예제 #1
Option<Error> validateContainerId(const ContainerID& containerId)
  // Slashes are disallowed as these IDs are mapped to directories.
  // Periods are disallowed because our string representation of
  // ContainerID uses periods: <uuid>.<child>.<grandchild>.
  // For example: <uuid>.redis.backup
  // Spaces are disallowed as they can render logs confusing and
  // need escaping on terminals when dealing with paths.
  // TODO(bmahler): Add common/validation.hpp to share ID validation.
  // Note that this however is slightly stricter than other IDs in
  // that we do not allow periods or spaces.
  auto invalidCharacter = [](char c) {
    return iscntrl(c) ||
      c == os::POSIX_PATH_SEPARATOR ||
      c == os::WINDOWS_PATH_SEPARATOR ||
      c == '.' ||
      c == ' ';

  const string& id = containerId.value();

  if (id.empty()) {
    return Error("'ContainerID.value' must be non-empty");

  if (std::any_of(id.begin(), id.end(), invalidCharacter)) {
    return Error("'ContainerID.value' '" + id + "'"
                 " contains invalid characters");

  // TODO(bmahler): Print the invalid field nicely within the error
  // (e.g. 'parent.parent.parent.value'). For now we only have one
  // level of nesting so it's ok.
  if (containerId.has_parent()) {
    Option<Error> parentError = validateContainerId(containerId.parent());

    if (parentError.isSome()) {
      return Error("'ContainerID.parent' is invalid: " + parentError->message);

  return None();
예제 #2
Option<Error> validateContainerId(const ContainerID& containerId)
  const string& id = containerId.value();

  // Check common Mesos ID rules.
  Option<Error> error = common::validation::validateID(id);
  if (error.isSome()) {
    return Error(error->message);

  // Check ContainerID specific rules.
  // Periods are disallowed because our string representation of
  // ContainerID uses periods: <uuid>.<child>.<grandchild>.
  // For example: <uuid>.redis.backup
  // Spaces are disallowed as they can render logs confusing and
  // need escaping on terminals when dealing with paths.
  auto invalidCharacter = [](char c) {
    return  c == '.' || c == ' ';

  if (std::any_of(id.begin(), id.end(), invalidCharacter)) {
    return Error("'ContainerID.value' '" + id + "'"
                 " contains invalid characters");

  // TODO(bmahler): Print the invalid field nicely within the error
  // (e.g. 'parent.parent.parent.value'). For now we only have one
  // level of nesting so it's ok.
  if (containerId.has_parent()) {
    Option<Error> parentError = validateContainerId(containerId.parent());

    if (parentError.isSome()) {
      return Error("'ContainerID.parent' is invalid: " + parentError->message);

  return None();
예제 #3
bool operator==(const ContainerID& left, const ContainerID& right)
  return left.value() == right.value() &&
    left.has_parent() == right.has_parent() &&
    (!left.has_parent() || left.parent() == right.parent());