void ConversationModelTest::sorting() { EventModel model; model.setQueryMode(EventModel::StreamedAsyncQuery); model.setFirstChunkSize(5); model.enableContactChanges(false); watcher.setModel(&model); //add events with the same timestamp QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime future = now.addSecs(10); addTestEvent(model, Event::SMSEvent, Event::Inbound, ACCOUNT1, group1.id(), "I", false, false, now); addTestEvent(model, Event::SMSEvent, Event::Inbound, ACCOUNT1, group1.id(), "II", false, false, now); addTestEvent(model, Event::SMSEvent, Event::Inbound, ACCOUNT1, group1.id(), "III", false, false, future); addTestEvent(model, Event::SMSEvent, Event::Inbound, ACCOUNT1, group1.id(), "IV", false, false, future); addTestEvent(model, Event::SMSEvent, Event::Inbound, ACCOUNT1, group1.id(), "V", false, false, future); watcher.waitForSignals(5, 5); ConversationModel conv; conv.setQueryMode(EventModel::StreamedAsyncQuery); conv.setFirstChunkSize(5); conv.enableContactChanges(false); QSignalSpy rowsInserted(&conv, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int))); QVERIFY(conv.getEvents(group1.id())); QVERIFY(waitSignal(rowsInserted)); QVERIFY(conv.rowCount() >= 5 ); QCOMPARE(conv.event(conv.index(0, 0)).freeText(), QLatin1String("V")); QCOMPARE(conv.event(conv.index(1, 0)).freeText(), QLatin1String("IV")); QCOMPARE(conv.event(conv.index(2, 0)).freeText(), QLatin1String("III")); QCOMPARE(conv.event(conv.index(3, 0)).freeText(), QLatin1String("II")); QCOMPARE(conv.event(conv.index(4, 0)).freeText(), QLatin1String("I")); }
void ConversationModelPerfTest::getEvents() { QFETCH(int, messages); QFETCH(int, contacts); QFETCH(int, limit); qRegisterMetaType<QModelIndex>("QModelIndex"); QDateTime startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); addTestGroups( group1, group2 ); int commitBatchSize = 75; #ifdef PERF_BATCH_SIZE commitBatchSize = PERF_BATCH_SIZE; #endif EventModel addModel; QDateTime when = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QList<QString> remoteUids; qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- Creating" << contacts << "new contacts"; int ci = 0; while(ci < contacts) { ci++; QString phoneNumber = QString().setNum(qrand() % 10000000); remoteUids << phoneNumber; addTestContact(QString("Test Contact %1").arg(ci), phoneNumber); if(ci % commitBatchSize == 0 && ci < contacts) { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- adding" << commitBatchSize << "contacts (" << ci << "/" << contacts << ")"; waitForIdle(5000); } } qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- adding rest of the contacts (" << ci << "/" << contacts << ")"; waitForIdle(5000); QTest::qWait(TIMEOUT); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- Creating" << messages << "new messages"; QList<Event> eventList; int ei = 0; while(ei < messages) { ei++; Event::EventDirection direction; direction = qrand() % 2 > 0 ? Event::Inbound : Event::Outbound; Event e; e.setType(Event::SMSEvent); e.setDirection(direction); e.setGroupId(group1.id()); e.setStartTime(when.addSecs(ei)); e.setEndTime(when.addSecs(ei)); e.setLocalUid(ACCOUNT1); e.setRemoteUid(remoteUids.at(0)); e.setFreeText(randomMessage(qrand() % 49 + 1)); // Max 50 words / message e.setIsDraft(false); e.setIsMissedCall(false); eventList << e; if(ei % commitBatchSize == 0 && ei != messages) { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- adding" << commitBatchSize << "messages (" << ei << "/" << messages << ")"; QVERIFY(addModel.addEvents(eventList, false)); eventList.clear(); waitForIdle(); } } QVERIFY(addModel.addEvents(eventList, false)); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- adding rest of the messages (" << ei << "/" << messages << ")"; eventList.clear(); waitForIdle(); int iterations = 10; int sum = 0; QList<int> times; #ifdef PERF_ITERATIONS iterations = PERF_ITERATIONS; #endif char *iterVar = getenv("PERF_ITERATIONS"); if (iterVar) { int iters = QString::fromAscii(iterVar).toInt(); if (iters > 0) { iterations = iters; } } QTest::qWait(TIMEOUT); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "- Fetching messages." << iterations << "iterations"; for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { ConversationModel fetchModel; bool result = false; QSignalSpy rowsInserted(&fetchModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &, int, int))); if (limit < 0) { fetchModel.setQueryMode(EventModel::SyncQuery); } else { fetchModel.setQueryMode(EventModel::StreamedAsyncQuery); fetchModel.setFirstChunkSize(limit); fetchModel.setChunkSize(limit); } QTime time; time.start(); result = fetchModel.getEvents(group1.id()); if(limit >= 0) { while (time.elapsed() < 10000 && rowsInserted.isEmpty()) QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } int elapsed = time.elapsed(); times << elapsed; sum += elapsed; qDebug("Time elapsed: %d ms", elapsed); QVERIFY(result); QVERIFY(fetchModel.rowCount() > 0); // With 1000 messages deleting model right away results in segfault waitForIdle(); } if(logFile) { QTextStream out(logFile); out << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << ": " << metaObject()->className() << "::" << QTest::currentTestFunction() << "(" << QTest::currentDataTag() << ", " << iterations << " iterations)" << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) { out << times.at(i) << " "; } out << "\n"; } qSort(times); float median = 0.0; if(iterations % 2 > 0) { median = times[(int)(iterations / 2)]; } else { median = (times[iterations / 2] + times[iterations / 2 - 1]) / 2.0f; } float mean = sum / (float)iterations; int testSecs = startTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); qDebug("##### Mean: %.1f; Median: %.1f; Test time: %dsec", mean, median, testSecs); if(logFile) { QTextStream out(logFile); out << "Median average: " << (int)median << " ms. Test time: "; if (testSecs > 3600) { out << (testSecs / 3600) << "h "; } if (testSecs > 60) { out << ((testSecs % 3600) / 60) << "m "; } out << ((testSecs % 3600) % 60) << "s\n"; } }