bool DoExecute(Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result) override { if (args.empty()) { Log::ListAllLogChannels(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { for (auto &entry : args.entries()) { Log::Callbacks log_callbacks; if (Log::GetLogChannelCallbacks(ConstString(entry.ref), log_callbacks)) { log_callbacks.list_categories(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (entry.ref == "all") { Log::ListAllLogChannels(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { LogChannelSP log_channel_sp(LogChannel::FindPlugin(entry.c_str())); if (log_channel_sp) { log_channel_sp->ListCategories(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid log channel '%s'.\n", entry.c_str()); } } } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result) override { result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 1) { llvm::StringRef sub_command = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); if (sub_command.equals_lower("enable")) { Timer::SetDisplayDepth(UINT32_MAX); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else if (sub_command.equals_lower("disable")) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes(&result.GetOutputStream()); Timer::SetDisplayDepth(0); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (sub_command.equals_lower("dump")) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (sub_command.equals_lower("reset")) { Timer::ResetCategoryTimes(); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } else if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 2) { llvm::StringRef sub_command = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); llvm::StringRef param = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(1); if (sub_command.equals_lower("enable")) { uint32_t depth; if (param.consumeInteger(0, depth)) { result.AppendError( "Could not convert enable depth to an unsigned integer."); } else { Timer::SetDisplayDepth(depth); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } } else if (sub_command.equals_lower("increment")) { bool success; bool increment = Args::StringToBoolean(param, false, &success); if (success) { Timer::SetQuiet(!increment); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else result.AppendError("Could not convert increment value to boolean."); } } if (!result.Succeeded()) { result.AppendError("Missing subcommand"); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Usage: %s\n", m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); } return result.Succeeded(); }
void CommandInterpreter::GetHelp (CommandReturnObject &result) { CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos; result.AppendMessage("The following is a list of built-in, permanent debugger commands:"); result.AppendMessage(""); std::string longest_word = FindLongestCommandWord (m_command_dict); uint32_t max_len = strlen (longest_word.c_str()); for (pos = m_command_dict.begin(); pos != m_command_dict.end(); ++pos) { OutputFormattedHelpText (result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first.c_str(), "--", pos->second->GetHelp(), max_len); } result.AppendMessage(""); if (m_alias_dict.size() > 0) { result.AppendMessage("The following is a list of your current command abbreviations (see 'alias' for more info):"); result.AppendMessage(""); longest_word = FindLongestCommandWord (m_alias_dict); max_len = strlen (longest_word.c_str()); for (pos = m_alias_dict.begin(); pos != m_alias_dict.end(); ++pos) { StreamString sstr; StreamString translation_and_help; std::string entry_name = pos->first; std::string second_entry = pos->second.get()->GetCommandName(); GetAliasHelp (pos->first.c_str(), pos->second->GetCommandName(), sstr); translation_and_help.Printf ("(%s) %s", sstr.GetData(), pos->second->GetHelp()); OutputFormattedHelpText (result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first.c_str(), "--", translation_and_help.GetData(), max_len); } result.AppendMessage(""); } if (m_user_dict.size() > 0) { result.AppendMessage ("The following is a list of your current user-defined commands:"); result.AppendMessage(""); for (pos = m_user_dict.begin(); pos != m_user_dict.end(); ++pos) { result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("%s -- %s\n", pos->first.c_str(), pos->second->GetHelp()); } result.AppendMessage(""); } result.AppendMessage("For more information on any particular command, try 'help <command-name>'."); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { Stream &stream = result.GetOutputStream(); RenderScriptRuntime *runtime = static_cast<RenderScriptRuntime *>( m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr()->GetLanguageRuntime( eLanguageTypeExtRenderScript)); assert(runtime); const RSScriptGroupList &groups = runtime->GetScriptGroups(); // print script group count stream.Printf("%" PRIu64 " script %s", uint64_t(groups.size()), (groups.size() == 1) ? "group" : "groups"); stream.EOL(); // print script group details stream.IndentMore(); for (const RSScriptGroupDescriptorSP &g : groups) { if (g) { stream.Indent(); // script group name stream.Printf("%s", g->m_name.AsCString()); stream.EOL(); // print out the kernels stream.IndentMore(); for (const auto &k : g->m_kernels) { stream.Indent(); stream.Printf(". %s", k.m_name.AsCString()); stream.EOL(); } stream.IndentLess(); } } stream.IndentLess(); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return true; }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { Stream &ostrm = result.GetOutputStream(); ostrm.Printf("Available platforms:\n"); PlatformSP host_platform_sp (Platform::GetDefaultPlatform()); ostrm.Printf ("%s: %s\n", host_platform_sp->GetShortPluginName(), host_platform_sp->GetDescription()); uint32_t idx; for (idx = 0; 1; ++idx) { const char *plugin_name = PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex (idx); if (plugin_name == NULL) break; const char *plugin_desc = PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginDescriptionAtIndex (idx); if (plugin_desc == NULL) break; ostrm.Printf("%s: %s\n", plugin_name, plugin_desc); } if (idx == 0) { result.AppendError ("no platforms are available\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } else result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { Stream &ostrm = result.GetOutputStream(); PlatformSP platform_sp (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { Error error (platform_sp->ConnectRemote (args)); if (error.Success()) { platform_sp->GetStatus (ostrm); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("%s\n", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("no platform us currently selected\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { m_exe_ctx.GetFrameRef().DumpUsingSettingsFormat (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { if (!command.empty()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes no arguments", m_cmd_name.c_str()); return false; } auto &r = repro::Reproducer::Instance(); if (auto generator = r.GetGenerator()) { generator->Keep(); } else if (r.GetLoader()) { // Make this operation a NOP in replay mode. result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); return result.Succeeded(); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Unable to get the reproducer generator"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } result.GetOutputStream() << "Reproducer written to '" << r.GetReproducerPath() << "'\n"; result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { PlatformSP platform_sp (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { Error error; if (platform_sp->IsConnected()) { // Cache the instance name if there is one since we are // about to disconnect and the name might go with it. const char *hostname_cstr = platform_sp->GetHostname(); std::string hostname; if (hostname_cstr) hostname.assign (hostname_cstr); error = platform_sp->DisconnectRemote (); if (error.Success()) { Stream &ostrm = result.GetOutputStream(); if (hostname.empty()) ostrm.Printf ("Disconnected from \"%s\"\n", platform_sp->GetShortPluginName()); else ostrm.Printf ("Disconnected from \"%s\"\n", hostname.