bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * optional_config_file = (char*)default_optional_config_file; char * realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct arcemu_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", arcemu_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", arcemu_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", arcemu_required_argument, &file_log_level, 1 }, { "version", arcemu_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", arcemu_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", arcemu_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "databasecleanup", arcemu_no_argument, &do_database_clean, 1 }, { "cheatercheck", arcemu_no_argument, &do_cheater_check, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = arcemu_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(arcemu_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, arcemu_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(arcemu_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, arcemu_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--screenloglevel <level>] [--fileloglevel <level>] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version] [--databasecleanup] [--cheatercheck]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); if(!do_version && !do_check_conf) { sLog.Init(-1, 3); } else { sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 1; } printf(BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); #ifdef REPACK printf("\nRepack: %s | Author: %s | %s\n", REPACK, REPACK_AUTHOR, REPACK_WEBSITE); #endif Log.Color(TBLUE); printf("\nCopyright (C) 2008 ArcEmu.\n"); printf("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); printf("it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by\n"); printf("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"); printf("any later version.\n"); printf("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"); printf("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"); printf("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"); printf("GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" `````` \n"); printf(" ArcEmu! `/o/::-:/- \n"); printf(" oho/-.-:yN- \n"); printf(" os+/-.::: \n"); printf(" :ysyoo+:` \n"); printf(" `ohdys/. \n"); printf(" oyho/-` `` \n"); printf(" `shyo+:./ssmdsyo:` \n"); printf(" .shss+:yNMMNNMNmms. \n"); printf(" :ysss+:mNMMMMNNmmds. \n"); printf(" `-//sssoo/:NMNMMMNMNNdy- \n"); printf(" -`/` `omhyyhyyyshNMMNNNMMMNmy: \n"); printf(" :/::-` `sdmdmmNMNMMMMMMNMNNNNms- \n"); printf(" /+++/-.....shdmmNMMNMMMMMMMMMNNNd+ \n"); printf(" ./+oshyhhhddmhdmNMMMMMMMMMMMMNNds. \n"); printf(" `:/:.`````.:+ymmNMMNMMMNMMNNd/ \n"); printf(" -+shmNNMMMNmhy/ \n"); printf(" `..-ods:. \n"); printf(" o:.` \n"); printf(" :-. \n"); printf(" `/-... \n"); printf(" Introducing the emu! --``-/:` \n"); printf(" .:/+:-.-::. \n"); printf(" `.-///:-.` \n"); printf(" Website: \n"); printf(" Forums: \n"); printf(" Credits: \n"); printf(" SVN: \n"); printf(" Have fun! \n"); Log.Line(); #ifdef REPACK Log.Color(TRED); printf("Warning: Using repacks is potentially dangerous. You should always compile\n"); printf("from the source yourself at\n"); printf("By using this repack, you agree to not visit the arcemu website and ask\nfor support.\n"); printf("For all support, you should visit the repacker's website at %s\n", REPACK_WEBSITE); Log.Color(TNORMAL); Log.Line(); #endif Log.log_level = 3; if(do_version) return true; if( do_check_conf ) { Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors." ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors." ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s\n", realm_config_file ); if( Config.RealmConfig.SetSource( realm_config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n" ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n" ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file:: %s\n", optional_config_file); if(Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file, true) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n"); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n"); /* test for die variables */ string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString("die2", "msg", &die ) ) Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return true; } printf( "The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n" ); Log.Line(); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running ArcEmu as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Success( "Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators." ); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files...\n" ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource( config_file ) ) Log.Success( "Config", ">> configs/arcemu-world.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> configs/arcemu-world.conf" ); return false; } if(Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> configs/arcemu-optional.conf"); else { Log.Error("Config", ">> configs/arcemu-optional.conf"); return false; } string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die2", "msg", &die ) ) { Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return false; } if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> configs/arcemu-realms.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> configs/arcemu-realms.conf" ); return false; } #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) if (Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault( "LogLevel", "DisableCrashdumpReport", 0) == 0) { char cmd[1024]; char banner[1024]; snprintf(banner, 1024, BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); snprintf(cmd, 1024, "./arcemu-crashreport -r %d -d \"%s\"", BUILD_REVISION, banner); system(cmd); } unlink("arcemu.uptime"); #endif if( !_StartDB() ) { Database::CleanupLibs(); return false; } if(do_database_clean) { printf( "\nEntering database maintenance mode.