예제 #1
 bool ResourceManager::CreateDirectoryPath(const String& DirectoryPath)
     bool Result = true;
     StringVector FolderNames;
     CountedPtr<StringVector> FolderVec = StringTools::Split(DirectoryPath,"/\\");
     size_t StartIndex = 0;
     String PathAttempt;
     char SysSlash = GetDirectorySeparator();
     #ifdef WINDOWS
     // For windows and windows like machines, see if the first entry is a drive, because attempting to make a drive is silly.
     if(FolderVec->at(0).find(':') != String::npos)
         PathAttempt.append( FolderVec->at(0) );
         PathAttempt.append( 1, SysSlash );
     PathAttempt.append( 1, SysSlash );
     for( size_t VecIndex = StartIndex ; VecIndex < FolderVec->size() ; ++VecIndex )
         PathAttempt.append( FolderVec->at(VecIndex) );
         PathAttempt.append( 1, SysSlash );
         Result = this->CreateDirectory( PathAttempt );
     return Result;
예제 #2
 ColourValue StringTools::ConvertToColourValue(const String& ToConvert)
     CountedPtr<StringVector> Digits = Split(ToConvert);
     if(4 == Digits->size())
         return ColourValue(ConvertToReal(Digits->at(0)),ConvertToReal(Digits->at(1)),ConvertToReal(Digits->at(2)),ConvertToReal(Digits->at(3)));
         MEZZ_EXCEPTION(Exception::PARAMETERS_EXCEPTION,"String does not contain 4 digits when attempting to convert.");
int chooseSurface
( const po::variables_map& vm,     //< command-line parameters
  const KSpace& K,                 //< cellular grid space
  const ImplicitShape& shape,      //< implicit shape "ground truth"
  const ImplicitDigitalShape& dshape ) //< analysed implicit digital shape
  // Selecting a model of surface depending on noise / not noise.
  typedef double Scalar;
  Scalar noiseLevel = vm[ "noise" ].as<double>();
  if ( noiseLevel == 0.0 )
    { // no noise
      trace.beginBlock( "Make digital surface..." );
      typedef LightImplicitDigitalSurface<KSpace,ImplicitDigitalShape> SurfaceContainer;
      typedef DigitalSurface< SurfaceContainer > Surface;
      typedef typename Surface::Surfel Surfel;
      SurfelAdjacency< KSpace::dimension > surfAdj( true );
      Surfel bel;
      try {
        bel = Surfaces<KSpace>::findABel( K, dshape, 10000 );
      } catch (DGtal::InputException e) {
        trace.error() << "ERROR Unable to find bel." << std::endl;
        return 3;
      SurfaceContainer* surfaceContainer = new SurfaceContainer( K, dshape, surfAdj, bel );
      CountedPtr<Surface> ptrSurface( new Surface( surfaceContainer ) ); // acquired
      trace.info() << "- surface component has " << ptrSurface->size() << " surfels." << std::endl; 
      chooseKernel( vm, K, shape, *ptrSurface, dshape );
    { // noise
      trace.beginBlock( "Make digital surface..." );
      typedef typename ImplicitDigitalShape::Domain Domain;
      typedef KanungoNoise< ImplicitDigitalShape, Domain > KanungoPredicate;
      typedef LightImplicitDigitalSurface< KSpace, KanungoPredicate > SurfaceContainer;
      typedef DigitalSurface< SurfaceContainer > Surface;
      typedef typename Surface::Surfel Surfel;
      SurfelAdjacency< KSpace::dimension > surfAdj( true );
      Surfel bel;
      KanungoPredicate* noisified_dshape = new KanungoPredicate( dshape, dshape.getDomain(), noiseLevel );
      // We have to search for a big connected component.
      CountedPtr<Surface> ptrSurface;
      double minsize = dshape.getUpperBound()[0] - dshape.getLowerBound()[0];
      unsigned int nb_surfels = 0;
      unsigned int tries = 0;
      do {
        try { // Search initial bel
          bel = Surfaces<KSpace>::findABel( K, *noisified_dshape, 10000 );
        } catch (DGtal::InputException e) {
          trace.error() << "ERROR Unable to find bel." << std::endl;
          return 3;
        SurfaceContainer* surfaceContainer = new SurfaceContainer( K, *noisified_dshape, surfAdj, bel );
        ptrSurface = CountedPtr<Surface>( new Surface( surfaceContainer ) ); // acquired
        nb_surfels = ptrSurface->size();
      } while ( ( nb_surfels < 2 * minsize ) && ( tries++ < 150 ) );
      if( tries >= 150 )
          trace.error() << "ERROR cannot find a proper bel in a big enough component." << std::endl;
          return 4;
      trace.info() << "- surface component has " << nb_surfels << " surfels." << std::endl; 
      chooseKernel( vm, K, shape, *ptrSurface, *noisified_dshape );
  return 0;