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("%s", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { // Not connected... result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("not connected to '%s'", platform_sp->GetShortPluginName()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { // Bad args result.AppendError ("\"platform disconnect\" doesn't take any arguments"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("no platform is currently selected"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount(); if (argc == 0) { Log::ListAllLogChannels (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i) { Log::Callbacks log_callbacks; std::string channel(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i)); if (Log::GetLogChannelCallbacks (channel.c_str(), log_callbacks)) { log_callbacks.list_categories (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (channel == "all") { Log::ListAllLogChannels (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { LogChannelSP log_channel_sp (GetLogChannelPluginForChannel(channel.c_str())); if (log_channel_sp) { log_channel_sp->ListCategories(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid log channel '%s'.\n", args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)); } } } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { if (!command.empty()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes no arguments", m_cmd_name.c_str()); return false; } auto &r = repro::Reproducer::Instance(); if (r.GetGenerator()) { result.GetOutputStream() << "Reproducer is in capture mode.\n"; } else if (r.GetLoader()) { result.GetOutputStream() << "Reproducer is in replay mode.\n"; } else { result.GetOutputStream() << "Reproducer is off.\n"; } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { Thread *thread = m_exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr(); StackFrameSP frame_sp = thread->GetSelectedFrame(); ValueObjectSP valobj_sp; if (m_options.address.hasValue()) { if (m_options.reg.hasValue() || m_options.offset.hasValue()) { result.AppendError( "`frame diagnose --address` is incompatible with other arguments."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } valobj_sp = frame_sp->GuessValueForAddress(m_options.address.getValue()); } else if (m_options.reg.hasValue()) { valobj_sp = frame_sp->GuessValueForRegisterAndOffset( m_options.reg.getValue(), m_options.offset.getValueOr(0)); } else { StopInfoSP stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo(); if (!stop_info_sp) { result.AppendError("No arguments provided, and no stop info."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } valobj_sp = StopInfo::GetCrashingDereference(stop_info_sp); } if (!valobj_sp) { result.AppendError("No diagnosis available."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const bool qualify_cxx_base_classes = false; DumpValueObjectOptions::DeclPrintingHelper helper = [&valobj_sp, qualify_cxx_base_classes]( ConstString type, ConstString var, const DumpValueObjectOptions &opts, Stream &stream) -> bool { const ValueObject::GetExpressionPathFormat format = ValueObject:: GetExpressionPathFormat::eGetExpressionPathFormatHonorPointers; valobj_sp->GetExpressionPath(stream, qualify_cxx_base_classes, format); stream.PutCString(" ="); return true; }; DumpValueObjectOptions options; options.SetDeclPrintingHelper(helper); ValueObjectPrinter printer(valobj_sp.get(), &result.GetOutputStream(), options); printer.PrintValueObject(); return true; }
virtual bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount(); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); if (argc == 1) { const char *sub_command = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "enable") == 0) { Timer::SetDisplayDepth (UINT32_MAX); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "disable") == 0) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes (&result.GetOutputStream()); Timer::SetDisplayDepth (0); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "dump") == 0) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "reset") == 0) { Timer::ResetCategoryTimes (); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } if (!result.Succeeded()) { result.AppendError("Missing subcommand"); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Usage: %s\n", m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectRegexCommand::DoExecute ( const char *command, CommandReturnObject &result ) { if (command) { EntryCollection::const_iterator pos, end = m_entries.end(); for (pos = m_entries.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { RegularExpression::Match regex_match(m_max_matches); if (pos->regex.Execute (command, ®ex_match)) { std::string new_command(pos->command); std::string match_str; char percent_var[8]; size_t idx, percent_var_idx; for (uint32_t match_idx=1; match_idx <= m_max_matches; ++match_idx) { if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex (command, match_idx, match_str)) { const int percent_var_len = ::snprintf (percent_var, sizeof(percent_var), "%%%u", match_idx); for (idx = 0; (percent_var_idx = new_command.find(percent_var, idx)) != std::string::npos; ) { new_command.erase(percent_var_idx, percent_var_len); new_command.insert(percent_var_idx, match_str); idx += percent_var_idx + match_str.size(); } } } // Interpret the new command and return this as the result! if (m_interpreter.GetExpandRegexAliases()) result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", new_command.c_str()); // Pass in true for "no context switching". The command that called us should have set up the context // appropriately, we shouldn't have to redo that. return m_interpreter.HandleCommand(new_command.c_str(), eLazyBoolCalculate, result, nullptr, true, true); } } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); if (GetSyntax() != nullptr) result.AppendError (GetSyntax()); else result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Command contents '%s' failed to match any regular expression in the '%s' regex command.\n", command, m_cmd_name.c_str()); return false; } result.AppendError("empty command passed to regular expression command"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; }
virtual bool DoExecute (const char *raw_command_line, CommandReturnObject &result) { // TODO: Implement "Platform::RunShellCommand()" and switch over to using // the current platform when it is in the interface. const char *working_dir = NULL; std::string output; int status = -1; int signo = -1; Error error (Host::RunShellCommand (raw_command_line, working_dir, &status, &signo, &output, 10)); if (!output.empty()) result.GetOutputStream().PutCString(output.c_str()); if (status > 0) { if (signo > 0) { const char *signo_cstr = Host::GetSignalAsCString(signo); if (signo_cstr) result.GetOutputStream().Printf("error: command returned with status %i and signal %s\n", status, signo_cstr); else result.GetOutputStream().Printf("error: command returned with status %i and signal %i\n", status, signo); } else result.GetOutputStream().Printf("error: command returned with status %i\n", status); } if (error.Fail()) { result.AppendError(error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } else { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } return true; }
bool CommandObjectRegexCommand::DoExecute ( const char *command, CommandReturnObject &result ) { if (command) { EntryCollection::const_iterator pos, end = m_entries.end(); for (pos = m_entries.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if (pos->regex.Execute (command, m_max_matches)) { std::string new_command(pos->command); std::string match_str; char percent_var[8]; size_t idx, percent_var_idx; for (uint32_t match_idx=1; match_idx <= m_max_matches; ++match_idx) { if (pos->regex.GetMatchAtIndex (command, match_idx, match_str)) { const int percent_var_len = ::snprintf (percent_var, sizeof(percent_var), "%%%u", match_idx); for (idx = 0; (percent_var_idx = new_command.find(percent_var, idx)) != std::string::npos; ) { new_command.erase(percent_var_idx, percent_var_len); new_command.insert(percent_var_idx, match_str); idx += percent_var_idx + match_str.size(); } } } // Interpret the new command and return this as the result! result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", new_command.c_str()); return m_interpreter.HandleCommand(new_command.c_str(), eLazyBoolCalculate, result); } } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Command contents '%s' failed to match any regular expression in the '%s' regex command.\n", command, m_cmd_name.c_str()); return false; } result.AppendError("empty command passed to regular expression command"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; }
bool DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { ExecutionContext exe_ctx(m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext()); StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(); if (frame) { frame->DumpUsingSettingsFormat (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendError ("no current frame"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 1) { const char *platform_name = args.GetArgumentAtIndex (0); if (platform_name && platform_name[0]) { const bool select = true; m_platform_options.SetPlatformName (platform_name); Error error; ArchSpec platform_arch; PlatformSP platform_sp (m_platform_options.CreatePlatformWithOptions (m_interpreter, ArchSpec(), select, error, platform_arch)); if (platform_sp) { platform_sp->GetStatus (result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendError(error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("invalid platform name"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("platform create takes a platform name as an argument\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { Stream &stream = result.GetOutputStream(); RenderScriptRuntime *runtime = static_cast<RenderScriptRuntime *>( m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr()->GetLanguageRuntime( eLanguageTypeExtRenderScript)); assert(runtime); auto &target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetSP(); bool stop_on_all = false; const llvm::StringRef long_stop_all("--stop-on-all"), short_stop_all("-a"); std::vector<ConstString> sites; sites.reserve(command.GetArgumentCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < command.GetArgumentCount(); ++i) { const auto arg = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i); if (long_stop_all == arg || short_stop_all == arg) stop_on_all = true; else sites.push_back(ConstString(arg)); } for (const auto &name : sites) { runtime->PlaceBreakpointOnScriptGroup(target, stream, name, stop_on_all); } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return true; }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount(); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); if (argc == 1) { const char *sub_command = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "enable") == 0) { Timer::SetDisplayDepth (UINT32_MAX); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "disable") == 0) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes (&result.GetOutputStream()); Timer::SetDisplayDepth (0); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "dump") == 0) { Timer::DumpCategoryTimes (&result.GetOutputStream()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "reset") == 0) { Timer::ResetCategoryTimes (); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } else if (argc == 2) { const char *sub_command = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "enable") == 0) { bool success; uint32_t depth = StringConvert::ToUInt32(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(1), 0, 0, &success); if (success) { Timer::SetDisplayDepth (depth); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else result.AppendError("Could not convert enable depth to an unsigned integer."); } if (strcasecmp(sub_command, "increment") == 0) { bool success; bool increment = Args::StringToBoolean(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(1), false, &success); if (success) { Timer::SetQuiet (!increment); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else result.AppendError("Could not convert increment value to boolean."); } } if (!result.Succeeded()) { result.AppendError("Missing subcommand"); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Usage: %s\n", m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectArgs::DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { ConstString target_triple; Process *process = m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr(); if (!process) { result.AppendError ("Args found no process."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const ABI *abi = process->GetABI().get(); if (!abi) { result.AppendError ("The current process has no ABI."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const size_t num_args = args.GetArgumentCount (); size_t arg_index; if (!num_args) { result.AppendError ("args requires at least one argument"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } Thread *thread = m_exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr(); if (!thread) { result.AppendError ("args found no thread."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } lldb::StackFrameSP thread_cur_frame = thread->GetSelectedFrame (); if (!thread_cur_frame) { result.AppendError ("The current thread has no current frame."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ModuleSP thread_module_sp (thread_cur_frame->GetFrameCodeAddress ().GetModule()); if (!thread_module_sp) { result.AppendError ("The PC has no associated module."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ClangASTContext &ast_context = thread_module_sp->GetClangASTContext(); ValueList value_list; for (arg_index = 0; arg_index < num_args; ++arg_index) { const char *arg_type_cstr = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_index); Value value; value.SetValueType(Value::eValueTypeScalar); void *type; char *int_pos; if ((int_pos = strstr (const_cast<char*>(arg_type_cstr), "int"))) { Encoding encoding = eEncodingSint; int width = 0; if (int_pos > arg_type_cstr + 1) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_type_cstr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (int_pos == arg_type_cstr + 1 && arg_type_cstr[0] != 'u') { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_type_cstr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (arg_type_cstr[0] == 'u') { encoding = eEncodingUint; } char *width_pos = int_pos + 3; if (!strcmp (width_pos, "8_t")) width = 8; else if (!strcmp (width_pos, "16_t")) width = 16; else if (!strcmp (width_pos, "32_t")) width = 32; else if (!strcmp (width_pos, "64_t")) width = 64; else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_type_cstr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } type = ast_context.GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(encoding, width); if (!type) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Couldn't get Clang type for format %s (%s integer, width %d).