\n\n" ); new DatabaseCleaner; DatabaseCleaner::getSingleton().Run(); delete DatabaseCleaner::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Color(TYELLOW); printf( "\nMaintenence finished. Take a moment to review the output, and hit space to continue startup." ); Log.Color(TNORMAL); fflush(stdout); } Log.Line(); sLog.outString( "" ); #ifdef GM_SCRIPT ScriptSystem = new ScriptEngine; ScriptSystem->Reload(); #endif new EventMgr; new World; //have to init this ones for singleton new tPPoolClass<Item>; new tPPoolClass<Aura>; new tPPoolClass<Spell>; // open cheat log file Anticheat_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "cheaters", false).c_str(), false ); GMCommand_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "gmcommand", false).c_str(), false ); Player_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "players", false).c_str(), false ); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(false); /* set new log levels */ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); if( file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); string host = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault( "Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST ); int wsport = Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault( "Listen", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT ); new ScriptMgr; if( !sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings() ) { Log.Error( "Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting." ); return false; } if( do_cheater_check ) sWorld.CleanupCheaters(); sWorld.SetStartTime((uint32)UNIXTIME); WorldRunnable * wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread * console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; uint32 next_printout = getMSTime(), next_send = getMSTime(); // Start Network Subsystem Log.Notice( "Network","Starting subsystem..." ); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); sScriptMgr.LoadScripts(); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Notice( "Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Starting..."); if( StartConsoleListener() ) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( GetConsoleListener() ); #endif Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Now open."); } else { Log.Warning("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); } /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); #ifndef CLUSTERING /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); /* voicechat */ #ifdef VOICE_CHAT new VoiceChatHandler(); sVoiceChatHandler.Startup(); #endif // Create listener ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(host.c_str(), wsport); bool listnersockcreate = ls->IsOpen(); #ifdef WIN32 if( listnersockcreate ) ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(ls); #endif while( !m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate ) #else new ClusterInterface; sClusterInterface.ConnectToRealmServer(); while(!m_stopEvent) #endif { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(! ((++loopcounter) % 10000) ) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck(); #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) FILE * f = fopen( "arcemu.uptime", "w" ); if( f ) { fprintf(f, "%u", sWorld.GetUptime()); fclose(f); } #endif } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } #ifndef CLUSTERING #ifdef VOICE_CHAT sVoiceChatHandler.Update(); #endif #else sClusterInterface.Update(); #endif sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if( m_ShutdownEvent ) { if( getMSTime() >= next_printout ) { if(m_ShutdownTimer > 60000.0f) { if( !( (int)(m_ShutdownTimer) % 60000 ) ) Log.Notice( "Server", "Shutdown in %i minutes.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 60000.0f ) ); } else Log.Notice( "Server","Shutdown in %i seconds.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 1000.0f ) ); next_printout = getMSTime() + 500; } if( getMSTime() >= next_send ) { int time = m_ShutdownTimer / 1000; if( ( time % 30 == 0 ) || time < 10 ) { // broadcast packet. WorldPacket data( 20 ); data.SetOpcode( SMSG_SERVER_MESSAGE ); if(m_restartEvent) data << uint32( SERVER_MSG_RESTART_TIME ); else data << uint32( SERVER_MSG_SHUTDOWN_TIME ); if( time > 0 ) { int mins = 0, secs = 0; if(time > 60) mins = time / 60; if(mins) time -= (mins * 60); secs = time; char str[20]; snprintf( str, 20, "%02u:%02u", mins, secs ); data << str; sWorld.SendGlobalMessage( &data, NULL ); } } next_send = getMSTime() + 1000; } if( diff >= m_ShutdownTimer ) break; else m_ShutdownTimer -= diff; } if( 50 > etime ) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 50 - etime ); #else Sleep( 50 - etime ); #endif } } _UnhookSignals(); wr->SetThreadState( THREADSTATE_TERMINATE ); ThreadPool.ShowStats(); /* Shut down console system */ console->terminate(); delete console; // begin server shutdown Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( (uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str() ); if( lootmgr.is_loading ) { Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..." ); while( lootmgr.is_loading ) Sleep( 100 ); } // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice( "Database", "Clearing all pending queries..." ); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice( "DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..." ); dw->terminate(); dw = NULL; Log.Notice( "CommonScheduleThread", "Exiting..." ); cs->terminate(); cs = NULL; #ifndef CLUSTERING ls->Close(); #endif CloseConsoleListener(); sWorld.SaveAllPlayers(); Log.Notice( "Network", "Shutting down network subsystem." ); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); bServerShutdown = true; ThreadPool.Shutdown(); delete ls; sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); sLog.outString( "" ); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); //should delete pools before other handlers ! Log.Notice( "Item Pool", "Item Pool" ); ItemPool.DestroyPool(); Log.Notice( "Spell Pool", "Spell Pool" ); SpellPool.DestroyPool(); Log.Notice( "Aura Pool", "Aura Pool" ); AuraPool.DestroyPool(); sWorld.ShutdownClasses(); Log.Notice( "World", "~World()" ); delete World::getSingletonPtr(); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "ChatHandler", "~ChatHandler()" ); delete ChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "EventMgr", "~EventMgr()" ); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "Database", "Closing Connections..." ); _StopDB(); Log.Notice( "Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..." ); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); #ifdef VOICE_CHAT Log.Notice( "VoiceChatHandler", "~VoiceChatHandler()" ); delete VoiceChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); #endif #ifdef GM_SCRIPT Log.Notice("GM-scripting:", "Closing ScriptEngine..."); delete ScriptSystem; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LUA_SCRIPTING sLog.outString("Deleting Script Engine..."); LuaEngineMgr::getSingleton().Unload(); #endif delete GMCommand_Log; delete Anticheat_Log; delete Player_Log; // remove pid remove( "" ); Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Shutdown complete." ); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); // Terminate Entire Application //HANDLE pH = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId()); //TerminateProcess(pH, 0); //CloseHandle(pH); #endif return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { m_stopEvent = false; char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * options_config_file = (char*)default_options_config_file; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct hearthstone_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", hearthstone_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "version", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "cheater", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_cheater_check, 1 }, { "cleandb", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_database_clean, 1 }, { "conf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = hearthstone_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(hearthstone_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, hearthstone_optarg); break; case 'o': options_config_file = new char[strlen(hearthstone_optarg)]; strcpy(options_config_file, hearthstone_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } /* set new log levels if used as argument*/ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); printf(BANNER, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); printf("Built at %s on %s by %s@%s\n", BUILD_TIME, BUILD_DATE, BUILD_USER, BUILD_HOST); Log.Line(); if( do_check_conf ) { Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors." ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors." ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s\n", options_config_file ); if( Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource( options_config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n" ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n" ); return true; } printf( "The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n" ); Log.Line(); //use these log_level until we are fully started up. #ifdef _DEBUG sLog.Init(3); #else sLog.Init(1); #endif // _DEBUG #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running Hearthstone as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Success( "Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators." ); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files..." ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource( config_file ) ) Log.Success( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.conf" ); return false; } if(Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(options_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> hearthstone-options.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> hearthstone-options.conf" ); return false; } if(!_StartDB()) { Database::CleanupLibs(); return false; } Log.Line(); sLog.outString( "" ); new EventMgr; new World; /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(true); // Because of our log DB system, these have to be initialized different then rehash. sWorld.LogCheaters = Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Cheaters", false); sWorld.LogCommands = Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "GMCommands", false); sWorld.LogPlayers = Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Player", false); sWorld.LogChats = Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Chat", false); //Update sLog to obey config setting sLog.Init(Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "Screen", 1)); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); new ScriptMgr; if( !sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings() ) { Log.Error( "Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting." ); return false; } sWorld.SetStartTime(uint32(UNIXTIME)); WorldRunnable *wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread* console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; // Start Network Subsystem DEBUG_LOG("Server","Starting network subsystem..." ); CreateSocketEngine(); sSocketEngine.SpawnThreads(); if( StartConsoleListener() ) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( GetConsoleListener() ); #endif Log.Success("RemoteConsole", "Started and listening on port %i",Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("RemoteConsole", "Port", 8092)); } else DEBUG_LOG("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Success("Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", uint(pid) ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); new ClusterInterface; sClusterInterface.ConnectToRealmServer(); while(!m_stopEvent) { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(! ((++loopcounter) % 10000) ) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck();//Checks if THREAD_RESERVE is met } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } sClusterInterface.Update(); sSocketDeleter.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if( 50 > etime ) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 50 - etime ); #else Sleep( 50 - etime ); #endif } } // begin server shutdown Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( (uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str() ); bServerShutdown = true; wr->Terminate(); /* Shut down console system */ CloseConsoleListener(); console->terminate(); delete console; if( lootmgr.is_loading ) { Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..." ); while( lootmgr.is_loading ) Sleep( 100 ); } Log.Notice( "CharacterLoaderThread", "Exiting..." ); sCLT.Terminate(); sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); //(Also saves players). CharacterDatabase.Execute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0"); // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice( "Database", "Clearing all pending queries..." ); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Cheaters", false) || Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "GMCommands", false) || Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Player", false) || Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Log", "Chat", false)) LogDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice("Server", "Shutting down random generator."); CleanupRandomNumberGenerators(); if(wintergrasp) { Log.Notice( "WintergraspInternal", "Exiting..." ); sWintergraspI.terminate(); } Log.Notice( "DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..." ); sDayWatcher.terminate(); Log.Notice( "Network", "Shutting down network subsystem." ); sSocketEngine.Shutdown(); sAddonMgr.SaveToDB(); Log.Notice("AddonMgr", "~AddonMgr()"); delete AddonMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("LootMgr", "~LootMgr()"); delete LootMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("MailSystem", "~MailSystem()"); delete MailSystem::getSingletonPtr(); ThreadPool.Shutdown(); Log.Notice("CharacterLoaderThread", "~CharacterLoaderThread()"); delete CharacterLoaderThread::getSingletonPtr(); if(wintergrasp) { Log.Notice("WintergraspInternal", "~WintergraspInternal()"); delete WintergraspInternal::getSingletonPtr(); } Log.Notice( "World", "~World()" ); delete World::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "ScriptMgr", "~ScriptMgr()" ); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "EventMgr", "~EventMgr()" ); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "Database", "Closing Connections..." ); _StopDB(); _UnhookSignals(); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif // remove pid remove( "" ); Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Shutdown complete." ); Sleep(1000); return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct ascent_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", ascent_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", ascent_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", ascent_required_argument, &file_log_level, -1 }, { "version", ascent_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", ascent_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", ascent_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = ascent_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(ascent_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, ascent_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(ascent_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, ascent_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } /* set new log levels if used as argument*/ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); if( file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); /* Print Banner */ Log.Notice("Server", "=============================================================="); Log.Notice("Server", "| Ascent Cluster System - Realm Server |"); Log.Notice("Server", "| Version 1.0, Revision %04u |", BUILD_REVISION); Log.Notice("Server", "=============================================================="); Log.Line(); if( do_check_conf ) { Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file ); if( Config.ClusterConfig.SetSource(config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors." ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors." ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s\n", realm_config_file ); if( Config.RealmConfig.SetSource( realm_config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n" ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n" ); /* test for die variables */ string die; if( Config.ClusterConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.ClusterConfig.GetString("die2", "msg", &die ) ) Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return true; } printf( "The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n" ); Log.Line(); //use these log_level until we are fully started up. sLog.Init(-1, 3); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running Ascent as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); _HookSignals(); Log.Line(); Log.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files..." ); if( Config.ClusterConfig.SetSource( config_file ) ) Log.Success( "Config", ">> %s", config_file ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> %s", config_file ); return false; } string die; if( Config.ClusterConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.ClusterConfig.GetString( "die2", "msg", &die ) ) { Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return false; } if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> %s", realm_config_file ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> %s", realm_config_file ); return false; } Rehash(true); if( !_StartDB() ) { Database::CleanupLibs(); ThreadPool.Shutdown(); _UnhookSignals(); return false; } Log.Success("Database", "Connections established..."); new ClusterMgr; new ClientMgr; Log.Line(); ThreadPool.ShowStats(); Log.Line(); if( !LoadRSDBCs() ) { Log.LargeErrorMessage(LARGERRORMESSAGE_ERROR, "One or more of the DBC files are missing.", "These are absolutely necessary for the server to function.", "The server will not start without them.", NULL); return false; } Log.Success("Storage", "DBC Files Loaded..."); Storage_Load(); Log.Line(); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); /* connect to LS */ new LogonCommHandler; sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); Log.Success("Network", "Network Subsystem Started."); Log.Notice("Network", "Opening Client Port..."); ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * wsl = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>("", 8129); bool lsc = wsl->IsOpen(); Log.Notice("Network", "Opening Server Port..."); ListenSocket<WSSocket> * isl = new ListenSocket<WSSocket>("", 11010); bool ssc = isl->IsOpen(); if(!lsc || !ssc) { Log.Error("Network", "Could not open one of the sockets."); return 1; } ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( isl ); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( wsl ); ConsoleThread * console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Success("Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); m_startTime = uint32(UNIXTIME); //Update sLog to obey config setting sLog.Init(Config.ClusterConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "File", -1),Config.ClusterConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "Screen", 1)); /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; uint32 start = 0; uint32 diff = 0; uint32 last_time = 0; uint32 etime = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); /* voicechat */ #ifdef VOICE_CHAT new VoiceChatHandler(); sVoiceChatHandler.Startup(); #endif while(!m_stopEvent) { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(! ((++loopcounter) % 10000) ) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck();//Checks if THREAD_RESERVE is met } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } #ifdef VOICE_CHAT sVoiceChatHandler.Update(); #endif sLogonCommHandler.UpdateSockets(); //wsl->Update(); //isl->Update(); sClientMgr.Update(); sClusterMgr.Update(); sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if( 50 > etime ) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 50 - etime ); #else Sleep( 50 - etime ); #endif } } // begin server shutdown Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( (uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str() ); bServerShutdown = true; _UnhookSignals(); Log.Notice("ChannelMgr", "~ChannelMgr()"); delete ChannelMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Success("~LogonComm", "LogonCommHandler shut down"); sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif Log.Success("~Network", "Network Subsystem shut down."); Log.Notice( "~Network", "Deleting network subsystem..." ); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("~Network", "Closing Client Port..."); delete wsl; Log.Notice("~Network", "Closing Server Port..."); delete isl; Storage_Cleanup(); Log.Success("~Storage", "DBC Files Unloaded..."); delete ClusterMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete ClientMgr::getSingletonPtr(); CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Database::CleanupLibs(); Log.Notice( "Database", "Closing Connections..." ); _StopDB(); Log.Success("~Database", "Shut down."); Log.Notice("~ThreadPool", "Ending %u active threads...", ThreadPool.GetActiveThreadCount()); ThreadPool.Shutdown(); /* Shut down console system */ console->terminate(); delete console; // remove pid remove( "" ); Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Shutdown complete." ); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * optional_config_file = (char*)default_optional_config_file; char * realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct arcemu_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", arcemu_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", arcemu_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", arcemu_required_argument, &file_log_level, 1 }, { "version", arcemu_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", arcemu_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", arcemu_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "databasecleanup", arcemu_no_argument, &do_database_clean, 1 }, { "cheatercheck", arcemu_no_argument, &do_cheater_check, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = arcemu_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(arcemu_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, arcemu_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(arcemu_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, arcemu_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--screenloglevel <level>] [--fileloglevel <level>] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version] [--databasecleanup] [--cheatercheck]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); if (!do_version && !do_check_conf) { sLog.Init(0, WORLD_LOG); } else { sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 1; } sLog.outBasic(BANNER, BUILD_HASH_STR, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); sLog.outBasic("========================================================"); sLog.outErrorSilent(BANNER, BUILD_HASH_STR, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); // Echo off. sLog.outErrorSilent("========================================================"); // Echo off. if (do_version) return true; if (do_check_conf) { Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file); if (Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Warning("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file: %s", realm_config_file); if (Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Warning("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file:: %s", optional_config_file); if (Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Warning("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); return true; } sLog.outBasic("The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time."); #ifndef WIN32 if (geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage("You are running ArcEmu as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Success("Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators."); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Success("Config", "Loading Config Files..."); if (Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/world.conf loaded"); else { Log.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/world.conf"); return false; } if (Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/optional.conf loaded"); else { Log.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/optional.conf"); return false; } if (Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/realms.conf loaded"); else { Log.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/realms.conf"); return false; } #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) if (Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "DisableCrashdumpReport", 0) == 0) { char cmd[1024]; char banner[1024]; snprintf(banner, 1024, BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); snprintf(cmd, 1024, "./crashreport -r %d -d \"%s\"", BUILD_REVISION, banner); system(cmd); } unlink("arcemu.uptime"); #endif if (!_StartDB()) { Database::CleanupLibs(); sLog.Close(); return false; } // Checking the DB version. If it's wrong or can't be validated we exit. if (!CheckDBVersion()) { sLog.Close(); return false; } if (do_database_clean) { sLog.outDebug("Entering database maintenance mode."); new DatabaseCleaner; DatabaseCleaner::getSingleton().Run(); delete DatabaseCleaner::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.outDebug("Maintenance finished."); } #ifdef GM_SCRIPT ScriptSystem = new ScriptEngine; ScriptSystem->Reload(); #endif new EventMgr; new World; //have to init this ones for singleton new tPPoolClass<Item>; new tPPoolClass<Aura>; new tPPoolClass<Spell>; // open cheat log file Anticheat_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "cheaters", false).c_str(), false); GMCommand_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "gmcommand", false).c_str(), false); Player_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "players", false).c_str(), false); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(false); /* set new log levels */ if (screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); if (file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); std::string host = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault("Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST); int wsport = Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("Listen", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT); new ScriptMgr; if (!sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings()) { Log.Error("Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting."); return false; } if (do_cheater_check) sWorld.CleanupCheaters(); sWorld.SetStartTime((uint32)UNIXTIME); WorldRunnable * wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread * console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; uint32 next_printout = getMSTime(), next_send = getMSTime(); // Start Network Subsystem Log.Notice("Network", "Starting subsystem..."); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); sScriptMgr.LoadScripts(); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Notice("Server", "Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime); Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Starting..."); if (StartConsoleListener()) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(GetConsoleListener()); #endif Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Now open."); } else { Log.Warning("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); } /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen("", "w"); if (fPid) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf(fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid); fclose(fPid); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); #ifndef CLUSTERING /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); /* voicechat */ #ifdef VOICE_CHAT new VoiceChatHandler(); sVoiceChatHandler.Startup(); #endif // Create listener ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(host.c_str(), wsport); bool listnersockcreate = ls->IsOpen(); #ifdef WIN32 if (listnersockcreate) ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(ls); #endif while (!m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate) #else new ClusterInterface; sClusterInterface.ConnectToRealmServer(); while (!m_stopEvent) #endif { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if (!