예제 #1
파일: model.cpp 프로젝트: bmh10/chess3d
void Model::DrawAt(Coord3D origin, GLfloat scale, Colour colour)
  //Draw all vertices for each polygon, setting texture coords and vertex normals
  int a, b;
  Vertex v;
  for (a = 0; a < numFaces; a++)
    for (b = 0; b < faceData[a].numIndicies; b++)
      // Lookup vertex index in polygonData, 
      // then use to get actual vertex from vertexData
      v = vertexData[faceData[a].vIdxs[b]];
      // Define texture coordinates of vertex
      // glTexCoord2f(v.tex_coord[0], v.tex_coord[1]);
      // Define normal of vertex
      glNormal3f(v.normal[0], v.normal[1], v.normal[2]);

      // Define coordinates of vertex
      glVertex3f(origin.x + v.coord[0]*scale, origin.y + v.coord[1]*scale, origin.z + v.coord[2]*scale);
예제 #2
파일: silo.cpp 프로젝트: cahocachi/DEFCON
void Silo::Render()

    // Render nuke count under the silo

    if( m_teamId == g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId ||
        g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId == -1 ||
        g_app->GetGame()->m_winner != -1 )
        int numNukesInStore = m_states[0]->m_numTimesPermitted;
        int numNukesInQueue = m_actionQueue.Size();

        Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(m_teamId);
        Colour colour = team->GetTeamColour();            
        colour.m_a = 150;

        Image *bmpImage = g_resource->GetImage("graphics/smallnuke.bmp");
        if( bmpImage )
            float x = m_longitude.DoubleValue();
            float y = m_latitude.DoubleValue() - GetSize().DoubleValue() * 0.9f;       
            float nukeSize = GetSize().DoubleValue() * 0.35f;
            x -= GetSize().DoubleValue()*0.95f;

            for( int i = 0; i < numNukesInStore; ++i )
                if( i >= (numNukesInStore-numNukesInQueue) )
                    colour.Set( 128,128,128,100 );
                g_renderer->Blit( bmpImage, x+i*nukeSize*0.5f, y, nukeSize, -nukeSize, colour );
예제 #3
void ConnectingWindow::Render( bool _hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( _hasFocus );

    float yPos = m_y + 40;

    // Render our connection state

    g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );

    float fraction = 0.0f;
    char *caption = NULL;
    Colour col;

    switch( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState )
        case ClientToServer::StateDisconnected:     
            caption = LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_disconnected");
            fraction = 0.0f;

        case ClientToServer::StateConnecting:
            caption = LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_connecting");
            fraction = 0.5f;

        case ClientToServer::StateHandshaking:
        case ClientToServer::StateConnected:
            caption = LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_connected");
            fraction = 1.0f;

    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, yPos, col, 20, caption );

    yPos += 20;

    if( fraction > 0.0f )
        g_renderer->RectFill( m_x + 30, yPos, (m_w-60)*fraction, 20, col );
        g_renderer->Rect( m_x+30, yPos, (m_w-60), 20, White );

        int numConnectionAttempts = g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionAttempts;
        if( fraction < 1.0f && numConnectionAttempts > 0 )
			char caption[512];
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_attempts") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'A', numConnectionAttempts, caption );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 60, White, 14, caption );

    // Render our sync status (ie receiving all data from the server)

    yPos += 40;

    if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->IsConnected() )
        if( m_stage == 0 )
            m_stage = 1;
            m_stageStartTime = GetHighResTime();

        int serverSeqId = g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverSequenceId;
        int latestSeqId = g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_lastValidSequenceIdFromServer;
        int numRemaining = serverSeqId-latestSeqId;

        if( numRemaining > m_maxUpdatesRemaining )
            m_maxUpdatesRemaining = numRemaining;

        if( m_maxUpdatesRemaining > 0 )
            fraction = numRemaining / (float) m_maxUpdatesRemaining;
            fraction = 0.0f;

        Clamp( fraction, 0.0f, 1.0f );
        fraction = 1.0f - fraction;
        col.Set( (1-fraction)*255, fraction*255, 0, 255 );

        const char *caption = numRemaining > 5 ? LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_receiving") : LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_received");
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, yPos, col, 20, caption );

        yPos += 20;
        g_renderer->RectFill( m_x+30, yPos, (m_w-60)*fraction, 20, col );
        g_renderer->Rect( m_x+30, yPos, (m_w-60), 20, White );

        if( m_stage == 1 )

        // Render how much of the received data we have successfully parsed

        int lagRemaining = 0;
        if( g_lastProcessedSequenceId > 0 && numRemaining < 10 )
            if( m_stage != 2 )
                m_stage = 2;
                m_stageStartTime = GetHighResTime();

            yPos += 40;
            int serverSeqId = g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverSequenceId;
            lagRemaining = serverSeqId - g_lastProcessedSequenceId;
            lagRemaining --;
            if( lagRemaining > m_maxLagRemaining )
                m_maxLagRemaining = lagRemaining;

            fraction = lagRemaining / (float) m_maxLagRemaining;
            Clamp( fraction, 0.0f, 1.0f );
            fraction = 1.0f - fraction;
            col.Set( (1-fraction)*255, fraction*255, 0, 255 );

            const char *caption = lagRemaining > 5 ? LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_synchronising") : LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_synchronised");
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, yPos, col, 20, caption );

            yPos += 20;
            g_renderer->RectFill( m_x+30, yPos, (m_w-60)*fraction, 20, col );
            g_renderer->Rect( m_x+30, yPos, (m_w-60), 20, White );

            if( m_stage == 2 )
                RenderTimeRemaining( fraction );