\n", arg_type_cstr, (encoding == eEncodingSint ? "signed" : "unsigned"), width); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } else if (strchr (arg_type_cstr, '*')) { if (!strcmp (arg_type_cstr, "void*")) type = ast_context.CreatePointerType (ast_context.GetBuiltInType_void ()); else if (!strcmp (arg_type_cstr, "char*")) type = ast_context.GetCStringType (false); else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_type_cstr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_type_cstr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } value.SetContext (Value::eContextTypeClangType, type); value_list.PushValue(value); } if (!abi->GetArgumentValues (*thread, value_list)) { result.AppendError ("Couldn't get argument values"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } result.GetOutputStream ().Printf("Arguments : \n"); for (arg_index = 0; arg_index < num_args; ++arg_index) { result.GetOutputStream ().Printf ("%zu (%s): ", arg_index, args.GetArgumentAtIndex (arg_index)); value_list.GetValueAtIndex (arg_index)->Dump (&result.GetOutputStream ()); result.GetOutputStream ().Printf("\n"); } return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { PlatformSP platform_sp (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount(); if (argc > 0) { Error error; if (platform_sp->IsConnected()) { Stream &ostrm = result.GetOutputStream(); bool success; for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++ i) { const char *arg = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i); lldb::pid_t pid = Args::StringToUInt32 (arg, LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID, 0, &success); if (success) { ProcessInstanceInfo proc_info; if (platform_sp->GetProcessInfo (pid, proc_info)) { ostrm.Printf ("Process information for process %" PRIu64 ":\n", pid); proc_info.Dump (ostrm, platform_sp.get()); } else { ostrm.Printf ("error: no process information is available for process %" PRIu64 "\n", pid); } ostrm.EOL(); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("invalid process ID argument '%s'", arg); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); break; } } } else { // Not connected... result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("not connected to '%s'", platform_sp->GetShortPluginName()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { // No args result.AppendError ("one or more process id(s) must be specified"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("no platform is currently selected"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result) { PlatformSP platform_sp (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { Error error; if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { if (platform_sp) { Stream &ostrm = result.GetOutputStream(); lldb::pid_t pid = m_options.match_info.GetProcessInfo().GetProcessID(); if (pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { ProcessInstanceInfo proc_info; if (platform_sp->GetProcessInfo (pid, proc_info)) { ProcessInstanceInfo::DumpTableHeader (ostrm, platform_sp.get(), m_options.show_args, m_options.verbose); proc_info.DumpAsTableRow(ostrm, platform_sp.get(), m_options.show_args, m_options.verbose); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no process found with pid = %" PRIu64 "\n", pid); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { ProcessInstanceInfoList proc_infos; const uint32_t matches = platform_sp->FindProcesses (m_options.match_info, proc_infos); const char *match_desc = NULL; const char *match_name = m_options.match_info.GetProcessInfo().GetName(); if (match_name && match_name[0]) { switch (m_options.match_info.GetNameMatchType()) { case eNameMatchIgnore: break; case eNameMatchEquals: match_desc = "matched"; break; case eNameMatchContains: match_desc = "contained"; break; case eNameMatchStartsWith: match_desc = "started with"; break; case eNameMatchEndsWith: match_desc = "ended with"; break; case eNameMatchRegularExpression: match_desc = "matched the regular expression"; break; } } if (matches == 0) { if (match_desc) result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no processes were found that %s \"%s\" on the \"%s\" platform\n", match_desc, match_name, platform_sp->GetShortPluginName()); else result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no processes were found on the \"%s\" platform\n", platform_sp->GetShortPluginName()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } else { result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("%u matching process%s found on \"%s\"", matches, matches > 1 ? "es were" : " was", platform_sp->GetName()); if (match_desc) result.AppendMessageWithFormat (" whose name %s \"%s\"", match_desc, match_name); result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("\n"); ProcessInstanceInfo::DumpTableHeader (ostrm, platform_sp.get(), m_options.show_args, m_options.verbose); for (uint32_t i=0; i<matches; ++i) { proc_infos.GetProcessInfoAtIndex(i).DumpAsTableRow(ostrm, platform_sp.get(), m_options.show_args, m_options.verbose); } } } } } else { result.AppendError ("invalid args: process list takes only options\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("no platform is selected\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute(Args &command, CommandReturnObject &result) override { // No need to check "frame" for validity as eCommandRequiresFrame ensures it // is valid StackFrame *frame = m_exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(); Stream &s = result.GetOutputStream(); // Be careful about the stack frame, if any summary formatter runs code, it // might clear the StackFrameList // for the thread. So hold onto a shared pointer to the frame so it stays // alive. VariableList *variable_list = frame->GetVariableList(m_option_variable.show_globals); VariableSP var_sp; ValueObjectSP valobj_sp; const char *name_cstr = nullptr; size_t idx; TypeSummaryImplSP summary_format_sp; if (!m_option_variable.summary.IsCurrentValueEmpty()) DataVisualization::NamedSummaryFormats::GetSummaryFormat( ConstString(m_option_variable.summary.GetCurrentValue()), summary_format_sp); else if (!m_option_variable.summary_string.IsCurrentValueEmpty()) summary_format_sp.reset(new StringSummaryFormat( TypeSummaryImpl::Flags(), m_option_variable.summary_string.GetCurrentValue())); DumpValueObjectOptions options(m_varobj_options.GetAsDumpOptions( eLanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosityFull, eFormatDefault, summary_format_sp)); const SymbolContext &sym_ctx = frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction); if (sym_ctx.function && sym_ctx.function->IsTopLevelFunction()) m_option_variable.show_globals = true; if (variable_list) { const Format format = m_option_format.GetFormat(); options.SetFormat(format); if (!command.empty()) { VariableList regex_var_list; // If we have any args to the variable command, we will make // variable objects from them... for (idx = 0; (name_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(idx)) != nullptr; ++idx) { if (m_option_variable.use_regex) { const size_t regex_start_index = regex_var_list.GetSize(); llvm::StringRef name_str(name_cstr); RegularExpression regex(name_str); if (regex.Compile(name_str)) { size_t num_matches = 0; const size_t num_new_regex_vars = variable_list->AppendVariablesIfUnique(regex, regex_var_list, num_matches); if (num_new_regex_vars > 0) { for (size_t regex_idx = regex_start_index, end_index = regex_var_list.GetSize(); regex_idx < end_index; ++regex_idx) { var_sp = regex_var_list.GetVariableAtIndex(regex_idx); if (var_sp) { valobj_sp = frame->GetValueObjectForFrameVariable( var_sp, m_varobj_options.use_dynamic); if (valobj_sp) { // if (format // != // eFormatDefault) // valobj_sp->SetFormat // (format); std::string scope_string; if (m_option_variable.show_scope) scope_string = GetScopeString(var_sp).str(); if (!scope_string.empty()) s.PutCString(scope_string); if (m_option_variable.show_decl && var_sp->GetDeclaration().GetFile()) { bool show_fullpaths = false; bool show_module = true; if (var_sp->DumpDeclaration(&s, show_fullpaths, show_module)) s.PutCString(": "); } valobj_sp->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), options); } } } } else if (num_matches == 0) { result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: no variables matched " "the regular expression '%s'.