((++loopcounter) % 10000)) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck(); #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) FILE * f = fopen("arcemu.uptime", "w"); if (f) { fprintf(f, "%u", sWorld.GetUptime()); fclose(f); } #endif } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if (UNIXTIME != curTime) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } #ifndef CLUSTERING #ifdef VOICE_CHAT sVoiceChatHandler.Update(); #endif #else sClusterInterface.Update(); #endif sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if (m_ShutdownEvent) { if (getMSTime() >= next_printout) { if (m_ShutdownTimer > 60000.0f) { if (!((int)(m_ShutdownTimer) % 60000)) Log.Notice("Server", "Shutdown in %i minutes.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 60000.0f)); } else Log.Notice("Server", "Shutdown in %i seconds.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 1000.0f)); next_printout = getMSTime() + 500; } if (getMSTime() >= next_send) { int time = m_ShutdownTimer / 1000; if ((time % 30 == 0) || time < 10) { // broadcast packet. WorldPacket data(20); data.SetOpcode(SMSG_SERVER_MESSAGE); if (m_restartEvent) data << uint32(SERVER_MSG_RESTART_TIME); else data << uint32(SERVER_MSG_SHUTDOWN_TIME); if (time > 0) { int mins = 0, secs = 0; if (time > 60) mins = time / 60; if (mins) time -= (mins * 60); secs = time; char str[20]; snprintf(str, 20, "%02u:%02u", mins, secs); data << str; sWorld.SendGlobalMessage(&data, NULL); } } next_send = getMSTime() + 1000; } if (diff >= m_ShutdownTimer) break; else m_ShutdownTimer -= diff; } if (50 > etime) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 50 - etime); #else Sleep(50 - etime); #endif } } _UnhookSignals(); wr->SetThreadState(THREADSTATE_TERMINATE); ThreadPool.ShowStats(); /* Shut down console system */ console->terminate(); delete console; // begin server shutdown Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str()); if (lootmgr.is_loading) { Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..."); while (lootmgr.is_loading) Sleep(100); } // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice("Database", "Clearing all pending queries..."); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice("DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..."); dw->terminate(); dw = NULL; Log.Notice("CommonScheduleThread", "Exiting..."); cs->terminate(); cs = NULL; #ifndef CLUSTERING ls->Close(); #endif CloseConsoleListener(); sWorld.SaveAllPlayers(); Log.Notice("Network", "Shutting down network subsystem."); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); bServerShutdown = true; ThreadPool.Shutdown(); delete ls; sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); sLog.outString(""); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); //should delete pools before other handlers ! Log.Notice("Item Pool", "Item Pool"); ItemPool.DestroyPool(); Log.Notice("Spell Pool", "Spell Pool"); SpellPool.DestroyPool(); Log.Notice("Aura Pool", "Aura Pool"); AuraPool.DestroyPool(); sWorld.ShutdownClasses(); Log.Notice("World", "~World()"); delete World::getSingletonPtr(); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("ChatHandler", "~ChatHandler()"); delete ChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("EventMgr", "~EventMgr()"); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("Database", "Closing Connections..."); _StopDB(); Log.Notice("Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..."); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); #ifdef VOICE_CHAT Log.Notice("VoiceChatHandler", "~VoiceChatHandler()"); delete VoiceChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); #endif #ifdef GM_SCRIPT Log.Notice("GM-scripting:", "Closing ScriptEngine..."); delete ScriptSystem; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LUA_SCRIPTING sLog.outString("Deleting Script Engine..."); LuaEngineMgr::getSingleton().Unload(); #endif delete GMCommand_Log; delete Anticheat_Log; delete Player_Log; // remove pid remove(""); Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Shutdown complete."); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); // Terminate Entire Application //HANDLE pH = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId()); //TerminateProcess(pH, 0); //CloseHandle(pH); #endif return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct hearthstone_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", hearthstone_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", hearthstone_required_argument, &file_log_level, -1 }, { "version", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = hearthstone_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(hearthstone_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, hearthstone_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(hearthstone_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, hearthstone_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } /* set new log levels if used as argument*/ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); if( file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); printf(BANNER, BUILD_BRANCH, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); printf("Built at %s on %s by %s@%s\n", BUILD_TIME, BUILD_DATE, BUILD_USER, BUILD_HOST); Log.Line(); if( do_check_conf ) { Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors." ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors." ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s\n", realm_config_file ); if( Config.RealmConfig.SetSource( realm_config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n" ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n" ); /* test for die variables */ string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString("die2", "msg", &die ) ) Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return true; } printf( "The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n" ); Log.Line(); //use these log_level until we are fully started up. sLog.Init(-1, 3); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running Ascent as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Success( "Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators." ); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files...\n" ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource( config_file ) ) Log.Success( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.conf" ); return false; } string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die2", "msg", &die ) ) { Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return false; } if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> hearthstone-realms.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> hearthstone-realms.conf" ); return false; } if( !_StartDB() ) { Database::CleanupLibs(); return false; } Log.Line(); sLog.outString( "" ); //ScriptSystem = new ScriptEngine; //ScriptSystem->Reload(); new EventMgr; WorldPointer shWorld(new World); // Need this so we're not deleted. // open cheat log file Anticheat_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "cheaters", false).c_str(), false ); GMCommand_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "gmcommand", false).c_str(), false ); Player_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "players", false).c_str(), false ); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(false); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); string host = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault( "Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST ); int wsport = Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault( "Listen", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT ); new ScriptMgr; if( !sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings() ) { Log.Error( "Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting." ); return false; } g_bufferPool.Init(); sWorld.SetStartTime((uint32)UNIXTIME); WorldRunnable * wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread * console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; // Start Network Subsystem DEBUG_LOG("Server","Starting network subsystem..." ); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); if( StartConsoleListener() ) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( GetConsoleListener() ); #endif Log.Success("RemoteConsole", "Started and listening on port %i",Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("RemoteConsole", "Port", 8092)); } else DEBUG_LOG("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); sLog.outString(""); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Success("Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); sLog.outString(""); //Update sLog to obey config setting sLog.Init(Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "File", -1),Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "Screen", 1)); /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); #ifndef CLUSTERING /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); /* voicechat */ #ifdef VOICE_CHAT new VoiceChatHandler(); sVoiceChatHandler.Startup(); #endif // Create listener ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(host.c_str(), wsport); bool listnersockcreate = ls->IsOpen(); #ifdef WIN32 if( listnersockcreate ) ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(ls); #endif while( !m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate ) #else new ClusterInterface; sClusterInterface.ConnectToRealmServer(); while(!m_stopEvent) #endif { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(! ((++loopcounter) % 10000) ) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck();//Checks if THREAD_RESERVE is met g_bufferPool.Optimize(); } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } #ifndef CLUSTERING #ifdef VOICE_CHAT sVoiceChatHandler.Update(); #endif #else sClusterInterface.Update(); #endif sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if( 50 > etime ) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 50 - etime ); #else Sleep( 50 - etime ); #endif } } _UnhookSignals(); wr->Terminate(); ThreadPool.ShowStats(); /* Shut down console system */ console->terminate(); delete console; // begin server shutdown Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( (uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str() ); if( lootmgr.is_loading ) { Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..." ); while( lootmgr.is_loading ) Sleep( 100 ); } Log.Notice( "CharacterLoaderThread", "Exiting..." ); ctl->Terminate(); ctl = NULL; sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); //(Also saves players). CharacterDatabase.Execute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0"); // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice( "Database", "Clearing all pending queries..." ); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice("Server", "Shutting down random generator."); CleanupRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Notice( "DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..." ); dw->terminate(); dw = NULL; #ifndef CLUSTERING ls->Close(); #endif CloseConsoleListener(); delete ls; Log.Notice( "Network", "Shutting down network subsystem." ); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); Log.Notice("AddonMgr", "~AddonMgr()"); sAddonMgr.SaveToDB(); delete AddonMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("AuctionMgr", "~AuctionMgr()"); delete AuctionMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("LootMgr", "~LootMgr()"); delete LootMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("MailSystem", "~MailSystem()"); delete MailSystem::getSingletonPtr(); bServerShutdown = true; ThreadPool.Shutdown(); sLog.outString( "" ); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "World", "~World()" ); //delete World::getSingletonPtr(); World::getSingletonPtr()->Destructor(); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "ChatHandler", "~ChatHandler()" ); delete ChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "EventMgr", "~EventMgr()" ); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice( "Database", "Closing Connections..." ); _StopDB(); Log.Notice( "Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..." ); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); #ifdef VOICE_CHAT Log.Notice( "VoiceChatHandler", "~VoiceChatHandler()" ); delete VoiceChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LUA_SCRIPTING sLog.outString("Deleting Script Engine..."); LuaEngineMgr::getSingleton().Unload(); #endif //delete ScriptSystem; delete GMCommand_Log; delete Anticheat_Log; delete Player_Log; // remove pid remove( "" ); g_bufferPool.Destroy(); Log.Notice( "Shutdown", "Shutdown complete." ); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); // Terminate Entire Application //HANDLE pH = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId()); //TerminateProcess(pH, 0); //CloseHandle(pH); #endif return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { sLog.InitializeUnderlayingLog(); m_stopEvent = false; char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct hearthstone_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", hearthstone_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "version", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "cheater", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_cheater_check, 1 }, { "cleandb", hearthstone_no_argument, &do_database_clean, 1 }, { "conf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", hearthstone_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = hearthstone_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(hearthstone_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, hearthstone_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.SetLoggingLevel(3); printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } /* set new log levels if used as argument*/ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); printf(BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_HASH_STR, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); sLog.Line(); printf( "The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n" ); sLog.Line(); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) sLog.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running Hearthstone as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); sLog.Success( "Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators." ); mainIni = new CIniFile(config_file); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); sLog.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files..." ); if( !mainIni->ParseError() ) sLog.Success( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.ini" ); else { sLog.Error( "Config", ">> hearthstone-world.ini" ); return false; } //use these log_level until we are fully started up. if(mainIni->ReadInteger("LogLevel", "Screen", 1) == -1) { sLog.Notice("Master", "Running silent mode..."); sLog.Init(-1); } else #ifdef _DEBUG sLog.Init(3); #else sLog.Init(1); #endif // _DEBUG sDBEngine.Init(false); if(!_StartDB()) { DirectDatabase::CleanupLibs(); return false; } sLog.Line(); sLog.outString(""); new EventMgr(); EventableObjectHolder* m_Holder = new EventableObjectHolder(-1); new World(); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(true); // Because of our log DB system, these have to be initialized different then rehash. sWorld.LogCheaters = mainIni->ReadBoolean("Log", "Cheaters", false); sWorld.LogCommands = mainIni->ReadBoolean("Log", "GMCommands", false); sWorld.LogPlayers = mainIni->ReadBoolean("Log", "Player", false); sWorld.bLogChat = mainIni->ReadBoolean("Log", "Chat", false); //Update log to obey config setting sLog.Init(mainIni->ReadInteger("LogLevel", "Screen", 1)); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); string host = mainIni->ReadString( "Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST ); int wsport = mainIni->ReadInteger( "RealmData", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT ); new ScriptMgr(); if( !sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings() ) { sLog.Error( "Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting." ); return false; } sWorld.SetStartTime(uint32(UNIXTIME)); WorldRunnable * wr = new WorldRunnable(m_Holder); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask("WorldRunnable", wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread* console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask("ConsoleThread", console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start = 0, last_time = getMSTime(), etime = 0; // Start Network Subsystem sLog.Debug("Server","Starting network subsystem..." ); CreateSocketEngine(8); sSocketEngine.SpawnThreads(); if( StartConsoleListener() ) sLog.Success("RemoteConsole", "Started and listening on port %i", mainIni->ReadInteger("RemoteConsole", "Port", 8092)); else sLog.Debug("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; sLog.Success("Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", uint(pid) ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0, LastLogonUpdate = getMSTime(); if(mainIni->ReadInteger("LogLevel", "Screen", 1) == -1) { sLog.Init(1); sLog.Notice("Master", "Leaving Silent Mode..."); } /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(); bool listnersockcreate = ls->Open(host.c_str(), wsport); while( !m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate ) { start = getMSTime(); /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); UpdateRandomNumberGenerators(); } sLogonCommHandler.UpdateSockets(getMSTime()-LastLogonUpdate); LastLogonUpdate = getMSTime(); sSocketDeleter.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = getMSTime(); etime = last_time - start; if( 25 > etime ) { #if PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WIN WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 25 - etime ); #else Sleep( 25 - etime ); #endif } } // begin server shutdown sLog.Notice( "Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( (uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str() ); bServerShutdown = true; if( lootmgr.is_loading ) { sLog.Notice( "Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..." ); while( lootmgr.is_loading ) Sleep( 100 ); } sDBEngine.EndThreads(); if(sWorld.LacrimiThread != NULL) // Shut this down first... { sWorld.LacrimiThread->SelfTerminate(); sLog.Notice( "Shutdown", "Waiting for Lacrimi to finish shutting down..." ); while(sWorld.LacrimiThread->GetThreadState() == THREADSTATE_SELF_TERMINATE) Sleep(100); } sLog.Notice( "Database", "Clearing all pending queries..." ); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); if(Database_Log) LogDatabase.EndThreads(); guildmgr.SaveAllGuilds(); sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); //(Also saves players). CharacterDatabase.Execute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0"); sLog.Notice("Server", "Shutting down random generator."); CleanupRandomNumberGenerators(); ls->Disconnect(); sLog.Notice( "Network", "Shutting down network subsystem." ); sSocketEngine.Shutdown(); sAddonMgr.SaveToDB(); sLog.Notice("AddonMgr", "~AddonMgr()"); delete AddonMgr::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice("LootMgr", "~LootMgr()"); delete LootMgr::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice("MailSystem", "~MailSystem()"); delete MailSystem::getSingletonPtr(); /* Shut down console system */ CloseConsoleListener(); console->terminate(); delete console; sLog.Notice("Thread", "Terminating thread pool..."); ThreadPool.Shutdown(); ls = NULL; sLog.Notice( "Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..." ); { /* delete the socket deleter */ delete SocketDeleter::getSingletonPtr(); /* delete the socket engine */ delete SocketEngine::getSingletonPtr(); /* WSA network cleanup */ WSACleanup(); } sLog.Notice("InsertQueueLoader", "~InsertQueueLoader()"); delete InsertQueueLoader::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice("LogonComm", "~LogonCommHandler()"); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice( "World", "~World()" ); sWorld.Destruct(); // delete World::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice( "ScriptMgr", "~ScriptMgr()" ); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice( "EventMgr", "~EventMgr()" ); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.Notice( "Database", "Closing Connections..." ); _StopDB(); _UnhookSignals(); // remove pid remove( "" ); sLog.Notice( "Shutdown", "Shutdown complete." ); return true; }