void ScanController::hintAtMoveOrCopyOfAlbum(const PAlbum* album, const QString& dstPath, const QString& newAlbumName) { // get album root and album from dst path CollectionLocation location = CollectionManager::instance()->locationForPath(dstPath); if (location.isNull()) { kWarning() << "hintAtMoveOrCopyOfAlbum: Destination path" << dstPath << "does not point to an available location."; return; } QString relativeDstPath = CollectionManager::instance()->album(location, dstPath); QList<AlbumCopyMoveHint> newHints = hintsForAlbum(album, location.id(), relativeDstPath, newAlbumName.isNull() ? album->title() : newAlbumName); QMutexLocker lock(&d->mutex); d->albumHints << newHints; }
QString ToolTipFiller::albumTipContents(PAlbum* const album, int count) { if (!album) { return QString(); } QString str; ApplicationSettings* const settings = ApplicationSettings::instance(); DToolTipStyleSheet cnt(settings->getToolTipsFont()); QString tip = cnt.tipHeader; if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumTitle() || settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumDate() || settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCollection() || settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCategory() || settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCaption()) { tip += cnt.headBeg + i18n("Album Properties") + cnt.headEnd; if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumTitle()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Name:") + cnt.cellMid; tip += album->title() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowFolderTreeViewItemsCount()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Items:") + cnt.cellMid; tip += QString::number(count) + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCollection()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Collection:") + cnt.cellMid; CollectionLocation col = CollectionManager::instance()->locationForAlbumRootId(album->albumRootId()); tip += !col.isNull() ? col.label() : QString() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumDate()) { QDate date = album->date(); str = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, KLocale::ShortDate); tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Date:") + cnt.cellMid + str + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCategory()) { str = album->category(); if (str.isEmpty()) { str = QString("---"); } tip += cnt.cellSpecBeg + i18n("Category:") + cnt.cellSpecMid + cnt.breakString(str) + cnt.cellSpecEnd; } if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumCaption()) { str = album->caption(); if (str.isEmpty()) { str = QString("---"); } tip += cnt.cellSpecBeg + i18n("Caption:") + cnt.cellSpecMid + cnt.breakString(str) + cnt.cellSpecEnd; } if (settings->getToolTipsShowAlbumPreview()) { tip += cnt.cellSpecBeg + i18n("Preview:") + cnt.cellSpecMid + cnt.imageAsBase64(AlbumThumbnailLoader::instance()->getAlbumThumbnailDirectly(album).toImage()) + //cnt.imageAsBase64(AlbumThumbnailLoader::instance()->getAlbumPreviewDirectly(album, ThumbnailSize::Medium)) + cnt.cellSpecEnd; } } tip += cnt.tipFooter; return tip; }