\n", name_cstr); } } else { char regex_error[1024]; if (regex.GetErrorAsCString(regex_error, sizeof(regex_error))) result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: %s\n", regex_error); else result.GetErrorStream().Printf( "error: unknown regex error when compiling '%s'\n", name_cstr); } } else // No regex, either exact variable names or variable // expressions. { Error error; uint32_t expr_path_options = StackFrame::eExpressionPathOptionCheckPtrVsMember | StackFrame::eExpressionPathOptionsAllowDirectIVarAccess | StackFrame::eExpressionPathOptionsInspectAnonymousUnions; lldb::VariableSP var_sp; valobj_sp = frame->GetValueForVariableExpressionPath( name_cstr, m_varobj_options.use_dynamic, expr_path_options, var_sp, error); if (valobj_sp) { std::string scope_string; if (m_option_variable.show_scope) scope_string = GetScopeString(var_sp).str(); if (!scope_string.empty()) s.PutCString(scope_string); // if (format != eFormatDefault) // valobj_sp->SetFormat (format); if (m_option_variable.show_decl && var_sp && var_sp->GetDeclaration().GetFile()) { var_sp->GetDeclaration().DumpStopContext(&s, false); s.PutCString(": "); } options.SetFormat(format); options.SetVariableFormatDisplayLanguage( valobj_sp->GetPreferredDisplayLanguage()); Stream &output_stream = result.GetOutputStream(); options.SetRootValueObjectName(valobj_sp->GetParent() ? name_cstr : nullptr); valobj_sp->Dump(output_stream, options); } else { const char *error_cstr = error.AsCString(nullptr); if (error_cstr) result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: %s\n", error_cstr); else result.GetErrorStream().Printf("error: unable to find any " "variable expression path that " "matches '%s'.\n", name_cstr); } } } } else // No command arg specified. Use variable_list, instead. { const size_t num_variables = variable_list->GetSize(); if (num_variables > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_variables; i++) { var_sp = variable_list->GetVariableAtIndex(i); bool dump_variable = true; std::string scope_string; if (dump_variable && m_option_variable.show_scope) scope_string = GetScopeString(var_sp).str(); if (dump_variable) { // Use the variable object code to make sure we are // using the same APIs as the public API will be // using... valobj_sp = frame->GetValueObjectForFrameVariable( var_sp, m_varobj_options.use_dynamic); if (valobj_sp) { // if (format != eFormatDefault) // valobj_sp->SetFormat // (format); // When dumping all variables, don't print any variables // that are not in scope to avoid extra unneeded output if (valobj_sp->IsInScope()) { if (!valobj_sp->GetTargetSP() ->GetDisplayRuntimeSupportValues() && valobj_sp->IsRuntimeSupportValue()) continue; if (!scope_string.empty()) s.PutCString(scope_string); if (m_option_variable.show_decl && var_sp->GetDeclaration().GetFile()) { var_sp->GetDeclaration().DumpStopContext(&s, false); s.PutCString(": "); } options.SetFormat(format); options.SetVariableFormatDisplayLanguage( valobj_sp->GetPreferredDisplayLanguage()); options.SetRootValueObjectName(name_cstr); valobj_sp->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), options); } } } } } } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } if (m_interpreter.TruncationWarningNecessary()) { result.GetOutputStream().Printf(m_interpreter.TruncationWarningText(), m_cmd_name.c_str()); m_interpreter.TruncationWarningGiven(); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectHelp::DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos; CommandObject *cmd_obj; const size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount (); // 'help' doesn't take any arguments, other than command names. If argc is 0, we show the user // all commands (aliases and user commands if asked for). Otherwise every argument must be the name of a command or a sub-command. if (argc == 0) { uint32_t cmd_types = CommandInterpreter::eCommandTypesBuiltin; if (m_options.m_show_aliases) cmd_types |= CommandInterpreter::eCommandTypesAliases; if (m_options.m_show_user_defined) cmd_types |= CommandInterpreter::eCommandTypesUserDef; if (m_options.m_show_hidden) cmd_types |= CommandInterpreter::eCommandTypesHidden; result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); m_interpreter.GetHelp (result, cmd_types); // General help } else { // Get command object for the first command argument. Only search built-in command dictionary. StringList matches; cmd_obj = m_interpreter.GetCommandObject (command.GetArgumentAtIndex (0), &matches); bool is_alias_command = m_interpreter.AliasExists (command.GetArgumentAtIndex (0)); std::string alias_name = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); if (cmd_obj != nullptr) { StringList matches; bool all_okay = true; CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj = cmd_obj; // Loop down through sub_command dictionaries until we find the command object that corresponds // to the help command entered. std::string sub_command; for (size_t i = 1; i < argc && all_okay; ++i) { sub_command = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i); matches.Clear(); if (sub_cmd_obj->IsAlias()) sub_cmd_obj = ((CommandAlias*)sub_cmd_obj)->GetUnderlyingCommand().get(); if (! sub_cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject ()) { all_okay = false; } else { CommandObject *found_cmd; found_cmd = sub_cmd_obj->GetSubcommandObject(sub_command.c_str(), &matches); if (found_cmd == nullptr) all_okay = false; else if (matches.GetSize() > 1) all_okay = false; else sub_cmd_obj = found_cmd; } } if (!all_okay || (sub_cmd_obj == nullptr)) { std::string cmd_string; command.GetCommandString (cmd_string); if (matches.GetSize() >= 2) { StreamString s; s.Printf ("ambiguous command %s", cmd_string.c_str()); size_t num_matches = matches.GetSize(); for (size_t match_idx = 0; match_idx < num_matches; match_idx++) { s.Printf ("\n\t%s", matches.GetStringAtIndex(match_idx)); } s.Printf ("\n"); result.AppendError(s.GetData()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } else if (!sub_cmd_obj) { StreamString error_msg_stream; GenerateAdditionalHelpAvenuesMessage(&error_msg_stream, cmd_string.c_str(), m_interpreter.GetCommandPrefix(), sub_command.c_str()); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("%s",error_msg_stream.GetData()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } else { GenerateAdditionalHelpAvenuesMessage(&result.GetOutputStream(), cmd_string.c_str(), m_interpreter.GetCommandPrefix(), sub_command.c_str()); result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\nThe closest match is '%s'. Help on it follows.\n\n", sub_cmd_obj->GetCommandName()); } } sub_cmd_obj->GenerateHelpText(result); if (is_alias_command) { StreamString sstr; m_interpreter.GetAlias(alias_name.c_str())->GetAliasExpansion(sstr); result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n'%s' is an abbreviation for %s\n", alias_name.c_str(), sstr.GetData()); } } else if (matches.GetSize() > 0) { Stream &output_strm = result.GetOutputStream(); output_strm.Printf("Help requested with ambiguous command name, possible completions:\n"); const size_t match_count = matches.