        // Connection is done, we can shut down now
        // Pop up lobby if we were asked to do so

        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState == ClientToServer::StateConnected )
            if( m_popupLobbyAtEnd )
                if( !EclGetWindow( "LOBBY" ) )              
                    LobbyWindow *lobby = new LobbyWindow();                   
                    ChatWindow *chat = new ChatWindow();

                    chat->SetPosition( g_windowManager->WindowW()/2 - chat->m_w/2, 
                                       g_windowManager->WindowH() - chat->m_h - 30 );
                    EclRegisterWindow( chat );

                    float lobbyX = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2 - lobby->m_w/2;
                    float lobbyY = chat->m_y - lobby->m_h - 30;
                    lobbyY = std::max( lobbyY, 0.0f );
                    lobby->SetPosition(lobbyX, lobbyY);
                    EclRegisterWindow( lobby );

            if( numRemaining < 5 && lagRemaining < 5 )

        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState == ClientToServer::StateDisconnected )

예제 #4
void NetworkWindow::Render( bool hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( hasFocus );
    int y = m_y+15;
    int h = 15;

    if( g_app->GetServer() )
		char caption[128];
		char number[32];
		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_seqid") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_send") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetServer()->m_sendRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
		g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_receive") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetServer()->m_receiveRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
		g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

        g_renderer->Line( m_x + 10, y + 20, m_x + m_w - 10, y + 20, White, 1 );
        int clientX = m_x + 20;
        int ipX = clientX + 60;
        int seqX = ipX + 140;
        int playerX = seqX + 60;
        int lagX = playerX + 150;
        int syncX = lagX + 90;


        g_renderer->TextSimple( clientX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_id") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( ipX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_ip_port") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( seqX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_seqid") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( playerX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_name") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( lagX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_status") );

        int maxClients = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("MaxTeams") +
        for( int i = 0; i < maxClients; ++i )
            if( g_app->GetServer()->m_clients.ValidIndex(i) )
                ServerToClient *sToc = g_app->GetServer()->m_clients[i];
                char netLocation[256];
                sprintf( netLocation, "%s:%d", sToc->m_ip, sToc->m_port);

                char caption[256];
                Colour col;

                float timeBehind = GetHighResTime() - sToc->m_lastMessageReceived;
                if( timeBehind > 2.0f )
                    col.Set( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_lost_con") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', (int)timeBehind, caption );
                else if( !sToc->m_caughtUp ) 
                    col.Set( 200, 200, 30, 255 );
                    int percent = 100 * (sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId / (float)g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId);
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_synching") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'P', percent, caption );
                    float latency = (g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId - sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId);
                    float latencyMs = latency * 100.0f;
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_ping") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'P', (int)latencyMs, caption );
                    int red = std::min(255,(int) latency*20);
                    int green = 255 - red;

                Colour normalCol(200,200,255,200);

                char *playerName = NULL;
                if( sToc->m_spectator )
                    for( int j = 0; j < g_app->GetWorld()->m_spectators.Size(); ++j )
                        Spectator *thisTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->m_spectators[j];
                        if( thisTeam->m_clientId == sToc->m_clientId )
                            playerName = thisTeam->m_name;
                    for( int j = 0; j < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++j )
                        Team *thisTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[j];
                        if( thisTeam->m_clientId == sToc->m_clientId )
                            playerName = thisTeam->m_name;

                g_renderer->Text( clientX, y, normalCol, 12, "%d", sToc->m_clientId );
                if( playerName )
                    g_renderer->TextSimple( playerX, y, normalCol, 12, playerName );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( ipX, y, normalCol, 12, netLocation );
                g_renderer->Text( seqX, y, normalCol, 12, "%d", sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId );                
                g_renderer->TextSimple( lagX, y, col, 12, caption );

                if( sToc->m_spectator )
                    g_renderer->TextSimple( clientX+10, y, normalCol, 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_spec") );

                if( sToc->m_syncErrorSeqId != -1 )
                    g_renderer->Text( syncX, y, Colour(255,0,0,255), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_worldstatus_out_of_sync_2") );
                g_renderer->Text( clientX, y, Colour(255,255,255,50), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_empty") );
            y += 20;

    // Show which packets are queued up if we're a client

    if( g_app->GetClientToServer() && g_lastProcessedSequenceId >= 0 )
        float yPos = m_y + m_h - 25;

        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, yPos-25, White, 13, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_sequence_msg_queue") );

        float xPos = m_x + 10;
        float width = (m_w - 120) / 10;
        float gap = width * 0.2f;
        for( int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i )
            if( i != 0 )
                g_renderer->RectFill( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(20,20,50,255) );

                if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->IsSequenceIdInQueue( g_lastProcessedSequenceId+i ) )
                    g_renderer->RectFill( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(0,255,0,255) );

                g_renderer->Rect( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(255,255,255,100) );

            if( i == 0 )
				char caption[128];
				sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_seqid_number") );
				LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_lastProcessedSequenceId, caption );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( xPos, yPos, White, 13, caption );
                xPos += width * 1;
            xPos += width;

    if( g_app->GetClientToServer() )
		char caption[128];
		char number[32];

		if( !g_app->GetServer() )
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_svr_known_seqid") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverSequenceId, caption );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_svr_estimated_seqid") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetEstimatedServerSeqId(), caption );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_estimated_latency") );
			sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetEstimatedLatency() );
			LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'L', number, caption );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, y+40, White, 15, caption );

        y = m_y + 15;

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_seqid") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_lastValidSequenceIdFromServer, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_send") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_sendRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_receive") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_receiveRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );