this may be a bit strange
  // because we can make a photon with a
  // path where the point is actually that
  // of the hcal?
  // nb this only is problem if the cluster and the assigned layer are different
  // particle.setPath(path);
  // particle.clusters[layer] = cluster  # not sure about this either when hcal is used to make an ecal cluster?
  m_locked[cluster.id()] = true;  // alice : just OK but not nice if hcal used to make ecal.
  // TODO make more flexible and able to detect what type of cluster
  PDebug::write("Made Reconstructed{} from Merged{}", particle, cluster);
  return particle;
예제 #6
double PFReconstructor::neutralHadronEnergyResolution(const Cluster& hcal) const {
  double energy = fmax(hcal.energy(), 1.);
  double stoch = 1.02;
  double kconst = 0.065;
  if (fabs(hcal.position().Eta()) > 1.48) {
    stoch = 1.2;
    kconst = 0.028;
  double resol = sqrt(pow(stoch, 2) / energy + pow(kconst, 2));
  return resol;
예제 #7
/* Decides whether a cluster will be seen by a detector
 @param cluster the cluster to be analysed
 @return true is cluster is detected, false it if is too small to be seen
bool CMSHCAL::acceptance(const Cluster& cluster) const {
    double energy = cluster.energy();
    double eta = fabs(cluster.eta());

    bool accept = false;
    auto rUniform = randomgen::RandUniform(0, 1);
    if (eta < m_etaCrack) {
        if (energy > 1.) accept = rUniform.next() < (1 / (1 + exp((energy - 1.93816) / (-1.75330))));
    } else if (eta < 3.) {
        if (energy > 1.1) {
            if (energy < 10.)
                accept = rUniform.next() < (1.05634 - 1.66943e-01 * energy + 1.05997e-02 * (pow(energy, 2)));
                accept = rUniform.next() < (8.09522e-01 / (1 + exp((energy - 9.90855) / -5.30366)));
    } else if (eta < 5. && energy > 7)
        accept = true;

    return accept;