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < match_count; i++) { output_strm.Printf("\t%s\n", matches.GetStringAtIndex(i)); } } else { // Maybe the user is asking for help about a command argument rather than a command. const CommandArgumentType arg_type = CommandObject::LookupArgumentName (command.GetArgumentAtIndex (0)); if (arg_type != eArgTypeLastArg) { Stream &output_strm = result.GetOutputStream (); CommandObject::GetArgumentHelp (output_strm, arg_type, m_interpreter); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else { StreamString error_msg_stream; GenerateAdditionalHelpAvenuesMessage(&error_msg_stream, command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), m_interpreter.GetCommandPrefix()); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("%s",error_msg_stream.GetData()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectDisassemble::Execute ( CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result ) { Target *target = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetCurrentTarget().get(); if (target == NULL) { result.AppendError ("invalid target, set executable file using 'file' command"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ArchSpec arch(target->GetArchitecture()); if (!arch.IsValid()) { result.AppendError ("target needs valid architecure in order to be able to disassemble"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } Disassembler *disassembler = Disassembler::FindPlugin(arch); if (disassembler == NULL) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to find Disassembler plug-in for %s architecture.\n", arch.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); if (command.GetArgumentCount() != 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("\"disassemble\" doesn't take any arguments.\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ExecutionContext exe_ctx(interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext()); if (m_options.show_mixed && m_options.num_lines_context == 0) m_options.num_lines_context = 3; if (!m_options.m_func_name.empty()) { ConstString name(m_options.m_func_name.c_str()); if (Disassembler::Disassemble (interpreter.GetDebugger(), arch, exe_ctx, name, NULL, // Module * m_options.show_mixed ? m_options.num_lines_context : 0, m_options.show_bytes, result.GetOutputStream())) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to find symbol with name '%s'.\n", name.GetCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { AddressRange range; if (m_options.m_start_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { range.GetBaseAddress().SetOffset (m_options.m_start_addr); if (m_options.m_end_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { if (m_options.m_end_addr < m_options.m_start_addr) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("End address before start address.\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } range.SetByteSize (m_options.m_end_addr - m_options.m_start_addr); } else range.SetByteSize (DEFAULT_DISASM_BYTE_SIZE); } else { if (exe_ctx.frame) { SymbolContext sc(exe_ctx.frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol)); if (sc.function) range = sc.function->GetAddressRange(); else if (sc.symbol && sc.symbol->GetAddressRangePtr()) range = *sc.symbol->GetAddressRangePtr(); else range.GetBaseAddress() = exe_ctx.frame->GetPC(); } else { result.AppendError ("invalid frame"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } if (range.GetByteSize() == 0) range.SetByteSize(DEFAULT_DISASM_BYTE_SIZE); if (Disassembler::Disassemble (interpreter.GetDebugger(), arch, exe_ctx, range, m_options.show_mixed ? m_options.num_lines_context : 0, m_options.show_bytes, result.GetOutputStream())) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Failed to disassemble memory at 0x%8.8llx.\n", m_options.m_start_addr); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectSyntax::DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos; CommandObject *cmd_obj; const size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount(); if (argc > 0) { cmd_obj = m_interpreter.GetCommandObject (command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)); bool all_okay = true; for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string sub_command = command.GetArgumentAtIndex (i); if (!cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()) { all_okay = false; break; } else { cmd_obj = cmd_obj->GetSubcommandObject(sub_command.c_str()); if (!cmd_obj) { all_okay = false; break; } } } if (all_okay && (cmd_obj != NULL)) { Stream &output_strm = result.GetOutputStream(); if (cmd_obj->GetOptions() != NULL) { output_strm.Printf ("\nSyntax: %s\n", cmd_obj->GetSyntax()); output_strm.Printf ("(Try 'help %s' for more information on command options syntax.)\n", cmd_obj->GetCommandName()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else { output_strm.Printf ("\nSyntax: %s\n", cmd_obj->GetSyntax()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } } else { std::string cmd_string; command.GetCommandString (cmd_string); result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("'%s' is not a known command.\n", cmd_string.c_str()); result.AppendError ("Try 'help' to see a current list of commands."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendError ("Must call 'syntax' with a valid command."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool CommandObjectArgs::DoExecute(Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result) { ConstString target_triple; Process *process = m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr(); if (!process) { result.AppendError("Args found no process."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const ABI *abi = process->GetABI().get(); if (!abi) { result.AppendError("The current process has no ABI."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (args.empty()) { result.AppendError("args requires at least one argument"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } Thread *thread = m_exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr(); if (!thread) { result.AppendError("args found no thread."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } lldb::StackFrameSP thread_cur_frame = thread->GetSelectedFrame(); if (!thread_cur_frame) { result.AppendError("The current thread has no current frame."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ModuleSP thread_module_sp( thread_cur_frame->GetFrameCodeAddress().GetModule()); if (!thread_module_sp) { result.AppendError("The PC has no associated module."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } TypeSystem *type_system = thread_module_sp->GetTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC); if (type_system == nullptr) { result.AppendError("Unable to create C type system."