예제 #1
/** Pure DB rendering when each node compose result from its pipes and transmit
    only one set of images to the destination node. */
static void _modeDB(       Config*  config,
                     const unsigned nChannels,
                     const unsigned nPipes    )
    Compound* compound = config->getCompounds()[0];

    vector<float> ranges( nChannels + 1, 0 );
    ranges[ nChannels ] = 1.0;
    for( unsigned i = 1; i < nChannels; ++i )
        ranges[ i ] = ranges[ i-1 ] + 1.0/nChannels;

    unsigned i = 0;
    // for each node
    for( unsigned n = 0 ; n < nChannels/nPipes; ++n )
        Compound* childNode = compound;

        if( n != 0 ) // don't create separate compound for dst channel
            childNode = new Compound( compound );
            std::ostringstream channelName;
            channelName << "channel" << n*nPipes;

            Channel* childChannel = config->find< Channel >( channelName.str());
            childNode->setChannel( childChannel );

        // for each gpu on the node
        for( unsigned p = 0; p < nPipes; ++p )
            Compound* childPipe = new Compound( childNode );
            childPipe->setRange( eq::Range( ranges[ i ], ranges[ i+1 ] ));

            if( i != n*nPipes )
                std::ostringstream channelName;
                channelName << "channel" << i;

                Channel* childChannel =
                    config->find< Channel >( channelName.str( ));
                childPipe->setChannel( childChannel );

                std::ostringstream frameName;
                frameName << "frame.channel" << i;

                childPipe->addOutputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));
                childNode->addInputFrame(  ::Frame::create( frameName ));
        if( n != 0 ) // dst channel has no output
            std::ostringstream frameName;
            frameName << "frame.channel" << n*nPipes;

            childNode->addOutputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));
            compound->addInputFrame(   ::Frame::create( frameName ));
예제 #2
/** 2D decomposition based on precalculated grid */
static void _mode2D(       Config*        config,
                     const vector<float>& xMarks,
                     const vector<float>& yMarks  )
    Compound* compound =  config->getCompounds()[0];

    const size_t rows    = yMarks.size() - 1;
    const size_t columns = xMarks.size() - 1;

    size_t i = 0;
    for( size_t y = 0; y < rows; ++y )
    for( size_t x = 0; x < columns; ++x )
        Compound* child = new Compound( compound );
        std::ostringstream channelName;
        channelName << "channel" << i;

        Channel* childChannel = config->find< Channel >( channelName.str( ));
        child->setChannel( childChannel );

            eq::Viewport( xMarks[x  ],           yMarks[y  ],
                          xMarks[x+1]-xMarks[x], yMarks[y+1]-yMarks[y] ));

        if( i != 0 )
            std::ostringstream frameName;
            frameName << "frame.channel" << i;

            child->addOutputFrame(   ::Frame::create( frameName ));
            compound->addInputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));
예제 #3
/** DB_ds rendering when each node compose result from its pipes on to first 
    pipe, then result is used in DB_ds compositing between nodes */
static void _modeDS(       Config*                config,
                     const unsigned               nChannels,
                     const unsigned               nPipes,
                     const vector< vector<int> >& descr,
                     const vector<float>&         xMarks,
                     const vector<float>&         yMarks  )
    Compound* compound = config->getCompounds()[0];

    vector<float> ranges( nChannels + 1, 0 );
    ranges[ nChannels ] = 1.0;
    for( unsigned i = 1; i < nChannels; ++i )
        ranges[ i ] = ranges[ i-1 ] + 1.0/nChannels;

    const unsigned nNodes = nChannels/nPipes;
    if( descr.size() < nNodes )
        cerr << "Description file is incomplete" << std::endl;

    const int rows      = int( yMarks.size( )) - 1;
    const int columns   = int( xMarks.size( )) - 1;
    const int cells     = rows*columns;

    // check that all specified viewports are within a grid
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i  )
        const vector< int >& vals = descr[i];
        for( size_t j  = 0; j < vals.size(); ++j )
            if( vals[j] >= cells || vals[j] < 0 )
                cerr << "description of region is invalid: "
                     << vals[j] << " no such cell" << std::endl;

    // fill all viewports for grid
    vector< eq::Viewport > tmpVP;
    for( int y = 0; y < rows; ++y )
        for( int x = 0; x < columns; ++x )
            tmpVP.push_back( eq::Viewport( xMarks[x],
                                           yMarks[y+1]-yMarks[y] ));
    // build per-node viewports
    vector< eq::Viewport > vp( nNodes );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i  )
        const vector< int >& vals = descr[i];
        vp[i] = tmpVP[vals[0]];

        for( size_t j  = 1; j < vals.size(); ++j )
            vp[i].unite( tmpVP[vals[j]] );

    unsigned i = 0;
    // for each node
    for( unsigned n = 0 ; n < nNodes; ++n )
        Compound* child = compound;

        if( n != 0 ) // don't create separate compound for dst channel
            child = new Compound( compound );
            std::ostringstream channelName;
            channelName << "channel" << n*nPipes;

            Channel* childChannel = config->find< Channel >( channelName.str());
            child->setChannel( childChannel );

        Compound* childNode = new Compound( child );

        // for each gpu on the node
        for( unsigned p = 0; p < nPipes; ++p )
            Compound* childPipe = new Compound( childNode );
            childPipe->setRange( eq::Range( ranges[ i ], ranges[ i+1 ] ));

            if( i != n*nPipes )
                std::ostringstream channelName;
                channelName << "channel" << i;

                Channel* childChannel =
                    config->find< Channel >( channelName.str( ));
                childPipe->setChannel( childChannel );

                std::ostringstream frameName;
                frameName << "frame.channel" << i;

                childPipe->addOutputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));
                childNode->addInputFrame(  ::Frame::create( frameName ));

        for( unsigned k = 0; k < nNodes; ++k )
            if( k != n )
                // output parts to compose on other nodes
                std::ostringstream frameName;
                frameName << "fr" << k*nPipes << ".ch" << n*nPipes;

                childNode->addOutputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName, vp[k] ));

                // input parts from other nodes to compose on current node
                frameName<< "fr" << n*nPipes << ".ch" << k*nPipes;

                child->addInputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));

        // output color result for final compositing on the first node
        if( n != 0 )
            std::ostringstream frameName;
            frameName << "frame.channel" << n*nPipes;

            child->addOutputFrame(   ::Frame::create( frameName, vp[n], true ));
            compound->addInputFrame( ::Frame::create( frameName ));