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ValueList value_list; for (auto &arg_entry : args.entries()) { llvm::StringRef arg_type = arg_entry.ref; Value value; value.SetValueType(Value::eValueTypeScalar); CompilerType compiler_type; std::size_t int_pos = arg_type.find("int"); if (int_pos != llvm::StringRef::npos) { Encoding encoding = eEncodingSint; int width = 0; if (int_pos > 1) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_entry.c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (int_pos == 1 && arg_type[0] != 'u') { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_entry.c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (arg_type[0] == 'u') { encoding = eEncodingUint; } llvm::StringRef width_spec = arg_type.drop_front(int_pos + 3); auto exp_result = llvm::StringSwitch<llvm::Optional<int>>(width_spec) .Case("8_t", 8) .Case("16_t", 16) .Case("32_t", 32) .Case("64_t", 64) .Default(llvm::None); if (!exp_result.hasValue()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_entry.c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } width = *exp_result; compiler_type = type_system->GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(encoding, width); if (!compiler_type.IsValid()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat( "Couldn't get Clang type for format %s (%s integer, width %d).\n", arg_entry.c_str(), (encoding == eEncodingSint ? "signed" : "unsigned"), width); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } else if (arg_type == "void*") { compiler_type = type_system->GetBasicTypeFromAST(eBasicTypeVoid).GetPointerType(); } else if (arg_type == "char*") { compiler_type = type_system->GetBasicTypeFromAST(eBasicTypeChar).GetPointerType(); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid format: %s.\n", arg_entry.c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } value.SetCompilerType(compiler_type); value_list.PushValue(value); } if (!abi->GetArgumentValues(*thread, value_list)) { result.AppendError("Couldn't get argument values"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Arguments : \n"); for (auto entry : llvm::enumerate(args.entries())) { result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%" PRIu64 " (%s): ", (uint64_t)entry.Index, entry.Value.c_str()); value_list.GetValueAtIndex(entry.Index)->Dump(&result.GetOutputStream()); result.GetOutputStream().Printf("\n"); } return result.Succeeded(); }
virtual bool DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get(); if (target == NULL) { result.AppendError ("Invalid target. No current target or watchpoints."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); return true; } if (target->GetProcessSP() && target->GetProcessSP()->IsAlive()) { uint32_t num_supported_hardware_watchpoints; Error error = target->GetProcessSP()->GetWatchpointSupportInfo(num_supported_hardware_watchpoints); if (error.Success()) result.AppendMessageWithFormat("Number of supported hardware watchpoints: %u\n", num_supported_hardware_watchpoints); } const WatchpointList &watchpoints = target->GetWatchpointList(); Mutex::Locker locker; target->GetWatchpointList().GetListMutex(locker); size_t num_watchpoints = watchpoints.GetSize(); if (num_watchpoints == 0) { result.AppendMessage("No watchpoints currently set."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); return true; } Stream &output_stream = result.GetOutputStream(); if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { // No watchpoint selected; show info about all currently set watchpoints. result.AppendMessage ("Current watchpoints:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { Watchpoint *wp = watchpoints.GetByIndex(i).get(); AddWatchpointDescription(&output_stream, wp, m_options.m_level); } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else { // Particular watchpoints selected; enable them. std::vector<uint32_t> wp_ids; if (!CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint::VerifyWatchpointIDs(target, command, wp_ids)) { result.AppendError("Invalid watchpoints specification."); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const size_t size = wp_ids.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Watchpoint *wp = watchpoints.FindByID(wp_ids[i]).get(); if (wp) AddWatchpointDescription(&output_stream, wp, m_options.m_level); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } } return result.Succeeded(); }
bool DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { const int argc = command.GetArgumentCount(); if (argc != 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes no arguments, only flags.\n", GetCommandName()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } ExecutionContext exe_ctx(m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext()); Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr(); if (target == NULL) target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get(); if (target == NULL) { result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } SymbolContextList sc_list; if (!m_options.symbol_name.empty()) { // Displaying the source for a symbol: ConstString name(m_options.symbol_name.c_str()); bool include_symbols = false; bool include_inlines = true; bool append = true; size_t num_matches = 0; if (m_options.modules.size() > 0) { ModuleList matching_modules; for (unsigned i = 0, e = m_options.modules.size(); i != e; i++) { FileSpec module_file_spec(m_options.modules[i].c_str(), false); if (module_file_spec) { ModuleSpec module_spec (module_file_spec); matching_modules.Clear(); target->GetImages().FindModules (module_spec, matching_modules); num_matches += matching_modules.FindFunctions (name, eFunctionNameTypeAuto, include_symbols, include_inlines, append, sc_list); } } } else { num_matches = target->GetImages().FindFunctions (name, eFunctionNameTypeAuto, include_symbols, include_inlines, append, sc_list); } SymbolContext sc; if (num_matches == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find function named: \"%s\".\n", m_options.symbol_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } sc_list.GetContextAtIndex (0, sc); FileSpec start_file; uint32_t start_line; uint32_t end_line; FileSpec end_file; if (sc.function != NULL) { sc.function->GetStartLineSourceInfo (start_file, start_line); if (start_line == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find line information for start of function: \"%s\".\n", m_options.symbol_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } sc.function->GetEndLineSourceInfo (end_file, end_line); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find function info for: \"%s\".\n", m_options.symbol_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (num_matches > 1) { // This could either be because there are multiple functions of this name, in which case // we'll have to specify this further... Or it could be because there are multiple inlined instances // of one function. So run through the matches and if they all have the same file & line then we can just // list one. bool found_multiple = false; for (size_t i = 1; i < num_matches; i++) { SymbolContext scratch_sc; sc_list.GetContextAtIndex (i, scratch_sc); if (scratch_sc.function != NULL) { FileSpec scratch_file; uint32_t scratch_line; scratch_sc.function->GetStartLineSourceInfo (scratch_file, scratch_line); if (scratch_file != start_file || scratch_line != start_line) { found_multiple = true; break; } } } if (found_multiple) { StreamString s; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) { SymbolContext scratch_sc; sc_list.GetContextAtIndex (i, scratch_sc); if (scratch_sc.function != NULL) { s.Printf("\n%lu: ", i); scratch_sc.function->Dump (&s, true); } } result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Multiple functions found matching: %s: \n%s\n", m_options.symbol_name.c_str(), s.GetData()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } // This is a little hacky, but the first line table entry for a function points to the "{" that // starts the function block. It would be nice to actually get the function // declaration in there too. So back up a bit, but not further than what you're going to display. size_t lines_to_back_up = m_options.num_lines >= 10 ? 5 : m_options.num_lines/2; uint32_t line_no; if (start_line <= lines_to_back_up) line_no = 1; else line_no = start_line - lines_to_back_up; // For fun, if the function is shorter than the number of lines we're supposed to display, // only display the function... if (end_line != 0) { if (m_options.num_lines > end_line - line_no) m_options.num_lines = end_line - line_no; } char path_buf[PATH_MAX]; start_file.GetPath(path_buf, sizeof(path_buf)); if (m_options.show_bp_locs) { const bool show_inlines = true; m_breakpoint_locations.Reset (start_file, 0, show_inlines); SearchFilter target_search_filter (exe_ctx.GetTargetSP()); target_search_filter.Search (m_breakpoint_locations); } else m_breakpoint_locations.Clear(); result.AppendMessageWithFormat("File: %s.\n", path_buf); target->GetSourceManager().DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers (start_file, line_no, 0, m_options.num_lines, "", &result.GetOutputStream(), GetBreakpointLocations ()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); return true; } else if (m_options.address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { SymbolContext sc; Address so_addr; StreamString error_strm; if (target->GetSectionLoadList().IsEmpty()) { // The target isn't loaded yet, we need to lookup the file address // in all modules const ModuleList &module_list = target->GetImages(); const uint32_t num_modules = module_list.GetSize(); for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_modules; ++i) { ModuleSP module_sp (module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(i)); if (module_sp && module_sp->ResolveFileAddress(m_options.address, so_addr)) { sc.Clear(); if (module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (so_addr, eSymbolContextEverything, sc) & eSymbolContextLineEntry) sc_list.Append(sc); } } if (sc_list.GetSize() == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("no modules have source information for file address 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n", m_options.address); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } else { // The target has some things loaded, resolve this address to a // compile unit + file + line and display if (target->GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress (m_options.address, so_addr)) { ModuleSP module_sp (so_addr.GetModule()); if (module_sp) { sc.Clear(); if (module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (so_addr, eSymbolContextEverything, sc) & eSymbolContextLineEntry) { sc_list.Append(sc); } else { so_addr.Dump(&error_strm, NULL, Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("address resolves to %s, but there is no line table information available for this address.\n", error_strm.GetData()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } } if (sc_list.GetSize() == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("no modules contain load address 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n", m_options.address); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } uint32_t num_matches = sc_list.GetSize(); for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i) { sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc); if (sc.comp_unit) { if (m_options.show_bp_locs) { m_breakpoint_locations.Clear(); const bool show_inlines = true; m_breakpoint_locations.Reset (*sc.comp_unit, 0, show_inlines); SearchFilter target_search_filter (target->shared_from_this()); target_search_filter.Search (m_breakpoint_locations); } bool show_fullpaths = true; bool show_module = true; bool show_inlined_frames = true; sc.DumpStopContext(&result.GetOutputStream(), exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope(), sc.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress(), show_fullpaths, show_module, show_inlined_frames); result.GetOutputStream().EOL(); size_t lines_to_back_up = m_options.num_lines >= 10 ? 5 : m_options.num_lines/2; target->GetSourceManager().DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers (sc.comp_unit, sc.line_entry.line, lines_to_back_up, m_options.num_lines - lines_to_back_up, "->", &result.GetOutputStream(), GetBreakpointLocations ()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } } else if (m_options.file_name.empty()) { // Last valid source manager context, or the current frame if no // valid last context in source manager. // One little trick here, if you type the exact same list command twice in a row, it is // more likely because you typed it once, then typed it again if (m_options.start_line == 0) { if (target->GetSourceManager().DisplayMoreWithLineNumbers (&result.GetOutputStream(), GetBreakpointLocations ())) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } else { if (m_options.show_bp_locs) { SourceManager::FileSP last_file_sp (target->GetSourceManager().GetLastFile ()); if (last_file_sp) { const bool show_inlines = true; m_breakpoint_locations.Reset (last_file_sp->GetFileSpec(), 0, show_inlines); SearchFilter target_search_filter (target->shared_from_this()); target_search_filter.Search (m_breakpoint_locations); } } else m_breakpoint_locations.Clear(); if (target->GetSourceManager().DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile( m_options.start_line, // Line to display 0, // Lines before line to display m_options.num_lines, // Lines after line to display "", // Don't mark "line" &result.GetOutputStream(), GetBreakpointLocations ())) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } } } else { const char *filename = m_options.file_name.c_str(); bool check_inlines = false; SymbolContextList sc_list; size_t num_matches = 0; if (m_options.modules.size() > 0) { ModuleList matching_modules; for (unsigned i = 0, e = m_options.modules.size(); i != e; i++) { FileSpec module_file_spec(m_options.modules[i].c_str(), false); if (module_file_spec) { ModuleSpec module_spec (module_file_spec); matching_modules.Clear(); target->GetImages().FindModules (module_spec, matching_modules); num_matches += matching_modules.ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (filename, 0, check_inlines, eSymbolContextModule | eSymbolContextCompUnit, sc_list); } } } else { num_matches = target->GetImages().ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (filename, 0, check_inlines, eSymbolContextModule | eSymbolContextCompUnit, sc_list); } if (num_matches == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find source file \"%s\".\n", m_options.file_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (num_matches > 1) { SymbolContext sc; bool got_multiple = false; FileSpec *test_cu_spec = NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) { sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc); if (sc.comp_unit) { if (test_cu_spec) { if (test_cu_spec != static_cast<FileSpec *> (sc.comp_unit)) got_multiple = true; break; } else test_cu_spec = sc.comp_unit; } } if (got_multiple) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Multiple source files found matching: \"%s.\"\n", m_options.file_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } SymbolContext sc; if (sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(0, sc)) { if (sc.comp_unit) { if (m_options.show_bp_locs) { const bool show_inlines = true; m_breakpoint_locations.Reset (*sc.comp_unit, 0, show_inlines); SearchFilter target_search_filter (target->shared_from_this()); target_search_filter.Search (m_breakpoint_locations); } else m_breakpoint_locations.Clear(); target->GetSourceManager().DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers (sc.comp_unit, m_options.start_line, 0, m_options.num_lines, "", &result.GetOutputStream(), GetBreakpointLocations ()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("No comp unit found for: \"%s.\"\n", m_options.file_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } } return result.Succeeded(); }